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Dark Moon Falls: Deacon
Dark Moon Falls: Deacon
Dark Moon Falls: Deacon
Ebook140 pages2 hours

Dark Moon Falls: Deacon

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About this ebook

He just needed a night of fun; she just needed out of her current life. It turns out, they needed each other.


Deacon McKay has returned to Dark Moon Falls after serving his country for the past ten years, ready to put the nightmare of being overseas behind him and just enjoy the moment. He's had enough of protecting people, of being put in danger for causes he sometimes doesn't understand.


Purity Atwood feels trapped in a life she no longer desires, working at a club and for a man who sucks the life out of her. She's tried to leave, but that wound her up in the hospital. How much more can she take before life just isn't worth living? Perhaps tonight is the last straw.


As her boyfriend raises his hand to strike Purity one more time, she braces for the inevitable. However, it never arrives. Glancing up, she sees another hand reaching out to her instead. Is he a new menace or perhaps her savior?


Release dateFeb 24, 2021
Dark Moon Falls: Deacon

Robbie Cox

Robbie Cox lives in sunny Florida where he spends his days taxiing the family to various places while jotting down the many crazy thoughts inside his head. While the girls (his affectionate name for the three ladies he lives with) and he enjoys traveling, they prefer to do it with great friends and their family. Most often they can be found at home grilling out and sharing a laugh with those who matter most to them. He enjoys a freelance career writing for several magazines, sharing some of his interesting viewpoints on life and those around him. He can usually be found on his back porch, his peaceful haven, watching the squirrels chittering at the birds, while he enjoys a cigar, a scotch, and the many characters that talk to him inside his head. His manuscripts have appeared in religious, parenting and retirement magazines, along with a ghost story or two. He is the author of the short story, Circle of Justice, the novella, Reaping the Harvest, a collection of personal essays entitled A Confused Life, and the erotic romances, Losing Faith and Sibling Rivalry. Feel free to visit, strike up a chat and share a story or two with him.

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