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Religion, Politics, & Freemasonry: A Violent Attack Against Ancient Africa
Religion, Politics, & Freemasonry: A Violent Attack Against Ancient Africa
Religion, Politics, & Freemasonry: A Violent Attack Against Ancient Africa
Ebook321 pages3 hours

Religion, Politics, & Freemasonry: A Violent Attack Against Ancient Africa

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This book examines the violent, cruel, and brutal plagiarism of what has been adopted as the norm. The knowledge of Ancient Africa has been plagiarized to place other cultures in a superior state. This plagiarism has developed a system of morality hidden behind allegories and symbols. We will present our argument backing it with researched information. The fight for liberation of the minds, bodies, spirits, and souls is remains in place to give our children a better life.
Release dateApr 1, 2011
Religion, Politics, & Freemasonry: A Violent Attack Against Ancient Africa

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    Religion, Politics, & Freemasonry - Kedar Griffo



    The purpose of Religion, Politics, and Freemasonry: A Violent Attack against Ancient Africa is to examine the brutal plagiarism of the Ancient African knowledge. Words like violent and brutal are usually associated with some kind of physical harm. Yet, these words are being used to describe the vicious attacks to discredit people of the African Diaspora. These cruel acts have been waged against African people around the world to collapse any positive mental thought of the importance of self.

    Undoubtedly, the time has come to let go of the white-supremacy concept of human existence. An analogy that can be used is the ideology of an abusive husband to his wife. Many people say the wife should get away from the abusive situation. Therefore, it is imperative for people of the African Diaspora to get away from the barbaric mis-education of the illusion white-supremacy.

    Another analogy that can be used to describe the cruel, violent, and ruthless treatment against the African Diasporic people is an abusive parent. This parent has established a regiment of belittling a child by different tactics. One tactic can be physically beating a child. The child is beaten so badly until she feels worthless. Next the parent can verbally abuses the child by using words of profanity, which terrorizes the child’s mind. The parent creates a hostile environment causing the child to live in fear. In like manner, the white race has brutally and forcefully established them as the parent race. Although scientists have proven the Caucasoid superiority is fraudulent, they mentally and physically beat people until they have submitted to the will of the white race.

    For decades, the greatness of the white race has been taught within the school curriculum. Likewise, African Diasporic Leaders have attempted to rid the abuses of the groups who have been oppressing the African people. Unfortunately, the oppressors have done a good job in veiling their agenda in ideologies of superiority Eurocentricity. Their tactics and strategies have been implemented so well that the victims of the abuse will protect the abuser with their life. For this reason, the topic of race is seen as a taboo in the supposed intellectual arena. Yet, every race except the African race is ambitiously continuing to advance. Races focus on the history of their ancestors. This process is defined as centricity.

    Centricity refers to a perspective that involves locating students within the context of their own cultural reference so that they can relate socially and psychologically to other cultural perspectives. It is a concept that can be applied to any culture (Asante).

    By focusing on one’s own history, self importance has more of a positive impact because one recognizes the success of the culture as one’s own. When one looks at the person who is consider great, and the person looks similar to the one perceiving the situation, it becomes a motivating factor to be the best one can be. Subsequently, it is similar to seeing one’s reflection in a mirror.

    On the other hand, when the African race, especially African-Americans, look into a mirror they see a reflection of their oppressor. They have taught in the school curriculum the accomplishments of the oppressors, from the discovery (uncovering) of America to the successful business endeavors (Capitalism). This constant bombardment of information outside of their race is similar to the gravitational pull of the earth. One can jump up disconnecting from the land, but is pulled back to the earth because of the gravitational pull. In like fashion an African-American may celebrate Black History in February, but March through January he is pulled back into the norms of the oppressor. The gravitational pull of history is so powerful African-Americans rarely continue the practice of centricity. In fact, the oppressor usually guides the direction the African-American follows to learn of self.

    This evil misguiding force must be seen as an abusive and violent attack against the African Diaspora. To successfully understand one’s greatness, one must reclaim the Ancient African story from the clutches of the oppressor who has falsely and forcefully claimed the knowledge as their own. In our first book African Origin found in Religion and Freemasonry, we explained the symbolism plagiarized by cultures outside the African Diaspora. We will continue to expose the symbolic meanings utilized in Religion and Freemasonry, but in this book we will present concepts plagiarized from Ancient Africa to establish a violent attack against the African Diasporic people through the governing body recognized as sovereign.

    These plagiarized concepts have been veiled in symbols and allegories in order to establish moral concepts. Those who have established the many schools of thought comprehend the importance of hiding the Ancient African concepts. Yet, they utilize the concepts to control the masses proving the Ancient African system still functionally works in modern times. Similarly, they developed languages that are not in tune with nature. This is another concept that hampers the progressive movement of the African Diasporic people.

    Consequently, we will be using terms and phrases that are not within the social norm of the Eurocentric system. For instance we will utilize the word overstand in place of understand. This concept has been adopted from our guide H.E. Dr. Malachi Kobina York (e) Ocran 33°. It is simply explained in this manner. The word under means beneath an object or subject, therefore if the word understand is broken into two words, under and stand, it would truly mean beneath comprehension. On the other hand, over means above an object or subject, likewise if the word overstand is broken into two words, over and stand, overstand would mean full comprehension. Thus, we will do our best in the explanation of our phrases. If one has a question the authors can be contacted at our website,

    Once again, morals are the bases behind one’s actions or inactions. One feels responsible because of the adapted belief system especially the religious belief system. For example, people have adapted the concept of marriage according to the western society. It is accepted as being real when the couple goes to a church in front of family and friends, publicly say vows, and wear wedding rings. In ancient times the concept of marriage was a commitment between the couples. If one party decided to move on, it was an easy process. Now, the party has to go through divorce court possibly losing money and rights to accessibility to the children. This modern day practice of marriage has created many enemies between couples who at one point decided to live as one.

    The western system is full of chaos and negativity. Furthermore, we are reclaiming our history and sharing it with our readers. As our father, guide, and teacher, Dr. York, states Don’t believe me, check it out….

    The Brutal division of Africa occurred in 1884 at the Berlin Conference.

    This is the Fatherland without the violent acts of the European…

    The Lynching still exists both mentally and physically

    Morals, Allegories, and Symbolism

    As a continuation to our book African Origin found in Religion and Freemasonry, our goal is to take another in depth look at concepts, which have been adapted as social norms. The main purpose of culture, religion, politics, and fraternal organizations is to follow some moral code, better known as laws, rules and regulations. This concept is probably explained best by the Freemasons. Freemasons claim Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. This statement alone gives evidence that all stories have the same beginning point and are only changed by symbols and allegories.

    Undoubtedly, the beginning point of all human knowledge was found near the beginning point of human life, the east coast of Africa along the Nile River. This point has been well documented by scholars and scientists. With the documentation came a violent attack against the empirical evidence to take the true originality of human existence from the Africans. One must recall that the Egyptian stories were taken from the pyramid walls and explained by the Greeks. Some of the stories were incomplete, and other stories made little sense as told by the Greeks. The reason they made little sense was because the stories were based on a culture that was foreign to the Greeks.

    An even more brutal attack against Africa occurred in 1884 during the Berlin Conference, when the European nations decided to separate the continent of Africa into separate countries. Several years later, Britain did the same thing with what is now being called the Middle East. Since they could not defeat the Ottoman Empire in direct warfare, they lied to the Arabs who the Turks were treating as second class citizens. The lie was developed during the McMahon-Husayn Correspondents. In these ten (10) correspondents the Governor General, Sir Henry McMahon, of British occupied Egypt promised Sharif Husayn bin Ali that if the Arabs rebelled against the Turks, the Middle East would receive independence. Sharif Husayn wanted to know what part of the land would be independent. McMahon claimed every part but Greater Syria. The reason he did not offer Syria is because France was already promised the land, but he lied by stating Syria was not an Arab majority. At first Husayn refused but after negotiations he decided the land of Greater Syria would be compromised later. Furthermore, the British promised the European Jews the land of Palestine in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This is where the conflict began because Britain did not tell Sharif Husayn the deals made with France and the European Jews.

    At one time in history the Middle Eastern Arabs and Middle Eastern Jews (Sephardic) lived in peace and harmony. The European Jews (Ashkenazi) were being persecuted in Europe. Yes, the Europeans were the first anti-Jewish group, but they have fabricated a story blaming the Arab world of hating the Jews. In fact, to this day Iranian Jews live in peace with their Iranian Muslim counterparts. The Europeans utilized trickery to win the physical and mental wars.

    Likewise, this same trickery has been adopted into a social norm especially against people of the African Diaspora. Therefore, Caucasoid (Europeans, white people) feel they are morally correct in treating people of the African Diaspora in a cruel, violent, brutal, and inhumane way. This mentality is considered the Whiteness. Whiteness must not be confused as meaning the white race. It is a moral concept. The definition of morals is:

    Of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical…

    Founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom

    The moral teaching or practical lesson contained in a fable, tale, experience, etc.

    Morals are the bases of why a person acts in a certain manner. Many individuals feel they are correct in their actions because their morals doctrines dictate their concept of correctness. These learned morals cause the state of human nature to disappear. The first law of human nature is peace, but the different dogmas teach dominance over others and nature. Most people do not possess the desire to establish peace because their moral teachings have been corrupted by falsified moral information.

    Furthermore, the falsified moral information is veiled in allegory. The definition of allegory is:

    A representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

    The expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression


    What has happened is a story, for instance the Jesus story, has been twisted and plagiarized from the Egyptian character Haru (Horus). If you parallel Haru to Jesus, one will find they both are the son of a higher Deity. They both also represent the actual Sun. They both battled the evil counterpart of the supreme Deity. The list goes on and on. The point here is all the religious stories can be traced back to Ancient Africa, which mapped the universal movement of the stars and planetary movements to get a better overstanding of their unanswered questions. For example, the Ancient Africans knew the Nile flood would occur when the Sirius Star disappeared behind the Sun and would reappear seventy (70) days later around what we now know as July 19th. They labeled this movement, calling the disappearance Ausar (Osiris) and the reappearance Aset (Isis). They even took it a step further by creating an embalming ritual for dead pharaohs. This ritual of mummification lasted 70 days until the process of mummification was complete.

    The Ancient African paralleling of the stars and planetary movement to human life was the first step in recognizing that the human body is a replica of the universal bodies. This has become the best example of symbolism. Symbolism is defined as:

    The practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character.

    The use of any of certain special figures or marks of identification to signify a religious message or divine being, as the cross for Christ and the Christian faith.

    The principles and practice of symbolists in art or literature.

    Ancient African symbolism can be found in all schools of thought especially in the western society’s concept of religion, politics, and Freemasonry. We know some western philosophers claim to believe in astrology is illegitimate, but walk with us through this journey. We will prove their philosophical logic is truly illogical.

    African Origin Found in Religion & Freemasonry

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    Symbolism and Allegory

    We explained in African Origin found in Religion and Freemasonry, the Gregorian calendar is based on the science of the number thirteen (13). The number 13 represents transformation, rebirth, and renewal. Similarly, we previously discussed how the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) main characters’ (Moses, Messiah, and Muhammad) names or titles all begin with the letter M, which is the 13th letter in the English Alphabet. M also is seen in words like Mother or Maiden. The Mother or Maiden is important in Astrology and can be seen in the word Mason or Ma’s son (the definition of Muslim’s son has no true meaning). They represent Virgo who is known to give birth and life to new things. Her symbol is an M turned inward.


    With this in mind, the beginning of the New Year in Ancient African cultures revolved around the spring equinox. Europeans plagiarist utilized this concept in creating holy days (holidays) based around the equinoxes and solstices. Most major American and western holidays are either 13 days before or 13 days after an important day including one of the four Equinoxes/Solstices and holidays.

    January 1st (New Years) is 13 days after the original winter solstice.

    January 6th (Christian Feast Day and Three Kings Day where the Wise men visited the Christ child) is 13 days after December 25th.

    February 14th (Valentine’s Day) is 13 days after February 1st (National Freedom day honoring Abraham Lincoln and Congress).

    March 8th (Passion Sunday or Lent day) is 13 days before March 20th/21st spring/Vernal Equinox (Mother’s

    April 1st (April Fool’s Day) is 13 days after the Spring Equinox.

    April 19th/20th (Hitler’s Birthday) 13 days before May 1st (May Day).

    May 14th (Mother’s Day) is 13 days after May 1st.

    May 26th (Memorial Day) is usually 13 days after Mother’s day.

    June 22nd Summer Solstice is 13 days before July 4th (Independence Day).

    September 7th (Labor Day) is 13 days before September 20th (Vernal/Autumn Equinox).

    The 13 system was also used during the founding of the United States of American as well as periods in European history. Instead of 13 days, it became 13 years. Beginning in the year 1776 one notices every 13 years there is an incident involving Caucasoid countries. Every 13 years culminating with the founding of the United Nations in 1945, exactly 169 years after the year 1776 (13 periods of 13 years each).

    1776 -Thomas Paine published Common Sense; Declaration of Independence; American Revolution.

    1789 -French Revolution; Adoption of U.S. Constitution & Great Seal

    1802 -Washington, D.C. incorporated.

    1815 -Congress of Vienna ends Napoleonic era; Convention of Commerce & Navigation established trade with England; Battle of New Orleans.

    1828 -Belgium's Independence in Netherlands (location of The Hague -future International Court of Justice established by the U.N. Charter).

    1843 -Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol; first commercial Christmas card published.

    1853-6 -Crimean War - Russia against France, Britain, Turkey, and Sardinia over control of Jerusalem's Holy Places.

    1867 -Britain/North American Act united Canada; Alaska sold to U.S.; Society of Rosicrucian formed in England (this is not the origin of the Fraternity).

    1880 -Presidential Seal and Coat of Arms; Egyptian obelisk transferred to New York; Beginning of conquest of Africa by European Colonial powers.

    1893 -Parliament of World Religions founded.

    1906 -Bank panic provided excuse to establish Federal Reserve; National Education Association (NEA) incorporated.

    1919 -Treaty of Versailles ended WWI; Paris Peace Conference set up plans for CFR; German Workers Party (Nazi's) founded; Progressive Education Association founded by John Dewey.

    1932 -Zionist 18th Congress established in Jewish Agency for Palestine.

    1945 -The United Nations Charter; Yalta Conference; Atomic bomb dropped; Discovery of Nag Hammadi Library."

    Other nations have utilized the number 13 as well, to initiate their items of importance. A few years ago, news reports indicated the Iranian oil bourse would start trading on March

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