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The Paranormal Book
The Paranormal Book
The Paranormal Book
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The Paranormal Book

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A book for exploring the multifaceted and infinite world of the paranormal.
Release dateAug 26, 2014
The Paranormal Book

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    The Paranormal Book - Todd Daigneault

    The Paranormal Book

    The Paranormal Book

    © 2014 Todd Daigneault

    Does our Spirit or Soul Survive after Death

    An enthusiastic 'yes' would have to be given on the soul surviving death.  But the 'soul'  is a loose term.  Does this mean an energy 'copy' of the body going on to other vibrational frequencies after the physical body survives death?  Perhaps, that is where the controversy begins...the spirit or the soul.  What is it?  Where is it?  In an increasingly secular-world, in some ways fueled by the spirit of science, growth and evolution in human thinking, old abstract ideas of the soul are being replaced by an understanding of a still very controversial, but more scientific view of the soul.

    In other words, science, is making an unlikely marriage with the paranormal, through new sciences, like quantum physics.  Extra-dimensional realities are already proven to exist-perhaps one of them or more are part of  realities where the soul may go to.  The ancients, in the East and the West, laid the groundwork for the existence of a soul and afterlife.  Hard science, although still largely dismissive of an afterlife, in some ways is coming closer in the understanding of a soul.  Even with active debunking, many scientists and sciences are coming closer to the idea of an afterlife. Not merely as a mystical-'homeland' for the dead, but a concept that our sciences are just starting to grasp, with measurable results.

    The soul, which could just be consciousness in its purest form, intelligent-energy, exists and mirrors the body in any form the consciousness wants it to be, young, old, or in between.  In other words, it is the higher vibrational subatomic particles of the body, through consciousness, that survives death.  No longer bound by the physical, three-dimensional reality of this world, the soul enters other realities, which vibrate at those frequencies.  As the vibrational frequencies of the subatomic particles continue to move higher, the soul starts to move towards higher planes of existence, much as the ancients envisaged.  But just a natural progression of the soul's journey...upwards.

    For those who see the 'tunnel' into what we would loosely perceive as heaven, perhaps they are just entering a wormhole into other dimensional realities of the afterlife, much like the wormholes that exist in our three dimensional universe.  After death, the soul's vibrational frequencies are probably not high enough yet to ascend the astral planes, but high enough to see a 'bridge' between this dimensional reality and the afterlife-that facilitates dimensional transfers to other planes of existence.  Once the soul is there, it naturally progresses through the astral planes.

    There is no doubt the soul survives physical death.  After all, even hard sciences say that energy can never be destroyed, just changed.  The change comes from the body's subatomic particles shifting to a higher vibrational rate, ie the soul, which then progresses naturally through other realms and existences, encountering departed loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, angels and whatever else we perceive in our limited understanding of life, death and everything in between...and beyond.

    How to Astral Project

    Astral projection is something that has been practiced for countless ages and well documented since ancient times, having its origin in Eastern mysticism and practices.  Generally, the majority of people astral project every night, having astral experiences that may seem like dreams.  It is a given that a least a small percentage of strange and bizarre dreams are the result of astral projection.  These OOBE (Out Of Body Experiences) can access the infinite realities, multiverses and parallel universes that co-exist .  When one enters deep sleep, the body's functions are at a much slower rate.  Through this deep unconsciousness, it is easy for the soul to separate from the body and go on a number of amazing journeys.

    With the reality that many people are already astral projecting, the next step is to be able to induce a more controlled and consciously aware OOBE.  Through more control, and subsequent conscious awareness, the astral experiencer can meet their spirit guides, see their departed loved ones when they wish, and travel through the trillions of realities that coexist.  One of the secrets of astral projecting at will is to start with lucid dreaming.  This form of dreaming with more conscious awareness and

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