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Twice Under a Blue Moon
Twice Under a Blue Moon
Twice Under a Blue Moon
Ebook637 pages10 hours

Twice Under a Blue Moon

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Sequel to Once Upon a Dream. The greatest time of the year is here once again. This time of the year makes even the most grouchy people jolly. For Charlotte Montclair, though, Christmas brought with it more than snow and presents. Ever since she lost her parents over the holidays years ago, she began to dread winter and the memories that come with it. So when her beloved Lucas Wynter asks her to spend a week in Applewood, she accepts. What started out as a perfect Christmas getaway turned into a race against time when a 200 year old curse threatens to plunge Applewood and Everett into internal destruction. A witch seeking revenge, a past to be rewritten, an injustice to be fixed, a broken heart to be mended. Will a miracle be enough to break the curse? Or will Charlotte and Lucas fall victim to the curse themselves?
Release dateNov 26, 2014
Twice Under a Blue Moon

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    Twice Under a Blue Moon - XuanSon Nguyen

    Twice Under a Blue Moon

    Twice Under a Blue Moon

    Second Edition

    Copyright © 2014 XuanSon Nguyen

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-312-70951-5

    This work is licensed under the Standard Copyright License

    This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    1. Memories

    My suitcase and bags ready, I closed the door behind me and made my way down the stairs. One quarter over. Christmas break has finally arrived and I couldn’t wait to simply have a few weeks without having to think about Calculus or Chemistry or anything concerning school. Campus was buzzing with students moving back home over the holidays, cars zooming in and out of the parking lot. I took it all in with such a silly smile on my face as I headed toward my car; the feeling of euphoria was seeping into every cell of my body.

    Popping the trunk open, I threw my backpack in. Next came my suitcase, which turned out to be a bit heavier than I had previously thought. With a bit of struggle, I manage to lift it up and rest it on the edge of the trunk. I couldn’t believe I was already winded by that! Hard to believe clothes can weigh so much.

    Ugh, I groaned, as I pushed it in.

    Need a hand? I jumped, startled by the sudden question. The suitcase rolled into the back. Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.

    I turned around to see a group of people moving up, clearly all heading back home seeing the amount of stuff each one of them was carrying. I recognized one girl from my sociology class, the one who spoke up. It’s okay, thank you.

    She smiled and they began to load up the car a few feet from me. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas! I waved back at her before closing the trunk and getting into the car. Slowly, making sure not to hit anyone, I made my way out of Lakehill University toward the streets. Soon, I was speeding home on the highway, the road stretched out before me. The mountains on either side looming over me, the dark clouds giving warnings of rain or possible hail later tonight. The somber mood of the sky pretty soon trampled over my euphoria and my head began to swirl.

    It reminded me too much of that night.

    The night that completely shattered my world and left me to pick up the pieces.

    Merry Christmas, Charlie, I whispered to myself, this’ll be the best Christmas you’ve ever had. Taking in a deep breath, I tightened my hands on the wheel to steady the shake. Those were the last words my parents told me before they went away. The last Christmas I ever had them with me. They died just a couple days before the New Year. We never celebrated the holidays quite the same way after the accident.

    The clouds were getting darker as I drove on and the memories came back. It happened every year, came back every year. This empty feeling, this loneliness. It wasn’t as bad anymore. I grew up and I learned to grieve. And it passed, the pain lessened, but never quite disappeared. It just waited until the holidays came around to jump out and attack, making me realize that such a small thing as a hug was now impossible to get. No matter how much I missed them. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I held. All I wanted to do now was go home and bury myself under the covers. Warm and safe.

    For the rest of the way, I pushed in my favorite CD and blocked out everything else. Focusing every neuron on the song lyrics, I steadily gripped the streering wheel, and concentrated on getting home, the road ahead of me.

    Charlotte! Hi, honey! Gram walked out of the kitchen as soon as I pushed open the doors to Finn’s, our family restaurant. She hugged me tightly before releasing me. Her gentle brown eyes crinkled as she smiled at me. But the smile faded me she put a hand on my cheek. Oh, dear, you are freezing!

    I chuckled. It was starting to rain as I pulled in.

    Well I bet you are one hungry college kid, she put her hands over her hips and grinned. Tell you what, go put your bags upstairs and by the time you come back down, I’ll have a warm plate of mash potatoes and roast ready.

    How about a piece of pie? I grinned. I feel like dessert!

    She swatted my arm, You... and shook her head. Just this once, but you will get a proper dinner tonight. Who knows what they feed you at Lakehill, all junk, no doubt.

    Not all the time, I protested, moving toward the stairs with her in tow. They have good chicken.

    Right, and how is it done? she gave me a knowing look.

    Fried... I mumbled, then laughed. Really, though. They do serve good foods from time to time.

    She considered that for a second. Maybe, but not as good for you as home food. That I couldn’t argue. Rather, I decided to ask something else.

    Where are Betty and Caroline? Obviously my mom’s friends and our worker-bees weren’t anywhere in sight.

    Oh, they should be back any minute now. They had some last minute shopping to do.

    Right. I nodded, the feeling coming back again. When Mom was still alive, she’d drag me along for days until she got everything on her list of ingredients. And I used to hate it so much, going from store to store, in whatever weather. One year, we even ventured out when it was hailing. But in the end, though, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners were always amazing. Perfect even. And then they stopped being perfect. After the first couple years of Gram and I pretending to be in the holiday spirit for each other’s sakes, we began to actually try to have real and genuine dinners again. But it was never complete without them.

    What is it, honey? she asked softly now, watching me in a way that if I wasn’t careful, she would see right through my lies. So I pretended to yawn and covered my face in my hands.

    I was just counting the days I have off and it is really not enough, I laughed nervously. All right, I’ll unpack really fast and be right back down for a slice of pie. With that, I started up the stairs with my bags.

    Gram headed for the kitchen, then headed back out. Don’t forget to pack extra warm clothes after you’ve cleaned up your stuff.

    Why do I need to pack warm stuff now? I asked, utterly confused.

    She blinked up at me. Well, I was under the notion that you and Lucas would leave after breakfast tomorrow. Did I get the date wrong?

    My mouth opened, then closed. Uh... Where are we going? I asked, totally not understanding what was happening here.

    Oh, dear. I hope I didn’t spoil it if it was a surprise, she shook her head.

    Gram? I still have no idea what you’re talking about.

    That seemed to get her attention. Lucas asked me a few weeks ago to allow you to go visit his hometown over the break. He promised to have you back on time for Christmas.

    Finally, understanding dawned on me. Oh.... Well, I haven’t really been seeing or talking to him much for the last few days. It’s kind of hard to fit in a social life when you’re cramming for finals. I shuddered at the memory of those painful days and nights. He said he’ll drop by tonight. Lucas was supposed to meet me at school today, helping me take my stuff home over break. But something apparently came up, and he had to stay back in Applewood. I figured it was some king/prince thing he had to deal with. After all, he is going to rule over that country one day.

    Gram nodded and I started up the stairs again, into my room. As I opened the door and breathed in the familiar scent of home, I smiled with bliss. Without pausing, I rolled the suitcase in and set it aside before falling into my bed. I was still grinning into the pillows, as I pulled one to my chest and scooted down the mattress until my head hung down the edge. I laid there looking at the room upside down for a second before something on my desk caught my eye. Curious, I stood up, just to sit back down due to the serious head rush I’d just given myself. A few seconds later, when the spots stopped flashing throughout my vision, I walked over to the mysterious box.

    It sat in front of my computer, waiting for me. Small and white, the box only had a blue ribbon tied into a bow as a wrapping. For its size, it felt somewhat heavy in my hands as I untied the bow and took off the lid. Inside laid a snow globe and a note. Even without reading the note, I could have guessed where it came from and I almost laughed at myself for not realizing it sooner. I set the globe on my desk and read the beautiful script.


    Congratulations, you’ve finished one third of your first

    college year! I’m sorry I couldn’t be there in person today

    to give you this, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it whether I’m

    here or not. I’ll see you tonight.

    Ever yours,


    My face still containing that silly grin, I put the card down and picked up Lucas’ present. At first it appeared to be a snow globe, but there was nothing inside. No little snowman, no house, no Eiffel Tower. Just water and glitter flowing around as I shook it. It was as if someone had forgotten to put anything in. But how the heck would Lucas not have seen this when he put it inside the box? Unless this was supposed to be some kind of joke? I shook it some more without any idea whether anything would happen or if I’d just see pieces of glitter float down to the bottom. Knowing Lucas, though, there had to be more than just this empty snow globe. Was I supposed to rub it and make a genie appear and grant me wishes? Shake it until I’m transported to Disneyland? At this point in my life, those scenarios wouldn’t seem so strange anymore.

    Staring at it for a second, I began to see something at the bottom, underneath all the fake snow and glitter. So I shook it more, all the while trying to make out what it was that I was seeing. It was something shiny and maybe blinking? I pulled the globe closer to my face, staring at the spot. Until it began to grow and expand. I almost didn’t have the time to pull back before a flash of light illuminated the whole thing like a light bulb. When it somewhat dimmed, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was staring at the same globe, but instead of snow and glitter, I was staring at a very familiar house and street. And everything seemed to be moving. The Christmas lights on the house were blinking, the snow fell down with a direction as if blown by a wind. The trees swayed slightly to the frozen wind and before I could blink, a car passed the intersection before disappearing. Now this was a snow globe! I thought, right before I realized why this house was so familiar.

    I’ve lived in this house. The house I grew up with my parents. Tears began to well in my eyes, blurring my vision; I blinked and roughly wiped them from my cheeks. Right then, there was movement inside that adorable little house. The front door opened and someone came out. With a gasp, I dropped the glass ball as I recognized my mother.

    The ringing in my ears took a few seconds to stop for me to realize what had happened. Water, shards, broken plaster pieces. It broke, the whole thing shattered upon impact with the wooden floor. I stood there, staring at the broken pieces for a whole minute before I could move to wipe the water off and pick up the shards. My mind was so mixed up, I moved like a robot trying to clean everything up. One moment I was seeing my old house, the next my mom appeared in that little glass ball. What would have happened if I hadn’t dropped it? What would she be doing? Sighing, I threw away the towels and set the pieces back into the box. Doing a very poor job, I tied the ribbon back and shoved it on the shelf behind my computer. Lucas didn’t have to know I broke something he probably spent a long time getting. Not yet anyway.

    Hurrying, I went back downstairs where the smell of pie welcomed me. Gram had just brought out two slices of apple pies when I reached her.

    All set? she asked, handing me one plate and a spoon.

    Oh great, I hadn’t even unpacked and repacked. Sure, all good. Smiling and stuffing my face with pie, I hoped she wouldn’t be able to read the lie and conflict in my eyes. The last thing I wanted was to explain to her how I saw my mother in a magic snow globe just before breaking it. This is great pie! I said, my mouth full.

    She laughed, sitting down next to me at one of our tables. Glad you like it. She looked at me for a moment, her pie untouched. Averting her gaze, I tried to look anywhere but at her, afraid she might somehow figure it all out. I wasn’t an amazing liar, but I could bluff my way out of situations if needed, but that didn’t apply when it came to Gram. It was like she had a super power that just made me spill out my darkest secrets. Good thing she didn’t often do it otherwise I would have spilled the beans about Lucas a long time ago. Speaking of which, I had no idea how she felt about me being already engaged to a Prince from another world. Your mother used to love baking them this time of year, she eventually said.

    The piece of pie almost choked me when I heard what she said. Fortunately, I managed to swallow it down the right tube and grab the glass of milk. It was the farthest thing I thought she would tell me, yet it hit so close to that little incident upstairs that goose bumps formed on my arms. R-right, I remember the house always smelling like pies.

    Nodding, she smiled remembering well those times. But she didn’t say anything else. We stayed quiet for a moment before I could find my voice to talk.

    Gram, do you ever miss them... more than usual? I cleared my throat to try to get the lump in my throat to go away.

    I do, whenever I see you, she smiled, even though I could feel my surprise show on my face. Don’t worry, honey. It’s a good thing. You’re the reminder of how wonderful they both were, and every time I look at you, I only love them more. I nodded, gazing down at my hands. It’s harder during the holidays for you, isn’t it? Like always, she put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me against her. Just like it used to be when I was little.

    Yeah, I just can’t seem to get those memories out of my mind when Christmas and New Year’s come up.

    Gram continued to pat my shoulders and hug me tightly. I know it hurts, but it’s part of life. We hurt and we laugh.

    Mom used to say that, I whispered. Now I know where she got it from.

    You see? Thinking about them doesn’t have to hurt, small things keep them alive in your heart.

    Yeah, I nodded, sitting up and wiping away the errant tears. Um... do you mind if I go somewhere for a while? I won’t be long. Gram watched me with wariness. I knew what she was probably thinking: Charlotte driving in bad weather equals bad decision. Charlotte driving in bad weather right after crying equals worse decision.  I’ll be careful, I promise.

    Eventually, she said yes but only if I promised to get home in less than an hour. I agreed and grabbed my keys. The rain had stopped, but it was still freezing out, especially after being inside in the heat. Quickly, I got behind the wheel and headed out into the streets. The place wasn’t very far from Finn’s, just a few minutes away. It wasn’t until I made the first turn that I realized how long I haven’t been here. Unconsciously, I had been avoiding taking these streets just so I wouldn’t see anything that would remind me of them when it happened. Finally, I arrived at the intersection and made the last turn. I parked across the street and turned off the engine. Then I just sat there, looking out the window at the house. Our old house.

    It looked so different today, I almost didn’t recognize it as the one I grew up in. The new owners repainted it a rustic red and replaced the roof. They’ve also cleaned the yard and replaced my mother’s crazy bushes by the fence, but Dad’s pines were still there by the hedge. That small detail brought me some sort of comfort, that at least something remained to witness that I had once lived there with them. Although the colors of the house have changed, looking closely I could see my old house underneath the paint. The gray roof, the white exterior,  the wooden fence surrounding it, with all sorts of flowers and plants at the bottom of the pickets. Instead of the Lexus and Infinity parked there on the driveway, it used to be a Toyota and a Ford truck. By this time of the year, my father would have already gotten the Christmas lights going around the roof and on the fence, to get everyone else excited about the holidays, too, he used to say.

    The streets were so empty at this time of the day, the sun was getting ready to set. The last sun rays turning the gray clouds a purplish color, creating a rather ominous look set behind the leafless trees and quiet streets. Still, I got out of the car and leaned against it. The cold was biting into my skin, but I couldn’t move away. My eyes were still strained on the small house, unable to avert my gaze from that house. I’d thought that if I saw it just once more with my own eyes, it would make me feel better. But I still felt as conflicted as I had been before making the trip. If not more because of the way the house has changed. But at least that terrible loneliness didn’t sweep over me now. I doubted driving back with that was safe. My teeth began to clack together by now, and I ran my hands over my arms to warm up when I felt something cover my shoulders.

    You’ll spend the rest of your break in bed if you don’t keep better care of yourself, Lucas reproached me as he pulled his jacket tighter around me.

    Gazing up at him, I blinked, quite unable to register that he had actually found me and was standing here with me. His mesmerizing indigo eyes were watching me warily, at least they weren’t gray, in which case I would have a lot to explain to him. Not that he needed to worry about me when he already had so much to do back home. I continued to stare at him, his well defined jaw, his high cheek bones, his nose, his forehead, his honey brown hair. Every glorious features. His sculpted eyebrows arched slightly at me. Sweetheart, he called me softly, his perfect lips curved into a crooked grin as my behavior probably amused him now.

    I blinked. Right, uh... what were we talking about?

    He chuckled, pulling me against him. I just said that if you didn’t dress more warmly, you will spend the rest of winter break in bed, eating chicken soup instead of enjoying the stuff Santa brings you. I rolled my eyes, easily falling into him. The familiar scent of apples and pine trees now mixed with the crisp winter cold clung to his shirt and I breathed it in. It somehow calmed my nerves down, as if relieved that at least one thing didn’t change.

    How did you know I was here? I asked, slightly distracted.

    He shrugged. Got lucky.

    Liar, I poked him.

    Chuckling, he answered, I stopped by your room earlier and noticed the slightly moist floor and broken glass.

    Cringing, I buried my face into his chest. I hadn’t wanted him to think I was so careless, that I didn’t value the things he gave me. I’m sorry, I just... I dropped it by accident.

    Kissing my hair, he reassured me, It’s just a snow globe, Charlotte. I’m apologizing for upsetting you. At that I looked up at him, he was smiling regretfully. I guess I picked the wrong gift.

    No, I said quickly. It’s not that, it’s–was–a beautiful gift. Just that... it sort of took me by surprise.

    A while since you visited, huh? he guessed, pulling me in tighter. I nodded against him.

    Yeah... But it’s so different now. My voice quieted as I gazed across the street at the new house.

    Sweetheart, no matter the amount of paint people can put on it, how much stuff they add or take away, it’s still the same house you lived in. In your heart and memories, it’ll stay the same as always.

    I know.

    Just keep those memories alive. His head titled to one side to take a good look at me.

    Smiling, I nodded. Yeah, it just gets a bit harder around the holidays. Knowing them, though, I thought, they’d probably reproach me for getting all depressed over it while I should be enjoying the holidays. He smiled tenderly.

    We stood there for a few more seconds until I felt something cold land on my face, soon the white powder poured down on us. Snow! Putting my hands out, palms up I caught some, watching as the flakes melted into tiny water puddles. The joy of seeing snow completely swept over me and I couldn’t help smiling like a little kid. Suddenly, the urge to run around making snowmen and snow angels rose in me, even when the snow had barely made any real appearance on the ground. Turning my grin toward Lucas, I saw him watching me, his eyes clearly green with amusement of my sheer enjoyment of this small thing. A bright grin spread over his perfect lips as he continued to watch me.

    I just love snow, I explain and giggled as more flakes blew down.

    He chuckled, Yeah, I can see that. But there was something else in that laugh, some secret joke, maybe. But before I could approach the subject, he took a step forward. Come on, Princess. Time to get home before you really do catch something.

    Knowing he meant well, I couldn’t stop teasing him a bit. That was before I got a boyfriend who can heal anything.

    Shaking his head, he laughed. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t stay out here too long and come back in a fever. It would be rather difficult to explain to Grandma Nellie that I can cure you in just a couple minutes instead of calling a real doctor.

    As always, he was right and he knew it. His eyes were still bright green with satisfaction. Giving him a look, I eventually agreed to get back inside the car. Only not as the driver. You’re not driving in this weather, he told me as he opened the passenger door for me to get in.

    I’ve driven in the snow before, I argued as I took the seat.

    But not without chains around your tires, you haven’t, he retorted as he made his way around and got inside. Put your seat belt on, he gestured toward me.

    Aren’t we a bit over protective today... The seat belt clicked into place. Without replying, he pulled the car into reverse before heading out into the empty streets.

    The snow was still falling, getting thicker by the second on the ground. The flakes appeared bigger too, but that could have been an optical illusion as the car sped down the road. Lucas was driving at the regular speed, which was considered fast, very fast when you drove on snow without the proper equipment. My heart began to pump faster despite the fact that I knew I was safe with Lucas behind the wheel. He would never do anything to put me in danger, but I couldn’t stop my body’s natural reactions.

    Um, honey, aren’t we driving a bit too fast? I swallowed.

    Quickly, he glanced over at me and at the same time, the speed slowed down a notch. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Sorry, force of habit.

    Habit? I repeated. "Is it a guy thing to want to drive fast all the time?"

    Chuckling, he shrugged. I can only speak for myself. But you really should obey the traffic laws when you drive by yourself.

    Well that just fine with me. I’d never be able to drive this fast without falling into a frightened faint. He laughed.

    Soon, we were back into the parking lot of Finn’s. The sky had gotten much darker now, especially with the clouds. But already, the last sun rays were disappearing behind the horizon and we were left in a gloomy afternoon. Before we got out of the car, I noticed two strange cars parked right in front. Apart from the two belonging to Caroline and Betty, I didn’t recognize the other two.

    What is it? Lucas asked, watching me hesitating on the door handle.

    No, I was just wondering what those cars are doing here. I thought Gram closed the restaurant down for the week or so.

    Lucas looked out the windshield upon my mentioning and frowned. Maybe they’re visitors needing rooms. True, that could be an explanation, but it was still rather weird to me. We got out then and headed toward the door. The lights inside were bright, illuminating the sidewalk as we approached. The snow was still falling, covering us in white flakes, melting almost immediately on contact. The sidewalk and road were pretty much all white by now except for the tire tracks and footsteps. The yellow glow from inside made the snow glisten.

    At the door, I pushed it open, looking behind me at Lucas as he came in. As the light hit him, I marveled at the flakes in his hair, like glitter. I sucked in a breath right before he could catch me staring at him. Also right before I heard shrieks and was pulled  inside.

    2. Interrogation

    Before I knew it, I was locked in the middle of a hug. Apparently two people were  attempting to squeeze the life out of me. Just at the point when I thought I would pass out and wondered where the heck Lucas had disappeared to, I was released and caught my breath.

    Charlie! Don’t you have anything to say? One of the two girls asked in a teasing tone. Out of shock, I had bent over, leaning my hands on my knees to get my bearings. All I could see were flashes of bright colors. Not to mention color spots floating in my vision.

    I think you killed her, the second girl said, her gaze falling on my back. By then, my brain had had enough oxygen to register the voices and I glanced up as I finally stood straight. Two petite brunettes were grinning at me, one with lighter hair than the other.

    What are you guys doing here? I asked my best friends, not believing I was actually seeing them.

    Hayden, with her new curls tumbling down her back, rolled her eyes, Wow, we missed you, too.

    Hannah grinned, her darker hair pinned into a messy bun today. It’s Christmas break! We’re home for the holidays!

    I laughed, Right, sorry. You guys just kinda took me by surprise, I admitted, finally hugging them fully aware of their identities. It really is great to see you again!

    They both laughed as we pulled away. But before either of them opened their mouths to say anything else, their gazes drifted toward a spot behind me. At first, I wondered what they were staring at that left them completely dazed, but then it hit me. Following their gazes, I found Lucas glancing at me briefly, trying hard not to laugh at the curious attention from my friends. He had his hands in his pockets, looking down, a small grin on his lips. I didn’t need to see his eyes to know they were the greenest shade of emerald.

    Lucas glanced up right as I took a step back and took his hand in mine. Our eyes met and we shared a grin before turning to the girls. Sorry, I forgot to introduce you guys. Hayden Everson, Hannah Roslyn, Lucas Wynter, I gestured respectively.

    Very much the polite and respectful man that he was, Lucas stepped forward, smiling and shook their hands. Very nice to finally get the occasion to meet you after hearing so much about you both. His smile even made me swoon.

    Hannah regained her composure quite quickly, smirking at me as she replied to Lucas, Pleasure to meet you, too, but I wish I could say the same about hearing about you. Hayden seconded that with a nod.

    Laughing nervously, I tried to bid some time. Really, I did not see how that conversation would have turned out well. Hey, guys, guess what happened this summer! After the guy I’ve been dreaming about for the past years actually showed up here, we ended up going on a quest to save his country against evil bad guys and now we’re engaged. Oh, and did I mention that he was a Prince and I’ll become Queen one day? Right...

    Now that we’re all here, how about some dinner? Betty asked, coming out of the kitchen with a tray with of delicious foods, jerking me out of my thoughts, and saving me from explaining my lack of response about Lucas, not to mention making my mouth water.

    Betty! How are you? I asked as she set the tray down and came to hug both Lucas and me.

    Great now that you two are finally here! I was wondering if you’d make it through that blizzard, she grinned.

    Caroline and Gram followed out then, with a tray of food and plates, setting them down on the table together with the silverware. Caroline hugged us then, too. And soon, as if we did this every night, we moved the table side to side and sat down together. It was all so natural, everyone talking joyously and eating, laughing and joking. It was amazing how it all worked out so well, I had to wonder if Lucas was responsible for it. I gave him discreet glances, but he simply smiled like any other occasion, his eyes bright blue, but nothing to indicate that he was putting everyone under a spell.

    What about Ben and Andrew? And Bill and the girls? I asked Caroline and Betty about their respective husbands and children. I knew them all so well that it wouldn’t feel right to not include them.

    Oh, don’t worry, honey, Betty waved it off. Bill is taking Angella and Maggie to a movie tonight. She wants to be one of the first there.

    And Ben took Andrew to a convention downtown over the weekend, Caroline added as she passed the bread basket.

    So why would any sane person venture out into this weather? Hayden asked me.

    My face fell for a fraction of a second before I regained myself. It seemed too personal and I didn’t want to sour the mood. Well you know... I was–

    Charlotte hasn’t done her Christmas shopping yet, Lucas cut in, making a joke out of it to take the spotlight away from me. She just didn’t plan for it to start snowing so much.

    The whole table chuckled and aw-ed. Much to my relief, the topic of conversation moved to Christmas sales and malls. I silently thanked Lucas and he grinned, winking at me.

    So what are you two doing now that you’re home? Betty asked Hayden and Hannah. Hayden, you didn’t even come home for Thanksgiving.

    Right, she agreed, I didn’t want to have to fly back and forth over just a few days, she said, But it did feel weird to not be home for it.

    What did you do, then? I asked.

    She shrugged. Not much. Took a break from homework, we all laughed, and then went to the school’s Thanksgiving dinner, which wasn’t as bad as I thought.

    What did they have? Hannah wanted to know. Wait, let me guess, turkey and mashed potatoes.

    Another round of laughter echoed. Yes, but they also had mac and cheese, ham and sweet potatoes. And fruit pies!

    No pumpkin pies? Gram chuckled. She knew all too well that none of us liked pumpkin pies.

    Hayden grimaced, Ugh, I have no idea, I didn’t even look. But their other pastries were delicious!

    I hope you didn’t fill up on just pastries, Caroline teased. Hayden shook her head, grinning. One year, Hayden, Hannah, Richard (my old neighbor, the one who turned into a complete creep when I met him again last summer, courtesy of Lucas) and I snuck into his mother’s kitchen and stuffed our faces with cream puffs and tartlets. We were about five then, so no one really looked for us until dinner time, and by then, the deed had been done. Being sick that night and the next morning was enough of a punishment for us, more than anything else they could have come up with.

    So what are your plans for this break? Betty repeated her question as she picked up her glass of water.

    Oh, right. Well, I’m not sure. Since I didn’t get to see anyone since summer, I was just going to stay home and spend some time with them, Hayden answered, then put her arms over Hannah’s and my shoulders, and catch up with these two, she chuckled.

    Hannah agreed, which turned my stomach once again. Only to get worse when she turned the question on me. What about you, Charlotte?

    Uh... I didn’t know how to answer. My eyes wondered from her face to Lucas’s across the table. When I met his eyes, he simply smiled. He didn’t need to speak up for me to understand what he wanted to tell me: You should stay home, don’t worry about the trip to Applewood. But I didn’t want to go back on my word, especially since I had already agreed, if not directly to him, I’ve made the decision internally. Well, Lucas is taking me to see his hometown for the first part of the break and I’ll be back by Christmas, I finally managed to answer, swallowing. Glancing at Lucas again, I couldn’t read his expression; his eyes remained that incredible blue.

    Aw, you’ll come back before Christmas? Hayden asked, Then you guys aren’t spending Christmas and New Year’s together?

    That was not at all what I had expected her to say. Man, I was getting all the wrong expectations from people today. Either staying awake overnight for finals had killed more neurons than I knew, or I was getting horrible at reading people.

    Where is your hometown, Lucas? Hannah asked, curious now.

    I wanted to bite my tongue. Luckily, Lucas remained calm and could give an actual answer. It’s a really small town in Washington State, he grinned. I didn’t get the joke until Hayden’s eyes lit up and she sat straight up.

    Is it anywhere near Forks? she exclaimed. We roared into laughter. As if you hadn’t thought about it, Charlotte, she smirked at me. I only grinned at her in response, but I had to be honest. If Applewood had been anywhere near Forks, I would have found a way to get there and visit the town.

    The conversation took on the topic of the tiny town and the success of the book saga that took place there. Another catastrophe averted, I thought. The less they asked about Lucas’ history and background, the better it would be for everyone. Obviously, I didn’t want to lie to my friends, but I didn’t want them to think I was crazy, either.

    You know, Hayden chimed in, I knew a guy who actually broke up with his girlfriend after the first movie came out.

    Oh, geez, what happened? Hannah wondered.

    She stopped loving him and got totally obsessed with Edward? I guessed.

    Hayden snapped her finger, Bingo! He had to take her to see it like, seven times, and afterward, she kept calling him Edward.

    Oooh... Hannah shook her head. That is rather sad. Maybe that’s why guys don’t particularly like this series. She laughed.

    They just feel threatened, Hayden chuckled, glancing at me and Lucas. Following her eyes, I watched Lucas. He obviously didn’t feel threatened by a fictional character. Lucas, have you read any of the books?

    I watched him smile, then shrugged nonchalantly. Of course, how do you think I got her to agree to go out with me?

    Everyone laughed, except me. Although I knew he was kidding, my face still turned hot with embarrassment. He was smirking at me, his eyes turning bright green again. Apparently, he still found great satisfaction watching me change colors.

    Well, clearly Edward didn’t intimidate you, Hannah noted.

    Not intimidate, he agreed, more like a great role model.

    "Hmm, I wish my boyfriend would take his role model lessons from Edward," Hayden mused.

    What’s wrong with Derek? I wanted to know. As far as I knew, it was fun in paradise with them, I mean, she had been crushing on him for years.

    She gave me a sheepish look, probably being too conscious of the audience around her before she tilted her head to one side, looking into space. "Nothing’s wrong, exactly, just..." And she left it at that. Hannah and I both knew better than to ask for more details.

    The rest of dinner ended much like it had started: lots of laughter and talking. We cleaned the table of the trays and silverware, then took them back inside. While they brought the stuff back into the kitchen, Lucas and I moved back the tables into place and wiped them clean.

    Well, that went better than I expected, I told him as I threw the wet wipes away.

    He chuckled. What did you expect?

    I don’t know, I shrugged. Did you put them under one of those easy-going-feel-good spells? I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. But he shook his head, grinning.

    Can’t you believe that your friends like me for who I am? he asked dramatically, putting a hand over his chest. I rolled my eyes as I walked closer to him.

    Of course I can. I just didn’t think it’d feel so good, I admitted. It felt almost like those big family gatherings again.

    Smiling softly, he wrapped his arms around my waist. Yeah, I noticed, and it felt great to see you that happy tonight. He paused a moment, just watching me. His eyes were back to their ocean color again. I felt terrible making you choose between your family and me earlier. You should have said you’d spend your break here with them. You only see them once in a while and after a few weeks, you’ll all be back in school, whereas I get to see you practically everyday. He paused then sighed. So because you’ve already told them your plans to spend the first half of break with me in Applewood, I think it is only fair that I should leave you here to catch up with them.

    My eyes widened in surprise. "You don’t have to leave. Besides, I’m not choosing between you and family. You are family, I said, staring at him to make sure he saw the honesty. And I’m just dividing my vacation into two parts. The first with you and Applewood and the second here. Granted I only see them once in a while, I’ve known them all my life. And I want all of you to be part of what’s ahead. You don’t have to feel like you need to leave for me to get some time with them."

    Still smiling tenderly, he brushed the back of his hand over my face. Thank you. But nevertheless, I think it is best that I’m not around. It’ll make the reunion less awkward.

    By now, since no one was bursting out of the kitchen, I pretty much knew that Lucas had put everyone else on pause, or something close it. So I wasn’t afraid of the whole gang jumping out and seeing us like this. Instinctively, I wound my arms around his neck. Are you coming back tonight?

    Will you want me to? he smirked.

    Yes, I said in a matter of fact tone. Why wouldn’t I?

    Chuckling lightly, he answered, Who knows what time you’ll actually turn in. You might not want anyone to disturb your sleep.

    Psht, I waved the notion away, taking a step closer to him. Come back soon, all right?

    Giving me another one of his devastating smiles, he leaned down and kissed me. My fingers twisted into his hair as I got on my tiptoes, my heart rate accelerating. Naturally, he’d be the one to pull away first, and when he did, both of our breaths were ragged. You’re making it really hard to leave, he chuckled.

    Then don’t, I suggested, pressing my lips to his once more.

    He kissed me back willingly, but much too soon, he had to stop it. Gently as to not hurt my feelings, he reached behind him for my arms and untangled them. He slightly laughed at my expression.

    I’ll see you later. Have fun! With a last peck on my cheek, he disappeared into thin air. Letting out a sigh, I stood there, waiting for the spell to vanish and the gang to come out the doors. I didn’t have to wait long. They came out just after a few seconds.

    Where’s Lucas? Gram asked, looking around.

    Drats! Next time Lucas vanishes into nothingness, he’d better be the one to come up with the excuses for his disappearance.

    Uh... He’s... He had to leave to check up on something for tomorrow, I answered lamely. Wherever Lucas was, I really hoped he could hear me plead  to let them believe my terrible answer.

    Whether he heard me or the spell still in effect made them more susceptive to bad lies, I didn’t know. But they seemed to buy it. Caroline and Betty said their goodbyes to us then and they headed out, while Gram retired early for bed just a few moments later. That left Hayden, Hannah and I alone. One of two things I knew would happen for sure:

    One, they would start gushing about the old times and talk about how the first quarter of college had been.

    Two, the interrogation about what had happened to me over the summer and this first quarter would start. Not to mention how Lucas Wynter had apparently suddenly appeared into my life.

    I wasn’t really sure I had it enough in me to come up with a reasonable story. The less I had to lie to them about, the better my conscience would be.

    Like we’ve been doing it since Finn’s opened, Hannah, Hayden and I found ourselves sitting on the floor behind the front counter, our backs against the cabinets and ice machine. A lot has changed since the beginning days when we were in middle school, mostly we’ve all grown longer legs, which made the position even more awkward and uncomfortable. And yet no one moved, we’ve been doing this for so long now that it seemed natural for us to be here, behind the counter, in our own little bubble. This spot held so many of our secrets, our tears and especially laughter.

    Just a few minutes earlier, we’ve all been so animated, but now we silently sat there, taking a minute to realize that it has been more than six months since we’ve sat here together. Hayden had an internship to attend over the summer, right after Graduation, while Hannah moved to her college state early. Resulting in our last meeting dating the day of Graduation, right before we showed up at school for the ceremony. It was sad how time passes by.

    Dang, can you believe it’s been almost half a year since we’ve sat here together? I sighed after a moment.

    Yeah, it’s so strange, Hayden agreed. "But you know, we could have stayed connected, if someone had replied to my emails," she glared at me.

    I totally replied to your emails! I shot back.

    Yeah, for like, what? A few weeks? she asked sarcastically. "And then you just went poof! Disappeared."

    I didn’t disappear, geez. I just didn’t see the point in sending emails with boring messages. ‘Oh, guess what I did today! I went grocery shopping and then spent the day washing dishes.’ Sounds totally fascinating.

    Hannah chimed in then. "So you’re telling us that nothing happened during that summer and during fall quarter at Lakehill? That’s a little hard to swallow. Suddenly, I felt very trapped with both of them sitting on each sides, waiting for me to talk. I wouldn’t call that six foot odd of gorgeousness you have for a boyfriend ‘nothing.’"

    Hey! I gasped, swatting her arm. You’re quoting! Quoting lines from books, movies, and song lyrics was something we did from time to time. Often it was played as a game, seeing if the others could guess where it came from. Hannah rarely quoted things, though, which was what surprised me.

    Shrugging, she continued. Doesn’t make it untrue. So spill it! Washington State isn’t exactly around the corner, so how did you two meet?

    I gave her another look as another use of a quote, this time from a tv show. But I didn’t comment, instead I took in a deep breath. Well... Um... He came in here a few times, and we became friends. End of story.

    You’ve gotta be delusional if you think that’s enough to explain why you stopped talking to us, Hayden gave me a look.

    Sighing, I tried to think of a way to tell them more without sounding crazy. Well... he sort of got on my nerves in the beginning. First he tries to start a conversation with me and the next morning, he’s in here with three other blondes. They both burst out laughing.

    Did you confront him? Hayden asked around another laugh.

    With what? We weren’t dating, I barely knew him then. Besides, it turned out that they were his cousin and her friends. All right, so it was a lie. They were there as one of Lucas’s attempt to watch my reaction to various events, as I later learned.

    Aw, that’s lame, Hayden chuckled. I was hoping for some action! I rolled my eyes.

    I did fall off a stool in the storage room later that afternoon, I offered, something truthful for once. And he kinda redeemed himself by helping me up and putting ice packs on the giant bump on the back of my head. The last part was only half true. Lucas had been the one to heal my cuts and bruises.

    Oh my god! That is so sweet! Hayden squealed, laughing. So that’s how you fell for him, huh?

    Literally, Hannah added with a grin. I couldn’t help letting out a laugh at that.

    All right, so now you know. How about talking about your summers. They must have been way more fun than mine, and probably less dangerous. I doubted either one of them had to save an entire country and run for their lives, hiding from an evil king and his minions.

    Wait a second, Hayden stopped me. Why do I feel like you’re trying to avoid the subject? You’re not hiding his real identity, are you? Oh, boy. I hated that, when they could tell my bluff. It was a good thing I wasn’t so bad last summer otherwise we would have been dead.

    Okay, I’ll tell you. But you have to swear, and I mean it, to not tell anyone. Either orally, with sign languages, writing, NOTHING.

    The look on their faces was priceless. Promise, they said at the same time. 

    Lowering my voice, I began. And please, don’t think I’m insane, all right? They nodded. With another deep breath, I started, Lucas is actually... an alien vampire. And I’m engaged to him, with a baby on the way, finishing in a rush. Biting my lower lip was all I could do not to laugh at them as what I said registered. Of course, they both hit me, but it was worth it.

    You....! Hayden gave me a fake glare, but she had to laugh too at the ridiculous answer I gave.

    Alien vampire? Hannah raised an eyebrow. Is that the best you can think of?

    What? It was the first ridiculous thing I could come up with. I shrugged. All kidding aside, he is totally human, doesn’t sparkle in the sun, has regular body temperature, doesn’t suck blood, and does not have skin like marble.

    Aw, that’s too bad, Hayden joked. Apparently, my joke has worked and they were no longer obsessed with finding out about Lucas. She changed position, her back no longer pressed against the cabinet containing table cloths and napkins.

    The door creaked open; it could never close completely. It has been that way ever since I could remember, and no one seemed to remember to fix it. Man, this is annoying, Hayden complained as she sat back against it to stop it from being ajar.

    Remember when we used to hide in these cabinets? Hannah asked with a small laugh. She leaned away and opened one to peer inside. It was amazing how we all fitted in here.

    Not to mention we had Richard with us, Hayden added. The mention of Richard gave me goose bumps as our last encounter had been far from pleasant. What a creep he’d gown into.

    Speaking of Richard, Hayden exclaimed, making me jump. "I just saw him today before I stopped by Finn’s."

    Oh, yeah? How is he? Hannah asked. Creepy, I answered silently.

    He’s gotten big since we last saw him, Hayden continued. I mean, he used to be pretty short for his age back then, but now looks like he’s reached a growth spurt!

    Is he cute? Hannah teased. Back then, Hayden had sort of a crush on Richard, because well, he was always hanging out with us and he used to be sweet and fun. I hoped she no longer felt that way about him.

    We watched Hayden turn a flushed pink. He looks all right, but he was kinda... off somehow.

    What do you mean? Hannah asked. Was he rude?

    Hayden shook her head. It’s not that. Like, let’s just say his gaze didn’t stay on my face for long. I had to constantly call him to get him to look up.

    Whoa, that’s so weird, Hannah thought. He used to be so sweet back then.

    I know, Hayden agreed. Anyway, I just wanted to see how his family was doing and then I got out of there.

    I cut in then, relieved to know that now Richard’s true colors have been revealed, at least to someone other than me. I’m guessing you’re not gonna let Derek know about it.

    Are you kidding? she laughed. Heck, no. He’ll totally freak out and start to wonder how we could have grown up with Richard all those years ago.

    How is Derek doing, anyway? Hannah wanted to know. Earlier, Hayden had tried to avoid mentioning her boyfriend and I had been curious why. Now seemed like the perfect time to ask her about him.

    Well... I want to hear your advices about what I should do... she began. Uh-oh... She took in a breath to get her started. It’s like, I don’t know. He’s been kind of indifferent and just annoying lately, but then starts bitching at me. If I didn’t know better, I’d compare his attitude to a girl suffering from PMS. Neither Hannah nor I could contain our shock and laughter at that. Seriously, you guys! And it’s not like he hasn’t gone through puberty, so can’t really blame his hormonal unbalances.

    So what? Maybe he’s just stressing and gets mood swings, Hannah guessed. Did you try asking him what has changed him?

    No, it’d be extremely awkward. But apart from the mood swings, I just feel like he doesn’t care about the relationship as much. As if he sees it as a plus, but not necessarily needed.

    So he became distant? I asked and she nodded.

    But then I wonder if it’s only in my head because this other guy has been really paying attention to me.

    Hannah and I shared a look. What other guy? You’re not dating someone else, are you?

    Of course not! she exclaimed. I know him from one of my classes. We’ve been hanging out last quarter and it was really nice. Like how it used to be with Derek. Her voice lowered a notch and her gaze fell on a spot on the floor.

    Aw. Quickly, I rubbed her shoulder to show her some comfort and support. "I think you’re just feeling a little infatuated with this new friend and how he showers you with attention. He’s new compared

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