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Tertiary Angels and Swiss Cheese Kings
Tertiary Angels and Swiss Cheese Kings
Tertiary Angels and Swiss Cheese Kings
Ebook325 pages2 hours

Tertiary Angels and Swiss Cheese Kings

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About this ebook

Poems of Los Angeles poet Bryan Price (aka; BP) (aka; Bob the Butcher of Bliss)compiled from a series of popular readings from 2000-2005. A long awaited release, Price's work deals with the challenges of schizophrenia, depression and alcohol and drug addiction. Humorous, absurd, intensely visual and sometime's nightmarish, Price's language and dedication to hope makes this work accessible to us all.
Release dateApr 11, 2011
Tertiary Angels and Swiss Cheese Kings

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    Book preview

    Tertiary Angels and Swiss Cheese Kings - Bryan Price


    where to begin

    where to begin?

    ambient sound down.

    cue music.

    music cued.

    soundtrack up.



    a grey sunset over the ocean

    no land in sight.

    gigantic cumulous clouds

    blanketing the sky

    allow pinhole shafts of orange

    to extend like laser beams

    down to the ocean blue.

    voices of angels

    multiply in power

    as orange conquers grey

    and darkness is put off

    for fifteen minutes.

    usurped by a zapata day.

    i lay on the couch smoking a cigarette


    credits from a movie travel like raindrops

    down my television’s screen.

    i search myself for an opening.

    a club footed retard with a helmet

    trying to jump into a double dutch game.

    i search my pockets for a ticket.

    the usher went home years ago.

    vines and weeds consume the rotting iron of a turnstile.

    petrified horses and lopsided ferris wheels

    wait for me on the other side.

    let the day fall away.

    tabletop tremors demolish playing card cathedrals

    and elaborate hoaxes

    that con men spin.

    hiding a ball


    one of three

    traveling cups

    for a dollar

    to buy coffee, cigarettes

    and fast food sandwiches.

    a placated cow grazing

    in an endless meadow of green.

    put on a cape and tights

    become bulletproof

    have x ray vision


    and save kittens from trees.

    put to rest peter parker

    little boy.

    awake from this dream

    of digestible truths

    and slowly reveal

    the unrestrained you

    that has been hidden

    from all the breathers of

    the world.

    you are a breather,

    aren’t you?



    i am magellan after slumber.

    socrates after drinking.

    the first footprint on the moon.

    i wade waist high through the ocean

    as a giant

    cutting through continents

    creating coral reefs the size

    of footprints

    leaving a trail of

    self likeness

    wherever i go.



    always closer.

    back to the beginning.

    to that amniotic sac.

    a world of water

    and matronly sustenance

    curled up like a pea pod

    feeling the warmth of my knees.

    regressing to that day before nurture

    to that unfettered



    illogical me.

    a time of pure emotion.

    a time before lies.

    a time of realized subconsciousness.

    a time of concrete honesty.

    and then i can sing the song

    of legions of angels

    who whisper the secrets

    to all the unanswered questions of the heart.

    i will be able to put love in a

    car and drive it to kindergarten for

    show and tell.

    i will be able to take a snapshot of

    my soul eating watermelon and put

    it up on my mantle to be viewed by

    my friends.

    i will finally be able to squeeze the

    breath out of faith as i hold it closely

    and securely in both of my arms.

    i will decode every misinterpreted statement

    and moment of misunderstanding.

    every stuttering, stammering, clumsy

    miscalculated sentence that’s ever come out

    of my mouth.

    i will untangle every tongue tied moment

    and begin to speak like king and i have a dream.

    i will be able to give a name to every emotion.

    unify the gap between head and heart.

    to paint a picture without illusion.

    to carry on without memory or expectation

    and float on my back at sunset

    in the orange waters of now.

    and then,

    only then, will i begin.

    my living room smells like garbage

    my living room smells like garbage.

    my bedroom smells like sweat.

    the whole place smells like an ashtray.

    i’m the captain of this boat

    and i will go down with my lady.

    i’ll go down on my lady.

    eat her like thirty ravenous pigs.

    a whole litter of puppies.

    a whole family of runts.

    trying to gain enough weight

    to avoid the sympathetic eye of a dirty hippy.

    a poster child for p.e.t.a.

    a motherfucking bleeding heart.

    no, i’d rather starve in a corner neglected

    than be adopted by a martyr.

    can’t stand martyrs.

    good samaritan dental flossing fools.

    give me a sturdy farmer with a twenty

    two and the resolve to put a bullet in my head


    i’ll lick his balls until they shine like kojak.

    remember who loves you baby.

    i love you baby.

    i love you.

    i love you, my kitten.

    i love you too.

    we’ll lay in bed naked and read books until four in the


    drink slimfast all day and eat sensible dinners,

    fabulous dinners set up on orange crates.

    candles and jazz and non alcoholic beers.

    we’ll put on blindfolds and try to open each other up

    like piñatas.

    every day is the fifth of may.

    a happy new year.

    a thirteenth birthday.

    a reunion between an abandoned child and a whore


    welcome home, johhny.

    welcome home, mom.

    no questions about why and what happened.

    only the bliss of unanswered questions.

    conflicted emotions.

    something lost being found.

    amazing . . . . .she sings.

    amazing . . . . . .he sings.

    amazing . . . . . .we sing . . . . .


    how to master time

    easy. first, you must find the

    ever elusive peanutberry.

    then, search for the highest

    building you can find.

    once you find it, jump.

    it is very important

    that you

    take photographs of yourself

    with a disposable camera

    on the way down.

    preferably one of those that

    has a flash and can go


    no real reason for the

    underwater variety


    than those kind of cameras

    are really cool

    and are usually found in

    tropical areas near the ocean

    or some body of water

    in some touristy area

    or point of interest

    that mandates the production

    of their


    mass produced

    snapshots that they

    place on postcards

    to make the kids back

    home jealous

    while they look over

    their mail while eating


    a sunday night tradition

    treat and delight.

    and as we all know,

    there is no substitute

    for grace

    class and style.

    take to writing your

    secrets on walls and bathroom

    stalls and elevators

    and escalators

    banks and park benches

    anything with a shelf life

    and an owner with rules

    and contracts

    and an agenda to keep

    beauty a virgin.

    to keep beauty groomed.

    do all you can to confuse the

    reader with pretty but meaningless


    stuff to be interpreted.

    read into

    and stimulate

    the imagination of idiots

    and absolutely

    nothing in the minds of the smart.

    honk your horn at


    adorning lightposts with

    flowers and burning incense.

    altars and memory

    and vanished voices.

    a big pink neon arrow

    pointing to the ground.

    a testimony

    to be understood as a realization

    that these strange

    newly discovered skulls

    knew how to

    harness electricity

    to light the curves

    and keep clean the foot.

    a sweeping generalization.

    unification in the afterthought

    of a belch

    sent off in a room

    with no one left

    to sit down

    and split a bean.

    a vacated apartment

    where carcasses

    are left unidentified

    with the integrity

    of being called a carcass

    and scraps of paper

    that have been


    hand shredded


    scattered about

    the floor

    evoking memories

    and hallucinations

    of rose petals

    and roses

    and buds

    and thorns.

    eat only what you like.

    chew suckers and suck on gum.

    ingest anything edible that

    people turn their nose up to

    because it has touched ground

    or the surface of a public table

    wet with some unknown substance

    and scarred with some unknown

    grime or ink.

    orphans are much tastier than

    kids with soccer practice and toys.

    leave your legacy

    with black ink

    on black paper.

    sleep only when rested.

    fall into a coma

    at least three times

    a day

    then relearn how

    to walk from

    a wheelchair

    with legs

    and steel braces


    and bent spines

    and orthopedic shoes

    that spring to life

    in spasmodic

    stepping dances

    that keeps you waiting

    and filled with anger

    once the red has

    left and gave

    way to green.

    read a spanish

    version of don quixote

    to a mexican


    no habla espagnol.

    ask for directions when

    you are not lost.

    go to the court of law

    just so you can give the judge

    a thumbs up.

    find the most boring

    and musicless hymn

    you can find

    and sing it to your


    or others’ children

    just sing it to the children

    any and all children

    when they gather

    and want to be left

    on the corner to walk

    their way without you

    so that they can be

    more evolved than

    their language allows.

    follow closely and

    scream it into their


    with a kazoo sized


    in a bad australian


    make the british proud.

    get tattoos

    on the bottom of your feet

    and the inside of the eyelids.

    something cute like a

    happy face

    or a tube of

    preparation h.

    shower only when you are

    certain that you are not going

    to entertain anybody

    and spend the night in

    smoking cigarettes

    and writing a to do

    list on all the x’s

    of a calendar

    from a year

    at least nine decades

    before you were born.

    give free drugs and alcohol

    to crossing guards


    and traffic cops.

    answer rhetorical questions.

    point at things that are not there.

    rebel against beds

    repel and rebuke the floors.

    champion couches that smell

    like sweat

    and an overture to isolation.

    exercises in the acceptance of gravity.

    vigils held for the recovery of love.

    never empty ashtrays.

    leave that to souls longing for purpose.

    spend all your money

    on clothes and things of high fashion

    then borrow

    your friend’s favorite t-shirt

    and pants

    most comfortable socks

    and fastest pair of shoes


    wear them everyday

    until they disintegrate

    off your body

    leaving behind

    a fetid



    this is the great arrival.

    once you’re naked,

    burn your wardrobe.

    and yes,

    i am aware that i left out underwear.

    you don’t need it.

    it is the bane of all human



    a waste of time.


    carry a book of matches

    with you at all times.

    when you see something


    left in an alley

    or a curb

    or under a freeway

    or some cultisac with

    graffiti and brown weeds

    spark one of those bad boys

    up and throw it on the

    object of your affection

    with good wishes

    and hope

    for ignition


    the gift of a good healthy





    become a born

    again christian

    or priest

    or nun

    or monk

    or any holy type.

    something spiritual

    with a vow of celibacy

    and if not


    at least chastity

    and high morals

    then fuck fuck fuck

    until you

    get a strange and gooey discharge


    with some


    and some interesting

    strange growths

    that pulsate in green

    and red


    when you pee

    and shed tears

    because it stings.

    study and extol the honesty of a poser.

    the fraudulently unabashed.

    only drink water from the sink


    small stagnant still

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