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You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful
You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful
You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful
Ebook126 pages1 hour

You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful

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About this ebook

Susan Amy Radcliff born a girl with grand aspirations has everything, looks, smarts and internal drive, but lacks the one thing holding her back, a penis. With the support of family, friends and associates she matures into a powerful woman despite her gender. Fear of intimacy is her only true challenge. Competing in a man's world is easy, but being with a man plagues her till she meets Jerome. From a modest background till becoming a member of Congress her lack of a penis, which she believes is the source by which men gain power, plaques her. Yet the powerful woman inside her will not relinquish her desire to change the world.
Release dateOct 22, 2019
You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful

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    You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful - William Malic

    You Don’t Need A Penis To Be Powerful

    Braine Radcliff

    Braine Radcliff paced the waiting room floor, his six-foot frame bent in resignation, waiting what seemed like hours but had only been less than one.   This was not his first rodeo; he had done the same thing for the birth of his two daughters.  Each time his wife, Martha Radcliff, had implored him to be with her during the birth.   It was not a man’s place, he had told her, of course, that didn’t apply to Martha’s doctor; a male.  Braine had not been a bit coy about refusing to let the cute lady doctor attend his wife.  A female midwife or a nurse he could tolerate, but his wife deserved the best; a male doctor.  Wasn’t it enough that he suffered through the Lamaze classes?  A man does his duty, then it should be up to the wife to do the rest.

    Mr. Radcliff, a soft voice attracted his attention.  A petite nurse sidled through the doorway.  She wore blue scrubs and a stray lock of hair had escaped her tight bun.  Braine hated to see women in scrubs.  What happened to those tight short white uniforms with white panty hose?  He was not one to wander but there wasn’t anything wrong with looking.  If he were laying in a hospital bed, the sight of this girl in a true nurse’s outfit would lift his spirits, except he had to admit it might not be a good idea in the Coronary Care Unit.  The nurse blushed a little seeing Braine rake his eyes over her body.  I have good news, she stammered slightly, your wife is fine, and you have a new baby girl.

    Braine’s knees buckled and he had to sit down, not too soon and awkwardly in the nearest chair.  His complexion paled as he struggled for a breath. 

    The nurse rushed over to his side, are you alright?  Should I call a doctor?  Here bend over with your head between your knees.  She placed her hand on his neck, her hands were cold as ice.  Gently she guided his head and shoulders down as he gulped for air.  Shallow breaths.  Don’t breathe too hard.  Relax.  That’s better.

    Braine’s breathing became more normal.  He felt the flush of blood return to his face as his head cleared.  Slowly he raised his body.  Inches away he saw the nurse’s legs, then her groin taking too much time to move on, then her torso, then her breast (more amble then he first thought) and finally her face.  She was cute, sensuous, much too young, and had a worried look.  I’m sorry, I was hoping for a son.


    Braine and Martha Radcliff joyfully announce the birth of their third daughter Susan Amy Radcliff 6 pounds 2 ounces at Mercy Hospital.

    It was a simple announcement; more expanded notices cost money.  The proud father passed out the traditional cigars with a pink ribbon attached.  Braine stuffed the box of cigars with blue ribbons in the back of his wardrobe.   Maybe they would be useful another time.  Three kids were more than enough but he didn’t have a son yet.  The impounded cigars were not the only thing brandishing blue; Braine was feeling blue.  Their first child, Sarah, aka Princess, just turned nine and lived up to her nickname.  Next came Sandra, age six, who Braine called twinkle toes because she was starting ballet lessons.  What his wife had with the girl’s names all starting with S escaped him.  He wanted to name the newborn Marshall.

    Both Sarah and Sandra were delighted.  They had a new baby girl doll to dote over.  Sarah was just beginning to learn to sew and wanted to make the baby new outfits.   Sandra like baking cookies with mom and wanted to bake little Susan a special batch but was finally convinced babies can’t eat cookies because they don’t have teeth and settle for helping bathe her sister.  Both the older girls were all girl; Braine had other ideas for Susan.

    Braine’s, recently promoted to supervisor at his job, increase in salary came none too soon.  Having another mouth to feed, even a little mouth, meant the budget would be stressed with baby food, diapers, and all the other things babies needed.  Martha was a stay at home mom.  Before Sarah was born, she had worked but opted to give up her job and raise the children.  It was her choice, which is one of the reasons Braine had married her; she was reasonable.  At first things were tight financially till Braine finished technical school and landed a good paying job.   He worked hard and it paid off.  They weren’t on easy street yet, but they were on the next block.

    What’s that? Martha quizzed her husband as he entered the house trying to hide a package from her.

    Oh, nothing, just a present for the baby, Braine smiled.

    You’re going to spoil this one too, Martha giggled.

    I don’t spoil them, Braine objected.

    Right, Martha smirked, so what is the surprise?  Braine carefully unwrapped the package and proudly presented the plush toy. It’s a football?

    So, I thought it was cute, Braine protested.  Look there is nothing she can ingest, its soft and cuddly like you.  Braine hugged his wife and gave her a gentle pat on the rear.

    Watch it big guy, Martha scooted away.  That’s how we got three kids.

    To soon, I guess, Braine frowned.

    Sorry, Martha feigned blushing, It won’t be long.  I am almost healed.  You can wait a little longer, it won’t kill you.

    Braine grasped his heart with one hand and slid to his knees pretending to expire.  He rolled on his back and folded his arms across his chest closing his eyes.  Opening one eye he said, One last kiss before I am gone?

    Martha laughed.  Well you were a good husband, it’s the least I can do.  She stooped down.  Martha was a real lady, but this was her husband, so she wasn’t concerned about modesty this time.  Her dress billowed out and her legs spread.  Leaning down she kissed the man she had given her heart to.

    Both of Braine’s eyes opened wide.  His wife still had it even after three kids.  He couldn’t imagine himself with any other woman.  His wife was all the woman he needed.  Your Prince has awakened my Lady, by a kiss.  He started to rise.  Martha turned to retreat.  Braine goosed her.

    Marth squealed, Braine Radcliff you are incorrigible.

    Rolling on his side still trying to peak up his wife’s skirt, Braine grinned, No, just horny.

    So began the life of Susan Amy Radcliff


    Martha was enjoying herself.  First it was good to get out of the house for a while; she was volunteering at Susan’s preschool.  She had wanted to do that with Sarah, but Sandra had come along.  When Sandra became of age, she had spent a day now and then helping and was a snack parent.  Now with the other girls in school, Martha felt she deserved the time with Susan.   It meant rearranging her schedule at home, but it was worth it.  Martha appreciated her role as mother and wife to Braine who was rumored to be up for an executive job.  Taking care of her family needs was gratifying and gave her a sense of worth.

    Susan was different than the other girls right from the start.  For one thing she seemed to have much more energy and required more attention.   An inquisitive child, Susan was always asking questions and if left to her own could get herself into a bit of trouble.   This required more attention to her where-a-bouts by Martha.  It was good to have the pre-school teachers there to keep an eye on her. 

    As she had for the other girls, Martha loved dressing Susan in frilly little dresses and playing house or with her dolls.  Susan seemed to tolerate this, but it was evident she seemed more inclined to roll around in the dirt often getting her nice dress grimy with mud and grass stains.  The older girls tended to pamper her, yet she insisted on doing many things herself.  Though not aggressive she held her own.  Her play times split between having teas with the older girl and their dolls and rough housing with daddy.  The older girls loved their daddy, Susan adored him.

    There is so much more to a mother besides cleaning, tending to the girls and cooking.  Martha loved teaching.  All her children were smart and well prepared for their next life advancement.  Susan had three enthusiastic teachers before she met her first certified teacher.  The girls let her help them with their chores, watch as they sewed or danced and even made believe she was helping them with their homework.  Daddy wasn’t a teacher; he was a doer and Susan became his tail; everywhere he went she tried to follow.

    In day-care there was a boy, larger than any of the others and with a mean streak.  The teachers often had to intervene and put him in time-out, which only made him stealthier in his attempt to intimidate the other children.  He was playing by himself, which the other teachers preferred, with blocks, trying to stack them as high as he could.  He didn’t quite get the balance right, so his pretend tower kept toppling over making him frustrated.  Susan watched for a while then decided to help him.  The boy wanted nothing of her help, because she was a girl.  Susan shrugged and went away.

    She didn’t go away because she was a girl and girls don’t build things.  She went to get her own blocks, building a tower almost as tall as her.  The boy eyed it with jealousy.  When she tried to place another block on the

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