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Tania's Senior Year
Tania's Senior Year
Tania's Senior Year
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Tania's Senior Year

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Tania's father takes her along on his vacation, and she has some unexpected experiences. After reuniting with Tony, she believes her future is settled. But some events during her senior year makes her think again.
Release dateJul 8, 2019
Tania's Senior Year

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    Tania's Senior Year - Brother Pope



    Tania had only vague memories of her father. When she grew up her mother didn’t want to talk about him. She knew he existed somewhere, and she had some uncertain recollections of the two of them playing in the garden.

    Her mom had been the only adult in her life, really. Sometimes she wondered what he father might be like, but she never brought it up with her mom. It wasn’t a topic she would entertain. Even as her mother was increasingly absent, going to conferences and other work-related trips, Tania got by on her own in their spacious house. She didn’t mind so much, but it would be great to meet her father, if for nothing else then just so as she had a face to which she could attach to her fantasies.

    Then one day he called her. She knew right away when she heard his voice that it was him and she had to struggle to reign in her enthusiasm. They met over a coffee and she told him about her boarding school and her acting ambitions. He was impressed by her achievements and seemed quite proud of her, and when they separated she felt intensely happy. The next week flew by as she eagerly anticipated meeting her father again in town. They met at the same cafe and this time he told her a little more about his absence.

    After his separation from her mother Carl – Tania’s father – had moved to a city quite far away from her home town. He made new friends and became quite successful as an executive of a legal firm. He knew about Tania, of course, but as her mother didn’t want Carl in their lives he had decided to stay away for everybody’s peace of mind, as he put it.

    Why did you come back now? Tania wanted to know.

    Her mother had called Carl to ask about some legal matter relating to Tania’s involvement with Tony. He didn’t know much detail, but what she told him made him worried, so he decided to catch a plane to meet her. As he expected Tania’s mother refused to see him, but from her brief explanation he found out which school Tania attended, and the administration there gave him Tania’s ‘phone.

    I was lucky, he said, smiling.

    Tania thought him incredibly handsome and smart and wanted to do everything with him that they should have done in the years they had been apart. Now she was just happy that he was back in her life again.

    This time we’ll stick together, she said, smiling back at him.

    He looked at her with concern in his eyes when he responded:

    Do you feel abandoned when your mother is away so much with her work? Carl asked.

    Tania didn’t know what to say. She had learned to appreciate being alone, but it would be nice if she was around more, of course. She decided to say something neutral, so she told him that he would be welcome in her life, but since her mother was so against it perhaps they could meet in cafes or in parks.

    Sure, Carl said with a mysterious grin on his face.


    Then, as weeks passed by, it became clear to her that Carl considered moving back to her town. She told him about Tony and the upcoming court case against his former friends and Carl got all the papers and went over it with her. He thought she was quite brave to have gone through everything she did to clear Tony’s name and when he said that she started blushing.

    No, don’t blush! her father said. You must love Tony a lot.

    Yeah, Tania said quietly. It’s just that mom isn’t too appreciative of it, with all that’s happened and everything.

    She had to appear as a witness in one of the trials and Carl came to support her while she was on the stand. Her mother didn’t have time. And then, when spring semester was about to close Tania had a major part in the school play and asked her mom to come. But again her mother was away at the occasion. Carl, however, showed up and hugged her when she came out from behind stage after the performance.

    In September she would be 18 and Carl explained to her that she would be old enough to decide for herself where she wanted to live and which school to attend. One night when she was in her bedroom studying for an exam she heard her mother arguing loudly on her ‘phone, and from what she could hear she reckoned that she was arguing with Carl. Tania just wanted them to get along, and the thought that it might never get any better between them made her cry.

    The next morning Carl called her and asked if she had the time to meet him. It was a meeting that would turn her life upside-down.

    Would you like to move into your own flat? Carl had asked her.

    Sure, Tania said reluctantly.

    Well, I have a friend who is renting out flats, and he’d be willing to give us a good deal. If you want to move this week I’ll pay the deposit and rent for you until you’re done with high school, Carl said.

    Oh, well, that’s nice, Tania said.

    Your mother wants us to stop meeting, Carl said in a softer voice after a brief silence.

    Tania started to cry again.

    Oh dad, that would unbearable, she said. We’ve just met again and...

    I know, Carl said. We won’t let it happen. Look, there’s a good high school with an acting department in the neighbourhood where I just bought a townhouse. It’s on the cliff overlooking the beach.

    Tania didn’t want to tell him that she knew the area quite well, since that was where Daniel’s mansion used to be.

    If you want to move there for your senior year we can find you a flat in the area, Carl continued. Would you like that?

    Sure, but what about boarding school? Tania said.

    Well, you decide. You can continue there if you want, of course, Carl said.

    Immediately Tania knew that she wanted to switch schools. There was no reason to go to boarding school if her mother didn’t decide over her. And having a flat of her own would be a dream come true. Perhaps she could have Tony over, and...

    And of course you dispose of the flat as you want, Carl continued, interrupting her thoughts.


    The first few weeks of her new life in her own flat was a bit wild, she had to admit. Finally she could make her own mess, which she did without any inhibitions. She found a few friends at her new school and the acting teacher took a liking to her and asked if she would participate in the school play. Tania accepted, of course.

    Every weekend her father stopped by her flat to pick up the bills and have a coffee with her. They talked about his work and his life in the city where he had settled. He told her about the townhouse he’d bought around the corner from where she lived, adding that it wasn’t time to move there yet.

    Do you have everything you need here? he asked.

    Tania blushed a bit. She tried to tidy as best as she could before his visits, but she had to admit that it looked nothing like her mom’s standards.

    Yeah, everything is fine, she said, trying to cover it over.

    And school? he persisted.

    Fine as well. They asked if I wanted to have a part in the school play for Autumn Week, Tania announced quietly.

    Oh... and what did you say? Carl asked.

    Yes, of course, she said, sounding a bit unenthusiastic.

    What wrong, Tania. You look a bit sad? her father asked.

    Dad, there’s nothing wrong... It’s just that Tony isn’t here. What should I do...? she said, her voice about to break up into tears.

    Her father looked searchingly at her for a while. He knew perfectly well that Tony was in Italy and under the present circumstances he would have to stay there until the judge had delivered his verdicts in the cases against his former friends. From what Carl had read in the court papers Tony should consider himself lucky that he wasn’t put on trial himself.

    Well, can you get by for now? he said.

    A tear was running down Tania’s cheek. She tried not to sob.

    Oh, daddy, I’ll do my best, she said.

    Carl had suggested that she hang out with her acting friends from school a bit more, and when she was invited to a party the next weekend she accepted. She knew that it would be a small group of people there. The boy who was to play the main role in the Autumn Play, Gerard, was hosting the party with his girlfriend Alice. They had invited three other actors, Tania included, and they all came with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Since Tania didn’t have a boyfriend – at least not anyone they knew of – Alice asked her if she could come with Tina, a freshman in their school who had joined the acting group.

    Sure, Tania said.

    Tina is such a sweetie. She really wants to hang out with us, and it’s a shame if we had to say no to her, Alice had said.

    Uh, OK, Tania answered and took down Tina’s ‘phone number.

    On Friday the two girls got together in Tania’s flat to compare dresses and make-up, and Tina asked a lot of questions about Tania’s past. There were many things she didn’t want to talk to Tina about so she just ignored them or changed the subject.

    Are there going to be boys there? Tina asked.

    At the party? said Tania.

    Yeah, at the party, are there going to be boys there? Tina said.

    Yeah, there will be boys there. But, honey, don’t have too high expectations, because apart from us I think there will only be couples, Tania explained.

    Oh, Tina said, looking destitute.

    They fell silent for a while. Tania was putting on her make-up and Tina was sitting on Tania’s bed, watching her.

    Uh, Tina? Tania said.


    Have you ever been with... you know, a boy? Tania asked.

    Tina just laughed nervously.

    I’m just sixteen! she said. It’s not normal!

    They both laughed.

    Tina and Tania both wore short, black dressed and high heeled shoes to the party. Tania thought they looked quite sexy. She felt a bit like Tina’s big sister, and she didn’t mind holding Tina’s hand as they entered through the front door, held open by Gerard.

    You are welcome, sweet princesses, he said kissing their hands.

    Tina giggled as they walked into the living room.

    Gerard lived with his parents in a mansion-like building not so far from their school. In this neighbourhood houses were large, with spacious gardens. Many had swimming-pools, although Gerard’s family didn’t. However, there was much ceiling height and at least three floors.

    Do you live here alone? Tania asked.

    Well, it’s only our family. Mom and dad are away for the weekend, though, so it’s only us now, Gerard said calmly.

    Tania thought he looked quite dashing, and she knew from acting practice that he was very talented. His hair was dark, almost black, and cut short with a long fringe. He was well-built, without being muscular and he was dressed in a dark green shirt and black jeans. When Tania looked over at Tina she noticed that her friend’s mouth was open when she eyed Gerard, and it almost made Tania laugh.

    You think he’s sexy, Gerard? Tania whispered to Tina a bit later.

    Yeah, gorgeous! Tina whispered back.

    They walked together to the dining-room, which was covered in wooden walls and floors and furnished with a large dark teak table. Tania felt a bit lost in the style. She sat down next to Tina while the other couples sat with their partner. Tania had to overcome herself not to feel jealous, but as the conversation started to flow she felt more relaxed. Then, when Gerard chatted her up, she could feel Tina clutching her hand underneath the table.

    After dinner they returned to the living room for drinks and music. Sandra, who played next to Gerard in the Autumn Play, had brought her boyfriend Lucas, and they were dancing to Sade while Gerard and Alice talked to Ashley, a black boy who had a minor role in the play. His girlfriend Raven was in the restroom, and Alice invited Tania and Tina over.

    If you want anything to drink, help yourself, Gerard said at first. Alice pushed him in the side and gave him an ugly look, making Gerard add: Or I’d be happy to serve you. What would you like, sweet Tina? he said.

    Oh, just a coke, the sixteen-year old answered.

    And you, Tania? Gerard persisted.

    Uh, you got any Martini? Dry Martini? Tania said.

    Gerard got the drinks, and when Raven came back Ashley got up to dance with her. Tania could see that Lukas and Sandra had started

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