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I Am Remnant: Discover the POWER to Stand for TRUTH in a Changing Culture
I Am Remnant: Discover the POWER to Stand for TRUTH in a Changing Culture
I Am Remnant: Discover the POWER to Stand for TRUTH in a Changing Culture
Ebook274 pages8 hours

I Am Remnant: Discover the POWER to Stand for TRUTH in a Changing Culture

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About this ebook

Will you be the last one to stand on the promises of God when all the odds are against you?

Will you be the last one to stand in obedience when everyone else has turned away?

Will you be bold enough to declare, “I AM REMNANT”?

Throughout history God has used small, powerful groups who have stayed true to Him to transform culture, government, and even the spiritual climate of a nation. The Bible calls them remnants. Today God continues to set apart men and women who will rise up, speak out, and lead. He is waiting for you.


This is your moment. Time is running out and your voice is needed to transform the world with a message from the throne of God. Like Samuel, you must accept the mantle God has for you. Will you accept the call?
Release dateMar 4, 2014
I Am Remnant: Discover the POWER to Stand for TRUTH in a Changing Culture

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    I Am Remnant - Pat Schatzline

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    I AM REMNANT by Pat Schatzline

    Published by Charisma House

    Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group

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    Lake Mary, Florida 32746

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from The Message: The Bible in Contemporary English, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    Scripture quotations marked AMP are from the Amplified Bible. Old Testament copyright © 1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked ESV are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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    Copyright © 2014 by Pat Schatzline

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    Cover design by Justin Evans

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013920576

    International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62136-576-1

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-62136-577-8

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    I DEDICATE THIS BOOK to my best friend,

    my wife, and my sweetheart, Karen. You

    have always pushed me to dream big and

    trust God. Your purity and passion for Jesus

    have taught me what it means to be remnant.

    You have transformed thousands of

    lives with your messages of hope. You have

    taught our children that they are called to

    live lives that count for Jesus and to walk

    out their destiny with purpose. Thank you

    for believing that together we could change

    a generation. You are my hero! You are the

    wind beneath my wings.



    Foreword by Sean Smith

    Foreword by Jim Raley


    Section I: The Remnant Must Rise

    1 An Open Letter to the Remnant

    2 Are You Remnant?

    3 An Audience of One

    4 The Tangled and Torn Generation

    5 They Were Wrong!

    6 The Massacre of the Innocents

    Section II: The Remnant Must Get Real

    7 The Simeon Cry

    8 Weeping Lions and Roaring Lambs

    9 Are You Like Him?

    10 The Oscar Goes to . . .

    11 The Emotion Commotion

    Section III: The Remnant Is Marked by His Presence

    12 Awaken the Samuels

    13 The Remnant That Goes Higher



    THANK YOU TO my precious kids, Abby, Nate, and Adrienne, for standing with Dad as he takes these seasons to write. I am so proud of you. You are remnant!

    Thank you to my parents, Bishop Patrick and Deb Schatzline, for teaching us the power of standing firm in purity, holiness, and truth.

    Thank you to Pastor Larry Stockstill for writing The Remnant: Restoring the Call to Personal Integrity. That powerful book transformed my life and laid the groundwork for this one. Thank you, pastor, for speaking truth!

    Thank you so much to my assistant, Jamie Kowalski, and Dr. Connie Lawrence not only for helping me organize this vision but also for helping to bring it to life on paper with your hard work. I couldn’t have done it without you!

    To the awesome team of leaders at Mercy Seat Ministries and the Forerunner School of Ministry: Thank you for your hard work and research for this project.

    To Debbie Marrie, Adrienne Gaines, and the entire team at Charisma Media: You guys are awesome. Your hard work and vision inspire me.

    Lastly, I have had the honor of meeting and walking with thousands of leaders all over the world who have made up their minds to be remnant. I want to say thank you to those leaders who are continuing to fight for the truth and are believing God can transform a generation. You are on the front lines every day, ministering life to the hurting and leading with distinction. God has His hands upon you! He has anointed you for such a time as this. Don’t get weary in well doing. Your harvest will greet you in heaven. Let’s turn the world upside down for Jesus! Acts 17:6!


    ARE YOU READY to make history? I mean really, really alter the annals of antiquity? Because it’s on you! The novelist James Baldwin hit it on the head by saying, People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.¹

    I’ve recently come under the conviction that a generation of game-changers are going to emerge that history and heaven will never forget. This remnant will revolutionize their world, demonstrate the kingdom, and usher in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. These forerunners have encoded in their DNA to break the curve set by the masses of people who have previously stepped up to the plate of human history. There are moments, and then there are moments.

    There are defining moments in the history of every nation, and in each generation there are leaders who recognize and seize these opportunities. I believe America is on the threshold of a historic moment. I have been gripped by a promise of end-time awakeners who will be used of God in unprecedented fashion. They will bear the markings of a supernatural lifestyle and a people wholly given over to the Lord. They have reached a desperation point that will not be ignored.

    God always reaches people when they reach the point of desperation. We are a people who have not only lost our nation but have also lost our way. We have laws being written and rewritten that have dismantled virtue, hope, and Christian faith across a generation. As a nation we are the proverbial prop plane that is hopelessly spiraling out of control without any seeming recourse. Legislation, education, and international cooperation cannot and will not pull us out of this nosedive. We desperately need a divine intervention of God, without which the epitaph will read that the plane went down on our watch. We need a holy resuscitation that jump-starts our faith and releases transformative power to our nation. We need a remnant of revivalists who will rise up and take their place.

    It is understood that some things remain dormant in us until they are identified and called out. What is needed is for the trumpet to be blown that will summon this epic group and form their core values. (See 1 Corinthians 14:8.)

    My personal friend and revivalist Pat Schatzline has done just that in this new book. I found myself riveted by this manuscript—not just intrigued but seriously impacted and inspired to step out of the ordinary course of things. I cannot recall a book that I feel is more significant to this next move of the Spirit than the one you hold in your hands. It’s been said, No harm’s done to history by making it something someone would want to read. What you are about to read will be a catalyst to exploits that others will read of you!

    I Am Remnant reminds us there is a move of the Spirit that is underway that will release an inbreaking of the kingdom that will create a new breed of believers—a new standard of Christianity—and cause a fresh expression of the church to rise up. God’s gift to a nation is an emerging company of remnant revivalists who have a prophetic sense of what heaven is desiring to release and who then step into it. This will not happen without hearing the bell and coming to fight. We didn’t start this fight, but we must finish it as heaven puts finishing touches on a masterpiece of redemption through you.

    Pat makes the statement, What you will not fight today will keep you from having authority to confront tomorrow. He then proceeds to give a generation pure, holy nitroglycerin that so explosively ruins the reader for a status quo stroll when a miraculous militant march is urgently needed. This manifesto comes from a seasoned general who has labored for, been broken over, and is a voice to a generation.

    I couldn’t put this book down, and I know you won’t either until you are built into that last-days weaponry that will be God’s secret weapon on culture. I highly recommend I Am Remnant to anyone who wants to see their faith make a difference and the name of Jesus made famous in a generation. Whether you are young or seasoned, this is the book for you as a remnant whom history and heaven now call out!





    GOD ISN’T LOOKING for the biggest and the best, the most gifted or articulate. He is not after the greatest talent or even the most religious. God passionately pursues the willing—those who will remain true to His Word, captured by His love, and bound to His call. Incredibly enough, in the twenty-first century He still seeks what He sought in the time of Malachi: God is seeking a remnant. A remnant is a piece or part of the original. To be part of a remnant means you are radically identified and connected to the authentic.

    This world is desperate to see an authentic church. Sadly, much of the church has far removed itself from the original intent of Jesus. We are called to live our lives in the image of our Savior, but instead many who bear His name look nothing like Him. A remnant church looks and behaves like Jesus. It loves what He loves and hates what He hates. Today the church is often better at entertainment than it is at seeing people endued with power. It is more superficial than supernatural. But make no mistake about it: a remnant church will be a supernatural church. As never before in human history, there is a clear call for the authentic remnant of God to arise.

    Pat Schatzline has responded to a holy mandate to write this book. Open your heart and receive every word. This is surely heaven’s invitation to us all. May we respond and become the radically reconnected remnant God desires and that this generation desperately needs.






    That is the question addressed to you as you journey through this book. Time will tell whether or not you answer yes and choose to stand up and lead.

    I write this book not to lecture you but rather to send forth a clarion call to the true remnant to rise up and lead. I greet you today not as a minister, evangelist, or author but as someone who is simply in love with a Savior and King named Jesus. I say this because so often we assign titles to ourselves to create a legitimacy of voice for our message, when all that really matters is a continual vertical encounter with God and an upward reach for depth of intimacy. God has called us all to realize our potential, which is not found in man’s approval or the cheer of the populace but rather in God’s direct contact with our hearts.

    There is such a stirring in my heart for a supernatural awakening of God’s power to stir all generations in the body of Christ. God has birthed this book in my heart over many seasons of desperation. I believe now is the time to share its message. After all, it was Martin Luther who said, If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.¹

    In the chapters that follow I will share with you the vision God has given me for such a time as this. I will share with you the idea of remnant and ask if you have the remnant calling. We will survey the landscape of our time and see where the remnant needs to rise. You will gain encouragement for the road ahead.

    But before we go all those places together, I want to share with you the remnant manifesto. This manifesto was given to me one day when I went for a walk in preparation to write this book. On that walk I heard the voice of the Lord say, Son, I have a message for you to deliver. Write down what I am about to share with you.

    I feverishly began to take notes on my phone, and I began to weep as God gave me the following mandate for this generation. It is a manifesto for you, and you will see the outworking of this manifesto throughout the book.

    The Remnant Manifesto

    The remnant has found freedom in the arms of a loving Savior who has not only forgiven their past but also now has authority over their future.

    The remnant knows the I Am has now made them His.

    The remnant consists of those who feel like failures—the fatherless, the forgotten, and the freedom fighters—whose pedigree is that of a scarred Savior.

    The remnant rescues the hurting and defends the fatherless.

    The remnant cannot be defined by man’s concepts because they find their value in the eyes of a Savior.

    The remnant has decided that, at all costs, they will not quit on the One who would not quit on them.

    The remnant doesn’t stop where they should have died because they know Jesus didn’t.

    The remnant chooses to let go of past hurts in order to experience the freedom that comes with forgiving and moving forward.

    The remnant chooses to leave a life of compromise for the spirit of consecration.

    The remnant will not be swayed by the wind of compromise, will not stare into the eyes of revenge, and will not seek the approval of the populace.

    The remnant seeks holy justice with a passion for pursuing the fallen asleep with the knowledge of Him who is awakening the dead.

    The remnant seeks to gain nothing but always has everything to give.

    The remnant declares grace with justice, power with meekness, and joy with accountability.

    The remnant has mastered the simple fact that true revival is not a gathering of the saved but a resurrection of the lost.

    The remnant are private worshippers with a public voice who seek only the revelation of God’s kingdom and not their own empire.

    The remnant does not bow to culture but finds culture recreated by their passion for Jesus.

    The remnant walks among lost humanity not screaming insults or provoking slander, but invading with light that which has only known darkness.

    The remnant includes the apostle with worn-out garments, the smiling prophet, the transparent pastor, the weeping missionary, the teacher with tools in hand, and the servant evangelist.

    The remnant understands the fruit of the Spirit is not a salad for a church potluck but rather the diet of a lifetime.

    The remnant knows the gifts of the Spirit are not for the evangelical, charismatic, and Pentecostal talent show but rather are weapons of a dying leader who has chosen spirit over flesh and freedom over slavery.

    The remnant stands on truth until the shifting sand of compromise slides from underneath their feet to reveal the rock of salvation. The remnant does not walk in fear of man’s retribution but rather in fear that man will never know the love of a Savior.

    The remnant always clashes with religion because they know, throughout history, religion has always tried to be the noose around the neck of a Holy Spirit movement.

    The remnant is not a pulpiteer or public speaker but rather a resuscitator of life to those who have lost breath.

    The remnant doesn’t need the stage but rather a place to call home to bring a weary guest.

    The remnant is satisfied at all times because they hunger and thirst after righteousness—and they shall be filled.

    The remnant does not walk in flattering circles but rather in the places where the unknown sojourner must be found.

    The remnant says yes to the cross and no to the applause, yes to the altar and no to arrogance, yes to the covenant and no to worldly concepts.

    The remnant has chosen to be the least of these to the greatest of them.

    The remnant sleeps in peace only when night has dawned in order to strengthen the journey and mission.

    The remnant hides in the shadows of intercession only long enough to embody the burden of restoration.

    The remnant doesn’t mind seclusion, knowing it is where strength is found, as their peace comes from secret encounters and private glances with the heavenly Father.

    The remnant has decided that, at all costs, they will not allow the next generation to speak of the last generation as a group that didn’t want to see God’s glory.

    The remnant is afraid of only one thing: that time will not permit all they feel called by God to do.

    This book is critical to the life of all believers who are ready to go where few have trod. It is time to rescue, revive, and release the warriors. Many will have scars from hurts and pain, but those are turned into God testimonies. In fact, scars are proof of battle!

    One last note: This book has been written as an open letter to those who are called to rise up. I believe you are called to this and that God has an invitation with your name on it. Therefore I open each chapter with a salutation to you, the remnant. If you are called to be remnant, you will heed the words of each chapter and what its teaching requires of you. As Jesus said, Many get invited; only a few make it (Matt. 22:14).

    We must hear a generation young and old shout, I am remnant! Get ready for a new declaration of truth over your life.

    Chapter 1


    So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.

    —ROMANS 11:5, NIV


    This is your moment to rise up and make your mark. Destiny is at your door, and it wants to know what history will say about you. Please realize your freedom requires a response. Are you up for the challenge to prove God right and the devil wrong?

    The remnant has decided that, at all costs, they will not allow the next generation to speak of the last generation as a group that didn’t want to see God’s glory.

    I am calling you out. That’s right! That’s what an open letter is created to do. I am here to remind you that you—yes, you—are an open letter to the world. Psalm 139:16 says, Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. God has laid out your days. You must understand this is your now moment.

    Do you realize you’re not here by chance?

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