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Her Insatiable Appetite
Her Insatiable Appetite
Her Insatiable Appetite
Ebook25 pages24 minutes

Her Insatiable Appetite

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Beth had a secret, a big secret. It was their wedding day, and she needed to tell Stefan, her fiancé, the truth before they were wed. When they first met, she had told Stefan that she was a virgin. That was a lie. But that was the lesser evil of two things about herself that she knew she had to tell him. So, before the wedding service, she confessed her secrets to Stefan. And even when he found out that she had lied to him, and kept secrets about her sexual affliction from him, he stayed by her side, vowing they would solve her “problem” together.

PublisherQuinn Cullen
Release dateFeb 21, 2020
Her Insatiable Appetite

Quinn Cullen

Quinn Cullen is a multi genre author. Her writing includes paranormal romance/erotica, horror and poetry. Her novel, a work in progress and yet to be titled, is a paranormal thriller/romance/erotica tale of love at first sight and a battle between good and evil which takes place in the present, on earth and in the heavens. Her love for her characters, the immortals (including fallen angles and Satan) and mortals alike encourages her to forge ahead with this adventure.Quinn began writing as a young girl, while life as a mother and wife required her to put her writing career on hold she has now many years later returned to her love of the written word.A long time New England resident, Quinn feels fortunate to be living in an area that affords her the privilege of all four seasons, enjoying the fringe benefits of the different climates that each one has to offer. In awe of its overwhelming brute force and mystique, Quinn's favorite place on this wonderful earth is by the ocean.

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    Her Insatiable Appetite - Quinn Cullen




    ( A sexy short read)


    Quinn Cullen

    Copyright © 2020 Quinn Cullen

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9798616906977

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this publication are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise), without the prior written consent of the copyright owner (author). Scanning, uploading, and/or distribution of this book via the internet or via any other means without the written permission of the author (copyright owner) is illegal. Please purchase only authorized copies of this book.

    Her Insatiable Appetite

    Beth paced nervously. Looking at herself in the full-length mirror, tears welled up in her eyes. It was her wedding day, but before the service began, she would have to tell her future husband, Stefan, something significant. She knew she should have told him a long time ago, but she was afraid he would leave her. Standing there in her wedding gown, she was still scared he would end their relationship, but she couldn’t put off telling him. He deserved to know.

    There was a faint knock on the door. Beth, you do know they say it’s bad luck for the groom to see his bride before she walks down the aisle, right?

    I know, but we need to talk now, so please just come in.

    The door opened slowly, and Stefan entered the room backward. Maybe we can have this conversation without me seeing you.

    Beth spun him around. I think it’s best if we talk face to face.

    I was worried about why you insisted on talking to me before the wedding service. Seeing the look on your face, I’m even more worried now, Stefan stuttered,

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