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Letters To The Nation
Letters To The Nation
Letters To The Nation
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Letters To The Nation

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About this ebook

Letters To The Nation is no ordinary book.

This book is a compilation of letters, written for the primary purposes of making lives better, through encouragement, inspiration, sharing knowledge, imparting understanding, provoking thought and stimulating discussion.

This isn’t a book of fiction, drama, thriller, romance, poetry or fantasy. This is a book of life and the same way life can be random, full of surprises, causes you to stop, think, scratch your head and do some introspection, Letters to the Nation will lead you to do the same.

It was not written in a way for you to read right through from cover to cover. You can choose to read the letters in the order they are published; use the table of contents to find your favourite or one with a title that attracts you to it, or simply open the book and which letter is before you, is where you can start.

Letters To The Nation is for everyone and it is my prayer that these letters make your life better the same way it has mine and others.


PublisherCorey Worrell
Release dateFeb 5, 2020
Letters To The Nation

Corey Worrell

COREY WORRELL is a visionary leader, educator and communicator, who is fully committed to inspiring and elevating every person he meets with the gift of being a godly example. He is the Founder of C2J Foundation Inc., Power of 3 Marriage Seminars and the MLB Consultancy. Corey is a satisfied husband of one beautiful wife and the proud father of four amazing children from the one wife, and knows he was created to make lives better.

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    Letters To The Nation - Corey Worrell


    I remember the first time I met Corey Worrell. It was at the 17th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in 2009,from which I walked away feeling quite confident that the future of Barbados was secure and that this outspoken and articulate young man, who was already standing head and shoulders above many of his global peers, was destined for national greatness, or at the very least, political leadership.

    A few years later my mind ran on him again, as my editorial team and I were deciding on a core of new columnists for the Nation newspaper. As editor-in-chief, my number one preoccupation was with giving voice to the concerns of Barbadians from all walks of life, and having the paper reflect the ethnicity and multiplicity of voices evident in the public sphere. So who would be the spokesman for our youth? Who would best give voice to their concerns and be disciplined enough to do so consistently on a weekly basis? Immediately Corey came to mind. In fact, if anyone were to be convinced of my choice it would be him, but I was very sure he was the right person for the job.

    At the time I was not even aware of the depth of his relationship with God, his strong Christian and family values, or even that he had married his college best friend and was expecting his first child at age 28, factors that would only serve to enrich his writing and the overall attractiveness of his weekly column, which was an immediate hit.

    Corey’s writings were underpinned by strong Christian values. Therefore, many of his positions were in line with those of the established Church. However, he didn’t subscribe to any prosperity gospel – as he made clear in at least two of his letters – and he was by no means a mouthpiece for any religious sect.

    On the contrary, his view was at times quite unorthodox and very independent. I still remember my first reaction to one letter headlined, All Should Have Sex (Please see page 63). I wondered aloud, Where is Corey going with this? Does he not know by now we are dealing with a very conservative nation? But so as not to spoil the pleasure of your experience in reading the actual letter, I will only say that in this case, the headline turned out to be an exaggeration of the writer’s viewpoint.

    From the very beginning of this journey, Corey has been honest and forthright about his own shortcomings and human failings, which he uses as teachable moments from which we all could learn. In fact, when I approached him about the column, Corey was the first to admit that his written English was not the best, but I quickly assured that it was my job and the paper’s job to deal with those insecurities and shortcomings, which we did, allowing him to focus on pouring out what was truly inside the mind of a forward thinking and ambitious young Barbadian, who really just needed a medium to share his reservoir of ideas.

    Corey proved to be a fast learner and today, his heartfelt and character-building letters, have proven to be a major source of inspiration not only for his peers, but readers from all walks of life and all over the world. As he selflessly explores the full gamut of emotions experienced during the troughs and valleys of his life, his is a message of hope achievable through Christ.

    As he puts it, Valleys should be seen as necessary processes of preparation for the next level. In order to progress we must go through the process. The lessons learnt and new skills acquired in the valley and while ascending the hill, will prepare us for what awaits us at the top of our new mountain.

    I wish to congratulate Corey on taking the next step in turning his letters into a lasting publication for future generations to enjoy. I am also excited to learn of the next steps in what has been a delightful and cathartic journey for the author of finding his true calling and making a lasting contribution to the global thought process and the national good.

    Well done, Corey!

    Kaymar Jordan

    Editor-in-Chief of The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited in Jamaica


    Making lives better, through encouragement, sharing knowledge, imparting understanding, conveying ideas, provoking thought, stimulating discussion and generating laughter through the means of a column in a newspaper isn’t nothing grand or unusual. It’s quite remarkable though, when the thing you consider a weakness is the very thing God uses to do just that.

    I have been able to achieve all of the above and this is evidenced through the hundreds of emails, social media messages and phone calls I have received. What is quite unique and somewhat unusual is that I have always been a horrible to average English student. I have no formal training or experience as a writer, nor do I have any credentials qualifying me for such a job. I do, however, have transcripts and reports to validate my struggles with written English from as far back as secondary school up to university. The success and accomplishments I have achieved through my articles, letters and other writings, confirm in my heart that God is real and He can use anyone who has a selfless, humble and receptive heart and is willing to work hard.

    In October 2010, I received an unexpected, yet interesting phone call from then editor-in-chief of the Nation Publishing Company, Kaymar Jordan. She asked me if I would be interested in writing a weekly column in the Nation Newspaper. She wanted someone who was young (at that time I was 28) and who was willing to give a youth’s perspective on social issues. I was surprised she chose me to extend this invitation and I immediately asked if she was sure she wanted me. I said I had no experience as a writer and she immediately said she had heard me speak and she was confident I had a lot to offer and would do an excellent job. I also communicated my struggle (at that time) with written English and she basically said, that wasn’t a problem as the editors would sort that out. I submitted my first article, the editors were pleased and I began a new season and journey as a columnist, writing the Thursday weekly column, Awright Den.

    On numerous occasions, I have been asked by readers to send them copies of articles I wrote, sometimes dating back five or six years. I have been stopped in supermarkets, gas stations, bookstores and even by members of the Police

    Force and was asked questions on articles I had written and congratulated on them. I have even been to offices and seen articles cut out and stuck up on bulletin boards and in personal cubicles. Readers have shared with me that they have articles stuck up on their fridge and some have their favourite articles stored in envelops for safe keeping and easy access. Two readers shared that they would cut out the articles and post them to their children living in another country, while another reader shared that she and her work colleagues in the USA would discuss the article during Thursday lunch.

    I remember receiving an email from a lady stating that the article,My Silent Treatment saved her marriage.There are so many other reports I could share.

    Hearing these reports really encouraged me and I purposed in my heart to find an efficient and easy way for readers to be able to access on demand those articles that have meant so much to them. Publishing a book and ebook containing some of the articles was a viable option and today we have the first edition of, Letters To The Nation.

    There were over 300 articles written and this book only comprises 46. In the future, it is my desire to release other editions.


    It feels good to finally have Letters To The Nation to share with the world. It feels better to know that lives will be positively impacted by it. But the greatest feeling of all, is knowing there was a team of people who helped me bring this book from an idea to a reality.

    I must start by thanking my dominion partner, my amazing wife Jodi Worrell. From long discussions on the content of the letters, to advice on the design, to taking full responsibility of our four active and energetic champions, allowing me space and time to think, write, edit and create. Jodi is as important to producing this book as I am. Thank you so much sweets for your sacrifice and support.

    My mother, Nova Worrell and my mother-in-law Cynthia Broomes, were my biggest fans when I wrote the weekly column that led to this book and both cut out almost every article over the seven years and four months for safe keeping. Thank you mommy and moms.

    I would also like to thank:

    Kaymar Jordan, editor-in-chief of The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited in Jamaica for seeing potential in me and giving me the opportunity to write the weekly column that led to this book.

    June Fowler, my mentor since 2005, who coached me in my early months when I started the column in 2010 and who to this date I call to share my crazy ideas with and also to seek advice and guidance. Thank you for your support in seeing this book produced and for your mentorship.

    Paula Richards of Eagles Eyes Editing Services, my editor and proofreader who did an excellent job in editing in a way that preserved my heart, voice and intent for each letter. I recommend her services to anyone who is writing a book.

    Dwayne and Tao Howard of Kainos Creative Studios for their professional advice and guidance on self publishing.

    Kyle Harrison of Digital Mill for his professional photography service and coaching in helping me create the best portraits for the book.

    Editors at the Nation Publishing Company who edited Awright Den over the seven years and four months of its existence.

    Awright Den family (local, regional and international), who represent those readers who purchased the weekly Thursday Nation newspaper just to read the column or who viewed it online.

    A special thank you to all who sent me emails, Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages, called or spoke to me in person to share how much an article touched your life. You inspired me.

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