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Naughty Nicolette's
Naughty Nicolette's
Naughty Nicolette's
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Naughty Nicolette's

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The hottest restaurant in St. Louis has more going on than the customers know...
Famous for its high quality food served by captivatingly attractive waiters, “Nicolette’s” is run by a sex addicted businesswoman who insists on affairs with all her employees. But when she falls for one of her new waiters everyone loses their mind – especially Nicolette.
What will become of her sex centered lifestyle when love is on the table?

Release dateNov 29, 2019
Naughty Nicolette's

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    Book preview

    Naughty Nicolette's - Cookie Lawless



    Cookie Lawless



    © Copyright 2019 Cookie Lawless

    Published by Tenth Street Press 2019

    Cover design by Axel for Tenth Street Press

    ISBN-10: 0-6481676-7-4

    ISBN-13: 978-0-6481676-7-9

    This book is sold on the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold or circulated by any traditional or electronic means, or have any original content contained herein reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher.




    Chapter 1

    You can’t fire me. Jake stepped closer. His pinched face tightened under eyes narrow and mean. His shadow covered her.

    What she had seen in him she could not remember now. Maybe another woman would have flinched. Not her. With a mere glance, Nicolette stepped back and leaned against the mahogany host station and laughed.

    Now, like many times before, he shrank. His six-foot perfect frame, folded in on itself. Tired of his attitude she swept her hand toward the dining room. This is my place. Fine white linen covered wooden tables, silverware, polished to a perfect sheen reflected light filtering through crystal clear wine glasses set out for a new day of service. You’ve been late too many times. You’re getting sloppy.

    Only because of your mind games, he said.

    I was up front with you from the beginning. No strings, no attachment. She grazed her hand over the top of her head and sighed. Your puppy love is on you not me. I never led you on. I am sorry you caught feelings, but that’s no excuse for your lack of work ethic. You don’t show up on time, you barely fulfil your duties once you get here, and you’ve argued with my best guest over nothing.

    Heartless bitch. He unclasped the silver name plate from his suit jacket and threw it at her as he stomped out, punching the door handle on his way.

    Nicolette clenched her fist around the rectangular tag she caught. Jason’s name rang in her ears. Relaxing her fingers, she stared at the engraved letters. Narrowing her eyes, her neck stiffened. She rubbed her eyebrows and marched to the trash can behind the bar. She dropped it in with a sigh. Men come and men go. Her lips twitched.

    Another one?

    Nicolette jumped at the voice behind her. Kayla. She turned and smiled at her daughter, pushing the ugly business with Jake out of her mind. Instant relief and pride filled her. You are too grown up to be my girl. She held out her arms for a hug and eyed Kayla’s conservative cream pant suit. Not even her daughter’s drab fashion sense could dull Nicolette’s excitement at working together. She swallowed every criticism and widened her eyes.

    Hi, Mom. Kayla moved in and barely patted her back before she pulled away and raised an eyebrow.

    What? Nicolette smirked at her.

    Kayla shrugged and shook her head before grabbing a clipboard from one of the racks behind the register. Inventory’s been a little off.

    Inventory’s always a little off. Nicolette smoothed the crimson folds of her mini skirt and brushed her bleach-blonde hair from her face.

    We need to be on top of it.

    I’m always on top of things. Her lips curled.

    Yeeaahh, Kayla’s disapproving tone scratched at Nicolette’s nerves. Her rounded shoulders and crooked features stewed with disapproval.

    I don’t need your censure, young lady. I’m very proud of you, but this is my place. You shouldn’t be parenting me.

    I’m not parenting you, Mom. Just putting my business degree to good use.

    Nicolette put her hands on her hips and searched Kayla’s light brown eyes. They resembled her father’s too much.

    Okay, maybe I am a little worried about you. Kayla sighed.

    Why? Nicolette closed her eyes for a moment, opened them, and grabbed a towel to polish wine glasses behind the bar. This place is more successful than I ever dreamed. It’s home to me. I love it. She stared at the glass in her hand, reached down, and snatched a bottle of pinot noir off the shelf. Pulling out the wine stopper, she tilted the bottle against the glass, and poured until the rim shone red.

    Setting the bottle down, she lifted the wine to her nose and inhaled the rich texture. She fingered the rim as if it were one of her lovers. Mmm, she moaned before taking a long intoxicating sip.

    Mom. This is what I’m talking about. Kayla marched over to her, grabbed the bottle, recorked it, and set it back on the shelf. She slammed her hands on the counter and winkled her forehead like a 1930s stockbroker. How can we make money if you keep wasting stock? And we have a new trainee coming in today. You should be sober for that.

    One glass is fine every once in a while. Nicolette took another drawn out sip. She hated being lectured by a twenty-three-year-old. Hadn’t she been a good mother?

    I worked my ass off to get where I am today. I had to take on two jobs to give you everything. So yeah, I’m going to drink my wine at my place.

    I don’t have time for this. Kayla stepped around her and headed down the back hall. I’ll be in the office, making sure your place stays yours.

    Even now, with my own business, it's not enough. Nicolette rubbed her heels together. It has run fine for the past ten years, six of which you had no stock in. She refused to let her daughter have the last word.

    Chapter 2

    Here we go, Jason mumbled, stepping from his seafoam-green Yaris. He parked at the far end of the loop. He fidgeted with the ends of his sleeves and steadied each step. The walk down Delmar Blvd. would ease him on his first day of work.

    He loved U-City. It held more art and life than anywhere else in Saint Louis. It was the one place where you could mingle with lawyers and panhandlers. Everyone enjoyed the culture of the Loop.

    Crossing the street, he chuckled to himself the familiar holler of a blues singer drifted on the air. The strum of the acoustic guitar prompted Jason to reach into his suit pants pocket and pull out a couple of dollar bills.

    He rarely carried cash anymore, but kept some handy for the performers who made the area livelier. This guy had the best spot. He played on the corner across from the record store, banging out the blues or a few classic rock tunes on his cheap guitar every day.

    Jason nodded as he neared the old singer. He’d never learned the man’s name, just knew his wrinkled face, his dark hands. Jason dropped the money in the open guitar case and sing along.

    You always do me right. The performer shook his long dreads as he spoke between lyrics.

    Keep playing the good stuff. Jason hollered over his shoulder, passing with a smirk.

    All right, all right.

    These exchanges were what drew Jason to apply for a job at Nicolette’s. He wasn’t keen on waiting tables again, but the area itself called to him. The massive tips rumored to come with the position didn’t hurt either.

    He swaggered down the walk, smiled at the ladies passing him outside of the bookstore in flowing sun dresses. Continuing on, he glanced in the window of the tattoo shop and ten steps farther steadied himself as he reached his destination: Nicolette’s.

    The name glinted on the door. It became more than a sensation when it first opened. Jason remembered the girls in high school giggling about it. Even his mom took a night off to explore the wonders of Ladies’ Night. That was the draw.

    He grasped the door handle and pulled it open. Here goes. He swallowed a lump in his throat and entered, trying not to feel small in his custom-tailored suit. Luckily the place had just opened for dinner. At four in the afternoon, the rush wasn’t due for a couple of hours.

    Welcome to Nicolette’s, where every night is ladies’ night.

    Jason eyed the buff waiter standing before him. His suit accentuated his bulging muscles like a second skin, but there was a smile beneath the guy’s warm blue eyes and shaved head. Jason laughed and scratched at his neatly trimmed beard. I think you’ve mistaken me for a guest.

    Nah, bro, just warming up my tones. What do ya think? Sound sexy enough?

    You may wanna draw it out more. Make the night linger so they get all excited.


    No. Jason shook his head, grinning. I have no idea what I’m talking about.

    Eh, we’re here to give the ladies a good time and make some dough. Pretty simple.

    Yeah? Jason scanned the bar, wondering if Kayla would offer some instructions. She had dazzled him during his second interview and scheduled his training.

    I’m Courtney.

    Jason looked back to the host station in front of him. Jason. He extended his hand and they shook over the book lying on the surface Courtney guarded as if he were a bouncer.

    How long you worked here? Jason asked as two women entered behind him, cutting off any reply. He scooted to the side and gestured to Courtney.

    Courtney lowered his voice and leaned forward. Welcome to Nicolette’s, where every night is Ladies’ Night.

    Jason worked to remain silent as Courtney winked and led the giggling women to a raised booth area at the far end of the dining room.

    You got here early. I appreciate a man who’s punctual.

    Jason turned to face a middle-aged woman with the most dazzling dark eyes. They were so brown they had black hues that contrasted with her bright blonde hair as she twirled a wavy strand around her finger.

    It was difficult keeping his gaze fixed on her face. The low-cut blouse revealed luscious breasts and the hike of her skirt were enough to fuel his imagination for days. He inhaled a great breath and worked to keep eye contact. It’s my first day. Need to make a good impression, right?

    The squeal of her laugh tickled his ears. I’m Nicolette, by the way.

    Jason found it difficult to control his features. You’re, Nicolette? I’m Jason. So very glad to finally meet you. His mind went blank under the glow of her presence.

    She didn’t squeeze back when he reached forward to shake, but closed her hands over his and offered a soft pressure.

    My daughter seems very impressed with your resume. You’ve worked in the best restaurants in St. Louis. Nicolette led him beyond the dining room past the bar.

    They slowly entered the hall outside of her office and he shrugged. Not all of them. He widened his eyes and looked out to the open restaurant growing more crowded by the minute. The other wait staff went around catering to their guests, and he glanced back to Nicolette.

    Oh, you’ll fit in here. She bit her lip and eyed his shoulders.

    Jason fidgeted with his belt. Caught himself and instantly rested his hands at his sides. I hope so.

    It gets pretty hectic each night, but being a Monday, and with your experience, I think you’ll be fine.

    Thanks. He followed her into the office and stopped. His gaze fixed on the loveliness that Kayla seemed ignorant of possessing as she typed on the computer. Her commanding posture, but soft hands held him in a trance. Hi, was all he could muster as he struggled to be less obvious.

    She probably has a boyfriend, he told himself, or isn’t looking for a relationship.

    Chapter 3

    Nicolette stretched her arms as high as she could and sighed out loud while Courtney locked the door after the last customers left for the night. The weekend crowd was always generous, which encouraged her to stick around for the first time in over a week. How’d you make out? She slowly lowered her arms and eyed Courtney’s sculpted physique. He had a little extra meat around the middle, but she grew eager to see his chest again, feel it against her body again.

    Like a bandit. He grinned back.

    She slunk over to him and he flicked the overhead lights off. Only the glow of the bar to illuminated them. Nicolette had enjoyed their last after hours’ romp, and her body ached for more.

    It’s been too long. She nuzzled his chin before she lifted her mouth to his.

    Not for lack of trying. He breathed her in and she bit his tongue to shut him up.

    She took his hands in hers and slid them down her sides. He gained control and began to rub his fingers up her thighs. She closed her eyes, gripping his shoulders. Did you miss me? she whispered kissing his neck.

    He nibbled her earlobe, sending a wave of goose bumps over her entire body. Oh, yeah.

    His hands met her pussy with an enveloping massage that warmed her entire body. He stroked her lips and teased her clit. He rubbed further down, reached inside her, and tickled her g-spot. She tried to keep from begging him to throw her onto the nearest table. Her new hire had been so dutiful that she hadn’t had a moment alone with any of the wait staff and she itched for a good pounding.

    Even as confident as she felt with her sexuality and her relationships, she did her best to keep a professional appearance with any of her employees who were not involved in after hour excursions.

    Courtney always seemed to know his place. He often commanded her body and was never beneath bowing to her. The aquamarine glint of Jason’s eyes flitted through Nicolette’s mind. She pushed back the thought of riding him all night. The spark between him and her daughter held enough fire to burn the image out. She determined to keep her distance and focus on the men she could have.

    Courtney knelt before her and hiked up her skirt. She rubbed his hair fuzz and leaned into him as he began to roll his tongue over her clit while sliding his fingers along the inside of her wet lips.

    The rising swell of her breath began to come involuntarily. He pushed a couple of his fingers inside her and worked his hands in sync with his mouth. Oh, that mouth. It made her pulse rush through her entire body; caused her to rock against him. She got so into it she nearly thought she would fall over until he grasped her by the waist and kissed her full on the lips.

    She craved to feel him inside her again. She clung to him and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his body. I want you now, she demanded.

    He carried her over to the closest table and she slid her tongue in his mouth to taste him. He slammed her on the table, hard enough that she gasped, but not too hard. It readied her even more. She reached for his belt and undid it with a sensual urgency.

    Courtney kissed her neck and she unbuttoned his pants. Sliding the zipper down, she reached for his tantalizing dick.

    As soon as she pulled it out, he worked to undo her blouse. She giggled while he fumbled with the buttons, but let out a moan of pleasure when his mouth reached her breasts. Oh my God, I’ve needed this.

    Mmm hmm. He grunted as he pushed inside her.

    Nicolette pressed against him and closed her eyes losing control of her body. The pleasure of letting go and allowing a young hottie to make her feel good was exactly what she needed.

    She grabbed his back, clawed his skin. He went deeper again and again. The heat of his body made her hungry for more. She moved with him, working her hips to match his rhythm. The salt and pepper shakers rattled with them. The linen began to slip, but she pressed her palms down harder.

    He pulled out and slid her off the table. She smirked over her shoulder as he turned her around and entered her from behind. The inviting joy filled her completely and she bent forward, placing her hands on the table while he thrust inside again.

    He reached forward to cup her breasts and she bent her head forward to suck on his knuckles. Harder, she yelled. His dick pushed deeper. It grew rock solid. She dripped with desire and clenched her pussy tight with each pull. She scratched his hands for more. Her body swelled at his touch, ready to burst. The faster he plunged in, the more she grinded against him. She cried out in ecstasy, harmonizing with his deep grunts.

    Oh there. There, there, there, she sang as he hit the spot, moving his hands down to rub her clit. Her spine tingled. Her limbs began to shake. Just as she felt she would explode, he pulsed inside of her. She let go and absorbed each shock.

    She panted as she leaned forward, supporting her weight on the table with her arms.

    You are the best boss ever. Courtney breathed deep.

    Nicolette straightened herself and turned. She allowed her gaze to linger on him as he tucked himself away and did up his pants. Just so long as you keep it to yourself. Remember who’s in charge here. She drew close to him and grabbed his belt, giving it a tug.

    Chapter 4

    You all right, man? Courtney nudged Jason at the bar.

    Jason rubbed his neck as he waited for his drinks. Me? Yeah. I’m good. He stared ahead at Gabby as she mixed up cocktails.

    Courtney sensed the weight of Jason’s stare on him all night, but now he wouldn’t even look at his face.

    Gabby slid a full tray to Jason. I know I’ve been at it for a while, but sloppy drinks never make for happy ladies. They’ll appreciate the wait once they taste my concoctions. She watched Jason with hopeful eyes, but he just took the tray and moved on.

    Courtney leaned in and Gabby set his tray in front of him. Here. She didn’t offer him any of the warmth she extended to Jason. Her gaze glossed over him without notice, and even though he had no interest in her any more, it left him feeling a bit sore.

    He carried his order to the latest table and slowly set a cherry vodka sour in front of a busty brunette. That should taste as good as you look. He winked at her and complimented the other two women she was with as he served them. He leaned in close. What pleasures are your taste buds craving tonight? Phrasing mattered and his choice of words inspired blushes around him.

    Too bad what I want isn’t on the menu. The brunette’s sassy red headed friend licked her lips. Her thirsty gaze drank him up from head to toe.

    "You would be my

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