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To The Stars
To The Stars
To The Stars
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To The Stars

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The Universe was a vast sea of unknowns! Humanity was a spec of dust in this vast sea, an isolated island of life! In this endless sea, mankind was discovered.

The Past - Earth is ravaged in a nuclear and biological war forcing survivors to flee. Colony ships fell into a wormhole landing them in Andromeda and then the Pegasus system.

Today - Years of peace end when they encounter the BrakNar, a warring species. War with the BrakNar ends with mankind victorious.

Mankind's future - would rest on a desperate fight against overwhelming odds, weary from its recent victory over the BrakNar. They would have to fight for their right to exist against the Krang.

Release dateAug 15, 2019
To The Stars

Clayton L McNally

I am a prior owner of a Karate School - East-West Karate of Granby CT. I am ranked at 4th Degree/Dan. I write military Sci Fi / Adventure stories. I have 2 books published in print. I stopped publishing in 2011, did not stop writing. My wife had been diagnosed with cancer and that was more important than publishing. Unfortunately, she passed away and I am trying to move into the digital world. That was our goal for September 2018. I delayed it for 1 year.My books are written so that young kids can read, no sex or bad language. The books are fun to read and even non Sci Fi people have told me they enjoyed reading them.

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    To The Stars - Clayton L McNally

    Galactic Star Force Ship Categories

    Note: There are two different fleets of the Galactic Star Force. The first fleet is used to battle the BrakNar and the Krang (To the Stars – book1). The second fleet was discovered in a secret Shan’Tu military base.

    Galactic Star Force Ship Duties

    General - Each type of ship, from smaller frigate to the largest super dreadnaught, mount massive energy weapons; ThraseRs (long-distance constant energy beam), PulseARs (short distance, machine gun-like with heavy concentration of energy pulses), and a Laser Point-defense system (rapid-fire system to track and destroy incoming missiles or torpedoes). Each ship carries multiple missile launchers and Orb banks. The actual numbers on each vessel remained classified, and the numbers increase by the size.

    AI Super Dreadnaught, there is only one in existence: ‘Freedom.’ Primary scout ship the Galactic Star Force will use to investigate the Universe and lead in battles. Freedom is a heavy weapon.

    AI Super Carrier, there is only one in existence: ‘Heritage.’ Secondary scout ship the Galactic Star Force will use to investigate the Universe and lead in battles. Heritage is a heavy weapon and launch facility.

    Super Dreadnaught, Dreadnaught, Battleships, and Battle Cruiser: Their primary mission is waging war. Super heavy hulls designed to take a lot of weapons fire. Generally, not used for diplomatic purpose unless it requires an impression be made.

    Galactic Star Force Ship Duties

    Heavy Cruiser, Cruiser, and Light Cruiser: Their primary mission is to support exploration and the Diplomatic Corp, but they would also have to support waging war. Large hulls designed to take a lot of weapons fire, but not as much as the ‘Battle’ ready ships. Generally, not sent into areas of known aggression unless as a support ship or part of a small fleet.

    Destroyers and Frigates: Their primary mission is to support scouting and escort duties and support the Diplomatic Corp. They would also have to support waging war. Lighter hulls designed to take a limited amount of weapons fire, not as much as the Cruiser class of ships.

    Carriers, Light Carriers, and Fast Attack Carriers: Their primary mission is to support battles, but from a safe distance with a constant guard of escort ships - destroyers, frigates, and cruisers. They would also have to support waging war. Light to moderate hulls designed to take a limited amount of weapons fire, but not intended to be in the middle of a battle. Due to the nature of their fighters and bombers and the damage they could inflict on the enemy, carriers would often be the target of choice by enemy warships.


    Freedom is a one-of-a-kind super dreadnaught. The unique nature of this ship is in the Artificial Intelligence that becomes complete when a Shan’Tu or Human/Shan’Tu is augmented and bio-neurally linked to the vessel.

    Capable of destroying a planet with its weapons arrays, it utilizes four flight modes:

    • Sub-Light

    - Less than the speed of light, primarily used in intra-solar system travel

    • FTL

    - Faster-Than-Light (up to 2,725 times the speed of light)

    • TransFTLStream

    - Faster-Than-Light (up to 8,039 times the speed of light)

    • Spatial Folding

    - Manipulate Space and Time to instantly move from one part of the Universe to another at over 40,000 times the speed of light



    Heritage is a one-of-a-kind super-heavy carrier. The unusual nature of this ship is in the Artificial Intelligence that becomes complete when a Shan’Tu or Human/Shan’Tu is augmented and bio-neurally linked to the vessel.

    Capable of bringing to a battle hundreds of fighters and bombers and as well as its weapons, it could equal the firepower of a battleship class warship. It utilizes four flight modes:

    • Sub-Light

    - Less than the speed of light, primarily used in intra-solar system travel

    • FTL

    - Faster-Than-Light (up to 2,725 times the speed of light)

    • TransFTLStream

    - Faster-Than-Light (up to 8,039 times the speed of light)

    • Spatial Folding

    - Manipulate Space and Time to instantly move from one part of the Universe to another at over 40,000 times the speed of light


    Freedom - 3 Views

    Heritage - 3 Views

    Faster-Than-Light, TransFTLStream and Fold Speeds

    Estimates of Faster-Than-Light speeds are listed. Velocities are approximated.

    Faster-Than-Light, TransFTLStream and Fold Speeds

    Estimates of Faster-Than-Light speeds are listed. Velocities are approximated.

    Chapter 1 - Into the Night

    There are certain people dispersed and scattered whose customs are different from those of all other people and who do not obey our laws; it is not in our best interest to tolerate them. Let a decree be issued to destroy them.

    Everyday life at Lunar 1 stopped abruptly as all personnel ran to their duty operation stations. The ordinarily quiet Lunar 1 outpost on the Moon erupted with confusion in a flurry of activity. Sirens wailed, red lights flashed, bulkhead doors automatically hissed shut to provide as much hope as possible for survival for its human occupants. Missile launch detected, yelled the computerized voice of Command and Control over the base intercom system.

    General Harmond’s voice exploded over the loudspeaker, Attention all command teams! Report to Command and Control immediately! His was not the usual voice that announced any regular incursions experienced by Lunar 1 from the Block forces on the moon. It was terrific that assaults on their very lives had, over time, come to be considered routine.

    General Harmond did not like to waste the colony team members’ time with trivial matters. He came from a long line of military leaders, most of whom had been graduates of West Point. Under the harsh, artificial light the many medals General Harmond wore, that Harmond had earned during his years of service glistened as Harmond moved. As a military leader, he proved his command abilities against South-Eastern Asia in the South Pacific during World War IV. Due mainly to his strategy, Australia remained part of the Confederation and not Block-controlled people. He had chosen to stand his ground and fight when others suggested retreat. He earned the nickname ‘Granite’ for his perseverance and stubborn determination.

    Lunar 1 had become the pride of the Confederation, a crowning achievement of humankind abilities to overcome the elements. Carved on the surface, and into the moon itself, Lunar 1 became a base of operations for exploration and colonization of the SOL star system. Home to thousands of miners, scientists, colonist, and military, activity was always high with a multitude of functions to be performed. Survival in an environment of low gravity and no atmosphere was challenge enough: living with enemies nearby presented continuous difficulties to Lunar 1.

    Life on Lunar 1 was usually a scientific and mining operation, but wholly under the auspices of the military. Entire families had migrated, and the Moon’s population now was reaching one million people, Block and Confederation. Everything that a family community would require for life - schools, medicine, hydro-farming, etc. - was done to ensure survival if Earth was unable or unwilling to send supplies to the moon. A decent, but small, manufacturing capability was on the surface, the raw materials were abundant enough to expand upon that base should it become necessary. Life on the Moon might be taxing, but families preferred it to Earth. It was almost like the ‘Wild West’ era of expansion that drew people to risk a hostile environment, hoping the payoff would give them a better life. Lunar 1 life was not serene by any means, and usually relatively calm.

    Lunar 1 was under military control as the Earth below was still involved in the global conflict between two mighty forces. Lunar 1’s structures covered miles of the moon, but now a special section rose from the surface into two massive spires that would be temporary. These new buildings were actuality ships - colony ships - under construction for a launch ‘To the Stars.’ The start of these colony ships would give hope for peace and the continued survival of humanity.

    Lunar 1 was almost always in a state of motion or activity. Life on the moon wasn’t the typical nine to five type of job activity. Miners worked the mines in four shifts, processing many ores for resale back on Earth. Mining activity alone left the base in a continual state of the business. The scientific community focused primarily on a single shift, but it frequently was a shift that would last ten or twelve hours. Much could be studied under the conditions of the moon that were either too difficult or expensive to recreate on Earth. The moon base had already seen dozens of medical cures and scientific break-through in technology as well.

    The military presence here was by far the largest contingent of people. Marines and Air Corps were the largest. Several air wings were stationed here as well as a small space naval force. Earth, after all, was at war, and the moon was embroiled in the same battle.

    The standard ‘battle stations’ team arrived at Command and Control first and took their respective places - Radar, Communication, Damage Control, Life Support, and Weapons. Each colonization project stationed on the moon was also required to report to Command and Control. The colony projects had been added to the list of ‘need-to-know’ members of Lunar 1; the very survival of mankind depended on quick answers to stressful situations. Some of those problematic situations involved attacks from the Block moon forces that could, if not stopped, eliminate the Confederation colony efforts to realize a dream. That dream was very near to becoming a reality, a reality of launch within days. This launch would take mankind ‘To the Stars’ in search of a new home and hopefully peace.

    At this time, two colonization projects were nearing completion, Mars and Alpha Centauri. The Confederation leadership had long since decided that two colonization projects should be undertaken. The first colony would be to Mars, but Mars was also home to a Block expeditionary force. This Block forces could one day be expanded and see yet another site for war between the two opposing powers on Earth. It was currently known that the Block also had designed for an expansion of their own Mars facility and sooner or later the conflict on and around Earth would engulf Mars as well. Mars was smart to settle, but it did not provide the answer to a peaceful home for Confederation colonists.

    Alpha Centauri was thought of as the best hope for the successful existence of a hearty breed of Confederation colonists. They would venture into the unknown and carve out a place for humanity among the stars. Intelligence was confident that the Block had no designs on Alpha Centauri. While the risk to colonists might be significant, the potential for peace seemed higher.

    Each colony team had double command teams for it was felt that redundancy in all aspects of the colonization projects would help ensure successful completion of the mission goals. Mission goals were quite simple; the survival of mankind. The simple goal was survival, but not just continuation, they dared to dream of much more. Overwhelming every colonist on both ships was the desire to build a community of peace. Earth would always be a reminder to them of how things could go so wrong when the opportunity was still there for mankind to live in peace and go to the stars as a combined team of explorers. While exploration and colonization would remain a mainstay in each Confederation colony ship, the Mars colony was overshadowed with the ever-present military forces of the Block to contend with.

    Captain Billow, of the Mars team, reached Command and Control first. Bob Billow was a competent and experienced Captain, respected by his side for his consistency and accuracy. His efficiency as a leader could make any team member feel secure. His only failing was his challenge relating to people. He was well respected by the personnel and colonists, but he lacked a personal touch to make them feel entirely comfortable around him.

    Tina Hargrain, commander of the second team, was equally competent and similarly dedicated to the completion of her mission. She excelled in efficiently running the colony project, and the colonists related to her well. When the time came, both command teams would make the journey to Mars. One group would pilot the ship while the other would be suspended in cryogenic chambers in case they were needed. Throughout the building of the vessel and training of the colonists, both Mars command teams were under continual evaluation. Mission Control would announce the final selection of who would be drivers and who would be the passengers of the command teams.

    The final command members arrived at Command and Control within three minutes of being summoned. They took their respective places around the briefing table. Marine guards lined the room, and outside the entrance door stood an unusual number of soldiers. If air could be felt like a weight on your back, it would feel heavy, as if imminent danger loomed. Tension seemed to signal another potential catastrophe might be appearing over the Moon Base Lunar 1 once again. The air felt heavy, almost as if it was laden with particles of dust, making it difficult to breathe.

    Below Lunar 1, Earth had seen countless wars. Currently, World War IV was in a state of dormancy. In the past, conflicts had been defined by moments of an outbreak and finally, conclusion. By contrast, World War IV seemed to have evolved into an ongoing battle that had paused in the fighting for short periods. These lulls in action often lasted a few months - once or twice as long as a year - but no formal ending had ever been signed; no lasting peace was ever maintained.

    General Harmond, Greg Charman, Captain of the second Alpha Centauri command team was the first to speak. He was alarmed by the extra security measures both outside and inside the central control room. On a standard alert, there might be two - maybe four - sentries. Today’s alert saw the hallway and command center lined with over twenty Marines in full combat armor. Why all the extra firepower?

    General Harmond glanced briefly at the Alpha Centauri Captain.

    May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen, he said, turning away from his console. He looked anxious, but not scared. Harmond was a supremely confident leader - a man who inspired calm and reassurance in those with whom he worked. Even with alarms clanging and sirens wailing, his command team moved deliberately, absent the reckless terror lesser soldiers might display. We are currently under a heightened level of security; we are at red alert.

    The red alert could imply any number of things - a breach in the station hull, oxygen reserves being depleted, some damage from space debris, a dignitary of some importance, even an assault on the base. A red alert wasn’t called for just a routine problem; it had to be a matter of great urgency, an item that might jeopardize the Moonbase and both colony projects. No one, especially the General, took for granted any number of potential dangers to the Lunar 1 facility. Great care would be made to ensure the need for a red alert; to invoke red alert was a strain on military and civilian personnel.

    Captain Lee Allan, leader of the second team destined for Alpha Centauri colonization, cleared his throat. General, is the Block launching another raid on the base here?

    This was a logical question anyone might ask who had lived in Lunar 1 for any amount of time, especially considering the numerous incursions against Lunar 1 by Block forces. Captain Allan was not a man shaken into non-action by adversity; his approach to strife was to meet it head-on. His family boasted a long line of military leaders, earth-bound. He had volunteered early on to make the trip to Alpha Centauri. He had met with his relatives, and they believed, as he did, that a member of the Allan household should be part of this project. He was the only single person of the Allan family and the only one who had always looked to the stars, even as a young child. Until the Alpha Centauri colony project, he had thought his calling to space would remain unfulfilled in his life. Colonization of Alpha Centauri presented a dream come true to a man who had all but given up on that dream in his lifetime.

    The Block was always challenging Lunar 1, attempting to sabotage the Confederation’s Mars schedule. The Block’s goal was to get to Mars first and prevent the Confederation team from reaching the planet. If that happened, a battle for the Confederation colonists to land on Mars was sure to ensue. The Confederation colony project was set to launch, and all intelligence indicated that the Block Mars ship couldn’t begin for at least a month or two. A window of even one month would allow the Confederation colony time enough to build the new facility and prepare a defense. If they had to fight their way to the surface, the Confederation colony project might sustain losses that could jeopardize its survival.

    General Harmond looked out across the table with a stern expression demanding that everyone focus their attention upon him. Today there was something more than average in his look. His eyes bore an expression of unusually deep concern.

    Mr. Allan, he said, It is worse than the Block launching an attack on us - at least for the Mars team. The Block has launched their Mars ship, at least a month ahead of schedule. Additionally, they have launched a patrol ship to accompany her. As his words settled over the room, all eyes responded with looks of great pain. Even the Alpha Centauri team winced at the stark reality of what the Mars colony ship would surely have to face.

    Captain Tina Hargrain felt frustrated and angry as she listened and considered the fallout of the General’s unexpected message. Hers was the mission most likely to encounter resistance from the Block. She was not a quitter. She would still move forward and make the best effort she could to bring her ship to a safe landing on Mars, but this news placed her entire project and many lives in harm’s way.

    General, Tina said. It would seem they have finally made known their intentions.

    The General cast his steely gaze her way.

    Yes. It would appear the Block plan is to deny landing on Mars to the Confederation colonists.

    The Block has never much cared for how they destroyed Earth, and now they want to stop us from going into space, Captain Hargrain said, unable to hide her disgust.

    Mars had become a project of Hope, hope for the survival of the Confederation way of life. Too many leaders of the Confederation had all but given up on peace developing on Earth. Their home planet was having trouble supporting its quickly expanding population. Mars offered the vision of humanity, building a future for mankind, a future of peace. Many rumors abounded about the Block plans to also colonize Mars, but it was generally believed that they lacked the resources to mount such a project. The Block had done what most of the ‘think tanks’ of the Confederation thought they couldn’t do.

    Stripped of nearly all her natural resources and bruised from countless wars, Earth was still home to ten billion people. She sheltered a species capable of monumental scientific achievements, and wondrous beauty in art, literature, and music. She also raised this species of beings with the unique capacity to hate beyond reason and to kill quickly.

    Billions of lives were sustained by the ability of Earth to provide food and raw material for sustenance and future growth. But it was a planet reaching its limits of natural resources and was becoming a quickly shrinking space for the growing population. As more and more people populated Earth, more and more acreage of timber was lost to expansion. Soon Earth’s only plant life would be in protected ‘plant’ reserves, like the old game reserves for animals becoming extinct of the past.

    Mankind had covered the land of Earth entirely with monuments built stretching to the sky, miles of high concrete and steel communities. Each village was self-contained, an entire city of hundreds of thousands of people. Home, food, work, and even social life could be found within a town. Life once dotted the actual surface of the planet, now few lived in the smaller communities that chose to avoid the technological centers of mankind. Earth was a technical marvel, as well as a mechanical monster. Opinions varied on that.

    As Earth’s population continued to grow during the twenty-first century, mankind began moving its mountainous homes offshore into the seas. Now even the once pristine oceans sprouted a multitude of artificial islands. Later, the heavens became home to growing populations, as several space stations supporting many thousands were launched into indefinite orbit around Mother Earth. Most of the orbiting stations served a defensive and scientific purpose. Lunar 1 was a little bit of each - the most recent monument to mankind’s constant need for more and more resources to satisfy an insatiable appetite for expansion. Mankind had polluted the world with tons of waste from many different kinds of sources, some even cancer-causing to people. These great cities housed people, animals, and plant life from the ever-hostile environment being created by mankind’s waste.

    Despite the red alert condition, General Harmond could not avoid a moment of reflection. Even though he received many decorations as a career soldier, he abhorred war. Having seen too much of it at too-close proximity, General Harmond loathed the senseless waste of human life. He was forever at odds with the inherent contradictions of humankind; its impressive ability to create - and destroy - with equal zeal. Any species should aspire to achieve its maximum potential; but with mankind, conflict inevitably arose over the remaining resources of Earth. Throughout the millennia during which humanity had existed - just a moment in the life of Earth - wars had blighted the history books of every nation. No matter what one man held, there was always someone else who wanted to take it away. If a conflict didn’t take place over the material property, then it was spawned by different belief systems. The reasons for friction between nations were as numerous as the incidents of wars fought among them. History had always predicted that the ‘current war,’ would be the war to end all future wars.

    General Harmond had studied at West Point and participated in many battles, many were considered the conflict or war that would end all war. He knew all too well, long as differences existed between people there would always be bullies of one kind or another, even ‘bullying’ nations that sought to control their own people. Humanity seemed to revolve around conflict. Out of each battle, mankind grew smarter - or maybe just savvier - and technology improved. Sadly, Harmond knew, the real accomplishment of reaching to the stars had grown out of the many past battles. Before this ‘final frontier’ was tamed, many more battles were likely to be waged.

    The course of Earth’s history was littered with various failed Unions, fractured Alliances and toppled Empires - each composed of different social structures - from the early Greek, Roman and Ottoman Empires, to the more recent German, British, Soviet Coalition and the United States of America. After thousands of years of strife cultures, Earth now supported only two forces on the planet, the Confederation of the Free States and the Eastern Block. The Block and the Confederation co-existed, but far from peacefully. One would think that with only two powers in the world, there would exist less opportunity for conflict, but this was not so. The conflict raged over the remaining safe land areas, the seas, and even space had become a battle zone. Neither superpower proved capable of destroying or controlling the other, much as each would have liked. Each had fashioned beliefs out of ideologies that dominated their respective societies.

    The Eastern Block had grown out of the world’s Asian countries, and its ideology was still based solidly on Communism. In the aftermath of World War III, the Eastern Block had occupied territories from China’s east coast to the North Sea - including all the Scandinavian countries and part of France (up to Eastern Paris) - as well as many of the Mediterranean countries. They were people who felt their destiny was to dominate everyone else on the planet and indoctrinate others into their way of life and ideology. Subjugation was the cornerstone of the belief and their plan for absolute domination over the earth. Their strength was not born of technology as much as by sheer overwhelming numbers. Many underdeveloped or overpopulated countries had fallen in battle before the mighty armies of the Block. Once collapsed, they had joined the Block by coercion.

    The Block’s growth lacked a creative technological aspect, but whatever they lacked in technology, they only stole. Growth came at a high cost to the Block in lost lives. Their armies would sacrifice millions for their victories. They dared not raise the stakes in their desire for conquest of the world. With ‘technologically advanced weapons,’ the Confederation was superior and if pushed might use them.

    No nation had actively chosen to become part of the Block; they merely succumbed to the Block’s overwhelming numbers of soldiers. As a result, the Block could afford to sacrifice millions of conquered territory armies in its conquest for global territories and precious food supplies. For over thirty years, they had overcome by sacrificing life afterlife. Casualties were heavy on both sides, but indeed the Block suffered more heavily. In spite of this, sixty percent of the world’s total population, well over six billion people - were currently citizens of the Eastern Block.

    The Eastern Block was undoubtedly a force to be feared, one entity that pursued full world domination and had the ability and desire to make it happen. Only the Confederation stood in the way of their goal.

    The Confederation of Free States had evolved from the former United States of America. Still based on the U.S. Constitution, it consisted of Canada, Iceland, Greenland, South and Central America, France (south and west of Paris), England, and the Pacific Islands. Even the traditionally autonomous and pioneering Australia had joined. The United States of America grew as a haven for refugees as a response to constant attacks from the Eastern Block on other countries. These nations, wishing to remain free, chose to become partners with the United States. America was viewed as the world’s last hope for democracy, the only country capable of putting a halt to the Block’s many military advances. While the U.S. lacked the bodies to combat the grinding army machine of the Block, America’s technology far exceeded that of its enemy. The U.S. could neutralize advancing Block troops with surgical precision or annihilate Block troops with heavy non-nuclear weapons of destruction.

    The Confederation didn’t just happen. Countries watched as Europe, India and other nations fell like proverbial dominos. They witnessed the total disregard for life the Block demonstrated in taking territory, and the cruelty the Block wielded in controlling the people in their conquered territories. Gradually, most countries realized that a few options remained open to them. While they might have preferred to retain their own sovereignty and stay independent, they also understood it would be unreasonable to expect the U.S. military to fight and die for unaffiliated countries in an extended war. As nation after nation came to the U.S. for support and protection, the Confederation flourished. As it grew, it established its new base of leadership in the well-protected desert of Arizona. The original United States had fifty states; the new Confederation was well over one hundred states.

    The Constitution of the U.S. remained intact - the American people refused any alternative - it survived as a document providing hope to many as it announced to the world ‘we will not surrender.’ It stood for everything that free people could desire. It was hope for all people who genuinely wanted to be free from oppression.

    The Confederation quickly became the best hope for mankind to live in peace. Once again, a fragile peace appeared to be giving way to war. As humanity continuously reached into space, former land and sea battles - destructive and deadly - had been joined by conflicts amid the stars.

    Captain Billow addressed the group; even though he knew there was no reason to state the obvious. As one of the command team making the journey to Mars, he was most concerned with the safety of the colonists.

    Without some sort of protection, the Mars colonists will not stand a chance of surviving, much less for the colony to grow. The Block’s lightly armored patrol ship can lay in wait for us and finish us off before we even try to land. Captain Billows stated a strong concern for the colony ship to face.

    The Mars team voiced a valid concern. It was pointless - even foolhardy - to make an ill-fated attempt. Neglecting such a drastic step from the Block forces was tantamount to suicide.

    Our first concern is to establish a time frame for launching the Mars ship, General Harmond said with a sullen look. The military is prepared to provide for the colonists’ safety. I will address that plan with you after we have determined how soon Mars 1 can launch.

    Captains Hargrain and Billow conferred with each other as well as their respective executive officers.

    General, the Mars ships can deploy in under six hours, Captain Hargrain said. The launch window has already been set and moving the launch time won’t endanger the mission. The remaining supplies can be loaded while pre-flight is taking place; I estimate two to three hours to complete loading. The first day of the journey can be used to secure the colonists into their habitat spaces. Her project was fortunate that a few hours, either way, posed no threat to the colonists’ safety. The Block forces, however, were a different story.

    General Harmond nodded what seemed a relieved approval of their time frame. In due time he would let the crews of both colony ships know what safety options were available to them.

    If we can launch within six hours - with the drives fitted on Mars 1 - arrival in Mars orbit should take place less than one or two hours behind the Block ship. Assuming they believe our ship can’t launch for at least two days, they won’t be expecting us this soon. I will instruct the Marine Reserve unit immediately to assist in the loading of all remaining supplies and colonists. As General Harmond finished speaking, he motioned to Colonel Redgrave to take the floor.

    Colonel Lang Redgrave, the General’s executive assistant, stood to address them, his face showing total confidence. He was known for his subtle genius in planning; the record showed that his proposals had good prospects for success.

    If the window can be shortened between the arrival of the Block’s ship and that of Mars 1, we may be able to exploit an element of surprise. Regardless, Mars 1 will arrive with protection, Colonel Redgrave said.

    What kind of protection? both Hargrain and Billow asked simultaneously. This seemed a valid question, particularly for those who would endanger their lives and the lives of the Mars 1 colonists. Hargrain added, It has to be strong protection for our colonists to have a viable chance of survival.

    Mars 1 has been specially built with one cargo bay set aside for military equipment. Colonel Redgrave directed their attention to a set of schematics on the room’s primary console monitor. An overlay appeared on the screen illustrating a cargo bay within the Mars 1 ship that was off-limits, at least from the colonists’ perspective. Colonel Redgrave knew he had their attention, While many planners have long believed it was overkill to provide the Mars 1 colonists with anything heavier than standard military issue guns, others argued that prudence in these uncertain times made logical sense. Fortunately, General Harmond had the foresight to prepare for aggression from the Block, since they have proven to be very predictable in the past.

    Redgrave added arrogantly, Because the Block command staff members aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. They are predictable. Other uses for this particular cargo bay had been planned. He had personally supervised the stockpiling of a weapons cache that could support a small army for up to a year. He was confident that he had planned for most contingencies of any potential Block attacks once the colonists landed on Mars.

    As the Alpha Centauri 1 (AC1) colony ship contained a similar design, the Alpha Centauri teams were equally curious about the role their vessel’s cargo bay would play. This Alpha Centauri team knew their survival in the unknown was less confident. Thus they would require more extensive and sophisticated defense systems than they had seen to date.

    Exactly what will the cargo bay of AC1 carry? asked Captain Allan. His colonists would potentially encounter higher risk, and the answer to this question could give him a feeling of relief over the uncertainty of surviving a hostile encounter with the Block, or worse yet, the potential of some alien species light-years from Earth attacking the colony.

    In addition to basic standard light armor equipment, Redgrave began, the cargo bay has been designed to carry specially built one-man fighters for interception of potentially hostile aircraft. Even forgetting the Block, we just don’t know what to expect out there. Concerning our colonists’ lives, it was thought that we should err on the side of caution. Redgrave had turned to face Captain Allan. Colonel Dalton can better define your security measures with specific details.

    Mars 1 can hold six StarFire fighters, Colonel Dalton said. His call name was ‘Dynamite,’ and he would command the fighter squadron HiJinks. Although he was currently in charge of base security, he would be making the journey to Mars. His exemplary record during many years of air combat had elevated him to near legend status as a battle strategist. We felt that at minimum, a limited force would be necessary on Mars. We’ve been on Mars long enough to have established habitat and yet no dangerous or threatening life forms have been uncovered. We projected a time when the Block would launch an offensive. As my colleague has correctly pointed out, they are very predictable in their potential for aggression.

    Both colonies would require some level of protection, it stood to reason that the Alpha Centauri team would raise safety questions or concerns.

    What is the fighter contingent on AC1? asked Captain Charman, a member of the second Alpha Centauri team. By now everyone recognized the need for military protection, especially the Alpha Centauri teams. The Alpha Centauri project could be the journey of everyone’s dreams, or it could be a real nightmare. Safety had to be the primary concern. The entire project team had been dedicated to peace.

    Colonel Dalton stood to address the question of AC1’s security contingency. Captain Charman, we plan to take three Flight Squads - a total of eighteen fighters - plus one small patrol vessel. All crew members are volunteers, and their families have already been added to the colonists’ crew.

    One question remained regarding the final authority of the teams. There was a school of thought that no mission could survive with dual command staffs, that one side needed full power while the other would be there to assist.

    General, Captain Randars asked, who is in charge of the mission? Will this be a military or civilian colony?

    General Harmond cleared his throat and thought for a moment. He had received the final crew disposition from Earth Control. He had spent months working with each of the teams and would be the best person to announce the appropriate command structure.

    Command will stay exactly as planned, General Harmond said. The military presence is intended solely for the protection of the civilians, not to lead or control them. At all times the rules of the Constitution will be followed just as if you were still on Earth. The documents under which our Confederation is governed - and which still outlines our values today - will be going with you, along with our code of laws.

    The Constitution was one of Earth’s most important documents, a living document for hope and freedom. A fresh copy had been written just for both colony projects, such that each colony would have guiding principles to provide for a free environment for humanity’s expansion or survival should Earth be cleansed of human life.

    General Harmond could not tell why Captain Randars had asked the question. Was it from the perspective that he and his counterpart, Captain Richards wished to assume command, or did he want the authority to assure command teams and civilians of the colonies’ social blueprint? The truth was that the colonization mission would not become a military mission. The primary captain of each colony mission would assume the role of ‘Governor’ after landing. The second captain would take over as the ranking military/security officer and report directly to the governor.

    General! Colonel Redgrave turned to General Harmond and cleared his throat. Excuse me, sir, radar is tracking a second launch, sir.

    Is it an attack on this base? Harmond stood and strode purposefully from the conference table and went to command. What kind of missile is it?

    The vessel looks like three to four times the size of the Block’s Mars ship, sir Colonel Redgrave responded as he moved to the plot board to ascertain a flight path. Projected trajectory is uh… similar to what the Alpha Centauri team will be taking!

    Captain Allan appeared alarmed at being caught off guard. This news was alarming, to say the least, and bode of potential trouble for the AC1 colony team. All the intelligence in the world didn’t add up to anything if it was wrong. In this case, the intelligence community was grossly mistaken in their recognition of the Block Alpha Centauri project or the Blocks ability to fund it.

    With all of our intelligence, there was no clue the Block had a second ship? Captain Allan asked.

    Apparently not. General Harmond seemed visibly frustrated. It was, after all, his responsibility to supervise and analyze all intelligence. He had speculated privately about the possible existence of such a ship, but Earth Control emphatically assured him that the Block didn’t have the resources to mount simultaneous expeditions. We have only one appropriate response, he said, We must launch AC1 as soon as possible. What is AC1’s earliest launch window?

    Like the Mars team, the Alpha Centauri colonists are ready, Sir, Captain Charman said. The schedules had been coordinated from the beginning to ensure both ships could launch within hours of each other. There had been much speculation that if the Mars ship started that the Block might stage an all-out offensive against Lunar 1.

    It had been determined early on that insufficient resources were available to build additional moon quarters and two ships. Once initial construction of AC1 was complete, the living quarters for the entire team comprised the first section. From that point on the remaining components of AC1 extended to either side of the existing, engines aft and command forward. The living section also contained all the necessary cryogen stations.

    AC1 had been under construction during the same time frame as Mars 1, but with a workforce that was four times larger. All that was left to be done to AC1 was to load the seedlings, animal embryos and all the other remaining supplies that would help in the terraforming process.

    Charman leaned over and spoke quietly to Lee Allan for a moment. General, Charman announced, AC1 can launch within six to seven hours.

    General Harmond nodded his approval, relieved by the possibility of launching sooner than initially planned. He hoped that with the departure of both colony ships, Lunar 1 might settle down into a normal mundane existence on the Moon or, better yet, he might finally return to Earth and help in the war effort.

    It would be especially wise to launch as soon as possible, Colonel Redgrave said. This would be a great time for an assault on Lunar 1 by the Block forces. Mars 1 will launch in four hours, and thirty minutes followed thirty minutes later by AC1. That will shorten the exposure to attack both Colony ships. Survival may depend on launching sooner rather than later. Make it happen faster if possible. Command and Control are being placed in launch mode if you can go earlier, do it.

    Mars, Alpha Centauri and the feeling of hope dominated the thoughts of most people, and yet the fear of attack caused many to continually watch the skies for trouble.

    World War IV had lasted nearly ten years and had resulted in the loss of millions of lives. It was a war that neither side felt it could afford to lose, that neither team could win without sustaining near destruction. Currently, the war was a series of light to moderate battles, with neither side, prepared to escalate and risk potential annihilation of their own society.

    Battles were waged on land, on - and under - the seas, and in space. Small incursions had even been initiated by the Block and stopped by Confederation troops on the Moon. No place in the Sol system was safe from war; even the existing Mars shelters had bullet holes.

    Earth’s skies, which once held a few peaceful space stations, now contained ‘Orbital Forts’ chartered with preventing the other side from reaching the Moon with supplies. Both sides saw the need to move into space and each had established bases on the moon. Space potentially allowed any party that gained an edge to control the other.

    Neither side could allow the other advantage of weapons overhead. A nuclear rain from above would inevitably end the war for one side and probably for both. Mankind had firmly established itself on the Moon, but its presence was motivated by conflict, not science. The Moon seemed destined to remain in the hands of the military, positioned to fight until no one was left.

    In the meantime, the Mars mission was of utmost importance, from both the civilian and military perspectives. On Earth, as in space, new developments in troop movements were closely monitored.

    Confederation Security Advisor Eve St. Lucian entered President Harry Mooreland’s office, followed by the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Chairman of the Military Staff.

    Mr. President, the Block is executing massive fleet deployments around the world, she said. As you know, during the last four months there has been a little significant movement among Block fleets or troops. Now they appear to be initiating massive and unannounced advances!

    The President considered this news from his senior staff as he ushered everyone to the more comfortable couches. Has there been any other activity?

    Troop movements of the Blocks ground forces in Europe have tripled in the last two days, said General Smythe, Chairman of the Military Staff, said as he pulled more information from his briefcase. We have identified at least four Block battalions that have been shifted to Southern Vietnam. This is the single largest movement of ground forces we have seen from the other side.

    President Mooreland turned to the Secretary of Defense. Is it war games? He wanted hard facts, not guesswork. Speculation could lead to war and potentially trigger the annihilation of mankind. That kind of thinking had no place at this meeting. Is this anything out of the ordinary considering the sheer numbers? Should we be alarmed?

    As far as the State Department can determine, these are not war games, sir, Secretary of State Bentley Farnsworth said. In the past, both sides have agreed to inform the other of their intention to conduct war games. We have received no such advisory from the Block, and they haven’t yet responded to our inquiries. Normal channels of communication seem to have been severed.

    Security Advisor St. Lucian looked across the body of

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