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Journey of a Lifetime (1991 - 2010) - A Memoir By Daryl and Heather Bellows
Journey of a Lifetime (1991 - 2010) - A Memoir By Daryl and Heather Bellows
Journey of a Lifetime (1991 - 2010) - A Memoir By Daryl and Heather Bellows
Ebook416 pages2 hours

Journey of a Lifetime (1991 - 2010) - A Memoir By Daryl and Heather Bellows

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About this ebook

This is Book 2 in the Series.


This memoir is a glimpse into Heather and my library (1991 – 2010).  I have authored Heather's memories that she has told me through the years, as to not confuse the reader …and provide a consistent flow.


There is a saying "Can't see the forest for the trees."  That sums up these two decades (my 20's and 30's).  I was so busy trying to be successful for my family, that I neglected to enjoy my family.  Although the hard work did pay some dividends, in hindsight, I could have 'balanced' personal and business life better. 


The primary purpose for these books is to serve as 'memory back-ups' for many funny stories and memories that we really don't want to forget.  Our future …old …decrepit self's' is the targeted audience.  I'm sure when we are old, we will appreciate this little time capsule.


Everyone on this earth has unique experiences, good and bad memories.  This book documents the good memories that are worth remembering.  Heather and I have been fortunate to have experienced quite a few. 


The secondary purpose is to provide something that can be handed down to our children - it is a sort of DNA time-machine for them.  Our children have been the cornerstone in our relationship and much of this memoir clearly centers around them.  I would have loved to have something like this handed down to me from previous generations.


I hope you find enjoyment and laughter during your read.


PublisherDaryl Bellows
Release dateJun 24, 2019
Journey of a Lifetime (1991 - 2010) - A Memoir By Daryl and Heather Bellows

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    Book preview

    Journey of a Lifetime (1991 - 2010) - A Memoir By Daryl and Heather Bellows - Daryl Bellows

    For Hillary, Drew, and Liam

    Table of Contents


    My Army Reserve unit got activated

    Red River Army Depot

    Don’t keep powdered doughnuts under your rack

    Seeing Heather on the weekends

    Driving off the road in Hodgen, OK

    Playing Music with Mike and Ed

    Heather Singing

    The 1971 MGB

    The lead-up to Hillary

    Poteau, OK

    Heather and I get married


    Getting locked in a McDonalds freezer

    Addicted to Nasal Spray

    Gluing carpet to my car’s dashboard

    You’re in the Navy Now! (that was a saying)

    Hillary is born

    San Diego

    Culture Shock

    The saga of the Blue Chevy Sprint

    Changing a head-gasket in a motel room

    Denting up the hood of our car

    Rolling the car into the dealer lot

    Warren saves the day

    El Cajon

    My birthday-cake

    3:16 am

    Postcard from Heather to back home

    Ruining an Apartment

    Tori visits us

    The Toilet Graveyard

    The see-through swimsuit

    Sarah visits us

    Navy work

    All My Children

    The Chloroform incident

    Music that we liked during this time

    Baby Hillary


    Cleaning Freak

    Money was tight

    Friday Nights

    The Filipino stray dog eaters

    Cooking challenges

    The wacky world of El Cajon

    The Guardian Angel

    Mike comes to visit us in San Diego

    Rosarito and Puerto Nuevo

    The Hungry Hunter

    Getting into Computers


    I smell bacon

    We continued with our music

    Attack of the killer geese

    Playing in the snow

    The Rocking Chair

    Jason and Michele

    Twinkle, Twinkle

    Drew comes out of the oven

    Medieval Times

    Favorite food spots

    Hillary locks herself in a room

    Proof that money does not buy happiness

    Introduction to the Marines

    Iwakuni, Japan

    Getting there was NOT easy

    Can I get some privacy?!?!

    I lose Heather and the kids in Tokyo Grand Central!

    We no pay for porn!

    Hillary is a trooper


    What’s wrong with his head???

    Drew’s 1st Birthday

    I’m so hungry I could eat a hamster

    Life on the base

    Where I worked

    Our house

    Drew and My Gas Mask

    Heather broke her toe

    Something on TV that freaked Drew out

    The Chicken Shack

    The melted cheese incident

    Diarrhea song


    Time to wean Drew off the teat

    Drew’s punching bag/toy

    Mr. T and the Easter Egg

    The Pearl Harbor Planning Room

    Daytrips around the Japanese countryside



    Our two-week Japanese camping adventure

    Meeting the local villagers

    Climbing Mt Fuji

    Our tent nearly floated away into the Sea of Japan

    Our time in Japan was an exhausting blur

    Drew, calm down and be quiet


    Dallas, GA

    I’m Ugly!

    Drew at Cracker Barrel

    The Little Booger Who Could

    Caulking, not Cocking

    Boiled Spinach

    Adjusting to civilian life

    Diet Pop

    The black preacher incident

    Daddy, did the waitress just blow her tip?

    The Captain D’s memory

    Stephanie!  Who’s Stephanie?

    The Dalmatian

    Heather’s spanking was a laughing matter

    The Rabbit invasion

    Hillary, the ‘swinger’

    A Tae Kwon Do fail

    The Chinese restaurant

    Where did Drew go?

    Proud of Hillary

    Lion telepathy gone wrong

    Drew messes up some music lyrics

    Little Smokies


    That’s not a monkey!

    The Ricky nightmare

    The shopping-cart disaster

    Oops, I did it again

    The Chicken-rabbit

    Drew and school field trips

    A goat got him good

    Horsing around on the bus

    Angela’s sweet-16 birthday nightmare

    Drew and Hillary were very silly

    Drew moments

    Make a Run for It!

    The bridge in the Florida Keys


    Special Effects

    Prank Christmas gifts

    Angela’s dog poops on Dad’s pillow

    Hillary and Drew and the racetrack

    Rotten Easter Eggs

    Pics around this time

    Jasper, GA

    The Indoor Pool idea

    The Commute to Work

    Pics around this time

    Hillary and The Ring

    Hillary’s walnut prank

    The About Schmidt incident

    Selling Lemonade and Kayaking

    Awkward Silence

    Signature Forgery

    RECON’n Hemlock Trees

    Over Yonder

    Family pic

    Ansley stories

    Shave and take a bath!

    What’s so funny?

    Riley stories

    Throwing her food behind her


    Here Comes the Sun

    The Band Director, Mr. Smith

    Drew’s punishment

    Drew’s loves to aggravate!

    Hillary and New Orleans

    Trick’n the Statue of Liberty


    April Fool’s Joke and the Pyramid

    Embarrassing Heather

    Sassafras Root

    Drew and the ladies

    Butterfly lips

    The trampoline chiropractic technique

    The butt-pants punishment

    Drew was always giving his Mommy lots of affection

    Heather and Hillary loved to watch The Gilmore Girls

    Parental Regret

    Music of the times

    Drew’s Cyclic Vomiting

    PlayStation + Gameboy = Playboy

    Death of a cousin

    Scary ingredients

    Popular Pic

    The day the earth stood still

    Hillary and Drew fought

    The sweater straight jacket

    Hillary and Drew’s home movies

    Pets during this time

    Lucy – Grandma Heather’s Mom (2001)

    Smoky (2004)

    Lilly (2004)

    Abby (2004)

    Sam (2006)

    Princess – Mom, Dad, and Angela’s dog (2006)

    Hummy (2007)

    Charlie (2007)


    Mr Hello (2009)

    Drew, the ventriloquist dummy

    Voice impersonation at Burger King drive-thru

    I try to impress the kids with my Skateboarding skillz

    Drew gets banned from eBay for life

    Drew almost gives Heather a heart attack, twice

    Hilarious Videos

    Drew and Hillary’s favorite movies/shows

    Cute pic from around this timeframe


    Drew locks himself out on the front deck

    Drew is into sports; Hillary is into band

    Grandview Lake

    A ridiculous amount of travel

    Middle-aged Angst (poem)

    No Point (poem)

    Corporate Mischief (poem)

    Funny stories from business trips

    Missed Turn

    Rental Car abuse

    Working in Jamaica – it’s not like you might think!

    Daisy Dukes

    She’s Jamaican me crazy

    Strange Savanah

    The Royal Gorge pee-pee club

    1st class, frozen puke

    Mission Impossible

    Did a steak just fall out of your purse?

    Heather and the kids

    Hillary and Piano Lessons

    Pictionary (I think this was called something else)

    Drew and Skateboarding

    Colorado Springs Vacation

    Golden Bee

    Bishop’s Castle

    We went on some hikes and saw lots of things

    Heather gets chased by a buffalo

    The colon cleanse practical joke

    Northwest Vacation

    Timberline Lodge (The Shinning)

    Possum in the dog-food bag


    Funny story from Talking Rock


    Unbreakable Glasses

    Favorite Vietnamese restaurant


    This mask has been used in so many pranks!

    The Bathroom Cabinet

    Grandma Barbara


    The Others

    Steak ‘n Chunk

    A memorable Anniversary

    Smashing Pumpkins

    My t-shirt with two holes cut out to show my nipples

    Drew’s Poetry

    Where I’m From


    The Mustang

    Drew sings some Coldplay

    Cruise to the Bahamas

    Northeast Vacation

    Drew is admitted as an Adult, Hillary is admitted as a child

    The Itching-Powder and Fart Spray Incident

    My lobster poops on the table

    Beautiful pics of Hillary

    Tighty-whities and pink house-slippers

    Andrew Jackson impersonation fail

    Heather’s Mom gives me a spanking

    Kayaking with Chad

    James comes into our lives

    The Barbershop

    Drew looks like Elvis

    How Liam Came to Be



    This is Book 2 in the Series.

    This memoir is a glimpse into Heather and my library (1991 – 2010).  I have authored Heather’s memories that she has told me through the years, as to not confuse the reader ...and provide a consistent flow.

    There is a saying Can’t see the forest for the trees.  That sums up these two decades (my 20’s and 30’s).  I was so busy trying to be successful for my family, that I neglected to enjoy my family.  Although the hard work did pay some dividends, in hindsight, I could have ‘balanced’ personal and business life better. 

    The primary purpose for these books is to serve as ‘memory back-ups’ for many funny stories and memories that we really don’t want to forget.  Our future ...old ...decrepit self’s’ is the targeted audience.  I’m sure when we are old, we will appreciate this little time capsule.

    Everyone on this earth has unique experiences, good and bad memories.  This book documents the good memories that are worth remembering.  Heather and I have been fortunate to have experienced quite a few. 

    The secondary purpose is to provide something that can be handed down to our children - it is a sort of DNA time-machine for them.  Our children have been the cornerstone in our relationship and much of this memoir clearly centers around them.  I would have loved to have something like this handed down to me from previous generations.

    I hope you find enjoyment and laughter during your read.

    Note: I have included a Table of Contents for ease of use to link straight to the stories. 

    My Army Reserve unit got activated

    Igraduated Supply school and made it back home to Oklahoma in the latter part of 1990.  I enrolled back in college and was all set to start spring classes in January (at NSU).  A call in the middle of the night messed up those plans.  My parents got the call and were upset.  They woke me up and told me that I had an important call from my unit.  My unit (827 th Supply Company, out of Muskogee, OK) was activated for the first Iraq war, Desert Storm! 

    At the time, there was no question, I was going to Iraq.  Reserve units were getting activated left and right and all heading to the middle east.  Our last war had been Vietnam, which was a horrible war and that war was in the back of everyone’s mind.  I wasn’t supposed to get activated.  The reserves were supposed to stay state-side and the regular Army was to go over instead - that’s how things worked in Vietnam!  I joined for the college money! 

    My mother was not happy about this (remember, she lost her first husband in Vietnam).  I wasn’t scared, I was just mad that I was going to be away from Heather ...again!  On the other hand, I was a little excited to see a little conflict.  I was clearly still brainwashed from boot camp.

    Red River Army Depot

    C:\Users\DBELLOWS\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\4676E69B.tmp I ended up not getting sent to Iraq and instead was sent stateside to a place about 15 miles west of Texarkana, TX, called Red River Army Depot (near a little town called New Boston).  I’ve always wondered if the Officers knew this all a long and just wanted to make everyone think they were going to Iraq.

    By the way, I had no idea how to fix that generator pictured above - fake news.

    During the actual conflict, I worked LONG hours, boxing up supplies, driving fork lifts, and other supply warehouse related duties.  I would get off work at 3 a.m.  I still have very good box taping skills!  I apparently did a good job because I received an Army Commendation medal.  I think I got it because I was the only guy that didn’t talk back to the Sergeant first class.

    The city of Texarkana was the closest piece of civilization, and where we would go if we wanted to get away from base.

    Half of the city is in Texas and the other half is in Arkansas.  I remember there was this state-line road where one side of the road was full of sinful establishments and the other side was churches and billboards preaching at the sinful side, across the street.  It was so weird.  I’m not sure if it is still like that.

    There was this whole thing about dry counties back then where you couldn’t buy any alcohol.  Even if you could buy beer, it was watered down with very low alcohol.  It’s like the beer manufacturers made special beer for the bible-belt states back in those days!

    While in Texas, I made a good friend, named Paul Kennedy.  We had worked long hours (3pm to 3am) together and had some deep philosophical discussions, while boxing up stuff to ship over to Iraq.  Sometimes we would go to a nearby Denny’s after work and get a bite to eat before going back to the barracks to crash.

    For instance, Paul taught me this:

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt - Abraham Lincoln

    Unfortunately, I never was able to follow that quote very well.  I think my ADHD has been a challenge in

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