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The Power Bible: Undefeated Edition
The Power Bible: Undefeated Edition
The Power Bible: Undefeated Edition
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The Power Bible: Undefeated Edition

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Undefeated is the 2015 FCA camp theme. We serve a God who has never lost. God is holy. God is mighty. He is UNDEFEATED! The FCA Power Bible is made for competitors on the junior high and youth levels.   Featuring 32 pages of exclusive FCA content, this Bible is full of amazing tools to help equip, encourage, and empower young athletes ages 8-12 to study God's Word. Includes: Daily Meeting material, Camp Devotionals, and the More Than Winning Gospel presentation.  - “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”  - 1 Corinthians 15:57
Release dateJun 1, 2015
The Power Bible: Undefeated Edition

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    The Power Bible - Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    Christian Standard Bible™

    Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009

    by Holman Bible Publishers.

    The text of the Christian Standard Bible™ may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic, or audio) up to and inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses without the written permission of the Publisher, provided that the verses quoted do not account for more than 50 percent of the work in which they are quoted, and provided that a complete book of the Bible is not quoted. Requests for permission are to be directed to and approved in writing by Holman Bible Publishers, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, Tennessee 37234.

    When the Christian Standard Bible™ is quoted, one of the following credit lines must appear on the copyright page or title page of the work:

    Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible™, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible™ and CSB™ are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible™, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible™ and CSB™ are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

    ISBN: 978-1-4336-1694-5

    FCA Power Bible material

    Copyright © 2015 by Fellowship of Christian Athletes Cover design: Scott Richards of Scott Richards Design

    Printed in China

    1 2 3 – 17 16 15




    The Bible is God’s revelation to man. It is the only book that gives us accurate information about God, man’s need, and God’s provision for that need. It provides us with guidance for life and tells us how to receive eternal life. The Bible can do these things because it is God’s inspired Word, inerrant in the original manuscripts.

    The Bible describes God’s dealings with the ancient Jewish people and the early Christian church. It tells us about the great gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who fulfilled Jewish prophecies of the Messiah. It tells us about the salvation He accomplished through His death on the cross, His triumph over death in the resurrection, and His promised return to earth. It is the only book that gives us reliable information about the future, about what will happen to us when we die, and about where history is headed.

    Bible translation is both a science and an art. It is a bridge that brings God’s Word from the ancient world to the world today. In dependence on God to accomplish this sacred task, Holman Bible Publishers presents the Christian Standard Bible [CSB], a new English translation of God’s Word.

    Textual base of the CSB™

    The textual base for the CSB New Testament [NT] is the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th edition, and the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament, 4th corrected edition. The text for the CSB Old Testament [OT] is the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 5th edition. At times, however, the translators have followed an alternative manuscript tradition, disagreeing with the editors of these texts about the original reading.

    In a few places in the NT, square brackets indicate texts that the CSB translation team and most biblical scholars today believe were not part of the original text. However, these texts have been retained in brackets in the CSB because of their undeniable antiquity and their value for tradition and the history of NT interpretation in the church. The CSB uses traditional verse divisions found in most Protestant Bibles.

    Goals of this translation

    The goals of this translation are:

    •  to provide English-speaking people across the world with an accurate, readable Bible in contemporary English

    •  to equip serious Bible students with an accurate translation for personal study, private devotions, and memorization

    •  to give those who love God’s Word a text that has numerous reader helps, is visually attractive on the page, and is appealing when heard

    •  to affirm the authority of Scripture as God’s Word and to champion its absolute truth against social or cultural agendas that would compromise its accuracy

    The name, Christian Standard Bible™, captures these goals: Holman Bible Publishers presents a new Bible translation, for Christian and English-speaking communities, which will be a standard in Bible translations for years to come.

    Why is there a need for another English translation of the Bible?

    There are several good reasons why Holman Bible publishers invested its resources in a modern language translation of the Bible:

    1. Each generation needs a fresh translation of the Bible in its own language.

    The Bible is the world’s most important book, confronting each individual and each culture with issues that affect life, both now and forever. Since each new generation must be introduced to God’s Word in its own language, there will always be a need for new translations such as the Christian Standard Bible. The majority of Bible translations on the market today are revisions of translations from previous generations. The CSB is a new translation for today’s generation.

    2. English, one of the world’s greatest languages, is rapidly changing, and Bible translations must keep in step with those changes.

    English is the first truly global language in history. It is the language of education, business, medicine, travel, research, and the Internet. More than 1.3 billion people around the world speak or read English as a primary or secondary language. The CSB seeks to serve many of those people with a translation they can easily use and understand.

    English is also the world’s most rapidly changing language. The CSB seeks to reflect recent changes in English by using modern punctuation, formatting, and vocabulary, while avoiding slang, regionalisms, or changes made specifically for the sake of political or social agendas. Modern linguistic and semantic advances have been incorporated into the CSB, including modern grammar.

    3. Rapid advances in biblical research provide new data for Bible translators.

    This has been called the information age, a term that accurately describes the field of biblical research. Never before in history has there been as much information about the Bible as there is today—from archaeological discoveries to analysis of ancient manuscripts to years of study and statistical research on individual Bible books. Translations made as recently as 10 or 20 years ago do not reflect many of these advances in biblical research. The translators have taken into consideration as much of this new data as possible.

    4. Advances in computer technology have opened a new door for Bible translation.

    The CSB has used computer technology and telecommunications in its creation perhaps more than any Bible translation in history. Electronic mail was used daily and sometimes hourly for communication and transmission of manuscripts. An advanced Bible software program, Accordance®, was used to create and revise the translation at each step in its production. A developmental copy of the translation itself was used within Accordance to facilitate cross-checking during the translation process—something never done before with a Bible translation.

    History of the CSB

    After several years of preliminary development, Holman Bible Publishers, the oldest Bible publisher in America, assembled an international, interdenominational team of 100 scholars, editors, stylists, and proofreaders, all of whom were committed to biblical inerrancy. Outside consultants and reviewers contributed valuable suggestions from their areas of expertise. An executive team then edited, polished, and reviewed the final manuscripts.

    Features found in the CSB

    In keeping with a long line of Bible publications, the Christian Standard Bible has retained a number of features found in traditional Bibles:

    1. Traditional theological vocabulary (such as justification, sanctification, redemption, etc.) has been retained in the CSB, since such terms have no translation equivalent that adequately communicates their exact meaning.

    2. OT passages quoted in the NT are set in boldface type. OT quotes consisting of two or more lines are block indented.

    3. Traditional spellings of names and places found in most Bibles have been used to make the CSB compatible with most Bible study tools.

    4. Some editions of the CSB will print the words of Christ in red letters to help readers easily locate the spoken words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    5. Nouns and personal pronouns that clearly refer to any person of the Trinity are capitalized.

    6. Certain foreign, geographical, cultural, or ancient words are preceded by a superscripted bullet (•Abba) at their first occurrence in each chapter. These words are listed in alphabetical order at the back of the Bible under the heading CSB Bullet Notes.

    Commonly Used Abbreviations in the CSB™


    // what is god’s standard? //

    The Bible, God’s playbook, states that the standard for being on His team is to:


    Be holy because I am holy.—1 Peter 1:16b


    Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.—Matthew 5:48

    // what is god’s plan? //

    God created us to:


    He said to him, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.Matthew 22:37


    Our Lord and God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You have created all things, and because of Your will they exist and were created. —Revelation 4:11


    [Jesus said,] I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.John 10:10b

    Why is it that we cannot live up to God’s standard of holiness and perfection and fulfill God’s plan for our lives?

    BECAUSE OF . . .

    // what is sin? //

    Sin means missing the mark, falling short of God’s standard. It is not only doing wrong and failing to do what God wants (lying, gossip, losing our temper, lustful thoughts, and so forth), but it is also an attitude of ignoring or rejecting God, which is a result of our sinful nature.

    Indeed, I was guilty when I was born.—Psalm 51:5a

    // who has sinned? //

    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.—Romans 3:23

    // what’s the result of sin? //


    But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God. —Isaiah 59:2a


    For the wages of sin is death.—Romans 6:23a


    Just as it is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment. —Hebrews 9:27

    This illustration shows that God is holy and we are sinful and separated from Him. Man continually tries to reach God through his own efforts (being good, religious activities, philosophy, and so forth) but, while these can be good things, they all fall short of God’s standard.

    All of us have become like something unclean, and all our righteous acts are like a polluted garment. —Isaiah 64:6


    God provided the only way to be on His team by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as the holy and perfect substitute to die in our place.

    // who is jesus christ? //


    [Jesus said,] The Father and I are one.—John 10:30


    The Word [Jesus] was God . . . The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.—John 1:1c,14

    // what has jesus done? //


    God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!—Romans 5:8


    Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve. Then He appeared to over 500 brothers at one time.—1 Corinthians 15:3b–6a


    Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. –John 14:6

    This diagram shows that God has bridged the gap between Himself and man by sending Jesus Christ to die in our place as our substitute. Jesus defeated sin and death and rose from the grave. Yet, it isn’t enough just to know these facts. The following page tells how to become part of God’s team and experience His plan . . .

    Knowing a lot about a sport and talking the game doesn’t make you a member of a team. The same is true in becoming a Christian. It takes more than just knowing about Jesus Christ; it requires a total commitment by faith in Him.

    // faith is not //


    You believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe—and they shudder.—James 2:19


    Raising your hand or repeating a prayer is not enough.

    // faith is //


    Turning to God from sin.

    For godly grief produces a repentance not to be regretted and leading to salvation.—2 Corinthians 7:10a


    Trusting in Christ alone for salvation.

    But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name.—John 1:12


    On which side do you see yourself? Where would you like to be?

    [Jesus said,] I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.—John 5:24

    REalize God is holy and perfect; we are sinners and cannot save ourselves.

    REcognize who Jesus is and what He’s done as our substitute.

    REceive Jesus Christ by faith as Savior and Lord.

    But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name.—John 1:12

    REspond to Jesus Christ in a life of obedience.

    [Jesus said,] If anyone wants to come with me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.—Luke 9:23

    Does God’s plan make sense to you? Are you willing to repent and receive Jesus Christ? If so, express to God your need for Him. Consider the Suggested Prayer of Surrender below. Remember that God is more concerned with your attitude than with the words you say.


    Lord Jesus, I need You. I realize I’m a sinner and I can’t save myself. I need Your forgiveness. I believe that You loved me so much that You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. I repent of my sins and put my faith in You as Savior and Lord. Today, I surrender my life. I am all in Jesus. Take control of my life and help me to follow You in obedience. I love you Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved . . . For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."—Romans 10:9, 13

    If you made a commitment to Christ, or rededicated your life to Christ, FCA wants to know. Please do one of the following so we can help you:

    1. Log onto and record your decision.

    2. Contact us at 1-800-289-0909 or

    3. Contact your local FCA office.

    A.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!—1 Corinthians 15:57

    Open in prayer.

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Handstand Champ

    Form the group into pairs and have each pair do a handstand contest. The winner of that contest pairs up with the winner of one of the other pairs. Continue until there is a final winner.

    // workout //

    Q: Have you ever been on an undefeated team? If so, what was that like? If not, would you like to be? Why?

    Q: When you hear the word undefeated, what goes through your mind?

    Q: Why do you think it is so hard to have an undefeated season in sports?

    Winning a contest is a result that every athlete and coach tries to do. Most accomplish at least one win during a season. It’s fun to work hard in practice, play your best during the game and end up with a victory. But every so often, the win goes farther than that. A special season of competition allows an athlete or coach to achieve a string of wins each week that ends in championship. The competitor goes down into the record books as having never lost a contest . . . a perfect season. They have the rare opportunity to say, I am undefeated!

    We serve a God who has never lost. His string of victories is unmatched. He has dominated the competition throughout history. He is the ultimate competitor with a game plan that cannot be stopped. God is holy. God is mighty. He is UNDEFEATED!

    // Wrap-up //

    Close in prayer.

    P.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    Open in prayer. Ask a student to volunteer.

    // Warm-up //

    Group Activity: Superhero

    Have the campers get into groups of two or three and discuss the following questions:

    Q: If you could be any superhero and have super powers, what would you like to have and why?

    Q: In your opinion, which animal is the best and why?

    Have the campers share their choices with the whole group.

    // workout //

    Game: ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS . . .

    Form the group into pairs. Rock is a fist, Paper is a flat hand, and Scissors are the pointer and middle fingers making snipping motions. Partners shake their fists three times and then show their chosen motion on the count of three. Winning hands are decided as follows: Rock breaks scissors . . . Scissors cuts paper . . . Paper covers rock. Play three or five times. The winner of that contest pairs up with the winner of one of the other pairs. Continue until there is a final champion.

    Read 1 Corinthians 15:57 out loud:

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

    Q: What is your favorite sports team? Have they ever been undefeated?

    Q: What is it you like best about winning a game? How does it make you feel?

    Q: As an athlete, do you expect to win every contest? Why or why not?

    There is something special about being undefeated in a tournament, conference, or season. It is very hard to do! That is what makes God very special. God always wins! We will be looking at four competitors in our lives that will always try to defeat us: Pride, Lies, Fear, and Doubt.

    Humility Wins: Humility Beats Pride

    Key verse: 1 Corinthians 1:31

    Truth Wins: Truth Beats Lies

    Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:6

    Love Wins: Love Beats Fear

    Key Verse: 1 John 4:18–19

    Faith Wins: Faith Beats Doubt

    Key Verse: 1 Timothy 6:12

    Each day, we will see how Jesus Christ has defeated them all and how we can too! Get ready to learn from our undefeated Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on how to win key victories in your life!

    // Wrap-up //

    Everyone join hands and close in prayer. Ask God to help each camper invite God to show them how to make decisions this week that will help them pursue an Undefeated life for God.

    A.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    The one who boasts must boast in the Lord.1 Corinthians 1:31

    Being undefeated in your sport is an awesome goal to try to reach, but it also can cause pride in our lives. Pride can be both good and bad. When a parent is proud of his or her child’s hard work, that is an example of positive pride! But when an athlete only talks about how good he or she is and puts others down, that is negative pride. It’s the selfish kind of pride that can cause problems. It’s easy to give into pride. But how we deal with it can make or break us—in our sport and in our lives.

    Jesus is the perfect example of how we should do everything—including sports. Yet despite His amazing abilities—miracles, a sinless life, resurrection from death—Jesus was never prideful, but showed humility and gave all of the glory to God the Father.

    He showed us that overcoming pride is the first step to being Undefeated!

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Pride vs. Humility

    As athletes, we often have to choose between showing pride or humility. Using the two lists given below, draw a line from each prideful action to its opposite humble action:

    Q: Which things on the pride list have you done?

    Q: What are some things on the humility list that you can work on?

    // workout //

    In Matthew 20:20–28, there’s a story about James and John, two of Jesus’ disciples, and their mother that shows how hard it is to fight pride and choose humility. One day, after a time of teaching, James and John’s mother came to Jesus and made a strange request:

    Promise, she said to Him, that these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right and the other on Your left, in Your kingdom. (v. 21)

    Jesus looked at the brothers who were standing nearby and asked them a question:

    You don’t know what you’re asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink? (v. 22)

    We are able, they said to Him. (v. 22)

    James and John had no idea their response was wrong, so Jesus told them it was not for Him to decide, but rather God the Father. As the other disciples were mad with James and John, Jesus taught them about humility.

    You know that the rulers of the Gentiles dominate them, and the men of high position exercise power over them. It must not be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many. (vv. 25–28)

    Q: What do you think Jesus was trying to say in verses 25–28?

    Q: How can you serve your coaches, teammates, and parents?

    // Wrap-up //

    As athletes, there are many times we can give in to pride. Choosing humility is never the easy thing to do. One of the first steps to defeating pride is admitting that it is in our hearts and that we need God’s help to get rid of it from our lives.

    Using the blank journal page provided, list some things that, as an athlete, can make you prideful and some things that can humble you.

    Q: Name some of the things that can make you prideful as an athlete. Share a story about it.

    Q: Now talk about some of the things that can humble you as an athlete and share a story about it.

    Close in prayer.

    P.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    Open in prayer.

    There are two key points to keep in mind about how humility beats pride:

    • Pride Brings You Down: It might seem like the prideful athletes are the most popular and successful, but the Bible says differently. Read Proverbs 16:18.

    • Humility Lifts You Up: Sometimes people think that humility is weak and keeps people from reaching their goals, but God’s Word tells us that the opposite is true. Read James 4:10.

    // Warm-up //

    Activity: Look Up, Look Down

    Have all the campers stand in a circle with their heads looking down. Then the Huddle Leader yells, look up! All campers must look up at someone else in the circle. They cannot change who they are looking at after they look up. If two people are looking at each other (i.e., make eye contact), they both have to scream. Whoever screams last is eliminated from the circle. If someone screams when they are not making eye contact with anyone, they are also eliminated. The facilitator then says look down and everyone looks down. The facilitator then says look up and the process continues. The game continues until there are only two players left.

    Q: How can looking down make you only focus on yourself? How is that like pride?

    Q: How can looking up make you focus on others? How is that like humility?

    // workout //

    Humility Beats Pride

    There is only one way to defeat pride in our lives. Living out true humility!

    The only way we can know true humility is to look to Jesus Christ’s perfect example. Read Philippians 2:3–8:

    Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross.

    Q: How was Jesus humble?

    You will never understand the importance of humility until you accept the gift of salvation that God has made available to you (John 3:16–17; Romans 5:8). It’s only when you have a relationship with Jesus that you will be able to escape the pride trap.

    If you want to know Jesus personally, turn to page vi and review More Than Winning.

    // Wrap-up //

    Through prayer, ask God to show you where you have pride in your life. Ask the Lord to help you become humble so you can experience the joy in our theme verse:

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!1 Corinthians 15:57

    Close in prayer. Ask for a volunteer to pray.

    A.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. —1 Corinthians 13:6

    Failure happens. Even in an undefeated season, there will be fumbles, interceptions, errors, turnovers, and missed shots. But often in the sports world, failure within a game, a season, or an entire career unfairly dictates how athletes feel about themselves. We sometimes believe that our worth is wrapped up in our performance.

    This couldn’t be further from the truth. And there are many more lies we can believe if we’re not careful. But whether we’re dealing with sports or just everyday life, the Truth of Jesus Christ always overcomes lies and serves as a key component in our quest to being Undefeated!

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Telephone

    Everyone sit in a circle. While seated, pick a player to start. Tell this player the following phrase and then have them whisper, or pass it on, to the person next to them:

    Johnny was a seventh-grader who loved to play basketball but not soccer. His best friend, Josh, played football and tennis. They both liked to run cross-country together.

    Players can only whisper the sentence once, even if the player next to them asks to hear it again. Each player will then whisper it to the next player around the circle. When the final player receives the whisper, they must say what they heard out loud to the whole group. The starting player can then say what the initial phrase was and the group can see how they did and how much the phrase changed!

    Q: Was the phrase easy or difficult to remember and pass on?

    Q: How much did the phrase change at the end? Did you feel pressure to get the phrase correct?

    // workout //

    Kelly Clark

    When snowboarder Kelly Clark took a hard fall at the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics, it may have taken her out of contention for a medal, yet the defending halfpipe gold medalist experienced peace even with the disappointment. That’s because two years earlier, she had found the truth about who she was in Jesus Christ. In 2004 Clark thought about quitting snowboarding. Instead, she met another young lady at a competition who shared God’s love.

    Through this meeting, Clark learned that she had bought into a lie. She was never meant to have her identity wrapped up in snowboarding. She began to understand that she was created to be a child of God and that her identity was found in a relationship with Christ.

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.—1 Corinthians 5:17

    Understanding that truth let Clark have true freedom through her sport. That’s because Clark no longer believed the lie that her self-worth could only be found in athletic success. She could turn all of that pressure to perform over to God.

    At the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Clark was the favorite to win gold, but when her performance was only good enough for the bronze medal, she counted it a blessing. That’s because of the true freedom she now experiences.

    Q: Have you ever felt like your whole life is only focused on your sport? If so, explain what that felt like.

    Q: Read John 8:37. Why is truth so important when it comes to being set free?

    Satan has been lying to mankind since the beginning of time. He was a fallen angel who had tried to be more important than God. After the first man and woman were created, Satan turned into a serpent and convinced them to disobey God (Genesis 3:1–7).

    Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, Satan has been doing his best to keep man away from God. Even Jesus was tempted. In fact, the devil attempted to trick the Son of God into sinful behavior with his lies. Read the story found in Matthew 4:1–11.

    Q: Go back through Matthew 4:1–11 and find the three ways that Satan tried to tempt Jesus.

    Q: How did Jesus respond to each of these temptations? Why do you think His response matters to us?

    // wrap-up // Truth Beats Lies

    Maybe you’ve experienced these lies in your sport or in your personal life. Or maybe you’ve heard some other lies. But here’s the truth: Satan is the father of lies and God is not just the Creator of Truth—He is Truth. Lies are based on hate, while Truth is based in love. Today’s theme verse shows us the difference between the two:

    Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. —1 Corinthians 13:6

    Q: Why do you think Satan wants to separate you from God?

    Q: Do you think it’s hard to believe God’s Word as the Truth? If so, why?

    Close in prayer.

    p.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. —1 Corinthians 13:6

    Open in prayer. Here are a few key points to keep in mind about how truth beats lies:

    • Satan is the father of lies: Satan has created lies and is against people. He will do and say anything within his power to separate you from your Creator.

    • God is Truth: God is Truth and cannot lie. He wants you to believe and embrace the Truth so that you can have a relationship with Him.

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Two Truths and a Lie

    Take volunteers to play this game of lying. The selected individual should tell three things about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is not true. The rest of the group should try to figure out which of the three facts is actually a lie.

    Q: Was it easy or difficult to know the truth from the lies? Explain.

    Q: How good are you at telling whether or not someone is being truthful with you? What factors help you decide what is true and what is untrue?

    // workout //

    Truth Beats Lies

    When Jesus responded to Satan in Matthew 4:1–11, He didn’t argue or take time to think about what His enemy had to say. Instead, Jesus quickly quoted from God’s Word. In just a few short sentences, He demonstrated how to use an unbeatable tool in the fight against Satan’s lies. In Ephesians 6:17, the apostle Paul describes God’s Word as the sword of the Spirit, and in 1 John 2:14, the apostle John tells us that if we have God’s Word in us, you have had victory over the evil one. And in the Gospel of John, Jesus makes the boldest statement of all:

    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.—John 14:6

    Q: Read Ephesians 6:17 and 1 John 2:14. These verses talk about the power that God’s Word gives us. What are some ways that you can use that power to overcome Satan’s lies?

    You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.—John 8:32

    Not only will God’s Truth bring freedom, it will also help us win the battle against Satan’s lies that seek to destroy us. And once we fully put our faith in that Truth, we will take one step closer to being able to experience the victory written about in our theme verse: But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!—1 Corinthians 15:57

    // wrap-up //

    Through prayer, ask God to show you any lies you’re believing and the truth that conquers them. Close in prayer. Ask for a volunteer to pray.

    A.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love. We love because He first loved us.1 John 4:18–19

    Open in prayer.

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Would You Rather?

    Test your fears based on what you would rather do:

    Would you rather skydive from 10,000 feet in the air or scuba dive 1,000 feet into the ocean?

    Would you rather hold a tarantula or hold a python?

    Would you rather give a speech in front of the President or sing in front of a famous recording artist?

    Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or stuck in a small cave?

    Q: What are some common fears that you have (spiders, snakes, heights, deep water, small spaces, public speaking, etc.)?

    Q: What is one of your fears that most people might not know about?

    // workout //

    Some opponents are greater challengers than others. We may enter one competition with confidence while another competition might make us worried. But for all athletes, fear is most likely the biggest competitor of all.

    We can deny it all we want, but we all fear something: failures, losing, getting cut from the team, injuries, rejection, etc. Fear can cause us to play without confidence, make mistakes, quit before the task has been complete, or mentally and physically shut down all together.

    Fear doesn’t stop there. It often creeps into other places in our lives. It keeps us from doing important things like living for Jesus, serving others, speaking out against wrong things, and fulfilling God’s call in our lives.

    Jesus was also tempted to stop short of His mission on Earth, but thankfully He displayed His great love for us and overcame fear as He lived out the perfect Undefeated life!

    // wrap-up //

    Close in prayer. Ask a student to volunteer to pray and ask God to help us not live out of fear but out of love.

    p.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.—Matthew 26:39

    Open in prayer. Ask for a student to volunteer to pray.

    // Warm-up //

    Game: No Fear

    Divide your group into two lines facing each other about 30 feet apart. The leader stands in the middle of the lines and serves as the caller. The leader calls out something about people in the group, such as a color they are wearing, a month they were born in, etc. If the characteristic is true about a participant, they must try to run to the other side without getting tagged by the caller. If someone is tagged, they kneel down where they are tagged and try to tag others who are running by. You can also have tagged players become movable helpers if you choose. Once a call has been made, and everyone who has safely made it to the other side are settled, the caller continues to call out new characteristics. Regardless of the side a player is on, they run to the other side if the item called is true about them. If the leader calls No Fear, everyone standing runs to the opposite side.

    // WORKOUT //

    In Luke 15:11–32, Jesus tells a story about a rich man and his two sons. The younger son was restless and wanted to explore life outside of his home. So he asked his father to give him his inheritance before the time had come. The young man’s father agreed to his son’s request.

    The young man traveled to a distant country and quickly spent all his inheritance. When a famine took over the land, he had nothing and the only work he could find was feeding pigs. He was so hungry that even the pig slop looked good to him. That’s when he came to his senses and returned to his father, where he feared his father would not want him, but hoped he might at least become a hired hand.

    But as the young man approached his father’s home, that fear quickly melted away because from a distance, his father had been watching and waiting for his return. The father ran to his son and hugged him and greeted him with a kiss. Instead of judging his son, the father forgave him, loved him, and threw him a party.

    Q: Have you ever been fearful after making a mistake or a bad decision like the young man? Explain.

    While the story of the Prodigal Son serves as a metaphor for God’s love for us, Jesus demonstrated that same love in a very real and tangible way. Just before He was betrayed by His disciple Judas and taken away by the Roman soldiers, Jesus went with the other disciples to a garden called Gethsemane and asked them to pray with him through the night. But His friends were tired and fell asleep as Jesus fell on His face and cried out to God.

    My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.—Matthew 26:39

    Three times, Jesus prayed that same prayer with such intensity that his sweat became like drops of blood (Luke 22:44). His flesh was gripped with fear over the brutal torture and death that His body was about to go through for our sins. But each time He prayed, He surrendered to God’s plan because of His great love for us.

    Q: What does the story of Jesus in the garden say about how much He loves you?

    Key Training Points

    • Fear is strong: Fear can grip our hearts and stop us from pursuing God’s plan for our lives.

    • God’s love is stronger: God’s love always overcomes fear. Once we fully embrace God’s love, fear’s stronghold is broken and no longer has any place in our lives. We can then achieve whatever dreams He has placed in our hearts. Read Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:9; and Isaiah 41:10.

    Q: Can you think of a time when fear kept you from doing something you knew you were supposed to do?

    Q: Why is getting rid of fear so important when it comes to fulfilling God’s purpose?

    // wrap-up //

    Love Beats Fear

    Talking about overcoming fear is one thing. Actually doing it is completely different. Fear doesn’t just go away. It stays until it gets its way or until something more powerful comes along. Without divine love, Jesus would not have made it to the cross. As Jesus displayed that perfect love for us, He demonstrated what it looks like to overcome fear and gave us the example that we can use whenever fear seeks to shut us down. There is, in fact, no fear that we cannot defeat if we understand the inspired truth that the apostle Paul shares in his writings to the Christians in Rome:

    For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!—Romans 8:38–39

    And when we wholeheartedly believe that to be true, we can take another step towards experiencing the Undefeated life and fulfill the promise found in this week’s key verse:

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!—1 Corinthians 15:57

    Close in prayer. Ask a student to volunteer to pray and ask God for strength to do things for Him and not men.

    A.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    Fight the good fight for the faith; take hold of eternal life that you were called to and have made a good confession about in the presence of many witnesses.1 Timothy 6:12

    Open in prayer.

    It happens to all athletes and every team, even the ones in the middle of an undefeated season. Hard situations happen. Tough challenges get in the way. Setbacks take place. Doubt begins to creep in and tries to take away the confidence that has been built up throughout the season. It’s in those moments when we have a choice to make. Will we allow those obstacles to cause us to fall, or will we rely on our training and build ourselves back up? The same is true in our relationship with God. When hard times come our way, we might be tempted to doubt what we have experienced in Him, but we can rely on our faith that has been built up through reading the Bible, and through remembering what God has already done in our lives. Just like in the other areas we have discussed this week, humility, truth and love, Jesus had faith in the face of doubt and finished His perfect undefeated mission to save the world.

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Faith Walk

    Find an open area and create a path that has some small obstacles such as rocks, small tree branches, shoes, hats, etc. Make a starting line and a finish line, and get a volunteer from the group to walk the path. The first time they walk the path, have them do it with their eyes open. The second time they walk the path, move the items around. Then have the volunteer close his or her eyes and have another volunteer verbally help them navigate around the obstacles and encourage him or her throughout the task. Have the individuals switch places or get other volunteers to give it a try.

    Q: How did it feel to be blindfolded and need another person for direction?

    Q: How did it feel to be the one giving direction and encouragement?

    // workout //

    In Matthew 14, we read about a busy day in the life of Jesus’ ministry. As night came, He told His disciples to get into a boat and travel ahead of Him while He dismissed the crowds of people that had gathered. When the disciples had traveled a mile from land, a violent storm hit and the waves began to rage wildly and toss the boat around. Late into the night, they looked out into the sea and saw someone walking on the water towards them and feared it was a ghost. But as the person came closer, it spoke to them and said, Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid (v. 27).

    Peter recognized Jesus’ voice but was still unsure. So he responded with an unusual request:

    Lord, if it’s You, command me to come to You on the water. (v. 28)

    Come! Jesus said. (v. 29)

    Peter climbed out of the boat and started walking on the water toward Jesus. His faith was getting stronger with every step. But then Peter became distracted by the strong winds and pounding waves. Fear and doubt overtook him and he started to sink.

    Lord, save me (v. 30)

    Jesus immediately reached out and caught Peter and saved him from drowning in the deep waters. But then He had a question for Peter:

    You of little faith, why did you doubt? (v. 31)

    This was an interesting event in Jesus’ ministry. These men had followed the Son of God for three years, yet at times still did not understand who He was and what He was able to do in their lives. In Peter’s story, he at first had faith, but then allowed doubt to enter his heart because of the danger that surrounded him.

    Q: Have you ever had a situation like Peter’s where you had a hard time having faith because of some problems or hard times in your life?

    Q: Why do you think it is sometimes easy to go from a place of strong faith and believing to a place of doubt?

    // wrap-up //

    Close in prayer. Ask for a camper to volunteer to pray and ask God to help each camper have undefeated faith.

    p.M. Huddle

    // WELCOME //

    Open in prayer. Ask for a camper to volunteer to pray.

    // Warm-up //

    Game: Trust Fall

    One person will need to be the faller. Have campers line up facing each other with their arms outstretched and interlaced; they will be the catchers. The faller will need to get in ready position with his or her back to the two lines. When the faller says ready, the catchers need to echo ready signaling that they are ready to catch the faller (make sure to practice these verbal cues a few times before actually having the faller fall and the catchers catch). The faller will then fall back onto the outstretched arms behind him or her. Rotate until everyone has a chance to be the faller.

    Q: How did you feel before you fell backwards? Were you scared that the catchers wouldn’t catch you?

    // workout //

    As athletes, it doesn’t take much to make us feel less confident. The same is true in our relationship with God. When we first make the decision to follow God, our faith is very strong and we have great confidence in what the Lord has done and will do in our lives. But over time, Satan uses doubt to try to make a gap between us and God that weakens our faith in Him.

    It’s in those times when we should remember the words from King Solomon, the world’s wisest man:

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. —Proverbs 3:5–6

    When we try to figure things out on our own, we will always walk away from hard situations confused and with doubts. But when we rest on God’s Word and trust that He has a plan for our lives, we can have confidence in Him and move past our doubts and walk out the life of faith that brings purpose and fulfillment.

    Q: Read Jeremiah 29:11. How might believing that God has a plan for your life help defeat your doubts and strengthen your faith in Him?

    Key Training Points

    • Faith Comes Through the Word: God’s Word is full of great stories and powerful promises that can build up our faith. Read Romans 10:17.

    • Faith Comes Through Prayer: One of the most important faith steps is bringing our requests before God in prayer and trusting that He will come through for us. Read 1 John 5:14–15.

    • Faith Comes Through Perseverance: Going through hard struggles will give you strength for any future battles that might come your way. Read 1 Peter 1:6–7.

    Q: Which of these key training points have you not used? How will they help you defeat any doubt in your life?

    // wrap-up //

    In the life of Jesus, we see what it looks like to beat doubt with the power of faith. He lived the perfect life of faith every day and taught His disciples about God’s Word, prayer, and testimony.

    Like Peter, it’s easy to become distracted in our daily walk with God. Satan uses the things to create doubt in our hearts and minds. Satan knows that doubt, when not dealt with, can weaken our faith, make us less powerful followers of Christ, and distract us from the purpose God has for us. But the only influence Satan has in our lives is what we allow him to have. Because of our relationship with Jesus, we have access to a power that cannot be beat, no matter how hard the situation becomes.

    You are from God, little children, and you have conquered (the world), because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.—1 John 4:4

    Q: What are some ways that you can keep Satan from having influence on your life?

    It’s time to live the UNDEFEATED life through Jesus Christ!

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!—1 Corinthians 15:57

    Close in prayer.

    Power Boost 1: Obedience Kristy Makris


    . . . the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.—Exodus 40:34


    No matter what level of sports they play in, athletes want to win a championship. They all want the high of that moment, the fame, the roar of the fans. While many athletes want the glory of being a champion, most forget it takes thousands of hours, many years, and a focus on the goal.

    In Exodus 25:8, God told the Israelites that He wanted to dwell with them, and He gave Moses instructions on how to build His tabernacle. In Exodus 35–39, the people did just as Moses commanded. They built the necessary parts: the ark, table, lampstand, altar of incense, altar of burnt offering, basin, courtyard, tools, and priestly clothes. They worked until the job was finished. Every day they experienced the details of obedience. Every decision counted; every effort was important. They worked so that they would see God’s glory.

    Our sports can help us picture our spiritual life. Just as we want be champions in our sport, our goal as Christians is to be spiritual champions too. We want to experience something big, but are we doing the details of obedience to get there? The Israelites did it, but the reward was the God dwelling among them!


    1. What sports goals have you set? How do you reach those goals?

    2. What are some of your spiritual goals? How can you reach those goals?

    WORKOUT: Psalm 57:5; John 5:44; Colossians 3:23–24


    Lord, help me to do what You want me to do today so that I will be ready for tomorrow. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Power Boost 2: Humility Wins Jimmy Page


    Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.—Luke 18:14b


    When Herb Brooks, coach of the 1980 US Olympic hockey team that won the gold, was picking the roster, he wasn’t looking for the best players. He was looking for the right players. He needed players who weren’t selfish, but those who would work for something bigger than themselves.

    Herb lived humility. But humility in sports today is gone. But Jesus shows us a different way. He was not only the best player, He was the right player. He was God. He had every right to be bigheaded. Instead, He gave up heaven, humbled Himself by living as a man among us, and He paid for our sins so that by faith we could have a relationship with God and live with Him forever. Humility doesn’t want the spotlight. Instead, it serves and cares about others. It’s not just words. It’s actions and attitudes too. More important, humility comes from the heart and the mind. The humble athlete makes others around them better and celebrates their success. They do good deeds no one else sees. They are thankful.

    You might just be the best player. But are you the right player? Do you give God the glory? Humility beats pride every time. Humility always wins!


    1. Do you want the spotlight or do you sacrifice and serve?

    2. What can you do to be humble like Jesus?

    3. How can you show humility to your teammates, coaches, officials, and opponents?

    WORKOUT: 1 Corinthians 1:31; Philippians 2:3–11; 1 Peter 5:5

    OVERTIME: Luke 18:9–14

    God, help me be a humble athlete who serves and sacrifices to make others better. Amen.

    Power Boost 3: Truth Wins Sarah Roberts


    Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. —1 Corinthians 13:6


    In August 2013, four football players went shopping at a store in Wayne, New Jersey. After spending several minutes trying to find the store clerk, two of the players who needed sunglasses and batteries were caught on store security cameras leaving money at the counter. The football team hadn’t had a winning season in over 20 years, yet their names weren’t in the news for what they did on the field, but for the honesty they showed off the field.

    Unlike this story, we hear many stories of cheating and dishonesty in sports. Coach John Wooden said, Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. Truth and honesty are hard to find, but important. The Bible says in John 8:32, You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. To know the truth is to know Jesus. And this truth sets us free from the lies of this world.

    The world may say, You are not good enough. Jesus says, With God all things are possible.

    The world may say, Your weaknesses are too many. Jesus says, In your weakness I am strong.

    The world may say, You are worthless. Jesus says, While you were still sinners, I died for you.

    Know God. Know Truth. No God. No Truth.

    GO: Psalm 26:3; John 1:14; John 14:6


    Lord, help me listen to Your Truth. I want to know the Truth, so help me to know You. Amen.

    Power Boost 4: Love Wins Silas Mullis


    There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love. We love because He first loved us.—1 John 4:18–19


    Whatever your sport is, there is an extra opponent that can hold you back from being the best you can be. It does not care how good you are or how much you’ve won. This opponent is called fear. But where does this fear come from? The source of fear comes from inside you. Many times fear isn’t needed and it is caused by sin.

    This is why John explains that where there is love, there is no fear. He is not referring to the healthy fears, such as respect for God. Instead, John is talking about the unhealthy fear of being afraid of God since God is love. This kind of fear causes guilt, but the love of God unites you to God and you with others.

    Understanding and responding to God in love lets you see God’s love for you and who you really are . . . God’s child! Then playing sports becomes an opportunity to show your love for God, for your teammates and for your opponents. Loving God gives you the strength to overcome any fear from your mind and heart when you play or compete.


    1. Has fear ever caused you to not play the best during a game or competition?

    2. What is the cause of this fear?

    3. Are you willing to give your fear to God and grow in His love for you?

    WORKOUT: 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:28; John 15:11–13


    Lord God, help me to grow in your love so I can love others and honor You in all I do. Amen.

    Power Boost 5: Faith Wins Rex Stump


    ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ Jesus answered. ‘This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him.’—John 9:3


    In sports, only a few teams have winning records and win championships each year. While these teams win, other teams have bad days and tough losses. So where is God? One day Jesus and His disciples met a man who was born blind. Thinking his blindness was caused by sin, the disciples asked Jesus if the man or his parents had done something wrong. But Jesus told them that no one’s sin caused the blindness. He reminded them that God was at work. The man was born blind so God’s power could be shown through him. Jesus healed the man! What appeared to be something bad became something incredible!

    Why do athletes fail? I don’t know the answer. But I do know that even in loss, God can use a bad thing to display His power. His power is shown when we choose to have a good attitude and keep trying. God is shown when we are good sports. He’s glorified when we encourage our teammates during a loss. Life and sports don’t always make sense. Sometimes we win; sometimes we lose. But when we let God lead our actions and attitudes—even in bad moments—we can trust that He’ll turn something bad into something incredible.


    1. What’s your attitude when you have a bad day in sports?

    2. When have you

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