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Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side
Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side
Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side
Ebook294 pages4 hours

Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

An original and scientifically rigorous exploration of the darkest recesses of the human mind.

What is it about evil that we find so compelling? From our obsession with serial killers to violence in pop culture, we seem inescapably drawn to the stories of monstrous acts and the aberrant people who commit them.

But evil, Dr. Julia Shaw argues, is all relative, rooted in our unique cultures. What one may consider normal, like sex before marriage, eating meat or being a banker, others may find abhorrent. And if evil is only in the eye of the beholder, can it be said to exist at all?

In Evil, Dr. Shaw uses case studies from academia, examples from popular culture and anecdotes from everyday life to break down complex information and concepts such as the neuroscience of evil, the psychology of bloodlust and workplace misbehaviour. In grappling with thorny dilemmas--from "Would I kill baby Hitler?" to "Why do I want to murder my spouse?"--Dr. Shaw offers readers a better understanding of the world, ourselves and our Google search histories.
Release dateFeb 12, 2019

Julia Shaw

Julia Shaw is a senior lecturer in criminology and psychology at London South Bank University. Born in Germany and raised in Canada, she has a MS in psychology and law and a PhD in psychology from the University of British Columbia. She is a regular contributor to ScientificAmerican and DerSpiegel.

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Reviews for Evil

Rating: 3.655172386206896 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I truly enjoy when a book makes me look at something from an entirely different angle. I may still not agree with the point, but I'll always appreciate the view.

    This book does that.

    I know another reviewer took exception to the fact that the author tries to humanize pedophiles. Trust me, I'm the first one to get angry at anyone that preys on children, but I feel the reviewer got lost in their own feelings and didn't completely catch the point the author made. And no, she's not sympathetic toward pedophiles any more than she's sympathetic to rapists and murderers. Not at all.

    And that's what I mean...the author just takes you down a different path of understanding, to determine what, exactly, is evil.

    And I, for one, appreciated it. Great, thought-provoking, discussion-provoking book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting and accesible work, asking the question "What is Evil"? The author confronts our comfortable conviction trhat only Other People can be evil - and looks at the ease with which we, too, excuse our own actions. From people "ignoring" someone in distress; "just following orders" (to commit atrocities with a clean conscience)...or swayed by money or desire into unconscionable actions. How Groupthink can cause a kind of mass psychosis Dehumanising people allows us to mistreat them as lesser beings.. How we ward off scary thoughts by blaming the victim ("she only got raped because of her behavior- it wouldnt happen to someone like me!". Internet trolls; paedophiles; "creepy" types (what even IS "creepy"?)...She concludes that we should "top calling people or behaviors or events "evil". It ignores the important nuances of the underlying behaviors."Well written.