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A B C of Saving and Investing
A B C of Saving and Investing
A B C of Saving and Investing
Ebook173 pages1 hour

A B C of Saving and Investing

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About this ebook

The majority of people will go on with their lives working hard to make a living, only a small minority will ever design a life. That is precisely what this book is going to show you how to do. You will learn about where and how your hard earned money disappears, and ways you can recapture it without compromising your quality of life. You would learn when to stop working hard for the money, and when your money should start working hard for you. Get this book now; you will never look at wealth the same way again.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateDec 27, 2013
A B C of Saving and Investing

Dr. Gyath Alhusseini

It is not so often you meet a person who has the innate entrepreneurial spirit mixed with the academic knowledge and the ability to negotiate profitable deals like a merchant out of a Silk Road caravan. The author has spent the past 25 years perfecting the art of investment. From selling Real Estate in New York City, to trading in stocks and commodities, to investing in art and antiques, he has mastered the skills of spotting and capturing profitable opportunities with great precision.

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    A B C of Saving and Investing - Dr. Gyath Alhusseini

    Copyright © 2014 by Dr. Gyath Alhusseini.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4931-3242-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4931-3241-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 12/20/2013

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    Chapter 1

    The Big Picture

    —The Economy and National Debt

    —Your Savings.

    —How Safe?

    Chapter 2



    —The REAL" term: INFLATION

    —Inflation in America.

    —Inflation Around the World.

    —What of Those Who Did Not Know?

    Chapter 3

    The Middle Class

    —Life in the Middle.

    —Who Swindles the Paycheck

    —Planned Obsolescence

    —How Frugal.

    —Retirement On Social Security.

    —Effect On Investment.

    Chapter 4

    The Future

    —From a Producing Society Into a Consuming One.

    —Paying Off the National Debt.

    —Investment and the Future.

    —Real Estate, Inflation and the Future.

    Chapter 5

    Your Plan of Action

    —What Is It All About?

    —The Power of Leverage.

    —My Personal Experience

    —My first attempt

    —Income/Equity Accumulation By the Numbers

    —Other People’s Money (Opm)

    —Your Employment

    —Your Self employment.

    —Your Best Friends Bankers, Creditors

    And Private Mortgagees.

    Chapter 6

    Safest Properties to Invest In

    —Getting To Know the Real Estate Market.

    Best and Safest Property to Buy

    —Buying your first property

    —Making the offer

    —Go to Settlement.

    Chapter 7

    Managing Your Investment

    —By Yourself:

    Chapter 8

    Repeat the Above 9 More Times

    —Performance Evaluation

    —Having Fun

    Reality is nothing but a stretch of our imagination.

    Everything that ever happens to us during our lives, regardless how significant or insignificant, will have an impact or an impression which gives our lives a different direction.

    We must never ever take anyone or anything for granted.

    Everything in life is a cause and effect, a small stone throne into a vast lake could never sink without leaving its rippling effect on the surface.

    There is nothing so bad that something good would not come out of it.

    If you can dream it, you can achieve it. If you could not achieve it, you don’t really want it bad enough.

    Life is a journey and not a destination, so do your best and enjoy the ride.

    What is this All About?

    Whether you are a baby boomer or a member of Generation X, you deserve to be proud of yourself. You have just taken the first step toward building the most formidable financial future for you and your family. How do I know… ? You have just acquired this book and are about to read it.

    The mere fact that this book has aroused your curiosity identifies you as a knowledge seeker. Make no mistake: seeking knowledge is THE FIRST STEP to accomplishing whatever goals or dreams you may have.

    If you were about to make any type of assumption in regard to the nature of this text, do yourself a favor: DO NOT! For it is known that ASSUMPTION IS THE LOWEST LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE!

    Throughout the pages of this book, I will present information to you that is not only going to be vital to your pursuit of happiness, but it is also going to be critical to your future financial survival.

    I will walk you step by step along a realistic and safe path that will show you how to protect your hard-earned dollars. You will learn to protect yourself from the inevitable HYPER INFLATION which will, no doubt, render your savings absolutely worthless. I will also show you how to liberate yourself from the enslavement of a salaried employment, by taking control of your own finances. How can you consolidate your long years of struggle into a mere ten-year plan execution?

    Yes, you read it right. Ten years of commitment to a plan that is neither infeasible nor impossible to accomplish. All that is required of you to execute the plan is the willingness to succeed and the passionate commitment to follow through with it.

    Chapter 1

    The Big Picture

    —The Economy and National Debt

    When this book was originally published in 1998 the U.S.A national debt was 5 Trillion Dollars. At that time many readers thought I was exaggerating the outcome of such an economic misconduct.

    In October 2013 the U.S Federal government had to shut down and sent their employees home due to a simply reason, NO MORE CASH IN THE VOLT to pay federal employees.

    By the time this book reaches you, valued reader, the US government will have accumulated more than 17 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt… !! If you sense that this number challenges your ability to comprehend, allow me to illustrate:

    First, the physical space that a trillion dollar would occupy is equivalent to $1000 bills stacked on top of one another, for a height of over 62 vertical miles skyward. The government managed to accumulate 17 of those stacks, and that is only what is considered to be on budget. The number reaches to a much higher level when we include the off budget figures.

    For every one dollar the government collects as revenue in the form of taxes through the IRS, it spends one dollar and eighty two cents.

    The money that the social security administration collects from the American people, for the American people, is instantly loaned to the federal government. Instead of actual money, the social security fund is nothing but stacks of IOU’s signed by the Federal Reserve Bank.

    —Why should it all matter to you… ?

    WELL… once you grasp the idea that you and the federal government are inseparable, you will then realize that you are going to have to share the burden of paying off the debt one way or another.

    Losing your job, facing an astronomical increase in your taxes, or surviving the only and most likely solution to be implemented by the government which is HYPER INFLATION, are only some forms by which you will have to pay back the national debt.

    —Your Savings.

    When it comes to accomplishing financial security, the methods are countless but the choice is yours.

    Saving, hording, frugality, economizing, as well as risking, investing, leveraging, accumulating and multiplying are all strategies of generating monetary gain. This book will only deal with the legal, honest and, most importantly, REAL ways. We are going to focus on one area which millions of Americans have yet to recognize.

    Stop wasting your time trying to nickel and dime everything, while loosing track of the big money slipping through your fingers.

    If frugal people were to exert similar efforts in creating wealth as they do in clipping coupons, the difference they would make in their earnings could be astounding.

    —How Safe?

    The FDIC is an agency that was created to protect the depositor’s hard earned savings. According to the latest figures, the agency possesses no more than forty cents for every $100 it insures. According to government figures, there are over 450 banks on the insolvency list, 20 of which are the largest banks in the country. All it would take for the entire banking community to collapse is for one or two of the major banks to be exposed. Consider the case in which a rumor is heard on one of the major networks that XYZ Bank has just lost a billion dollars in a sour overseas investment. The first action many customers of this bank would want to do is withdraw their savings. When too many depositors demand their cash at one time, the bank, only maintaining a small percentage of liquid assets, will certainly not be able to meet such demands. This will cause the bank to close its doors, prompting the interference of the FDIC. Public panic, coupled with the FDIC’s inability to quickly bail out the failing bank, would become the fuel that incinerates the rest of the banking community.

    When you deposit your money at a bank, whether in a savings account, certificate of deposit, or any other type of investment that the bank lures you into, the bank will have to attain the highest possible return on your money in order for it to meet their overhead, advertising, salaries, and still have sufficient profit to pay you interest on your investment.

    The bank managers, loan officers and underwriters often times make risky investments, pressured by the CEO, board members, stock holders and competitors. Even more often they loan money to very high risk borrowers. Billions of dollars in uncollected student loans are examples of our country’s irresponsible attitude towards money. Moreover, these numbers are not looking any better as we move into the next century.

    Although it benefited the rich, the infamous Savings and Loan disaster caused the banking industry to implement a sweeping reform of its lending policies. I never cease to be amazed at the criteria or guidelines which the lending institutions have to comply with when making a

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