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Explorer's Guide to the Law of Attraction: How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart for Happiness and Success
Explorer's Guide to the Law of Attraction: How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart for Happiness and Success
Explorer's Guide to the Law of Attraction: How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart for Happiness and Success
Ebook183 pages3 hours

Explorer's Guide to the Law of Attraction: How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart for Happiness and Success

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About this ebook

Explorers Guide to the Law of Attraction: How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart for Happiness and Success explains how the Law of Attraction works, why it works, and how to make it work for you!

The book explains the philosophy behind the Law of Attraction and related principles, its underlying science of quantum physics, takes you on the authors spiritual journey of self-discovery, and gives you a road map for your own personal development.

Explorers Guide to the Law of Attraction will show you how to:

Manifest your desires quickly and easily

Recognize whats blocking you from realizing your dreams and eradicate it once and for all

Recognize and overcome your limiting beliefs and emotional addictions that have you stuck in your current identity

Regain your lost magical powers and reclaim your birthright as Creator of Your Day and Life

Break through your existing paradigms and expand your brains neuronal networks

Create affirmations and declarations that really work

Transform your energy and vibrational levels immediately to guarantee the results you seek

Set up a meditation and contemplation practice to access the Transcendental Self

Welcome happiness, success and abundance into your life

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 13, 2013
Explorer's Guide to the Law of Attraction: How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart for Happiness and Success

James Alvino

James Alvino is founder and president of Monetize Your Niche®, Inc., a business consulting firm dedicated to “helping entrepreneurs pursue their passion for profit.” He is a celebrated business success coach and certified Law of Attraction trainer and facilitator. Jim is known as “The Corporate Law of Attraction Guy” for his success in helping companies of all sizes get into action and create an LOA culture in the workplace. In this capacity he has worked with insurance companies, real estate offices, high-end resorts and hotels, the entertainment industry and other venues to help with goal setting, increasing sales, and attracting ideal clients and relationships. Currently as one of the premier business coaches affiliated with Top One Coaching and the JT Foxx Organization, Jim has dozens of clients all over the world ranging from start-ups to well established companies. His coaching expertise includes strategic planning, motivational speaking, creative problem solving, Law of Attraction, and developing a winning mindset for success. Jim has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston College, has been practicing meditation for 25 years, has been a certified meditation instructor, and has written two books for Little/Brown on parenting gifted children. He is an award-winning educational journalist and a contributing author to the best-selling book, Step into Your Vision (2012). It was during his graduate studies that he was first introduced to the principles of quantum physics and other underpinnings of the Law of Attraction, which he has incorporated into his life and business ever since. During a long and successful career in upper management, Jim had run a publishing company and had been the top executive for several national organizations, including a foundation started by actor Hugh O’Brian. He brings all of his acquired knowledge, expertise and wisdom to bear in his own company and coaching practice. Jim is committed to personal development, transformation, and stepping out of his comfort zone in order to grow. Jim and his wife Margaret live in Huntington Beach, California, where you might spot them training for high-altitude endurance races, or running on the beach with their lab Koda.

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    Book preview

    Explorer's Guide to the Law of Attraction - James Alvino

    Explorer’s Guide to the

    Law of Attraction

    How to Tap into the Quantum-Heart

    for Happiness and Success

    James Alvino

    Copyright © 2013James Alvino.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6579-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6578-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6577-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923794

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/08/2013


    List of Illustrations



    Introduction From the Perfect Springs the Perfect

    Chapter 1 Cracking the Secret Code

    Chapter 2 Which World(s) Do You Live In?

    Chapter 3 Kiss Your Old Paradigms Good-bye!

    Chapter 4 My Inner World Creates My Outer World

    Chapter 5 Bound, Tortured, and Killed by What Is Not Happening

    Chapter 6 From Deliberate Attractor to Master Creator

    Chapter 7 Now Repeat After Me

    Chapter 8 The New Alchemist’s Handbook

    Chapter 9 Power Is Knowledge in Action

    Epilogue Beyond Quantum Physics to the New Science

    Selected Bibliography

    About the Author

    List of Illustrations

    Conscious and Nonconscious Reality

    Impure Ego Table

    Law of Attraction Perfect Storm

    Attraction Endorsed by Action

    Four Faces of the Quantum-Heart Method

    Explorer’s Guide to the

    Law of Attraction

    How to Tap into the Quantum-

    Heart for Happiness and Success

    James Alvino, PhD

    Certified Law of Attraction

    Trainer and Facilitator

    To my mother and father who always believed in me and taught me to believe in myself.


    One July about two years ago, I received an e-mail from a guy in Huntington Beach, California, who had just listened to an interview of me and was very excited about the Law of Attraction. First time it really made sense to me, he said. He wanted to meet with me and talk about how he could integrate the Law of Attraction into his coaching business.

    As I was going to be doing a seminar in Las Vegas a few weeks later, I agreed to meet with Jim Alvino over lunch—he offered to buy!—and we spent several hours getting to know each other and exploring whether my certification program was a good match for his business model. I guess you could say we attracted each other.

    It turns out it was a great match. Jim is a very creative and flexible thinker. His next step was to become a certified Law of Attraction facilitator with me. I didn’t have another program on the calendar in his area for nine months, so he proposed an alternative path whereby I would personally coach him in my model over several months until we both felt comfortable that he had earned the designation of Certified Trainer and Facilitator. He was an ideal client for me.

    Jim has distinguished himself as a highly successful Law of Attraction certified trainer who specializes in bringing LOA principles into the corporate world and helps companies of all sizes create a Law of Attraction culture in the workplace. Jim has taken my how to method into insurance companies, real estate offices, high-end resorts and hotels, the entertainment industry, and other venues to help with goal setting, increasing sales, and attracting ideal clients and relationships.

    When Jim came to me with the idea for his book, tying Law of Attraction to quantum physics, spirituality, and related topics, I told him I thought there was plenty of room for a book like this in the dialogue on Law of Attraction and how pervasive its principles are in creating the life we desire.

    Explorer’s Guide to the Law of Attraction distills and synthesizes many of the key underlying concepts that explain how the Law of Attraction works. It is the why that underlies and informs the how to. With a background in philosophy, Jim is a foundational thinker who has a special talent for anchoring his personal experiences to life’s universal principles and making his unique journey relevant and applicable to your own.

    The reason the Law of Attraction is a law is because it applies to everyone, is obedient, and defines and describes how the vibe world truly works. Jim’s book probes these connections in ways that bring philosophy, science, and spirituality into clear focus for those who are curious and interested in diving beneath the surface with these subjects.

    This book is deep, sometimes esoteric, yet inspirational, conversational, and peppered with lots of examples that illustrate his points. I believe you will find the book enriching, and it should definitely be on everyone’s Law of Attraction reading list. Go ahead, hitch a ride, and see where this tour de force takes you!

    —Michael Losier

    Best-selling author of Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t


    It is the ides of January 2012, and I am driving from Huntington Beach, California, to Laguna Woods to pick up my mom and dad for dinner. I am listening to the audio book of What the Bleep Do We Know!?, the chapter in which Ramtha is berating one of the creators of the movie by the same title for wanting to engender the same old emotion he has experienced a million times before rather than experience a new emotion outside the confines of his existing paradigms. That’s where genius is, Ramtha tells him.

    And I am thinking to myself, When was the last time I had a new emotion? When was the last time I stepped so far out of my comfort zone that it truly was transformational emotionally and spiritually? Maybe in 1988 with my intense shaktipat awakening (chapter 2) or maybe a couple of years later in the No Ego Course, where the tapasya (heat) of the humiliating encounter with my own self (small s) had me trembling (chapter 3). Or maybe it was the first time I experienced the exhilarating rush of finishing the Pike’s Peak Ascent (half marathon), having successfully morphed from a sprinter into an endurance athlete, or the time during the Ascent in 2007 when I left body consciousness and entered a euphoric white light.

    But what would a new emotion be for me today? The truth is, I cannot answer this question because to know, to be able to predict it, would mean I would be coming from the same familiar neuronal-net despite my best attempts at self-deception. When it comes to experiencing a new emotion, you cannot plan what it’s going to be, what it’s going to feel like. You can’t plan that.

    And then it came to me. I was listening to JZ Knight channel Ramtha, and I knew intuitively that I needed to walk the talk, that I needed to tap into the quantum field, the Akashic Record, and essentially channel this book from the Foundation of All Knowledge, from point zero aka the bindu, from God’s heart, the Quantum-Heart, where all boundaries of the limited mind and perception dissolve—magically, mysteriously, mystically.

    Writing has always been organic for me, taking on a life of its own. Sometimes I don’t know where it is coming from or where it is going, and oftentimes I don’t remember what I wrote. The conduit is but a vehicle for Truth and its expression. Authorship is secondary.

    I have experienced cosmic consciousness, but only fleetingly, not to the degree that I now must sustain with this intention to create a truly remarkable, astounding book in which you, my reader, will both learn the how to as the title promises and experience the depths of new emotion and knowledge at the same time. Here’s to a grand, grand adventure!


    I want to thank my mentor Michael Losier for teaching me by example how to apply the Law of Attraction in every area of my life and business. His ongoing coaching and guidance has been nothing less than transformational for me. And a special thank you goes to my extraordinary musician and artist friend Endre Balogh for designing my cover and illustrations and for being a superb sounding board and editor in the process.

    —James Alvino, PhD

    October 24, 2012


    From the Perfect Springs the Perfect

    Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the perfect, the perfect remains.

    —Mantras of Perfection

    It Begins with an Impulse of Intention

    Let’s set our intentions and desire statements together. You will learn more about desire statements later, but let’s jump right in. Here is my intention for this book: I am in the process of attracting everything I need to do, know, and have to create, manifest, and allow a best-selling, advanced book on the law of attraction and the quantum field. We’ll get to your intention and desire statement in a minute.

    But wait. There is a far more significant intention than fame and fortune—two familiar Sirens that have lured and seduced me off course for decades if not lifetimes. And that is to enter and advance the dialogue that we are indeed all one, that science and spirituality are two faces of the same irreducible coin, and that we can access the fundamental nature of reality directly. (However, were this book to become a best seller, I would reach more people with my message! Wouldn’t that be having my cake and eating it too?)

    What does it mean to be a conduit or a channel? What does this presuppose about reality and the underlying foundation of reality? What does all paranormal psychology and experience presuppose? The answer to all three questions is the same. First, it presupposes connection at the most pervasive level of our being. Second, it presupposes that we are all entangled all at once all the time in a dimension beyond space and time. This dimension is the quantum field, or what I call in this book the Quantum-Heart™.

    When I studied philosophy many years ago, one of my favorite philosophers was the late-eighteenth century German philosopher Immanuel Kant. He talked a lot about the conditions of possibility for a phenomenon or an event to take place. And so I apply the Kantian Question here: What underlying conditions must exist such that we experience that we are all connected, that we are all part of the same energy field, that we can transport ourselves to the past and into the future in an instant, faster than the speed of light?

    My premise is that the world of the five senses is illusory, that

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