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Destiny Star: One Sword, One Man, One Planet, and the Destiny of All in Existence Hang in the Balance as Brock’S Fate Is Decided Through the Winds of Friendship, Love and Determination.
Destiny Star: One Sword, One Man, One Planet, and the Destiny of All in Existence Hang in the Balance as Brock’S Fate Is Decided Through the Winds of Friendship, Love and Determination.
Destiny Star: One Sword, One Man, One Planet, and the Destiny of All in Existence Hang in the Balance as Brock’S Fate Is Decided Through the Winds of Friendship, Love and Determination.
Ebook293 pages4 hours

Destiny Star: One Sword, One Man, One Planet, and the Destiny of All in Existence Hang in the Balance as Brock’S Fate Is Decided Through the Winds of Friendship, Love and Determination.

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Organizations, countries, individuals, and sources of great powers are manipulated by mysterious entities from the shadows on the planet of Jido. Hundreds of natural disaster rip the planet asunder, destroying peace and prosperity. During this time of a great many upheavals in Jidian Society, Brock Soceil a special agent and the wielder of the Destiny Star, decides to accept the arduous responsibility of traveling the world, to idenify the problems and provide a solution. But with the increasing malice of a suffering world, will even his training in the ways of the Blade Rush Sword Style be enough to see him through? And if he does discover the problem, can there be any guarantee's he has the ability to provide solutions? Follow Brock Soceil and his many companions as he embarks on his journey to unlock the secrets of Jido, discover the truth of the Destiny Star and save the world from the impending catastrophe that will inevitably destroy them all...
Release dateNov 23, 2011
Destiny Star: One Sword, One Man, One Planet, and the Destiny of All in Existence Hang in the Balance as Brock’S Fate Is Decided Through the Winds of Friendship, Love and Determination.

David Hackney

Everyday in High School he would daydream about being somewhere else, anywhere, in fact. So instead of using that time for to the baseless learning of algebra he applied his mind to day dreaming about fantasy worlds that where good combated evil ans that sort of thing. Eventually in the year 2003 someone asked him if he ever wrote anything down that he made up. He hadn't so he decide to do so and five years later he stuck with the writing process and finished his first book. Now he has multiple others books in the works, and is itching to see them though to the completion.

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    Destiny Star - David Hackney


    Jido’s most wanted!

    Will your tyranny never end Trono? A Hero in shining armor opposed a giant of a man. He glanced down the blade of his shimmering blue sword, the Alpha Star, determined to do every thing possible to defeat his old foe.

    Heh heh… you know me to well… after all I have dealt with your kind for thousands of years, its about time to defeat the last so-called hero… Ex! Trono leaped through the air only to be halted by an astounding blast of energy. A man in a black cape appeared as if from no-where holding an energy tipped spear as Trono landed skillfully.

    Not you as well Dominion… Are you against me this time? Ex inquired. Dominion glanced at Trono and the trio begins a standoff in the forest.

    Trono! Catch! Dominion hurled a bomb at Trono, and Ex ignited it with a ranged sword technique. A few seconds later the smoke cleared and where Trono was appeared a large hole in the ground. Dominion searched frantically, unable to locate him he opens a communication device attached to his Gauntlet.

    Where did he go?! Find him! Dominion commanded through the device.

    Your servants are no match for him… so even if they find him… heh… might as well let him go… Ex leaned completely calm against a tree.

    What would you have us do then? Dominion retorted.

    I’ll train help… after all we need help to take on Trono… I personally think that a Jidian should protect Jido anyway… Ex peered into the night time sky then looked back at Dominion.

    Ex this doesn’t concern just this small planet and besides… I know your real identity! So don’t talk like your better than me! You couldn’t stop him, or that tyrant Exseraph Valmar, those many Millenniums ago! Dominion shouted as he deactivated his energy spear.

    My past is not important… what’s important is we find Trono and stop him before he annihilates this planet, the Jido Stars, maybe the universe and the key itself…

    Chapter 1

    Shooting Star

    Ya Ha Hiiii-YA! . . . How’s that!? Master Sensei? The blue haired young man asked.

    Brock, How can you even expect to challenge an elite opponent? You’re still concentrating too much. Be fluid, like water… Master Sensei is an old man who looks around sixty years old, He has short hair, a mustache and a goat-tee and is never seen without wearing his karate Gi. The hardhearted old man is the former champion of the entire world of Jido and teaches the legendary Blade Rush swordsmanship. Brock trusts him like he would a father; with his life.

    Concentrating to much? You can’t be serious! I can take you now! Easy! Watch I’ll strike you!!! Brock pointed his training sword at Master Sensei and then began to concentrate.

    Brock, You know good and well that even with the technique I taught you… you still lack experience and maturity… So don’t even try… Brock unleashed the powerful attack; The Instant Flash and appear instantly on the other side of the room.

    I got you that time! With finesse Brock turned around and struck a pose.

    Actually… I blocked your sword and… Suddenly Brock’s pants fall down.


     . . . Cut your belt… Brock can’t believe his eyes. Now that your back on track, try and strike this target in my hand… then I’ll give you the sword I promised.

    Brock sighed, fixed his pants, and got into position. Okay… here goes nothing… if I do this correctly then I get that awesome sword Master was telling me about… Brock dashed forward gracefully jumped, flipped and chopped the target in half. Master Sensei’s eyes give approval. Brock took a breath and then stood.

    Good! You will be wielding a sword that I found exclusively through hard work. It will be tied to your destiny, your chosen fate, hence it is called the Destiny Star fittingly. I believe this sword will suit you! Master Sensei held the sword out to Brock who took hold of it.

    That was a mouth full… Wow this is a light sword, Probably brittle to! I bet I could break it! . . . . aaaa… AAAaaa!!! No good… What! This thing isn’t even bending… And it’s really sharp… Brock glanced down the ornate blade to see its shiny, super sharp, and in brilliant condition.

    Oh, one last thing, The Destiny Star is the Key to your future remembers that! It’s the greatest present I could give you. Remember, the Blade Rush style is a style that puts emphasis’ on the personality, so feel free to make changes in what I taught you to suit yourself… Furthermore, You’ll be hard pressed to break that sword… Anyway go on or you’re gonna miss you’re flight, believe me they wait on no one. Not even me… Useless fools…"

    "Well, heh heh heh!! . . . aheh… Oh! That’s right, Imperial Rallem, I leave today to go work for the Emperor.

    When ever you’re in trouble just remember your training! Also… don’t lose the Destiny Star! Its very important.

    Later! Brock exited the room. The hallways of Remote station are dotted with thick, glass windows. Made of various metal alloys, the floors, walls, and ceilings give off a cold, hard atmosphere. Brock makes his way down such a corridor.

    Man! He hits hard! I thought he was going to hurt me again! Ouch! My worst nightmare is to run into someone like him… someone that I couldn’t beat no matter what… He could be gentler! Friendly to… but maybe I should show more courtesy to people as well… like if I bumped into someone I could say… He turned the corner and collided with a young girl.

    This is a restricted area! I mean… I’m so sorry! . . .  I… ah didn’t mean to… what I’m trying to say is…

    Is that you’ll stop you’re babbling and help me pick these up… Hurry! She’s attractive with glasses and long shiny red hair. Brock helped her pick up her books and she took off down the corridor. She stopped and turned around with a curious face.

    Hey you… One question! What does that emblem stand for? On your shirt…

    I’m, aaaa not sure I should tell you that… Brock explained. Hey! She’s not wearing a name tag… Brock thought. Why? you would know, you’re an attendant right?

    Well, um, um… She stuttered.

    Your not! Are you!?

    Weeelll, Not exactly . . . you see I stole away on the Aero space shuttle out side… . Please don’t tell anyone! I’ll do anything! . . . Wait! You’re not telling ME something! That’s the legendary Master Sensei’s symbol! Isn’t it! He’s alive isn’t he? She comes closer to him each time she speaks shaking her finger. I can tell by the look on your face! So Master Sensei’s alive and well! Really! Wonderful! This is good news now the village I’m residing in can be saved! Tell me where he’s at!

    Who is she? Well maybe I should just let the Master take care of her… but not before I mess with her head… Brock thought mischievously. He continued Well lady, Simple! You take this hall down to your second right, turn right, then at your third left take a right, and left again followed by three rights and straight down that hall way. It’s… the… big… . door. What on Jido are you doing? Brock asked.

    I’m… taking… notes… if you need to know, good bye! And good riddance… You big jerk! She Said as she walked away.

    What’s her problem? Some good Master Sensei’s advice did me… Sheesh. And I tried to make it as simple as possible to! That man is never right… Or maybe he’s always right… Brock pondered sarcastically.

    Brock continued down the maze of corridors to his small room on the other side of the large station and changed from his usual fighting outfit to Imperial blue armor. Girding his new sword, he left his room, and headed to the docking bay. The docking bay is an incredibly large room with an entrance for every Aero spaceship docked. Voices of people mingling can be readily be heard. Brock made a beeline to his ship until a familiar voice called to him.

    Hey you! Yeah! You in the blue imperial armor and cape! With the Destiny Star! Stop! Brock turned around impatiently and spotted the girl from before.

    Okay, what do you want now? Brock asked impatiently.

    Master Sensei! *Huff, puff* . . . wants you to save the village, So… You’re coming with me Okay… lets go. O yeah, forgot to tell you! My name’s Ruby Cathia Aria, but you, can call me Ruby. She proceeded past Brock to the entrance of the ship.

    Miss… MISS! . . . I need your passport to Jido. You can’t leave here without it! The guard demanded. Ruby stood bewildered.

    Well, Ah, Um, lets see here… She stuttered looking through her bag.

    No worries, She’s with me… Okay! Brock commented as he walked, showing his pass card.

    Okay! Sir! Enjoy your flight. The attendant replied courteously. Ruby glared as she followed him onto the ship.

    Remote station #9 is a large fortress on the far reaches of the Jido stars. it’s a self sufficient fortress shaped like a huge wheel with long metal rails for shuttles to be guided in and out on. Though it’s far out they have the most advanced space recon system in the entire Jidian Star system. The space shuttle is being readied for launch.

    Brock and Ruby continue down a hallway until they arrive at the passenger hold on the vessel. They sit down in a room just like that of an airplane. A blond haired woman approached Brock as they sit waiting.

    Lesley, How’s it goin? Brock smiled and greeted.

    Ummm… I’m all right!. I’m here to tell you the first job that the Emperor has for you. First we land on Jido and there you are going to stop the Darklord organization in a large city called Ionia. Then you’ll fly to Imperial Rallem and meet the Emperor, he will have more details once you meet with him. I hope everything goes well with you Brock… You’ll be getting missions that even the Jidian Special Agents don’t get! Be careful! Lesley warned. Brock kicked up his legs onto the seat in front of him.

    Leaving port, setting a course for Jido. the pilot informed.

    AHHH! Don’t worry I’ll be fine! Brock shrugged.

    You seem to be very confident, you’ll do fine, In twenty hours we will be arriving on Jido in Ionia. How about you try and relax until then… Lesley suggested She then walked off.

    Very confident is an understatement! . . . more like self-absorbed! Ruby thought. Why does everyone hold you in such high regard? Brock? Ruby questioned. She is seated in a prim and proper poise.

    Ah! Ya know, I wonder the same thing sometimes. I think its because I am a student of the great Master Sensei! Other than that I can’t point to a reason that everyone up here refers to me as Sir, I know I’m awesome and all that, but the sir stuff is kind of stiff… did I ever tell you my name? Brock said in a lethargic voice as he yawned.

    No! But I figured it out! Ruby replied.

    All passengers relax and have a good flight, there is entertainment and refreshments so stay occupied, we will arrive at thirteen hundred hours. Also, Do not! Have your feet on the seat in front of you! Thank you! Brock jerked his feet down quickly and conspicuously.

    Brock fell to sleep in the blink of an eye and slept the whole way… he awakened to chaos.

    EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE, All passengers report to safety hangar! Repeat! All passengers report to safety hangar, do not panic! A female monotone voice notified. (Air Strikers-Flying machines on Jido capable of attacking any form of flying vessel with speed and accuracy, generally deployed in great numbers.) Brock flips out of his seat onto the floor and wakes up.

    Yaaaaawn! . . . what’s goin on!?

    Brock get off the floor! Someone’s attacking the ship! Were in the skies of Jido and we need to evacuate! Ruby earnestly demanded.

    Alright! Lets go!

    Don’t forget this, dummy! Ruby handed Brock the Destiny Star. They grab they’re belongings and they proceed to the escape vessel hanger.

    Brock! I need your help over here! There are Darklords in the ship! We need your help! A guard beseeched.

    Alright! Finally get to take care of some ruffians! I can take those guys! Are you coming Ruby? Brock turned and looked to Ruby.

    Don’t worry! My brother taught me to defend myself! Let’s go! The trio head down the corridor and run into a group of Darklords bullying a stewardess.

    This is going to sound so Cliché… Brock thought. Put her down! Who do you guys think you are anyway? The man unhanded her and the woman escaped.

    Who are you? The leader is a man in black with a metal bow staff and red hair. So what ya gonna do, put me in jail like all the other Jidian fools said? Ha! All his groupies laugh as he spoke. Lesley joins the group.

    What are the Darklords doing attacking a Jidian Ship? It doesn’t make sense… Lesley questioned.

    That’s a good question! Maybe were not Darklords? But sorry Blondie, that’s for me to know and you not to know! The man retorted with an evil grin.

    Well then, if that’s the case you have two options; run, or be beaten to near death, and then taken into custody under the authority of the Jidian Empire! Which will it be? Warned Lesley as she readied her Electric phaser. The enemies simply stood their ground.

    Have your way! The first guy in front of the commander goes to stab Brock. Brock parries his sword, strikes him in the stomach with the side of the sword, and then elbows him. The man staggered backward a few steps while Brock stands solid.

    Okay! So ya got fortunate, but not this time! The red haired man goes on the offensive. Using his Metal bow staff he swung accelerating the speed, consequently glazing Brock in the chin.

    Whoa! That was a close one! Brock stumbled back

    That’s nothing though. Prepare to be laid out! The man howled attacking with a confusing combo of staff swings. Brock caught the bow staff in his hand then kicked the man in the face. The Red haired man recovered, lunged forward with his staff, Brock dodged, and moved away from the Red haired villain who regrouped. Brock sheathed his sword and got down low. Suddenly he burst forth and struck down all, but the red haired villain. He used the Destiny Star to hold the man in check.

    O-Okay Please-please don’t hurt me I-I just I didn’t mean anything… Let me go! I’ll go smoothly- Brock released the tip from the mans face.

    Brock, watch out! The guy leaped, grabbed Brock, and held up a knife.

    Okay! No one move! Brock grabbed the knife tossed it aside and elbowed the man. Lesley took the shot, yet she missed and hit and pipe on the side of the wall. It exploded, sucking the enemy out to his death. Brock though is sucked out as well yet he quickly impaled the Destiny Star into the side of the aircraft and hung on for dear life…

    Brock are you out there!? Lesley shouted desperately clinging to the inside of the fast moving aircraft. Air begins to be rapidly be sucked out of the aircraft. She holds on tightly looking out but, can see nothing but the clouds.

    Yeah you need to pu- The Destiny Star came out of the Aircraft and Brock fell.

    Brock!!! Lesley cried out with her hand extended. Ruby however, ran and jumped over Lesley out of the plane.

    What the? STOP!!! Now!! Lesley screamed in dismay she tried to grab Ruby, but missed. They both fall out of the aircraft.

    How did I manage this situation?!? . . . One minute I’m sitting relaxing and now I am going die! . . . . The ground is getting real big now! . . . . *Brocks life flashes before his eyes Boy I’m young! That was quick!" The white clouds rush past him as he suddenly feels someone grab him under the shoulders.

    What the—I mean how are you? You’re flying?!? Brock exclaimed as the emerald Green color of the Jido became more sharper as they fell.

    No time to explain hold out your hands to slow our descent! She explained. Suddenly energy wings emerge from her back. They become a starry blue color as she tugged Brock as hard as she could. They come into range with the ground, Ruby struggling to hold Brock’s weight dropped him fifty feet down to a very, very rough landing. While Ruby flies a little farther and comes to a safe, soft landing. In the distance a man witnessed the whole thing.

    Whoa! A shooting star! In midday… ya don’t say… Jido really is going crazy these days… Meanwhile back on remote station#9, Master Sensei spoke to a blue haired woman.

    So do you think he can do it? This will be a phenomenal opponent. Can he become that strong in such a short time? I mean, he most likely will not win by himself… The Mysterious woman doubted.

    Yes! He has shown me much progress ever since he started training. At his current state I rate him to be one forth of your current strength… Anyway he’s now landed safely on Jido after he was attacked. He will journey to Imperial Rallem, after he deals with that girl, where I’ve spoken to Emperor Thor. He is going to send Brock on a very dangerous mission. He insisted that I not give Brock these missions, I believe, however, that he will be successful, and gain experience, maturity, and strength… for the even greater challenges ahead. Master Sensei explained.

    So I take it that anything I say will not change your mind. Will it? But alas I must be leaving. Don’t mess up, Perfect . . . and don’t let him share the same fate as Guy." The woman disappeared in a flash of light.

     . . . Guy… I can only hope my last student succeeds… after all someone has to save Jido and Sylvain… Will it be a Jidian?

    Chapter 2

    The Beginning of Their Journey

    So how did you fly and rescue me? Brock asked curiously. A moment of silence passed.

    Well I’m what they call an Eosa, (Fictional race of people from an underwater kingdom known as Eosia on the planet of Jido) and we can fly. Explained Ruby

    Yeah, but that doesn’t explain it! How do you fly? Brock asked with a bewildered expression on his face.

    Well it’s the Eosa’s natural ability to expel ether (fictional bodily energy in the Destiny Star universe) energy out of their backs. Some can go faster than me and some Eosa can do it longer than me… I can’t really explain it any better… unless I get technical… In actuality Eosa have really, really small nuclear reactors built into their bodies and this basically ignites and launches energy the direction we aim our shoulder blades! Ruby replied as they walk.

    Okay… . yeah… sure… that’s good I understand! I like this area! In fact, if you stop you can hear the grass on the plains like a wind chime and it looks kind of like an ocean…

    That’s quite a change of subject… but you’re right… it is pretty peaceful here… Time passed and a few hours pass by extremely quickly.

    "Its soooo hot! If I have to endure this any longer then I think I’ll die! Ruby complained.

    It’s not that hot is it? Doesn’t seem very hot to me… Brock thought aloud.

    Yes! It is hot… I’m parched… Can I have a drink of your water!

    Nope. Brock replied.

    Please? . . . Pretty please? I’m hot…

    Stop your yappin! I think I’ll die if I have to listen to you any longer! Brock retorted. The two halt. Ruby’s expression goes from puppy dog eyes to angry devil.

    Don’t worry I’ll kill you myself! She glared.

    I’d like to see you try! Brock taunted with an evil grin.

    Take this! Ruby turned around and ejected her energy wings. Brock swiftly dodged.

    Are you crazy!? . . . Ok… you win… Argh! I’ll give you some water… Brock handed over his canteen of water. Hey! What’s wrong with your water? . . .

    Nothing is wrong with it… I just wanted yours to save mine… Brock stood with a bewildered expression.


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