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Time Lapse: Collapse
Time Lapse: Collapse
Time Lapse: Collapse
Ebook240 pages3 hours

Time Lapse: Collapse

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About this ebook

TIME LAPSE: COLLAPSE is one of a three book series that tells the story of Duncan Duggard, a 14-year-old boy who lives with his grandparents in a small town in Michigan. A sensitive boy, Duncan is often bullied at school and sometimes experiences strange stoppages of time. After Duncans grandparents give him a beautiful silver amulet necklace as a birthday gift, Duncan is visited by the ghost of his late mother, who tells him that time itself is in danger of collapsing and that only he is the only one with the power to stop this catastrophe. Heeding his mothers call, Duncan sets out on a series of amazing adventures that change both him and the world around him.
Release dateJul 15, 2011
Time Lapse: Collapse

John Harper

John Harper is a sports columnist for the New York Daily News who has covered baseball in New York for more than twenty years. He has co-written four previous books, including A Tale of Two Cities, an account of the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry during the 2004 season. Harper lives with his wife and two sons in New Jersey.

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    Book preview

    Time Lapse - John Harper

    Chapter 1

    The Beginning

    It was a cold Monday in the small town of Crystal Falls, Michigan. In one of the houses on Taylor Street, a fourteen-year-old, red-haired boy with freckles lay sleeping upstairs in his room. He was wrapped in a cozy, warm, quilted blanket. Posters of different places in Europe decorated his room, and small models of cars sat on top of his clothes dresser. On his nightstand, the digital numbers on the electric clock clicked to 7:00 a.m., and the alarm went off.

    He slammed the snooze button and lay in bed with his blue eyes open, staring at the ceiling. He thought, Man, is it time to get up already? As he sat up, a smile came to his face, because he realized today was his birthday. His bedroom door swung open, and his grandmother poked in her head.

    Good morning, Duncan! Are you ready for your first day of school? Her grayish hair was wrapped in a bun, and she wore a blue sweater and a long jean skirt over her dark blue apron.

    Duncan replied tiredly, Yes, Grandma Gwen.

    She came in holding a wooden spoon and lightly smacked him on the shoulder. Well then, come on and get up. Late for the first day of school!

    Okay, okay, I’m up.

    Duncan’s grandmother turned around and gently closed the door to his grandson’s room. Duncan stood up, stretched, and thought about Grandma Gwen and how lucky he was to have his grandparents. His grandma and Grandpa Dan had been there for him ever since he was a young child—just over one year old, after Duncan’s mother and father left him with them. His parents had been unable to care for him, and he didn’t remember them much, anyway, so his home was right there with his grandparents. They never had much money, but they made sure that Duncan had all he really needed. Somehow, they managed to save up enough money to buy him toys and clothes. He loved his grandparents very much and would do anything in the world for them.

    Because he felt refreshed after a long night’s sleep, he relished how the plush carpet felt on his bare feet. He had gone to bed early the night before so that he would be prepared for this special day. The house was nice and warm as he put on his blue house slippers. He made his way to the bathroom, turned the handle on the shower, and then waited for the water to get hot. He stepped into the warm, soothing water, which felt good running down his cold skin.

    Back in his room, he quickly pulled on his favorite long-sleeved sweatshirt and his best blue jeans. He then grabbed his winter jacket and his backpack, which was tucked away in his closet. After he swung one of his backpack straps on his shoulder, he started downstairs, where he could smell the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs.

    Duncan walked to the dining table and said, I sure am hungry, Grandma! She turned and smiled at him as he looked over at his grandpa, who was sitting in one of the four chairs at the table. As usual, he was enjoying a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper.

    Good morning, Grandpa Dan! Duncan exclaimed as he went to give the scruffy, white-haired old man a big hug.

    Dan was wearing a long-sleeved button-down with plaid stripes and blue jeans. He smiled and greeted Duncan, Good morning, Grandson, but careful with those hugs, okay? I’m a man going on sixty-five, and I’m gettin’ fragile, you know.

    As Grandma Gwen was cooking, she looked over and said, Oh, Duncan, don’t listen to him. She pointed her spatula at her husband and said, You’re only as young as you feel, Dan!

    Dan smiled and asked Duncan, Are you ready for your first day of school?

    As ready as I will ever be, Grandpa! He put his jacket and backpack on the chair next to his grandpa.

    Gwen had no sooner served the food than she said, Hurry and eat before this gets cold.

    Okay, thanks, Grandma, he said as he picked up the silver fork. Duncan scarfed down his breakfast before his grandmother could turn around. Duncan started to get up from his chair. As he was gathering his things, he said, Okay, you two, I’m off for school!

    Gwen looked at him, startled. Wow, you already finished your breakfast?

    Dan put down his paper and looked over at his grandson’s plate That was quick! He then raised his head and grinned at Duncan. You need to slow down, squirt!

    To which, Duncan replied, I can’t miss the bus!

    As Duncan was getting up from the table, they heard a sharp knock at the front door. Gwen walked across the living room to open the old wooden door. Megan Wallace stood there waiting to walk with Duncan to the bus stop. She was slender, and she wore her long brown hair in a casual yet attractive style that seemed new. Megan and Duncan had been friends ever since they were both six years old. She was more of a tomboy than most girls, but she always had a bright smile that seemed as though it could heal the world. Megan’s house was just two doors down from Duncan’s, and their different genders never got in the way of their friendship. They had grown up together, and they had done everything from riding bikes to telling each other their deepest secrets.

    Well, hello, Megan! Come in, hun. The young girl stepped into the living room. How are you doing this morning? said Gwen with joy in her voice. You look nice today.

    Megan was wearing a dark pink jacket over a long-sleeved sweatshirt, and she had capri jeans. She wore her hair braided in a ponytail that reached the middle of her back. The young boy saw Megan and then looked at the older woman before Megan replied, Good morning, Mrs. Dougall. Is Duncan ready for school?

    Yes, he was just about to walk out of the door, replied Gwen.

    Duncan got up from his chair, put on his black jacket, and grabbed his backpack. He went to the area where the girls were and gave his grandma a kiss on the cheek and told his grandparents good-bye.

    You ready to go, Megan?

    Yup, said the rosy-cheeked girl.

    Duncan walked outside, and Megan followed.

    Bye, Duncan. Have a good day! said Gwen.

    Duncan turned around, waved, and said, Okay, Grandma, I will.

    Chapter 2

    First Day of School

    Brown leaves and patches of frost lay across everyone’s lawns and the huge forest just south of each backyard.

    It was a cold but sunny August day, and Duncan and Megan felt anticipation in the air as they headed toward the bus stop.

    So this is it, Duncan, said Megan excitedly. This is what we have been waiting for—our last year of high school.

    Yeah, I know. There are going to be parties and so many memories. I can’t wait! We’re going to be the coolest kids on campus! said Duncan with equal excitement.

    Duncan started to wonder why Meagan hadn’t recognized that today was his birthday. She was usually good about remembering. He started to wonder if everyone had forgotten his birthday. Duncan might have to remind them when they got back from school.

    Soon, they arrived at the bus stop, which was just around the corner from Duncan’s house. They stopped at the old wooden bench and a worn, yellow bus sign. Two other male students were already waiting there, and though they looked like they could be sophomores or juniors, Duncan didn’t recognize them from last year in junior high. One of the boys looked up as they approached and said, Are you new freshmen going to Hawthorn High?

    Duncan replied, Yeah, we are.

    The other boy said, Ah, Steve, look—two newbies will be going to our school.

    Steve quickly replied, Aw, man, this is great! Then, with a devilish look, Steve whispered, Hey, let me give you two a little advice. Watch your back around school, okay?

    Duncan stood there, his eyes wide open. He noticed the concern on Megan’s face.

    A few moments later, Duncan saw the familiar yellow vehicle approaching. Megan said, Hey, is that our school bus?

    Duncan squinted his eyes and saw a number. He replied, Yeah, that’s the one—number thirty-seven.

    Megan tapped Duncan on the back and said, All right, this is it, the moment of truth!

    The bright yellow bus screeched to a halt, and the sound of the air brakes rang loud in Duncan’s ears. The driver opened the glass door of the bus for the students, which allowed a rush of warm air from the heater to envelop them. The driver, a rugged-looking old man wearing an old, faded green shirt, said to the students, You kids going to Hawthorn?

    The two other boys replied with a low, monotone voice, Yeah, as they climbed on the bus. Megan was right behind them. Duncan suddenly realized he was nervous. His palms were sweaty, and his heart began to beat faster. He hesitated before he climbed on the bus. He started to go into a sort of daze and wondered if maybe high school would be a bigger challenge than he had first thought.

    The bus driver broke his trance by yelling at him. Are you getting on or what, kid?

    Duncan apologized to the driver and got on the bus. As the driver turned the corner, Duncan amazed at how full the bus already was. The students’ chattering filled his ears. He looked quickly to find an open spot. Megan and the other boys had already found an empty place to sit. The bus driver told Duncan, Hurry and take a seat already! We got to get going!

    As he scrambled quickly toward Megan, he didn’t notice a guy holding an MP3 player close to the aisle, and Duncan, not paying attention, knocked against the guy, who dropped the player. As it smashed to the floor, the guy opened his eyes wide and quickly took off his headphones.

    Look what you did, doofus! Why don’t you watch where you’re going? he shouted. He pick up the pieces and tried to turn it back on, but it was broken. It won’t turn on! yelled Ray while he kept hitting the player in hopes that it would work.

    Duncan felt shocked. His heart was pounding, and he didn’t know what to do. The guy got up from his seat. The kids on the bus quickly fell silent and stared at them. The guy looked like a football jock, well-built and stocky. He stood about five-foot-seven and wore black jeans, a black T-shirt, and a red-and-white jacket. His eyes bored into Duncan’s like fire as he grabbed Duncan’s jacket with both arms and fiercely jerked his body.

    The bully said, I just got that MP3 player for my birthday.

    Duncan stared at the frightening jock. Don’t worry. I can buy you a new one.

    Ray got in the boy’s face and said, I don’t want a new one.

    That bus driver looked back and saw that there was trouble between the two boys. One of the students shouted, Leave him alone, Ray. It was just an accident!

    The bus driver quickly cut the engine, put the bus in park, hopped out of his seat, and ran toward the boys. You two need to cut it out! Sit down, or I will send you both to the principal’s office as soon as we get there! And Ray Thompson, I’m talking to you, too, boy!

    Duncan’s heart was racing. He had never been in trouble his whole life, and now, on his first day of high school, he was going to see the principal.

    As he pulled Duncan closer to him, still glaring, Ray said, You’d better watch your back around school, dweeb, because today you just made yourself an enemy!

    Ray slowly sat back down, and Duncan quickly sat next to Megan. His best friend turned to Duncan with a surprised look on her face. Oh, my gosh, are you okay?

    Duncan replied with a low tone, Yeah. He couldn’t believe how bad his first day had started. Today was the worst day of his life. The two friends didn’t exchange another word. The other students were very excited and couldn’t stop talking.

    When the school bus finally reached Hawthorn High School, Duncan’s mood quickly changed. He was amazed that so many kids attended that school. He saw a lot of students hanging around their cars, waiting for the bell to ring.

    The students were excited and could not wait to exit the bus. The driver finally stopped the bus and opened the front door. The teenage passengers stood up and ran to the exit door like a mad stampede.

    Duncan and Megan were the last people to exit the bus. Duncan was stunned and amazed at how big and beautiful the school was. It was a huge campus surrounded with dark green grass, and leaves fell silently from the trees.

    Megan pulled out a few pieces of paper with her schedule of classes written on them. She turned and looked at Duncan, Okay, today I have English class first period, science second. What classes do you have?

    Duncan looked at the list of classes he had been given at orientation. He saw that his first class was English. All right, Duncan said with excitement. We have the same first period together.

    As soon as Duncan began to relax a little, Ray bumped into his right shoulder. Don’t forget, loser. I’m not done with you yet, he said to Duncan with an angry look on his face.

    Ah, don’t worry about him, Megan said, glaring at Ray. He’s all talk. Hey, what about the second period I have, science? Do you have it, too? she asked.

    Duncan looked at his schedule, and with a sad face, he said, No, I have math.

    Duncan thought to himself that it was weird for the school to have six classes together but only have three a day. Duncan was hoping he would be in the same class as Megan. They had always been in the same class when they were growing up. But then they figured out that they didn’t have the last period together, either.

    Let’s see, said Megan while she was looking at the map of the school grounds. Our first class is in room 132. So where is room 132?

    Duncan looked at the number on the bright classroom door near them. This is room 126, so our room must be close.

    What time is it? Megan asked.

    It’s 8:29, Duncan answered.

    What! Megan yelled. Class starts at 8:30!

    We have to hurry to class! We can’t be late on our first day! said Duncan.

    They quickly started to run to their class. Duncan used his map to find their homeroom.

    Okay, which way now? Megan said anxiously. Left. Left, Duncan replied.

    Suddenly, the bell rang.

    Oh, man, we’re late! Megan said in a panic.

    This school is too huge, Duncan replied. They ran around the school until they finally came to their classroom. Duncan opened the door slowly, just enough to poke his head through. All the other students were sitting down, and the teacher was already talking.

    Duncan and Megan slowly opened the door and started to walk into the classroom. The teacher was standing in front of his desk, gathering papers. As soon as the friends found their seats in the middle of the classroom, the teacher spotted them.

    Nice of you join us, the man said, holding his papers.

    He was in his midforties, and he had dark gray, slicked-back hair. He wore tan slacks and a casual, patterned shirt.

    The teacher said sternly, You’re late.

    Yeah, sorry. We got lost, Duncan replied.

    The other kids giggled.

    Okay, I will let that one slide today, the teacher said with a grin. Very well then. Take your seats, you two.

    Duncan sat in front of Megan and then turned to look around the classroom. His eyes fell on someone he did not want to see.

    It was Ray. Ray spotted Duncan at about the same time and grinned sardonically. The bully shook his head, clenched his left hand, and punched it into his right hand while he looked at Duncan. Duncan was terrified. He couldn’t believe that

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