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The Gingerbread Kingdom Ii: Return of the Queen
The Gingerbread Kingdom Ii: Return of the Queen
The Gingerbread Kingdom Ii: Return of the Queen
Ebook212 pages2 hours

The Gingerbread Kingdom Ii: Return of the Queen

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In the darkened depths of Chocolate Crunch Canyon, an elderly bat-woman named Countess Bella, looks into her Crystal Gumball and sees the destruction of the Gingerbread Kingdom. After years of banishment, she returns to Cinnamon Towne to warn King Otto, the Gingerbread King,about the approaching darkness.

Who could cause such trouble? You guessed it! Queen Beatrice is back, and this time she enlists the help of the unpredictable McFly. But what is the secret of the Sour Zone that McFly is keeping?

Can Jay and his friends save the kingdom again?

Welcome back to the wonderful world of The Gingerbread Kingdom. Join all the colorful characters from the first book, along with some new ones, as this magical adventure continues.

Release dateNov 11, 2008
The Gingerbread Kingdom Ii: Return of the Queen

Gary McKenzie

Gary McKenzie is the author of The Gingerbread Kingdom.  He lives in Chicago and hopes that one day, his Gingerbread Kingdom stories get turned into a Disney, Pixar or Dreamworks animated features. 

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    Book preview

    The Gingerbread Kingdom Ii - Gary McKenzie


    Down in the Canyon


    Beneath the shadow of Mount Honeycomb, in the once-believed bottomless pit known as Chocolate Crunch Canyon, a fallen figure weakly rises from the ground and feels along the grainy wall of darkness. Queen Beatrice, the most feared tyrant to ever live in the Gingerbread Kingdom, looks at the slit of dying sunlight above and is reminded of her most recent failure.

    While trying to take over the Gingerbread Kingdom, she was stopped by a strange being from another world, a human boy named Jay, aided by her traitor of a nephew, Buzz, and abandoned by her cowardly soldiers led by Jack and Willie. King Otto was still the ruler and there was nothing she could do about it.

    Or was there?

    Oh! she moaned as she moved her battered and bruised muscles. How long have I been down here?

    Through the darkness, a small flicker of pale light caught her attention and interrupted all other thoughts. Having been pushed off of the canyon’s entrance by an eight-legged misfit named Arach-Ned, the queen moved delicately from the pain. The two tiny wings on her back were crumpled, but not broken, so walking was her least painful method of moving across the canyon’s floor.

    She approached a dim light that came from an alcove off to her left. The light came from mushrooms made out of candy corn. The bases of the plants were a shade of green, while the centers were orange, then yellow, and finally topped off by a small beam of white light. The rest of the alcove was littered by orange pumpkins with brownish-green stems and long-reaching vines, while the ceiling was covered with old, gray moss made of ancient licorice.

    Looking into the dimly lit area, Queen Beatrice noticed an entrance to what seemed like a room at the back of the cavern. From it, scuffling sounds could be heard.

    What could be in there? the queen wondered aloud. Nothing could possibly live down here, so far away from civilization. I would have known about it. Could it be those poor excuses for soldiers, Willie and Jack? Where else could they have gone?Making her way further into the alcove, and closer to the room, a bright burst of light suddenly blinded her. It was quickly followed by a high-pitched squeal. Someone was definitely in there.

    Moving to the side of the doorway, the queen peered into the illuminated room. What she saw was more than a surprise to her.

    In the center of the room was an old, circular table with a single glowing gumball sitting on top of it. Approaching the Crystal Gumball was an ancient being from long ago. It was Countess Bella, an elderly bat who was once the consultant to King Otto’s father, King Ollie; The Wise.

    Being so old, the gypsy had silver fur underneath her flowing black robe, beneath which she wore a loose-fitting dress of purple, olive and maroon. Around her head was a gold scarf from which thin tufts of white hair stuck out. Her tiny red eyes were not used to the brightness of the normally dark room.

    Balancing on a crooked cane carved from a stale pretzel, Countess Bella reached into the depths of her red, silk-lined robe for her sunglasses. Lifting her wing to shield herself from the blinding light, she fumbled around until she found them. Once they were firmly balanced upon her upturned nose, she approached the glowing orb and gently placed her hands on the warm object.

    No! It cannot be! she gasped after a few seconds. She quickly removed her hands and took a deep breath to calm herself. Once fully composed, she placed her hands back on the Crystal Gumball. The warmth crept up her arms, over her body, and into her mind. The same vision appeared as it did a moment ago.

    She saw the Gingerbread Castle, standing in the center of Cinnamon Towne. The day was sunny and the weather beautiful. A dark cloud burst from out of the main entrance and from the hard-candy, stained-glass windows above. Immediately, the castle and all of Cinnamon Towne were consumed. The phantom swarm soon spread like a cancer on its way to Mount Honeycomb. The growing darkness quickly absorbed everything it passed. It inched its way down into the depths of Chocolate Crunch Canyon, while also creeping all the way to the Vanilla Tundra on the other side of the kingdom. Countess Bella could not believe what she was seeing. The entire Gingerbread Kingdom was no more!

    She shuddered and dropped her arms away from the source of such grim news. The Crystal Gumball dimmed. Alone in the darkness, the worried bat removed her sunglasses to wipe away the tears that had welled in her eyes.

    I have to warn King Otto! she said to herself. I never thought that I would return to the upper-land again, not after what happened last time, but I must. I have to save the Gingerbread Kingdom from total destruction.

    Moving through the darkness like it was second nature, the countess quickly grabbed some food from a nearby shelf and placed it in a sack. With a final glance around the room to make sure that there was nothing else she needed, she made her way toward the exit from her hidden lair.

    Seeing the elderly bat approach, Queen Beatrice flapped her sprained wings with all of her might and flew as far down the corridor, as fast as she could, before Countess Bella sensed her presence. A few grunts escaped her, but she struggled through the pain and found a niche in which she could hide her rather large body.

    Before Countess Bella took off, she had a strange feeling that something was wrong. She looked into the dark shadows of Chocolate Crunch Canyon and listened for just a few seconds before dismissing the idea that someone was near. Although, she could have sworn that she heard heavy breathing.

    It must be my nerves from the vision, she thought.

    Spreading her thin wings, the countess flew up into the vast crevice and toward the land above. She wondered how much had changed since she left.

    Once the elderly bat-woman was out of sight, the evil queen crept down the corridor and into Bella’s domain. Next to the round table, which served as the Crystal Gumball’s resting place, was a fluffy, white, marshmallow rocking chair. Spying around the rest of the room, Queen Beatrice noticed many shelves filled with books and clay pottery.

    Something caught her attention and she gingerly moved toward it. Reaching for the object with her plump fingers, she disturbed a layer of sugary dust that lay upon a rolled up parchment, sending a sweet scent of honey wafting into her nose. Unrolling the delicate paper, she immediately recognized the treasure she had found. It was a spell that opened the gateway to the Sour Zone.

    The Sour Zone! she said to herself. That hasn’t been opened since Countess Bella ruined King Otto’s life. The mere thought of that incident sends shivers down my spine. But, if I can open that portal, I can easily take over the Gingerbread Kingdom!

    With a wicked smile stretching from ear to ear, Queen Beatrice rolled up the scroll and started to rifle through the rest of Bella’s belongings. She moved about the cramped room in a total frenzy as she focused on finding whatever else she could use in her next attempt to take over the Gingerbread Kingdom.

    Chapter 2

    Back at the Orphanage


    Okay, everyone, Jay said, make sure that you have everything. This is the last time we’ll ever be here.

    The children of the Holman Orphanage had returned to grab what few belongings they had as they prepared to live the rest of their lives in the Gingerbread Kingdom. Armed with only some candles they found in the kitchen cupboard, the children scampered about in the dark building as if they were on a treasure hunt. Most of them grabbed their torn and worn-out clothes while others took dirty stuffed animals and other sentimental items.

    Can I bring the T.V.? Sam yelled from across the room.

    What are you going to plug it into? Tabitha smugly said. There’s no electricity where we’re going.

    No television? Sam wondered. Maybe staying in this world isn’t so bad after all. Then he remembered everything about this world he wanted to forget: the chores, the punishments, all of the unnecessary yelling, and most of all, Mr. Holman. Never- mind. I can deal with no T.V. He quickly ran over and helped Timmy gather up the last of the comic books.

    Hey, Tabby, Jay said as he placed a large box full of cereal, chips, pop, and other snacks on the ground. What are you bringing back to the Kingdom? You haven’t grabbed anything yet.

    I didn’t have anything to call my own when we lived here, said Tabitha, a normally quiet girl with pigtails and black hair that hung into her eyes. Had Jay not said anything, no one would have even noticed the pale girl dressed in black. I just came along to see our world one last time. She neglected to mention that the real reason she came on this trip was to get her diary.

    Well, do you think you could at least help the rest of us pack up? Jay asked with a smile on his face. He liked Tabitha, but he wished that she would be more open like the rest of the kids, maybe even smile once in a while. Before he went back to gather the rest of his valuables, he quickly glanced into her wide eyes, which always seemed as if she was trying to take in every detail around her all at once.

    Fine, she said with a sigh. Stepping out of the shadows with her big, clunky black boots, she moved over to where Ben was and helped him load a rusted wagon with comic books and semi-broken toys.

    I see some lights approaching! called Prince Hans from the doorway. The boy made of gingerbread stood under the yellow and black police tape that crisscrossed the door. Above him was a roofless building, which had been ripped apart by Gumbo, a giant Gummy Bear, who had come to help rescue the children from the orphanage.

    Thanks, Hans, Jay yelled back. Everyone, hide your candles! We don’t want anyone to see us! Patty, be ready to give us a dusting if a car pulls into the driveway!

    The once timid boy now barked orders like an experienced general, as he made sure that their ‘mission’ went without any problems.

    I’m ready with both hands full of sugar-coating, Jay, Patty called back. She was the children’s mode of transportation from this world to the other. Stretching her neck to look out the window, the fairy with the butterfly wings of blue held her breath in suspense.

    The two beams of light silently passed the entrance to the abandoned orphanage.

    They’re gone, Sir Jay, Prince Hans said with a sigh of relief.

    That’s good, Jay answered, but I think we should hurry up. Let’s not press our luck. The next car that drives by might start to wonder why there are lights coming from up here.

    Patty emptied the Pixie Dust back into her pockets and proceeded to help the children stack up their cherished belongings into a large pile near the front door.

    Suddenly, a loud commotion sounded from the kitchen. Pots and pans had fallen to the floor, causing everyone to jump.

    Jay looked around at all of his friends. They were all within his sight. Everyone stood as still as statues. He wondered who, or what, had caused such a noise?

    Before anyone could make a move toward the kitchen door, Holman, the evil Headmaster who had made all of the children’s lives miserable, burst into the room. Beneath his mussed hair, his beady black eyes bulged as if he were crazy. Small bursts of laughter erupted from behind his insanely wide grin. It appeared as if he had not changed clothes since he ran out of the orphanage days before.

    Looking around the front room like a starved rat searching for a bit of cheese, he noticed Jay; the source of all of his troubles.

    You! he growled once he saw the boy. This is all your fault! I used to be happy. Everything used to go my way! I was in charge! Now, I have nothing! No home. No job. No children to clean up for me. And it’s all your fault!

    Shaking his bony finger at him, he stalked slowly toward Jay as the rest of the children moved toward the front door. The mad headmaster paid no attention to the fairy and the Gingerbread Prince. He was fully focused on the small boy who had ruined his life. Not even the sudden flashing of red and blue lights could distract the insane man.

    Police! Tabitha yelled as she dropped her diary.

    Patty was the first to react. She flapped her large wings and took to the air. Zooming around the crowded room, she grabbed an old vase and hovered over Holman. Throwing it with all of her might, she sent the vase crashing into the headmaster’s skull. Shards of glass went sailing everywhere. This sneak attack gave Jay the chance to get further away from the evil old man.

    Everyone! Gather around the pile! Prince Hans yelled, as he motioned for everyone to circle around their possessions.

    Patty hovered over everyone and reached into her pockets for large handfuls of magic Pixie Dust. She just had to wait for Jay to join the group.

    My diary! Tabitha cried as she broke away from the children to retrieve her book of private thoughts.

    Holman had fallen on top of the book and was trying to get up. He was still dazed and attempted to stand, but every time he placed his hands on the ground to balance himself, broken shards of glass would bury themselves deep into his palms.

    Tabby, Jay called as he joined the rest of the children, forget about it! Hurry up and get back here with the rest of us! We have to leave now!

    It’s the only thing that matters to me, she said to herself.

    Moving behind the fallen headmaster, Tabitha reached out with both arms and pushed Holman off of her diary. He went sprawling onto the broken glass. She quickly grabbed her book and ran back.

    Holman screamed in pain

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