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Awakening the Soul: Book One: Proof of Our Spiritual Nature
Awakening the Soul: Book One: Proof of Our Spiritual Nature
Awakening the Soul: Book One: Proof of Our Spiritual Nature
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Awakening the Soul: Book One: Proof of Our Spiritual Nature

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Advance praise for Awakening The Soul:

I am absolutely in awe of your book. It is an extraordinarily important work. It will, I humbly suggest, change many lives. -- Joseph W. Dunn, Jr., Editor, A.R.E. Press


I believe Awakening The Soul is the key to the 12th Step (of Alcoholics Anonymous) Susana K., Oregon


We all agree on the brilliance of this work. -- Lisa Hagan, literary agent, Paraview, Inc., New York City


What a contribution Awakening The Soul is going to make! Your technique for communicating with higher consciousness is a must read for every professional in the field and every person interested in spiritual advancement. Your technique is clear, simple and can be used by a broad spectrum of people. As a psychologist, I can see it filling the needs of sophisticated clients in my Wall Street practice as well as the common man. Get this to a publisher ASAP! -- Dr. Garnet Beach, Ph.D., Psychotherapist


Release dateDec 14, 2004
Awakening the Soul: Book One: Proof of Our Spiritual Nature

Bill Missett

Bill Missett, a retired California daily newspaper editor, lives in a small fishing/surfing village in Southern Mexico. Some 40 years ago, Bill experienced a life-saving incident of spontaneous mental telepathy while bodysurfing. That prompted more than two decades of study and investigation into metaphysics and psychic phenomena, which led to the spiritual experiences that created this book. He is married to Patrice Perillie, a prominent human rights/political asylum attorney with offices in New York City and Oaxaca, Mexico. He is the father of two adult sons, Bill III and Jeffrey. His personal interests include archaeology, artifact hunting, raising trees from seed, preparing homegrown chili spices, bodysurfing, bird watching, music and reading. He can be reached at

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    Awakening the Soul - Bill Missett


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    © 2008 Bill Missett. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse     7/22/2008

    ISBN: 978-1-4208-0062-3 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4208-0061-6 (sc)

    Table of Contents




    CHAPTER ONE      Remembering Our Future

    CHAPTER TWO     Our Living Legacy

    CHAPTER THREE  Essence of the Soul

    CHAPTER FOUR    Evidence of Our Spiritual Nature

    CHAPTER FIVE     Our Higher Spiritual Abilities

    CHAPTER SIX        Some Extraordinary People

    CHAPTER SEVEN  Your Spiritual Tools Of Life

    The Awakening The Soul Trilogy

    Credits and Permissions


    About The Author

    This book is lovingly dedicated to:

    Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

    Whose writings became the basis for

    Western Christianity’s concept of the Soul,

    and whose wisdom directly inspired this book

    Meister Johannes Eckhart (1260-1327)

    Whose writings first gave us the concept

    of the Cosmic Christ


    Matthew Fox (1940-)

    Whose writings on Aquinas, Eckhart,

    and the Cosmic Christ helped inspire this book:

    "For me, some of the questions of soul for humans

    would be these: How do we awaken the soul? How

    do we heal the soul? How do we guide, that is,

    educate the soul?"


    I would like to thank, first and foremost, my wife Patrice – my soulmate and inspiration, best friend, best critic and my publishing angel – for her many perceptive contributions to this book. Without her, it would not have happened. To fellow author and spiritual adventurer Robert Yehling, my deepest appreciation for his many contributions and fine editing.

    I also extend special thanks to my late friend Joseph W. Dunn, Jr., for his endorsement, encouragement and advice, and the late Bahbe Majeski, for her spiritual guidance and encouragement.

    I would also like to give a bow of thanks to these special people in my life – Kat Woodfine, whose mystical vision first opened my eyes; Susan Houk, who handed me Seth Speaks 25 years ago, and said, I think it’s time you read this; to all of my spiritual teachers, particularly Rosa Avila; to my spiritual mentor, Bahbe Majeski, who kept me pointed in the right direction for many enriching years; to Dr. Garnet Beach, for her assistance, encouragement and endorsement, and to fellow author and friend Victor

    Villasenor (rejected by 260 publishers before striking gold with Rain of Gold) for setting a sterling example of perseverance.

    And last, but certainly not least, to all the channeling personalities and authors who helped educate me and awaken my Soul, with a special tip of the hat to Jane Roberts and Seth, to Ken Carey, and to all my spiritual guides and teachers, particularly Thomas Aquinas.

    I also wish to acknowledge the effectiveness of the Holosync Solution (TM) Awakening meditation program. I feel this remarkable program was instrumental in unleashing the creativity which produced the original Awakening The Soul books and the compilation of the Trilogy. Information on the Holosync programs can be found at .


    The intention of this book is to provide enough well-documented information from a wide variety of respected sources to prove this premise:

    All metaphysical phenomena are simply the traits, abilities and characteristics of our spiritual nature, emanating from our Souls. We are all spiritual beings who exhibit a wide variety of divine abilities.

    This will be a paradigm shift of perception for Science and Spirit that is long overdue. Ironically, most of the delay has been caused by the institutions that are supposed to lead us to higher spiritual awareness – our religions, primarily Christianity.

    This volume presents the fruits of 25 years of research into spiritual phenomena, which others call psychic phenomena, metaphysical phenomena, psi or parapsychology. These names all describe the same thing – the effects and traits of our spiritual nature. More than 80 are referenced here, and consistently, every single one has a spiritual component.

    While it’s unlikely mainstream science will agree, any level-headed, intelligent person can see from the vast amount of information drawn from myriad mainstream sources, that this is a most logical, sensible conclusion. Without science’s stamp of approval, which is highly unlikely in the near future, this premise must be based on the evidence. Until science is willing to test the evidence, it will never know the truth that spiritual seekers already share. Like Chicken Little crying, the sky is falling, science will not look up to determine the truth.

    We know why mainstream science has failed to investigate human spiritual consciousness. This reticence is the result of almost 2,000 years of suppression by Christianity, which intimidated science from investigating spiritual consciousness, and interferes with science to this day. So scientists ignored spiritual consciousness, and now blindly reject the evidence of our true nature.

    We should no longer allow science’s blindness to continue to blind us. We can ignore science’s nay-sayers, its doubters, its debunkers. We will seek the truth on our own. This quest is much too important for us to allow the negative attitude of science to deter us from our search for spiritual truth.

    There are a few brave scientists who believe as I do, and are willing to stake their professional reputations on their belief. We owe them a great debt of gratitude. They are willing to rebuke mainstream science’s traditional view of metaphysics (It’s all fake.) to embrace the new paradigm that a single spiritual source accounts for all our persistent mystical phenomena.

    We also ignore the professional skeptics who self-righteously declare all spiritual phenomena bogus – particularly The Amazing Randi and his professional debunking colleagues at the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. Just because they are professional ‘Doubting Thomases’ does not mean that we should blindly follow suit. Their blindness should not cause you to doubt the validity of your spiritual nature.

    You are invited to make up your own mind about this vitally important aspect of our being, which is just coming back into focus after being thoroughly suppressed through almost two millennia of persecution and oppression.

    We think the proof is in the evidence, and we’ll let you decide whether to side with the doubters, or step into the new light of reason. We welcome you to this new and wonderful world, just behind your consciousness, waiting for your recognition.

    – Bill Missett

    Puerto Tranquilo, Mexico

    November 10, 2003


    A great awakening is underway in the world, as more and more spiritual seekers discover the real importance behind the vast amount of research into spiritual phenomena that’s taken place during the past half-century. This research confirms with remarkable consistency that we are spiritual beings with a wide array of spiritual abilities and talents that are largely forgotten. As more and more people learn about these various branches of research, they are awakening to the fact that things are really not the way they appear, or the way we have been taught.

    Much of this knowledge and information surfaced only recently in popular books and magazines. You may note that almost every book I reference in the following pages contains the date of publication. This reveals how recently this incredibly important body of knowledge emerged for mass consumption. As a result, millions are casting off the veil of ignorance foisted upon humanity by our ancestors, our culture and schooling, our religions and science. We are learning about our true spiritual nature, instead of what we have been brainwashed into believing for nearly 2,000 years.

    The resultant awakening is so extensive and pervasive that even the journal of popular psychology, Psychology Today, has documented the trend, making official what has been grassroots knowledge for decades. This ever-growing trend of personal spirituality was discussed in depth in a 1995 feature-length Psychology Today article by Eugene Taylor, Ph.D., director of the Cambridge Institute of Psychology and Religion. He noted an extraordinary amount of evidence that grassroots personal spirituality was experiencing a true boom period of interest. Taylor pointed out that the trend was unprecedented in modern times, finding that religious and spiritual themes had even invaded that great bastion of spiritual doubt, science, in a variety of ways.

    This book is designed to help you become acquainted with your true spiritual nature. It explores 10 primary areas of spiritual experience in depth, and briefly explains some six dozen additional traits. Those traits examined in depth are some of the more common, accessible, and deeply researched. But fully six times as many are not examined at length. We explore ghosts and apparitions, communication with the dead, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, reincarnation, channeling, remote viewing, the aura, telepathy and clairvoyance. Some of the areas not explored in depth here are real heavyweights, including meditation, dreams, intuition, angel encounters, spiritual guides, spiritual healing, levitation, bilocation, visions, prophecy and others.

    More than 80 variations of spiritual experience have been catalogued to date; it’s certain more will be included. For instance, there are eight distinct varieties of the out-of-body experience, and more than a half-dozen types of spiritual apparitions. The vast amount of evidence constitutes rational proof that our true nature, which most of us consider primarily physical, is in reality spiritual. We must conclude on the basis of this evidence, that we are fully spiritual creatures – even though most of us have not awakened to that fact.

    This book was originally written as an explanatory prelude to what is now Awakening The Soul: Book 3: Restoring Your Spiritual Nature. As I sketched the book’s outline, I realized that before I could present material on how to restore our spiritual nature, I would first have to convince many readers they actually possessed one. I reached that conclusion after some 15 years of attending every psychic awareness and metaphysical phenomena class and seminar I could. One day I realized that every single subject and topic I had studied (and there were dozens) could be explained with one simple common answer. That answer is the premise of this book.

    Much of the material in Awakening The Soul was gathered during 20 years of research for a planned syndicated newspaper column on the emerging personal spirituality. But a series of events I first described in Book 3 occurred before work began on the column. It began when a voice spoke to me one morning in meditation: Tell your Ego to go into your left brain. A series of simple but precise instructions for my Ego and Soul followed, including several extraordinary spiritual tools to restore our true spiritual nature.

    As my research progressed, however, I began to note a disturbing trend among many of the subjects I was investigating – many of these spiritual traits and experiences had been suppressed by religions, primarily Christianity. I turned my attention to fully investigate how we had lost awareness of our spiritual nature. I was astonished to discover the extent to which religions suppressed our spiritual nature by persecuting or executing those who openly exhibited any aspects of that nature. That information, and much more on our loss of spiritual awareness, is presented in Awakening The Soul: Book 2: Our Suppressed Spiritual Nature.

    This volume will convince all but the most close-minded that our spiritual nature is constantly at work, often right under our noses. To date, our approach to studying psychic and metaphysical phenomena has been much like the five blind men examining the elephant – each has a different description of the beast, not realizing they are all parts of the same animal. The study of parapsychology has been much like that for more than 100 years. But now, it is apparent that we have been studying the various parts separately, without realizing the true sum of the whole. The lone common answer to all the mysteries – our spiritual nature – is present in every instance examined.

    To my knowledge, no one has ever looked at the wide range of metaphysical phenomena as a collective portrait of our spiritual nature as we do here. What is so astounding about this premise is that there seems to be an endless supply of confirming facts and data. Conversely, there’s practically no evidence to refute the premise – except the hollow nays of the naysayers. You can pick up just about any book on phenomena or the history of religion and discover additional confirming facts in a variety of amazing stories. Most remarkably, the new information rarely clashes with established facts. It fits quite seamlessly into the grand scope of this premise.

    If you are overwhelmed by the facts, just realize that each one is a very important piece in a matrix of re-emerging truth. The more detail, the better we can understand it. The more redundancy, the easier we can grasp how pervasive this revelation truly is becoming. So rarely do you come across information that diminishes the reality of who we really are spiritually, the weight of the factual evidence becomes unequivocable. You may encounter negative opinion, a lot of blind debunking, and a lot of skepticism and doubt, especially from fundamental religions and the scientific sector. However, it is abundantly evident that the skeptics have been unsuccessful in quashing this spiritual renaissance during the last half-century. Nor has their negativity diminished the occurrence of spiritual experiences, which continue exponentially. This is ironically confirmed through the relatively recent emergence of the born again, Pentecostal and charismatic movements in American Christianity. The doubters, not the general public, should reconsider their rejection of spiritual phenomena. It’s a tragic blind spot to carry through life.

    The evidence to prove our spiritual nature is extensive, pervasive, and convincing: We discover, when we join the great awakening, that we are all spiritual beings. You learn about your spiritual nature through exercising your spiritual talents. These are the basics, for mastery of these spiritual experiences will certainly lead to greater and grander spiritual lessons as we awaken.

    We are all spiritual beings – and we’d better start behaving that way. If we are to prevent the impending global ecological catastrophe, end the ongoing warfare and establish worldwide peace, eradicate poverty and famine, and restore beauty and tranquility to our Garden of Eden, we can only do so as Awakened Souls.


    Remembering Our Future

    Since the dawn of humanity, almost every culture on Earth has acknowledged belief in the existence of the Soul in each human being. But for most modern civilized humans, true understanding of the Soul’s spiritual nature and its multitude of abilities is all but forgotten. Religions attempted to remind us of our spiritual source, but in the process created restrictive dogma that for centuries banned almost all aspects of our own spiritual nature. Religions forced us to believe something other than what we feel in our own Souls, outside our own divine nature, often under the threat of death. If religion is the opium of the people, then it is very apparent the drug is wearing off for much of western humanity.

    The millions of spiritual seekers who have abandoned organized religion, and the millions of disenchanted believers fully confirm those facts. The degree of disenchantment with organized religion is starkly revealed in the 2003 European Values Study conducted by Tilburg University in the Netherlands:

    * Although 95.7 percent of the population of Iceland claims a religion, only 12 percent attend services regularly (once a month or more)

    * In Great Britain, the figures are 83.4 percent and 18.9 percent

    * In Finland, 88.1 percent and 14 percent

    It gets worse: Only 33.6 percent of the Czech Republic’s citizens claim a religion, but just 11.7 percent attend regularly. The former Soviet bloc states – where religion was suppressed for most of the last century – weigh in heavily negative. Poland is the exception – it ranks as the most religious nation in all Europe, with 95.7 percent and 78.3 percent. But Western Europe is far from positive: 11 of 15 nations register less than 50 percent regular church attendance. In staunchly Catholic Ireland, church attendance has fallen to 50 percent, a drop of 10 percentage points since 1998, a September 2003 survey disclosed. To add to these dismal figures, the number of Catholics in Europe – the largest denomination by far – has fallen more than 33 percent in the last 25 years.¹

    The spell cast upon humanity centuries ago through forced religious dogma is dissolving year by year, now spurred on by the Church’s ghastly worldwide pedophilia scandal. Clearly these figures portray a belief system that is not fulfilling humanity’s spiritual needs. Small wonder, for Western Christianity is the prime cause of our spiritual amnesia. Despite our spiritual amnesia, humanity universally accepts the reality of the Soul’s presence as a matter of knowing. We possess an intuitive knowledge that a Soul exists within each one of us. But we have largely forgotten our inherent nature as spiritual beings, created by our Soul. These missing elements of our lives create an enormous, haunting spiritual void, symptomatic of our eternal spiritual quest to rejoin our Creator. Their absence is also the core reason for many of our most serious personal, societal and global problems.

    We are historically possessed with an intense drive to understand the remnants of those distant memories. However, most of us have been brainwashed into doubting and ignoring the very essence of our Soul, our spiritual nature. Church and science have unwittingly conspired in this brainwashing. Religions, primarily Western Christianity, forbade free expression of personal spiritual experience for almost two millennia, killing millions as heretics who didn’t comply. A hidebound science, thoroughly intimidated by the Church for most of those 2,000 years, still declares all mystical phenomena bogus. In reality, it is our Souls’ spiritual nature at work.

    We have never been taught to focus on the existence of the Soul within each of us, nor the characteristics and abilities of our spiritual nature, nor how to nurture our Soul’s diverse spiritual powers and talents. Instead, Western religions have taught for 2,000 years that almost all traits and characteristics of our personal spiritual nature are demonic in origin or no longer valid. Science, suppressed by the Church from the 2nd through the 20th Century, asserts that any evidence of our spiritual nature is false – or symptomatic of an unbalanced mind. We can no longer deny the reality of our inherent spiritual nature by declaring it to be the sole province of saints or the demonic ways of the heretic or the lunatic. It is the natural state of all humanity, and there’s a massive amount of evidence to prove it.

    What most consider mystical phenomena is in reality our spiritual nature in action. If we fully understood our true spiritual nature, and had been allowed to nurture it to its highest state, we would believe and behave more like the spiritual beings we truly are. No spiritual experience would be considered so uncommon that it would be labeled mystical or phenomena. We would all experience miracles every day.

    We aren’t experiencing mystical phenomena. We are simply sensing our own divine nature, unexpectedly bubbling to the surface of our everyday reality. As we are explicitly told in the Bible, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you. (Psalms 82:6) The ancient Hindu holy text, the Bhagavad Gita, teaches in a similar manner: A spark of my eternal Spirit becomes in this world a living Soul; and this draws around its center the five senses and the mind resting in nature.²

    Restoration of the Soul’s diverse spiritual abilities and talents impacts our lives in many profound ways. It allows us to function once again as fully realized spiritual human beings. It enables us to again enjoy a higher plane of existence in all that we do when we awaken. It restores our spiritual guidance system and makes us much more functional in all walks of life. It begins filling that haunting spiritual void in our Souls. These talents, abilities and characteristics are collectively known as our psychic senses. They are the atrophied remnants of our spiritual nature given us during our creation. They comprise the likeness of our Creator that we possess, although our individual powers are not omnipotent like those of our Creator.

    Psychotherapist Belleruth Naparstek describes our hereditary psychic nature in her 1997 book, Your Sixth Sense: Activating Your Psychic Potential: "Although psychic ability has been variously mystified, glorified, obfuscated, demonized and reviled, when all is said and done, it’s nothing more than a basic human capacity, a skill of great practical value, that can be further developed by just about anyone. … Intuition, ESP, psi, paranormal intelligence, high sense perception, the third eye, the sixth chakra – whatever you choose to call it – is part of our natural human endowment. It’s all

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