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Uncommon Knowledge: New Science of Gravity, Light, the Origin of Life, and the Mind of Man
Uncommon Knowledge: New Science of Gravity, Light, the Origin of Life, and the Mind of Man
Uncommon Knowledge: New Science of Gravity, Light, the Origin of Life, and the Mind of Man
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Uncommon Knowledge: New Science of Gravity, Light, the Origin of Life, and the Mind of Man

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This book develops new science of gravity and light based on the century-old Le Sage theory of an ether that was replaced by Einsteins Theory of Relativity. After presenting astrophysical data contradicting the theory that the universe is expanding from a Big Bang, experiments believed to prove Relativity are shown to actually prove the ether theory instead. Freedom from the speed limit of light enables a science of subatomic particles traveling faster than light to produce gravity, electric and magnetic fields, light, and radio waves. Major technical innovations include solving the two fundamental problems with the Le Sage gravity theory and extending this theory to electromagnetism and consciousness. This is a theory of everything that explains the heretofore-unknown causes of the forces of nature.

This book builds on the works of Zecharia Sitchin and other authors to explain how life developed on Earth and that evolution requires direction from intelligence that dwells in the subatomic particles on which this theory of gravity and light is based. Our biblical God is shown to be a composite of Sitchins extraterrestrial gods who colonized Earth and the intelligence that dwells alongside our own mind in the particles from which the universe is constructed and powered.
Release dateOct 26, 2012
Uncommon Knowledge: New Science of Gravity, Light, the Origin of Life, and the Mind of Man

Al McDowell

The author received an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Syracuse University, graduating as the University Salutatorian. He then received a Ph.D. in business economics from Cornell University, writing a thesis introducing new theory and contradicting a few conventional beliefs that have been since shown false by others as well. His industrial career taught a great deal about science and technology, but only tangentially related to this book. He is not a member of any political or religious organization. He is now retired and married with three children.

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    Uncommon Knowledge - Al McDowell

    © 2012, 2014 Al McDowell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 09/15/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-1284-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-1285-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-7195-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2008911269


    1. Introduction

    Organization of this book

    Religion of this book

    Dogma vs. evidence

    Part I

    The Visible World

    2. There was No Big Bang

    The Big Bang requires the Hubble Law

    Big Bang light cannot be seen

    Other Big Bang problems

    3. Our Universe is not Expanding

    The Hubble Law

    Why the Hubble Law is incorrect

    Tired light

    Machian growth of mass

    Gravitational cause of redshift

    Electric or magnetic causes of redshift

    Redshift periodicity

    Quantum level cause of redshift

    Conclusions about causes of redshift

    Conclusions about expansion of the universe

    4. The Facts Disprove Relativity

    The Sagnac experiment

    The Michelson-Morley experiments

    Other light-speed experiments

    Implications of light-conducting ether

    Conclusions for light and absolute space

    5. Nature of the Universe

    Space is not curved

    No other dimensions

    No parallel universes

    Dark matter, but no dark energy

    Large-scale motion within the universe

    Earth motion through the universe

    The end of the universe?

    6. The Origin of Life on Earth

    How life came to Earth

    The origin of our mother planet

    Cataclysms that have extinguished life

    The gods colonize Earth and create man


    Evidence for life coming from another planet

    UFO sightings and crop circles

    Life on Mars and two moons

    7. Life with the gods on Earth


    The Great Flood cause and date

    Atlantis and the Americas

    Ancient atomic warfare

    Age and function of the Egyptian pyramids

    Cargo cults

    Disappearance of the gods

    Understanding God

    Part II

    The Invisible World

    8. The Cause of Gravity

    Gravity is a push, not a pull

    Solution to the graviton energy problem

    The graviton drag force problem

    Solution to the graviton drag problem

    The nuclear strong force


    9. Electricity, Magnetism and Light

    Magnetic fields

    Electric fields

    Light and radio waves

    Summary of Spheriton Theory

    10.The Minds of God and Man

    The location of memory

    The nature of memory

    The location of thought

    Evolution by God

    The nature of thought

    Evidence for the nature of mind

    Conclusions regarding the minds of God and man



    The Author


    To my wife, Sheila, and family,

    who have endured my obsessive avocations,

    including this book.


    This book builds upon the published work of a relatively few individuals, mostly living today, who have developed alternative theories of how the universe was formed, how life arose on Earth, how gravity works, the problems with Relativity, and the powers of the human mind. These alternative theories often contradict common knowledge. These authors are often ignored by established organizations that choose to protect their positions at the expense of advancing knowledge with new evidence. Although I have woven their theories and evidence together with my own ideas, this book is an introduction to these authors, whose works I heartily recommend if you have not already discovered them.

    A few of these authors, listed alphabetically, who most changed my understanding of the world include: Halton Arp, Robert Bauval, Andrew Collins, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, Christopher Dunn, Robert A. Felix, Graham Hancock, Charles Hapgood, David Hatcher Childress, Frank Joseph, Paul LaViolette, Dayton Miller, Lynne McTaggart, Lloyd Pye, Dean Radin, Bruce Rux, Robert Schock, Rupert Sheldrake, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert Temple, Tom Van Flandern, Erich Von Däniken, and John Anthony West. Many more are listed in the References. I do not always agree with these authors, nor would they always agree with me, nor would they always agree among themselves, but they have all been critical to formulating my uncommon knowledge of the Big Issues.

    Thanks to the Electrical Engineering faculty at Syracuse University for teaching me to master fundamental concepts and derive details as needed, rather than to memorize the details without understanding the concepts. Thanks to Cornell University for allowing me to innovate, while showing me the caution required to innovate in the academic world. Thanks as well to numerous friends for invigorating discussions of these issues.

    1. Introduction

    All great truths begin as blasphemies.

    —George Bernard Shaw

    My experience of life is that whenever one tells a lie one is corroborated on every side. When one tells the truth one is left in a very lonely and painful position, and no one believes a word one says.

    —(Oscar) Wilde’s Law

    This book shows how four sizes of subatomic hollow spheres explain the underlying operations of gravity, electric and magnetic fields, light, human consciousness and an intelligence that is vital to explaining evolution, which the fossil record shows did not occur on Earth. The arrival of life from another planet and its development by gods on Earth are explained by integrating the works of Zecharia Sitchin and several other writers. The combination of the derived creative intelligence and the history of our ancestral gods explains the spiritual and biblical aspects of the God of our religions. This uncommon knowledge contradicts some of our most hallowed common knowledge, including the Theory of Relativity.

    Our impressions of the world and our roles within it develop from information that flows to us from teachers, scientists, government leaders, clergy, books, news media, and even entertainment media. Although our information sources are many, their treatment of the most fundamental issues is highly repetitious, providing little apparent cause to question what we are told. Virtually no one questions the theories of the Big Bang origin of the universe, the expansion of the universe, Einstein’s constant speed of light, or the evolution of life on Earth.

    We accept common knowledge that is unexplained or contrary to evidence. We believe that Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid, even though this belief is based on a hoax. The fields of gravity, voltage and magnetism are accepted without any knowledge of their causes. We experience consciousness with no idea of its source. People believe in God, but presume God unknowable.

    Nevertheless, several modern scientists and historians have developed theories with supporting evidence that collectively provide radically clearer descriptions of our world. This book integrates many of these new models for reality, adds new ideas in several areas, and aims to stimulate readers to reassess their own views of the world and the origins of life.

    Many common beliefs can be shown false. We are told that:

    • The universe originated in a Big Bang at a single tiny point in space about 13 billion years ago.

    • The universe is expanding at an increasing rate, and the oldest galaxies are moving away from us at nearly the speed of light.

    • Life evolved on our planet over the last 4 billion years. Or God invented it in a week.

    • Man is the most intelligent species to ever walk the Earth.

    • The only evidence found thus far of life on other planets is the possibility of water and an atmosphere long ago on Mars.

    • Egyptians built the Sphinx and pyramids for burial or religious purposes less than 5,000 years ago.

    • Noah’s boat could not have reached the top of Mt. Ararat.

    • Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, which is always seen at the same speed no matter how fast we move.

    • Space and time are warped by gravity, and there may be dimensions beyond those of space and time.

    • Our DNA genetic code sequences contain all of the instructions needed to produce a human being.

    • The Old Testament describes a God with powers far beyond what is scientifically possible. Or the universe developed and runs just fine with no creative intelligence at all.

    This book shows that all of these commonly accepted ideas are unsupportable by available evidence. The people who deliver this invalid information to us are telling us what they believe true, because this is what they have been taught with enough rationale to establish plausibility. When scientists tell us that life evolved on Earth, despite the fossil record that proves otherwise, they are only repeating mindlessly a conventional dogmatic belief for which they have no alternative theory.

    When we accept what we are told without question, we are submitting to control by others. It is not the teacher, but the student, who is responsible for what the student learns. This book is addressed to those who think for themselves. It is for you to question, modify, and extend the uncommon knowledge presented here in your own search for truth. Your comments are welcome at, and any resulting revisions to this book will be credited to you with your permission.

    Organization of this book

    This book addresses wide-ranging, but related, subjects. It progresses from large to small, from the visible universe of stars and galaxies, down to the history of life on Earth, and finally down to the elements of energy that provide gravity, electromagnetism, and the home for our thoughts, wishes, and memories. This order leaves the most difficult questions for the end so that the initial discussion of subjects with the most evidence can provide a foundation for understanding the most nebulous issues.

    The early chapters show that our cosmology of the universe is grounded in a few concepts that are incorrect. Most troublesome are Einstein’s elegant Theories of Relativity that do not allow anything to travel faster than light in a vacuum. By showing how the century-old experiments that proved Relativity have been misinterpreted, later chapters are free to develop a theory of gravity, electromagnetism, and intelligence based on Newtonian interactions of an ether of three sizes of particles that travel faster than light. Atoms are made of a slower and larger fourth particle size.

    After showing that the fossil record disproves evolution on Earth, a complete history of the arrival of life on Earth is developed from the independent works of several recent authors. This identifies the historic origin of the physical aspects of the gods of our religions, separating the creative intelligence of God to be derived from the theory of the ether and the four similar particles that account for both the visible world that moves within the speed of light and the invisible world that moves much faster.

    Readers will be more interested in some subjects than others, and it is perfectly reasonable to read only the chapters of interest, or to read them in any sequence. If you have a broadly inquiring mind, you may wish to read straight through, slowing down for your greatest interests, and skimming the details that are less important to you.

    Citations are shown in parentheses within the text in author-date format, pointing to the bibliographic data in the References at the end of the book. The References include only some of the works of some of the authors worth reading in these fields, but these references will lead to others.

    Religion of this book

    This book focuses on science and ancient history, not religion. The only two premises taken on faith are that there is only one truth and that we can discover it. Consequently, true science and true religion must be compatible. If some form of creative intelligence exists, which we may call God, then physical science concerns God’s creation, and the science of intelligence is the science of God Itself.

    The conclusions drawn in this book from evidence about the nature of the material world and intelligence within it should be compatible with at least the most fundamental beliefs of any religious discipline. Nevertheless, the interpretation of details of religious dogma cannot be consistent with all religions, for details are argued among the numerous religions themselves. The Christian Old Testament and Jewish holy texts are found to reflect actual history, but with a quite uncommon interpretation. Atheists will find that the Creative Intelligence derived logically here is not the concept of God that they generally reject. Mystics will find a physical link between the minds of God and man.

    Dogma vs. evidence

    Dogma appears in religion where evidence alone does not answer questions. Dogma in science should never appear. Unfortunately, scientific theories can become so widely entrenched that they cease to be tested against new evidence. Few scientists question Hubble’s Law of an expanding universe, yet it is refuted by evidence presented in Chapter 3. Even Einstein questioned Hubble’s Law, observing that the Hubble expansion of the universe does not allow sufficient time for the galaxies of stars to form (Einstein 1961, 153-54).

    Einstein’s Relativity has become dogma. A popular science magazine claimed in 2004 that without Relativity, all modern electronics would come to a halt, including generators, computers, radios, and TV, … the sun and stars would shut down, …Earth would freeze solid, …the atoms in our bodies would collapse, … [and] our bodies’ molecules would fall apart (Kaku 2004, 24). It would seem easier to convince the Pope that Christ had a twin brother than to convince a scientist that Einstein was wrong. Yet Chapter 4 provides evidence that Relativity is false.

    If false as argued here, Relativity has gravely stalled and misled the search for truth in physics for the last century. Jonathan Huebner, a physicist, plotted the 7,200 key innovations in a recent popular history of science book to find that technological breakthroughs peaked in 1873 and have declined at least 50% since then (Adler 2005a). This book shows that the Relativity speed limit has prevented discovery of things faster than light that are vital to understanding the nature of the universe.

    Chapter 6 explains that evolution is dogma. Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson have compiled numerous archaeological studies that have been ignored because they do not fit with the conventional theory of the development of man on Earth (1998). These archaeological data show that the gods defined by Sitchin (1976) visited Earth long before settling here 445,000 years ago. The fossil and geologic records show that they brought life with them.

    The intent of this book is to evaluate all theories, whether long-standing or newly derived, in the light of all hard evidence known to the author. Evidence must be corroborated. The vast quantities of metaphysical information from individual experiences are ignored. The revelations of Edgar Cayce are ignored. Information derived hypnotically is ignored as unreliable.

    However, if a child recalls specific facts about a past life that are later corroborated in historical records, this evidence is accepted. Moreover, there is a wealth of verifiable evidence regarding psychic capabilities. Scientific studies at Duke, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, the Institute of Noetic Sciences and other reputable organizations provide ample evidence to begin the construction of theories regarding the nature of mental telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis and other paranormal phenomena. Results of these psychic experiments provide leverage for beginning to construct a science of normal thought and memory.

    The strongest evidence is in plain sight. Archaeological and fossil remnants are worldwide; and we experience gravity, light, and thought intimately every day. The goal for this book is to understand when and why the ancient monuments were built; how life developed to produce the fossils; and the underlying invisible ingredients and processes that produce gravity, light and thought.

    Caution: Your science and history teachers, colleagues, managers, customers, and funding agencies all operate from firm beliefs, just like priests, ministers and rabbis. They may be offended or angered by claims or evidence that their beliefs are inaccurate.

    Question and refine your own view of reality, but respect the beliefs of others. This book is not intended to change the world, but only to stimulate your own personal quest for the Truth.

    Part I

    The Visible World

    2. There was No Big Bang

    "It is not the things you don’t know that hurt you …

    it’s the things you think you know for sure that are not so."

    —Charles F. Kettering

    Most scientists and science literature tell us that the visible universe started with a truly UNBELIEVABLE explosion in a single tiny point 13.7 billion years ago, and that all matter in the universe has been expanding outward from this point of origin ever since. Scientists tell us that stars first formed as early as 0.4 billion years after the Big Bang and all of the galaxies of stars are traveling away from the point of origin at speeds increasing in proportion with their distance from the origin. The shift downward in the wavelength of light that we see from distant galaxies is presumed to measure the speed at which the galaxies are moving away from us. This current scientific theory implies that the furthest galaxies we see are moving away from us at nearly the speed of light.

    These theories imply that all of the light that we see in the heavens comes to us from within a sphere with a radius of 13.7 billion light-years. The light from the outer shell of this visible sphere is believed to come from the original Big Bang. No one explains how the atoms that generated this first light were able to break the speed of light by traveling 13.7 billion light-years distance in only 0.4 billion years before they mysteriously decelerated and emitted light back toward us still somewhere inside the sphere of first light.

    A little less absurd is the explanation that the first light was emitted shortly after the Big Bang when the universe was still small. However, the first light travels at the outside of the presumed expanding sphere, and all matter must be within the sphere traveling slower than light. From our position inside the sphere, we would now be looking at the backside of the first light going away from us, as illustrated in Figure 2.1. The absurdity of this explanation is that we cannot see photons of light going away from us. The idea of seeing the light from a Big Bang simply violates the laws of physics.


    The Big Bang requires the Hubble Law

    IF Earth had been in the center of a Big Bang, all galaxies would be moving away from us, as implied by the belief that the universe is expanding, and as astronomical data are normally interpreted. However, the chances of our being at the point of origin are very remote. We would more likely be away from the origin, in which case one would expect that the galaxies on the opposite side of the point of origin would be moving away from us at a much faster speed than the galaxies on the same side of the origin as us. Astronomy shows us that this is not the case. There is no direction and distance in which we see galaxies suddenly moving away from us more rapidly, as if the origin were in that vicinity.

    Nevertheless, there is one very unique way in which galaxies on both sides of the Big Bang origin could be seen moving away from us at comparable rates. This is the model assumed by science, embodied in Hubble’s Law, the foundation for the modern scientific understanding of the universe. This law assumes that the speed at which each other galaxy moves away from us is directly proportional to its distance from us. Likewise, the speed at which any galaxy is seen moving away from any other galaxy must also be directly proportional to its distance from that other galaxy.

    To visualize how this can occur, scientists offer a couple of examples. First, consider the two-dimensional space on the surface of a balloon. With each breath into the balloon, the surface stretches uniformly so that the increasing distance between any two points on the surface is directly proportional to the distance between the two points. Second, consider the three-dimensional space of a rising loaf of raisin-bread. In any interval of time, the increase in distance between any two raisins in the bread is directly proportional to the distance between the two raisins.

    With the balloon and raisin-bread examples, it is clear that there is no preferred center of these spaces. Even if the Big Bang occurred beyond the range of our best telescopes, the same uniform type of expansion would be seen throughout the universe that we see.

    This unique type of expansion is exactly what Hubble’s Law dictates. Hubble’s Law and the astronomical evidence against it are covered in the next chapter. At this point, simply try to imagine what physical force would happen to cause all galaxies to move away from each other at speeds directly proportional to the distances between them.

    For example, suppose that following the Big Bang, all matter in the universe continued to move radially outward from the epicenter at speeds that steadily increased in proportion to the distance of matter from the epicenter. The speeds of matter shortly after the Big Bang would have been quite high, and to increase continuously from high to steadily higher would imply that everything surely must be moving close to the speed of light already. More fundamentally, what force would cause the acceleration in the speeds of this outward expansion? And why accelerate exactly in proportion to the distance traveled?

    A better fit with the Hubble expansion model would be that all matter has always traveled away from the origin at constant speeds, but at constant speeds that were proportional to their distance from the origin. The matter at the outside of the expanding shell of the new universe would travel close to the speed of light, matter halfway from the outer shell to the origin would travel at nearly half the speed of light, etc. While this model allows all matter to coast at a constant speed throughout time, scientists now believe that the rate of expansion is increasing over time. In other words, all matter is not coasting, but speeding up.

    The force that scientists perceive to cause this increase in the rate of expansion is named dark energy, an unseen and unknown force, except for its need to explain the presumed expansion of the universe. One thing that has been calculated about dark energy is that it must comprise 73% of all energy in the universe, including the energy existing in the form of matter. Considering the tremendous energy released from a small amount of matter in an atomic bomb, the total energy of all matter in the galaxies we see is truly ASTRONOMICAL, and dark energy is even bigger! If the next chapter convinces you that the evidence that astronomers have gathered does not validate Hubble’s Law, you can abandon the need for an unknown and unbelievable energy to push the universe apart.

    Big Bang light cannot be seen

    One of the cornerstones of the scientific belief in a Big Bang is the existence of electromagnetic radiation at a uniform distribution of microwave frequencies from all directions in our universe. Since this Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation is too uniform to have originated with galaxies or stars, scientists presume that it originated 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when the rapidly expanding matter cooled just enough for electrons to begin combining with protons to form hydrogen atoms. Science says that this was a transition period when the universe first transmitted light, which occurs as electrons move to lower-energy orbits around atomic nuclei.

    This belief implies that this radiation expanded in all directions at the speed of light from the still relatively small core of matter and energy produced by the Big Bang. This first light would have radiated in all directions from this small core, with the photons from one side of the core that traveled back through the center of the core almost immediately joining the photons traveling outward from the other side. Thus, a rapidly expanding thin shell of photons would have started their timeless expansion outward through the expanding new universe.

    Somewhere within this shell our Milky Way Galaxy would have formed and expanded outward from the Big Bang core at a speed substantially less than the speed of light. Therefore, we would be looking in all directions at the backside of cosmic background photons going away from us in all directions. Unfortunately, science fails to tell us how to see a photon going away from us at the speed of light.

    One way scientists rationalize this dilemma is to presume that the universe suddenly expanded during the brief period before light appeared to at least the size of the currently visible universe. In this scenario, the spherically expanding universe would today have a radius of 27 billion light-years, but we would only see an inner sphere of 13.7 billion light-years radius. Of course, the initial expansion would have required travel of matter and energy at speeds far faster than the speed of light, the speed limit presumed by science.

    Ignoring this astronomical paradox, we are led to believe that the first light from throughout this new universe started flowing from everywhere in all directions, with the light from the shell of our 13 billion light-year radius visible sphere reaching us now as the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. Thus science tells us that the CMB is coming to us from all directions at the speed of light and that it is the very first light to be transmitted through the universe. Science describes this radiation as looking at the very edge of the universe.

    This theory of an instantaneous beginning of the universe could be made more rational if the single point of origin idea were discarded in favor of a simultaneous creation of matter and energy throughout at least the visible universe. This would overcome the problem of having to spread out the Big Bang material at far above the speed of light.

    There is yet another absurdity in the conventional CMB theory. This radiation has a wide range of wavelengths, whose distribution is a perfect match for blackbody radiation, the type of electromagnetic radiation emitted from atoms or molecules that are vibrating with an intensity dependent on their temperature. The CMB wavelength distribution is that of molecules vibrating at a temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin (2.7° K), nearly absolute zero. However, science tells us that the temperature at the time the CMB photons left the Big Bang was 3,000° K.

    Scientists sometimes talk about this radiation cooling over the claimed 13.7 billion years that it has been traveling toward us. However, radiation does not cool; black body radiators cool. The fact that the original radiating matter of the CMB radiation may have since cooled has nothing to do with the CMB radiation itself, which we are told departed the black body radiators 13.7 billion years ago.

    If the CMB left its originating black body radiating matter 13.7 billion years ago at a temperature of 3,000° K, its wavelength would have had to decline by some phenomenon that explains the redshift of observed light, which is its increased wavelength from what is normally observed from that light source on Earth. By Wien’s Displacement Law, the frequency of a black body radiator is proportional to its temperature. This means that the frequency decrease, and the corresponding wavelength increase, of the CMB photons would be a factor of about 1,000 between 3,000° and 3° K. As explained in the next chapter, the highest observed redshifts are wavelength increases of at most 7 times. Current science would say that a redshift of 1,000 times would imply that the emitting black body was traveling away from us at virtually the speed of light.

    Moreover, the next chapter will argue that the Doppler wavelength redshift from an object moving away from us, even at the speed of light, cannot be more than a factor of 2, not 7, and certainly not 1,000. Other more conceivable causes of these high redshifts will be described.

    Paul Marmet offers a logical resolution to the CMB paradoxes. He points out that science has been forced to consider the CMB as originating with the Big Bang, because space has not been found to contain a sufficiently large or uniformly distributed amount of gas or dust to generate this radiation (1995). We see a lot of atomic hydrogen in space, for it radiates or absorbs radiation at the 21 cm wavelength observed commonly by radio telescopes. Marmet points out that atomic hydrogen is highly unstable, and two atoms easily combine to form molecular hydrogen, H2, which is highly stable and rarely emits or absorbs radiation. This virtually invisible form of hydrogen is no doubt far more prevalent than atomic hydrogen.

    Although H2 provides little radiation by electron orbit changes, it can nevertheless emit Planck radiation caused by the vibration of the molecules at the 2.7º K temperature of space. Marmet observes that this is apparently the source of the CMB radiation. It is quite possible that it is too faint to see as far as the 13.7 billion light-years assumed by science.

    Other Big Bang problems

    Tom Van Flandern provides 30 serious technical problems with the Big Bang theory in a recent Apeiron journal article (2002). The book, The Big Bang Never Happened, by Eric Lerner compiles information from many scientists that explain why the Big Bang is unsupportable by astrophysical evidence (1992). For example, Lerner points out that the universe would have to be on the order of 100 billion years old to allow time for galaxies to cluster as they now appear. This is of course inconsistent with a Big Bang only 13.7 billion years ago.

    Another excellent book on this subject is Bye Bye Big Bang, Hello Reality by William Mitchell (2002). Mitchell provides loads of reasons why the stars and galaxies must be far older than 13.7 billion years. He concludes that new galaxies are generated by the continuous dissipation of energy and mass from stars, combined with the widespread hydrogen in space. Mitchell outlines a Recycling Universe Cosmology (RUC) in which the universe could logically be completely recycled over a period of 200 billion years or so. Ideas such as this, while grounded in observable evidence, are in stark contrast to the one Big Bang cosmology of mainstream science today.

    Thirty-three scientists published objections to Big Bang theory in 2004 (Lerner 2004). A number of scientists who question the Big Bang theory held the first ever Crisis in Cosmology conference in Portugal in June 2005 to discuss cosmological evidence in opposition to the Big Bang theory. This heretical departure from mainstream dogma will not be accepted quickly.

    While these few scientists question Big Bang absurdity, mainstream scientists at the University of Chicago have taken the trouble to estimate the (astronomically small) probability of a second big bang at any moment and any place (Reich 2004). Their calculation is of course based on the assumption that there was a first Big Bang, illustrating the domino effect of one wrong theory leading to ever more absurd scientific thought.

    3. Our Universe is not Expanding

    3…it may sometimes be that not to know one thing that is wrong could be more important than knowing a hundred things that are right.

    —Halton C. Arp (1987)

    Science believes that the universe is expanding as a result of a truly unbelievable Big Bang. In such an explosion, the velocity of newly created matter would travel at increasing velocities away from the point of origin of the Big Bang only as long as the Big Bang explosion continued. Seeing no evidence of a currently explosive force thundering through the cosmos, this acceleration, had it ever existed, would have ended long ago and the matter in the universe would now expand at a constant velocity.

    If all galaxies were traveling away from the site of the Big Bang at the same speeds, we would now see galaxies on the other side of the origin traveling away from us at twice the velocity created by the Big Bang, while galaxies in our direction from the Big Bang would appear motionless relative to us. However, science says that galaxies are moving away from us in all directions at velocities proportional to their distances from us.

    Alternatively, if the Big Bang happened so long ago that the furthest galaxies that we can see are all nowhere near the origin, then we would see little expansion in any direction. This also contradicts the science belief that they see all galaxies moving away from us in all directions. Science defends its expanding universe belief with the example of a loaf of rising raisin-bread. They point out that all of the raisins in the bread are moving away from each other as the bread rises, with no point of origin in the bread. Another common example is to mark dots on a balloon and observe that they all move away from each other as the balloon is blown up.

    Thus science says that the universe is expanding in a single very specific manner in which the velocity of each raisin in the bread or mark on the balloon relative to any other raisin or mark is not constant, but an increasing velocity precisely proportional to the distance between the raisins or marks. This unique mode of expansion would require that every galaxy would have to be moving away from us at a velocity exactly in proportion to its distance from our galaxy. Science further says that the speed that galaxies move away is increasing at any given distance. Thus the expansion of the universe is believed to be accelerating. The raisin bread and the balloon have forces acting to cause this type of expansion, but we do not know of a force in the universe that would cause this peculiar type of expansion, as if space itself were uniformly expanding everywhere.

    Lacking such a force, science therefore invented one by simply assigning a name to it, dark energy. Einstein’s famous E = mc² formula indicates that matter and energy can be equated, and scientists have estimated that 73% of all matter/energy in the universe is dark energy. Maybe so, but maybe science is misleading itself with an invalid assumption about the expanding nature of the universe.

    The Hubble Law

    The belief in an expanding universe in which all galaxies travel away from our galaxy at a velocity directly proportional to their distances from us became codified after Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 that fainter galaxies seemed to have slightly longer wavelengths of light arriving on Earth. The increase in wavelength is called redshift. Scientists presume that the redshift is due entirely to the velocity at which galaxies move away from us. Specifically, the velocity of a receding galaxy is v = H0d, where H0 is Hubble’s constant and d is the distance to the galaxy. H0 is variously measured between 50 and 100 km/sec per megaparsec (equal to 3.26 million light-years), with 70 a typical value. For example, a galaxy 1,000 megaparsecs (3.26 billion light-years) away would be traveling away from us at 70,000 km/sec, or about one-fourth the speed of light.

    Science believes they see galaxies 13 billion light-years away from us, or about 4,000 megaparsecs. These distant galaxies are believed to be traveling away from us at 280,000 km/sec, very close to the speed of light at 300,000 km/sec. A discerning mind

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