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Nibs for Nubs
Nibs for Nubs
Nibs for Nubs
Ebook25 pages23 minutes

Nibs for Nubs

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I write. You vote. Rank these eight stories in order and I'll tally the votes on July 1st, 2018. Vote by commenting on the Facebook page:

Release dateApr 7, 2018
Nibs for Nubs

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    Nibs for Nubs - Danielle DeRosa

    Nibs for Nubs

    I write. You vote.

    Here are eight uncompleted short stories. Read them. Rank them based on the ones you’d most like to read.


    Monsieur Grib

    El Libro de Jose

    Music’s Lullaby

    Corinne’s Knife



    Music as Her Refuge


    Monsieur Grib

    April 2, 2010

    Under the frozen bridge where horse hooves had marred the frost a man sat with a small light. He took out a journal and opened its binding, pages crinkling their promises. His shoulder was wrapped in part of his pant leg but it was doing little to stop the bleeding. With shaking, stiff fingers he ripped one of the pages from the book, making a long strip before rolling it up. With the light he set fire to the end of the page and lifted the smoldering words to his lips, breathing their stories in deep. On his exhale the smokey whispers floated up just as one of the carriages was clattering above, climbing up the air with messages of warmth. The promises hit the ones most exposed to the cold, ignoring the snug top hats and feather coated mademoiselles clouded in their own grandeur. Flowing loudly for all the night to hear, the words graced the tapered ears of the two thoroughbreds. At once the rattling above the man stopped and he tasted the end of his ashen work. Leaving the light he climbed as the promises had done, moving as quickly as possible with his injury, swimming through the dark like a haiku. Up through the clinging numbness and up onto the slick path, he reached out his hands to the animals as the coachman watched without alarm.

    Good evening to you, sir, he said, not being able to see the man's state through the gloom. There was a pause in which he took out again his journal,

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