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Almost Dead
Almost Dead
Almost Dead
Ebook482 pages7 hours

Almost Dead

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The first victim is pushed to her death. The second suffers a fatal overdose. The third takes a bullet to the heart. Three down, more to go. They’re people who deserve to die. People who are in the way. And when she’s finished, there will be no one left…
Cissy Cahill’s world is unraveling fast. One by one, members of her family are dying. Cissy’s certain she’s being watched. Or is she losing her mind? Lately she’s heard footsteps when there’s no one around, smelled a woman’s perfume, and noticed small, personal items missing from her house. Cissy’s right to be afraid--but not for the reason she thinks. The truth is much more terrifying…
Hidden in the shadows of the Cahill family’s twisted past is a shocking secret—a secret that will only be satisfied by blood. And Cissy must uncover the deadly truth before it’s too late, because fear is coming home…with a vengeance…
Release dateAug 1, 2007

Lisa Jackson

When asked what has inspired her to write more than 50 novels brimming with adventure, intrigue, hot passion, and high emotion, bestselling Oregon author, Lisa Jackson gets a mischievous smile on her face. Then the words flow as fast as her fingers fly on her computer keyboard when she writes. Her eyes sparkling with memories, she tells stories of her youth, stories of a Huckleberry Finn childhood in the small lumber town of Molalla and on her grandparents' nearby farm in the hilly region of western Oregon. There in the old growth timber, Lisa rode bareback and raced along the ages-old sheep, cattle and deer trails. In the nearby river, she skinnydipped and caught crawdads in her bare hands. An inventive child, she sneaked out of the house and rode her bicycle or horse in the moonlight and dreamed up childish pranks that would have done Tom Sawyer proud. "Nobody could have had a better childhood," Lisa remarks, her twinkling eyes and got-away-with-something-grin giving her a youthful appearance that defies the fact that she is in her mid-40s and the mother of two college-age sons. "My childhood was enchanted. We were a small, tightly knit family. My mum and dad were and still are my greatest supporters." Why then does Lisa write lousy dads and conniving relatives into the plots of books that regularly earn berths on such national bestseller lists as USA Today's and Waldenbooks'? "I think the deepest angst people can experience is what can develop among family members, because our emotions run so deep there," Lisa replied. "Deep down, we care about these people, but being related doesn't mean we think alike or want the same things. I also think manipulative people are fascinating. Characters like those help me to keep the readers' interest. I love it when readers write me to complain that they didn't get any sleep the night before because they had to finish my book." Lisa studied English Literature at Oregon State University for two years before she married. In 1981, when her younger son was a year old, she began writing novels. But she decided she needed a steady income and landed a nine-dollar-per-hour bank job. Before she could begin work, however, her supervisor was arrested for embezzling. "About then I sold my first book, A Twist of Fate, which — guess what! — was about a woman suspected of bank embezzling. It was purely coincidental. The story came out of my background in banking," Lisa provided. "But I guess you could say, if not for a bank embezzler, I might not have made it as an author." In addition to suspenseful contemporary page-turners, Lisa also delivers medieval romances set in eleventh and twelfth century Wales. "I enjoy doing these medieval period pieces, because women were so trod upon then. By nature of their lot in life, I can generate empathy or sympathy for the medieval heroines. They're underdogs from the get-go. Tell me what woman doesn't root for the underdog!" Britannia Roads, a creative Lansing, Michigan tour packager, read the first in Lisa's medieval trilogy and loved her writing so much that she designed a tour of Wales, with Lisa as the featured guest. Tour members will visit some of Princess Diana's favourite places to stay in Ruthin Castle. They'll be in for a treat when Lisa regales them with author stories during the tour, for she is as talented at public speaking as she is at writing novels. When not writing, Lisa enjoys spectator sports, reading, watching The X-Files and socialising now that she's a single mum. Her favourite authors include Pat Conroy, Nelson DeMille, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Dick Francis, and other authors who also write compelling page-turners.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Almost Dead
    3.5 Stars

    A good plot with some interesting twists and turns, especially the revelation at the end.
    The characters are where the book falls short. Jack and Cissy are not that likable as their constant bickering is a turnoff and their romance is lacking.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really good story. Great ending!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really liked this one. It's been awhile since I had read anything by Lisa Jackson, having in my mind that all her books where some how the same. But it paid me well to read it, not sure if there is a sequel too this one or if this was a book to a sequel? She likes too use the same characters in so many of her books, but I finished it in 3 days.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In If She Only Knew we meet the Cahill family, (click here for my review), Almost Dead continues the story 10 years later with Marla's daughter, Cissy Cahill.Cissy is married now with a toddler son. Her world appears to be falling apart, her marriage is failing and then the people closest to her start dieing, being murdered actually. Cissy herself is being stalked. Detective Anthony Paterno has returned and is the investigating officer.As the police put the pieces together and the killer draws closer, a secret from the past holds the key to solving the case.Once again Lisa Jackson draws the reader into another world, a world where fear rules and twisted individuals are willing to do anything to get what they want. While you could read this novel without reading the first one, I think it is much more enjoyable if you already have a basic knowledge of some of the characters in Almost Dead. The twists in this novel are thrilling, once again with unexpected turns and a surprise if not a total shock at the end makes this another winner.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lately Cissy Cahill has been asking herself if life could get any worse. While in the middle of divorcing her husband, her psycho mom escapes from prison. Just when Cissy thinks nothing else could possibly go wrong, she finds the body of her grandmother, dead from what looks like a fall down the stairs. When more members of her family are murdered, the Police are sure it is Marla Cahill, her mother. Even though she knows her mother is crazy, Cissy can't believe that she could murder members of her own family...or could she?

    While the mystery is strong in this book, Lisa Jackson has gone back toward her romance roots. Romance suspense fans should be happy with this Jackson offering.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Read in August, 2013Lisa Jackson Almost DeadFraudio> Mysterysummer 2013> TBR Busting 2013pub 2007families> filthy lucre> chick-lit> weak murder storyFirst try out with this author and I have other titles yet will not rush to bring them out given this lack-lustre item.The story opens with a woman in a coma who we know, through her inner narration, can hear and feel, however the medicos seem to be willing to turn her off. That was good, though unhappily, it is not long before the story focus is turned to focus lengthily a bad marriage and the crime element is just in the background.Chick-lit-cum-thriller genre is not so very appealing.2*
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As always, Lisa Jackson wrote another great book! Couldn't put it down! Finished it in two weeks! A real page turner! Giving it 5 stars!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Late for her weekly visit with her grandmother, Cissy Holt reaches Eugenia’s Cahill’s home, pizza in one hand, young son in the other . . . and finds her grandmother dead, apparently from a fall down the stairs. A second death follows shortly after Eugenia’s and Cissy realizes that someone [perhaps her escaped from prison mother?] is killing off Cahill family members. Will Cissy be next? Or can she solve the mystery of who is murdering her family . . . and why? This intense narrative, although able to stand alone, continues the saga of the Cahill family introduced in “If She Only Knew.” Here Cissy takes center stage as, one by one, members of her family die. Jack Holt, her estranged husband, is desperately hoping for a reconciliation, but at the outset, Cissy seems quite unmovable on that point. Several of the characters have a tendency to be quite annoying and self-centered in their thinking, character traits that make them all the more believable. The investigating detective, Anthony Paterno, is a superbly-drawn character, a highlight of the tale.The suspense builds in this thriller as the plot twists and turns, keeping readers involved until the final unexpected reveal most readers aren’t likely to see coming.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The two detectives moved the story along, but the H/H didn’t. Frustrated by all the small chit chat and internal moaning and groaning when I wanted to know what the villains were doing. Excellent story premise though.