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Bilingual Swedish-English: Den Stora Stygga Vargen är Rik!
Bilingual Swedish-English: Den Stora Stygga Vargen är Rik!
Bilingual Swedish-English: Den Stora Stygga Vargen är Rik!
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Bilingual Swedish-English: Den Stora Stygga Vargen är Rik!

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“Adults dissatisfied by manufactured children’s literature, rejoice! The impish satirical tale of The Big Bad Wolf Strikes It Rich! Fairy Tale Memoirs is The Art of the Deal written by Red Riding Hood’s nemesis and it’s all sorts of brilliant.” — Essex Magazine, giving a very wolfy compliment

The bilingual edition of The Big Bad Wolf Strikes It Rich! is perfect for learning a new language at school, home or work for ages 8-1,000. The Big Bad Wolf isn’t who you think he is. For starters, he has a legal name – Aladdin Todd Jackson – and from the time he meets the magical genie trapped in a recycled energy drink can, he embarks on a grand, wolfy Wall Street adventure. In stories based on Grimm’s Fairy Tales and European folklore with a modern Manhattan twist, come along as this luxury loving wolf with a heart of gold beneath his scary teeth learns lessons about business and real life.

Release dateNov 17, 2017
Bilingual Swedish-English: Den Stora Stygga Vargen är Rik!

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    Bilingual Swedish-English - Nicole Russin-McFarland

    Chapter 3

    Ett Brev

      Du kanske känner igen mig. Jag är ju en stor kändis. Jag är den berömda Fortune 500 företagsvargen Aladdin Todd Jackson. Lär dig hur jag gick från fattig till toppen av Wall Street-spelet i min självbiografi. Varje kapitel lär ut affärshemligheterna för dina barn. Jag kanske känns som din genomsnittliga temperamentliga, chokladkärleksfulla materialistiska varg högt uppe på min lägenhet i Ritz-Carlton Battery Park, men det finns mycket du inte vet om mig, entreprenören med ett hjärta av guld under mina problem med stor ilska.

    Jag trodde att jag var en förlorad person! Jag stod inför åtal för mord för ett trippelmord på några dumma grisar. När min rättegång upphörde på grund av brist på bevis, blev jag arbetslös, utan pengar på grund av juridiska räkningar och förbannad med ett dåligt rykte. Nyhetsmedia anklagade mig för att vara en varg i fårkläder. Vilken dålig journalistik av dem. Jag har på mig Armani till jobbet.

    Jag har överlevt riktiga sagor som du inte skulle drömma om. Med hjälp av mina praktikanter, Hansel och Gretel, tar jag finansdistriktet med storm. Jag kommer att ändra dig från pojken som ropade varg! till en rik ung man som slutar gråta som en bäbisvarg och börjar tjänar pengar. Vem är med mig? Var inte rädd för den stora stygga vargen.

    Chapter 4

    Aladdin and the Magic Soda Pop Bottle Lamp

      What can I say? Years ago, I was infamous. The media gave me the nickname of The Big Bad Wolf when I was on trial for a triple homicide; I was falsely accused of murdering three pigs! My real name is Aladdin Todd Jackson, for your information. Every night, the news shows had guests arguing about my legal problems. A female TV host called me a wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't think so. I only wear Armani. Because I had money and looks, I was unfairly portrayed as a bad guy.

    The judge said he did not have enough evidence to convict me. The only evidence against me was a single note. It read, I will huff and puff and blow your house down if you aren't my BBQ sandwich tomorrow. My lawyer presented receipts from the past six months. Did I do it? Of course…not! My defense showed how I only eat at vegetarian restaurants, and an expert showed it wasn't my handwriting! As if I would eat a messy pulled pork sandwich!? I eat at five star Italian restaurants. Usually veggie pasta, hold the Parmesan. I digress.

    With my name in the clear, I thought of several career moves. Originally, I thought I could become famous for being famous. A wolf’s gotta earn a living. I released a song. I recorded my own version of Hungry Like the Wolf. It flopped because Justin Bieber had released his remake first, six months ago to be exact. Then, oh boy, I lost a movie audition because the movie director said, You don't look enough like a wolf.

    But I am a wolf, I argued! I flashed him my teeth as proof. He said I just had horrible dental work.

    The media followed me everywhere. I couldn't go eat a salad without being photographed. Cameras once swarmed me as I lunched at The Ivy. I couldn’t buy wolf cleaning supplies anywhere. Do you know how humiliating it is getting caught in pajama pants printed with ice cream cones? Photographers hid behind bushes, ready to snap photos of me should I eat a pig with one bite!

    Everything was blown out of proportion in the tabloids. When I had a bad meal, I told a rude waiter, You’re a pig. He sold his story to a reporter. The article said, The Big Bad Wolf hates pigs! No, I don't. I hate the men who act like pigs. Before long, a British tabloid accused me of wolfing down a pig in Essex. I couldn't escape the bad publicity. Was I really made for a career in entertainment? I had spent all my money on legal fees. I was desperate.

    Depressed, I spent my days being turned down at auditions, surfing, and shopping with the money I still had on Rodeo Drive until I pied my debt up to the ceiling. When debt collectors began harassing me after I quit paying my credit card bills, I opened my back teeth so wide, you could see my uvula. It did the trick.

    One afternoon, I discovered a magic, glowing soda bottle in a dark alley. I think it was diet. Maybe a Red Bull? I knew it was magic because when I kicked it with my shoes, a voice said, Be careful! Huh?

    The voice told me, Rub the bottle. I am a genie. I will grant you three wishes! I was confused. No, ill! First, I thought genies were trapped inside lamps. Also, I was hearing voices and seeing weird lights, which meant I ate too much ice cream. I wanted to walk away, but the voice said, I can give you a career! I will give you a good reputation! Your wish is my command!

    How do I know you won't escape from the bottle and never help me? I've been burned out by too many Hollywood agents. Your business deal seems weird. What's in it for you? How come you aren't in a lamp? A soda bottle is a little tacky, and on top of that, generic energy soda, come on, I told him.

    The genie replied, I am freed from my bottle when your third wish is granted. My original lamp was sold at Sotheby's, therefore, I was evicted into this diet orange soda bottle. Uh, yeah, Red Bull stuff. My name is Patrick.

    I asked the genie another question, Patrick!? Aren't genies from Saudi Arabia?!

    Patrick explained, Yea, I am from Saudi Arabia. I changed my name when I moved to the United States in 1897. Stop wasting time. Either you rub my lamp for three wishes, or you can go away. I rubbed the lamp.

    A cloud of purple smoke appeared, then, whoosh, Patrick appeared beside me. I wish I lived in New York City. I am tired of my life in Hollywood. Give me a job as a news reporter. What is the of the television show in the morning? I want to work there! I told Patrick.

    Within a second, I coughed as the smoke transported me in front of an audience.

    Welcome to The Big Bad Wolf Morning News Show! I said automatically. The audience cheered. Everything was perfect until I ate a slice of cake during the cooking segment. When I showed my teeth, the audience ran away, horrified I was a real wolf.

    You're fired, a man told me.

    Thanks a lot! I yelled.

    Patrick said, You were not specific. You asked me to give you a job. Your wish must be precise. Do you want to marry a beautiful princess?

    I was upset. I told him, No! I am unemployed! I am a dumb wolf. Nobody likes me. I wish I were someone else! Oh, no! I made a wish. When the purple smoke dissolved, I saw that I was a pink rabbit.

    Look at the baby bunny! She’s dancing! a girl said. I was a ballerina. This was awful. I ran off the stage. When I looked in the mirror, I cried.

    A man told me, My dancers don't cry. You're fired!

    I was a pink rabbit, and I was still hopelessly unemployed. In my reflection, I saw the genie behind me. I yelled, You are a horrible person! I did not mean what I said! Correct your mistake!

    The genie made me a wolf again. I wish I had money, I said. The genie escaped from his bottle. I thought he had left for good.

    There is a coin on the floor! Patrick said. He picked up the penny. Here you go, he said. "You can have the penny. You have money now! Well, it seems that your three wishes were granted. I gave you a free fourth wish when you wanted to become a wolf again. Have a good day. I'm off to buy a hamburger. I'm starving.

    I was alone. I did not have any money in my pocket. The genie was going to buy himself lunch. I could not afford to buy one potato. I didn't have any friends. My parents disowned me. Nobody spoke to me after I was accused of murder. I did not have a place to live. I wished I had never met the genie. He made me believe in impossible dreams. The truth is, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. A quick fix doesn't exist.

    I walked into a restaurant. I need a job, I said. I had tears in my eyes.

    Then put on the apron and start scrubbing the dishes! the chef said. Before you can say hired, I was once again, you guessed it: fired. I broke a plate with my claw.

    You're fired! the chef said. I was getting fired everywhere. How was I going to make money? I needed a sign. Then, I hit my head in a stop sign when I walked into it. Ouch!

    Are you okay? My name is Dahlia, a flamingo asked me.

    I was fired three times today, and a genie lied to me! I'm broke! I'm homeless! I have a bad reputation! People believe I murdered and ate three pigs! I am a vegetarian! I cannot afford to eat! I screamed.

    Dahlia looked at me. You must have many talents. You should use your skills to make money, she told me. She explained, I heard a legend about a magic place. Money trees grow in the soil. I was looking for the magic garden when I saw you. Do you want to join me?

    I asked Dahlia, How do we get there without a map?

    She told me, We need to buy a snack. You look hungry. Next, we will follow the yellow brick road to a magic cavern where you will need to say a secret password.

    Dahlia bought me crackers, pretzels, and peanuts from a man in the street. They were delicious. As we walked, we saw a man accidentally spill yellow paint on a brick path. We walked three feet on the brick until we reached a cave in the middle of Manhattan. The entrance was sealed by a big boulder.

    The password is...burrito! Dahlia said. It didn't work. Open! she yelled. Nothing.

    I began choking on my pretzel's sesame seeds. I wanted to tell her, but between coughs, all I could say was, Sesame!" I coughed about five seconds after it.

    Dahlia jumped in delight. We opened it! The password was, wow, 'Open sesame!' Inside the cave, we discovered an underground forest. Instead of leaves, dollar bills grew on the plants. We were now rich!

    Now what do I do? I asked.

    We can buy pink shoes! she said.

    I responded, No. I hated being a pink ballerina rabbit. She did not get it. Dahlia gave me a strange look. The genie made me into a rabbit, I told her. Moving on, I want to have a job. Not enough shoes in the world will make me happy if I am unemployed. I didn't understand the concept of money.

    We will invest the money in the stock market! she told me. I didn't understand what she was saying. Remember, I had to deal with a stupid trial for a crime I didn't commit...for three years. I didn't have time to read the newspaper. We will read about important companies. Companies want everyone to participate in running their business. When you buy a stock, your opinion counts. You help the economy.

    I heard you, flamingo, I said as I growled at her, but how do I make money?

    When the company makes money, you own a small percentage of the company. You will make money when they earn it. We must read the newspaper to learn about successful industries. For example, if we see that the prices of corn are soaring, we should invest in a company that produces corn. We will earn more money as the prices of corn increase and more people buy corn. Do you understand the idea? she said.

    We picked the money fruit from the trees in the secret garden. Next, we placed the money in a bank account. Both Dahlia and I researched news about famous companies. We invested in companies that deal with oil, computers, airplanes, and wheat. Soon, I began waking up early to watch the news about stock markets in Australia and Japan. When people heard about how much money I was earning in the stock market, people stopped me in the street for a conversation. Can you help us too? they asked. I did. I continue advising people on where to invest their money. It is my new job. I started my own financial advising business, and I love it! In a month, I was famous for positive reasons and ready for the next big chapter in my life.

    Chapter 5

    Aladdin och den magiska flasklampan

      Vad kan jag säga? För några år sedan var jag ökänd. Medierna gav mig smeknamnet Den stora stygga vargen när jag var på rättegång för ett trippelmord; Jag blev falskt anklagad för att ha mördat tre grisar! Mitt riktiga namn är Aladdin Todd Jackson. Varje kväll hade nyheterna gäster som argumenterade om mina juridiska problem. En kvinnlig TV-värd kallade mig en varg i fårkläder. Jag håller inte med. Jag bär bara Armani. Eftersom jag hade pengar och utseende, blev jag orättvist porträtterad som en dålig kille.

    Domaren sa att han inte hade tillräckligt med bevis för att döma mig. Det enda beviset mot mig var en enda anteckning. Där stod det: Jag ska huffa och puffa och blåsa ner ditt hus om du inte ger mig en grillad macka i morgon. Min advokat presenterade kvitton från de senaste sex månaderna. Gjorde jag det? Självklart inte! Mitt försvar bevisade att jag bara äter på vegetariska restauranger, och en expert visade att det inte var min handstil! Som om jag skulle äta en rörig, sliskig fläsksmörgås !? Jag äter på femstjärniga italienska restauranger. Vanligtvis vegetarisk pasta, utan parmesan. Jag avstår det.

    Med mitt namn i det klara tänkte jag på flera karriärdrag. Först tänkte jag att jag kunde bli känd för att vara känd. En varg måste tjäna pengar. Jag släppte en låt. Jag spelade in min egen version av Hungry Like the Wolf. Den floppade på grund av att Justin Bieber hade släppt sin remake först, för sex månader sedan för att vara exakt. Sen misslyckades jag med en filmaudition eftersom filmregissören sa: Du ser inte tillräckligt mycket ut som en varg.

    Men jag är en varg, hävdade jag! Jag visade honom mina tänder som bevis. Han sa att jag bara hade hemska tänder.

    Media följde mig överallt. Jag kunde inte äta en sallad utan att bli fotograferad. Kameror svärmade runt mig en gång när jag lunchade på The Ivy. Jag kunde inte köpa vargtillbehör någonstans. Vet du hur förödmjukande det är att bli sedd i pyjamasbyxor med glassar på? Fotografer gömde sig bakom buskar, redo att ta bilder på mig om jag skulle äta en gris i en tugga!

    Allt var överdrivet av tidningarna. När jag fick en dålig måltid, sa jag till en oförskämd servitör, Du är en gris. Han sålde sin historia till en reporter. Artikeln lydde: Den stora, stygga vargen hatar grisar! Nej, det gör jag inte. Jag hatar männen som beter sig som grisar. Sedan länge anklagade en brittisk tidning mig för att jagat en gris i Essex. Jag kunde inte undgå den dåliga publiciteten. Har jag verkligen skapat en karriär inom underhållning? Jag hade spenderat alla mina pengar på juridiska avgifter. Jag var desperat.

    Deprimerad tillbringade jag mina dagar på audition, surfing och shopping med de pengar jag fortfarande hade på Rodeo Drive tills jag drivit min skuld upp till taket. När skuldsamlare började jaga mig efter att jag slutat betala mina kreditkortsräkningar visa jag mina tänder så brett, att man kunde se min gom. Det gjorde susen.

    En eftermiddag upptäckte jag en magisk, glödande läskflaska i en mörk gränd. Jag tror det var light. Kanske en Red Bull? Jag visste att den var magisk, för när jag sparkade på den med mina skor, sa en röst: Var försiktig!

    Rösten sa till mig, Gnugga flaskan. Jag är en ande. Jag ska ge dig tre önskningar! Jag var förvirrad. Nej, sjukt! Jag trodde

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