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Ebook375 pages3 hours


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Rowan fights with her fists, but cannot activate fire programs to save her life. Electric programmer Ren has always been weak and bullied, and cannot walk without help. Metal programmer Eloise can’t be anything but everyone’s enemy. All are still students of the Basic Programming halls, but the capital of Pendi may change because of them.
As the Crimson Master and his friends take their individual places in the capital, will they be enough to stifle a growing resentment between Selati and Pendika? Will helping the new breed of element programmers be enough to stop a disaster?

PublisherEK Gonzales
Release dateSep 26, 2017

EK Gonzales

EK resides in the Philippines. In a strange life, she has written one-act plays, articles, fan fiction, and short stories. She has been a copy editor for an anime magazine, and is a current advocate for local komiks.Previous publications have been in Philippine Speculative Fiction 4, Philippine Genre Stories, Ruin and Resolve, and Horror: Filipino Fiction for Young Adults.Sites:http://activatedseries.wordpress.com

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    Book preview

    Harmonics - EK Gonzales



    Rowan of southeast, fire programmer, future Crimson Master.

    Only in her wildest dreams.

    She could not make a fireball, the simplest fire program, no matter how hard she tried. She could not even make a spark. The best she could do was program travel clouds, and of those she could make only small ones to glide her across the streets. She did not know how she passed first year basic programming. She studied for the theoretical culminating examinations, but was hopeless in the practical culmis. She did her best by programming then throwing cloud puffballs as projectiles, and shaping small cloud swords.

    Yet the teachers told her that she was a programmer: someone who could manipulate element programs. Creating travel clouds was not a whole lot of programming. But if the teachers thought she deserved to take second year basic programming subjects, she would not object.

    And if anyone who was not a teacher said she did not belong there, they would answer to her fists.

    She collected her money from a wooden box under her bed and filled her wallet with it. She would kill anyone who would dare steal it, she swore as she made her way to the basic program halls to pay tuition.

    She resolutely marched through the streets of the capital from her apartment to the basic program hall. She knew the path well; after all it was the same route she took to the coffee shop




    She reached the front steps of the hall when she ran into another reminder that the new school year had begun.

    At the foot of the steps, hidden by some of the shrubs of the front lawn, she spotted a familiar sight: a girl pummelling a boy with water program pellets.

    Rowan did not even have to think. She had a year of experience. In a heartbeat she was there, legs and fists flying. She pinned the girl to the grass in the next heartbeat.

    Rowan of southeast! The blue-haired girl coughed as she regained her footing.

    Rowan clenched her fists and placed herself in front of the thin boy on the grass. Juno. You’re up to no good early. She scowled at the girl with cropped blue hair and spectacles.

    Juno began to step back. Sorry! I’m under orders!

    Orders? How could Eloise already have orders! Rowan glanced behind her. The silver-haired boy was still unconscious. He was not even whimpering.

    She rolled her eyes. Why did she have to go against the Metalworks this early? Classes had not even started! She had just finished enrolling for second year subjects in basic programming. She was late enough as it was, waiting for the last possible moment in order to get her earnings up enough to pay. Bullying students out of their enrolment money: the Metalworks did not know when to stop, damn them! None of those girls needed more money than their families




    Someone needed to stand up to them. Rowan resented that the person to do it all the time had to




    Sorry! Just under orders! I had to check out who would be good clients! Juno quivered, too scared




    Clients? Rowan lunged and knocked her down. Victims!

    She hated punching girls, but sometimes she had to do it. She had had to fight these girls of the Metalworks too often.

    Juno threw up her hands, blasting Rowan with a surge of water programs to the chest. Rowan shielded herself with her arms. Then she charged back and elbowed the girl’s abdomen.

    Juno bowled over, but as she did so, she chuckled through the pain. "You still have no offensive





    I can still fight better than any of you bullies with your metal and water programs! Rowan landed a punch to the face, turning the girl’s cheek blue and purple. That’s my message for Eloise. I’m still in program hall. Rowan gave her a final kick. Then she let the girl run whimpering away to her leader, as she checked back on




    His silvery hair was streaked with blood. Unlike others she had helped, this one did not roll up into a ball; his legs remained bent but spread out. Then she saw them: small, lightweight steel crutches, thrown down




    She turned her eyes back towards the boy. He had not moved or groaned since she first looked at him. He still breathed normally but was pale. His fingers opened and closed somewhat, his lips opened slightly to pant, but the legs did not move at all. She tried tapping his cheeks but he did not even groan. "Hey, kid, open your eyes. How bad did she




    This was bad, worse than she had ever had to deal with. She did not know what to do about his injuries.

    She programmed for a travel cloud. She lifted the young man onto it — he should not have been that light! — and placed the crutches beside him. She steered the cloud toward the coffee shop where she worked, to someone who hopefully would know what




    She needed the chief. He would be the only one who would not freak out if a body appeared at the front door on a travel cloud. It was not very far, just across the street from the basic programming halls and at the next corner.

    She burst into the coffee shop, almost knocking over the chief at the door. He was still a young man with sandy hair and a cook’s apron.

    Rowan explained before the chief even greeted her. "A…I….um….There’s a kid that got bullied, he’s in a




    The chief patted her shoulder then stepped outside to look at the person on the travel cloud. He initially gasped, but then calmly came up and placed a hand over the boy’s heart, making it glow somewhat. After that, he smiled at Rowan. New friend fine, but need rest. Take friend upstairs.

    She breathed with relief.


    She paused. Yes, chief?

    New friend, special.

    She could see that much, what with the crutches



    No, Rowan. Really special. Different.

    Yeah… me. She was different, a fire programmer who could not activate fire programs, who dealt with those who teased her by using her fists.






    But the chief simply grinned.

    The chief brought the silver-haired boy in his arms. He did not seem to have trouble with the boy’s weight at all, he was that thin and light. Rowan followed as the chief brought the boy through the coffee shop, through the kitchen, and up the stairs to the little apartment on the second floor.

    A small table with a few chairs for meals. A small kitchen. A small bookcase with some cookbooks. The chief placed the young man over the small worn-out lumpy sofa. He crossed the open area and went into a small bedroom beyond. He returned with a pillow and a blanket for




    Despite all this movement, the silver-haired new program trainee had not stirred awake.

    Too long, the chief finally said, placing a hand over the boy’s heart. He scratched his head then faced her. Rowan, please, find Master Beika.

    Rowan nodded and tipped her hat. The chief could order her to jump off a travel cloud a kilometer off the ground, using his Selati-accented Pendika. Rowan would probably do it after a long argument why it had to be done, but ultimately believing that the chief knew best. She did not bother arguing. She ran off for the hospital.

    Rowan was familiar with the coffee shop regulars and the chief’s friends; Beika was both. She found heal programmer Beika at the second floor of the hospital. After a few moments of asking superiors for permission to leave early, the healer with salt-and-pepper hair followed




    Who is he? Beika




    I wasn’t able to get his name yet, Rowan told her with a shrug. "He’s thin and shorter than me, has silver hair. And his legs




    Rowan was yanked back. Beika had suddenly stopped walking.

    What? Rowan asked.

    Nothing, I think I remembered something. Come on. Beika walked briskly along the sidewalk.

    The boy had not awakened when Rowan returned with Beika. The chief was sitting beside him, cooling a cloth on the boy’s forehead by tapping a finger, ice programmer that he was. Ah! Master Beika! he said with a warm smile.

    Beika rushed to the boy on the sofa, almost knocking over the chief. It’s him, it’s him! She brushed away the long strands that covered his face, placed a hand over his heart and read lifecodes. Soji! I can’t believe it! It’s him! It’s him! It’s Sereno!

    So? Rowan asked. "Can you help




    Beika looked at the boy on the sofa again. OH! Right!

    She placed a hand over the boy’s head and heart and encoded for Basic Heal. The lifecodes brightened for her and corrected themselves under her guidance. She shifted her hand and placed them for some time at both his legs, encoding more specific basic heal programs there.

    Some color returned to the boy’s face and lips. He started to turn to find a more comfortable sleeping position.

    Beika brushed his hair with her fingers. He’s just exhausted, he’ll be fine soon. She lost all professional composure again. She got up excitedly and happily shook the chief at the shoulders. It’s Sereno, Soj! He’s now in the capital! Can’t you see how awesome that is! Sereno, in the capital! The chief endured the shaking with a confused smile.

    Rowan rolled her eyes and gave up hoping that Beika would make any sense to anyone but her friends. So who IS this Sereno of yours?

    Sereno of northwest, originally of northeast, Beika said. "I met him in the infirmary






    Ren slowly reclaimed consciousness. He ached everywhere, but not as much as he expected. He lay on something soft now, no longer prickly grass. A blanket and a pillow had also been provided. Voices muttered beyond him, nearby, but they did not laugh or sneer. He realized that he had not been captured by whoever bullied him earlier. The voices were tsk-tsk-tsking and making other pitying sounds.

    He sighed. He must be back in a hospital.

    But when he opened his eyes, he saw he




    He first looked up at an old ceiling, with some of the wood dust falling near his feet. The room–it was a room he was in–was not very large, already filled with the sofa he was on, a small table beside it, a taller table for meals not far away, a few scattered chairs where several people sat, and a small kitchen. Herbs and spices filled the air, but today it was laced with antiseptic and bandages.

    He groaned as he moved an arm and felt for his crutches. He was so stiff everywhere, and where were those crutches? He needed them! Did the girl break them after he got knocked out? He hoped not, he did not want to spend for new crutches, now that he had little money left until his mother




    Ah! Finally, he’s awake! a girl said from nearby. The girl’s voice was lower than most, mistakable for a boy’s voice. You had me worried back there, kid! He looked to his right, and wondered if his ears deceived him, for the girl’s voice came from what looked like




    But the next face he saw shocked him more than the experience of being bullied at his first day in the capital. A young woman with glasses and salt-and-pepper hair came up and embraced him. Sereno. You should’ve told me you were coming. This wouldn’t have happened.

    Miss Bei. She had not changed, just grew taller. She still loved hugging people at all the wrong times. She still smelled of sandwiches and antiseptic. I…I didn’t want to bother anyone.

    You were never a bother, Sereno! Miss Bei rumpled his hair. Ren hated when she did that, but tolerated it for old




    Pity. The last few years of his life had been full of pity, and he was sick and tired of it. He had hoped that proving himself enough to get to the capital would change it. But there was no




    A young man with sandy hair also came up to him at that moment, such that three people now gazed at him from overhead. The young man carried a tray and placed it on the small table. On it was mushroom soup and a glass of water. Alright to eat, Master Beika? the young man asked.

    Of course, Soj, of course! Beika said, then faced Ren again. "I forgot! Sereno, these are Soji of the meridian and Rowan of southeast. This is Soj’s little place. Rowan brought you here, after




    Don’t rub it in, Miss Bei. Ren gripped the sofa and pulled himself to sitting. I got attacked on my first day in the capital, I know, I know. A girl attacked me, then a girl rescued me. He found the crutches on the floor.

    Beika chuckled with embarrassment toward the red-haired girl and the sandy-haired man. He’s not always like this. I bet he’s really thankful for all this effort you both went through. Isn’t that right, Sereno?

    Ren nodded and smiled his well-practiced, made-for-infirmary-contributors-and-philanthropists smile. He hated this smile.

    Is alright, Master Beika, the one she called Soji said. He spoke with an unusual accent. Boy still tired, I guess.

    Meeting a red-haired tomboy and a sandy-haired foreigner, seeing Miss Bei after three years, having to change all his plans, and facing a bully– all of these things in one day. Ren found it hard to take it all in so quickly.

    He had only wanted a calm life studying as a scholar then becoming a librarian back home. The simple dream began to collapse before it even began.

    Ren took up the crutches from the floor and hooked them to his upper arms. He gripped at the handles with clenched hands. Thank you for all you’ve done for me, but I don’t want to impose. I’ll be going.

    He focused all thought into moving his legs, waiting until he felt a surge of energy pass through them. With one hand on the sofa and the other planting the crutch to the floor, he lifted himself to a standing position. He then planted the other crutch onto the floor. He hated that he still wobbled on




    Beika stared at him with wide eyes and dropped




    Ren looked around the sofa and soon found his satchel. He alternated his crutches and his legs, swinging them until he reached the satchel. He lifted the bag off the floor and slung it




    Beika had not stopped gaping




    What, Miss Bei? he asked as he settled the bag to




    I can’t believe it, she muttered. She then said more audibly, I can’t believe it! By He who controls all programs! She stood up and reached over to him. She wrapped her arms around his thin frame and his arms holding the crutches. "I’m so proud of you, so very proud




    Ren wished she would let go of him already. He felt choked and snuffed. He did not know what he did to get a hug from her. He had just gotten up from the sofa, after all. It was nothing special.

    Sorry. I just….didn’t expect you here, and standing, and walking!

    What was wrong with her? He used to stand and walk like any other person, before THAT happened. Now she made it seem like it was something important.

    Please, Miss Bei. I need to get going…

    Beika finally released him. Where do you live? Have you made arrangements? I’ll take you there.

    Ren suddenly remembered. The arrangements for housing were what he was supposed to do after enrolling into the




    But when a programmer did a System Scan on him during the enrollment process, he had been told that he could not proceed. He was a programmer, not a scholar. They told him to enroll into the basic program training halls instead. It was after he finished the process for enrolling in the halls that he encountered the blue-haired girl who bombarded him with water pellets.

    He had no money left for board and lodging. He had not even had lunch.

    I’ll take care of it, Miss Bei, don’t worry. He wondered how he would take care of it. But he would not bother anyone more than necessary. He had to leave.

    "Are you sure? You still




    Yes, Miss Bei. The surge of energy through his legs stopped. They became dead weight again. He felt the cold sweat on his forehead and back, sensed the loss of strength in his arms. But he did not dare show weakness. "I’ll be fine.




    Someone caught him from behind before everything




    When he woke up again, it was morning, the next day. The crutches were once again on the floor, and his satchel had been placed beside them. The scent of warm milk and oatmeal mixed with cinnamon filled




    That settles it! Beika’s chirpy voice came to him from the dining table. "You’re staying here!




    The declaration fully woke him. What? Who was she to dictate




    Is alright, the sandy-haired foreigner said as he presented a bowl of oatmeal. "You stay on sofa. Also, Harmony near program





    Pity. He hated it. Absolutely






    Rowan did like it that Harmony, the coffee shop, was popular, especially with the trainees. It had a good place, at the corner where it could serve both scholar trainees and program trainees. The food was good and filling and affordable. She still could not believe sometimes that she was working at Harmony. That she

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