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Devon: I Thought I Got You
Devon: I Thought I Got You
Devon: I Thought I Got You
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Devon: I Thought I Got You

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Murder, memory loss, agonizing pain. Devon is caught up in a world of trouble. Only problem is she does not remember who she is or where she belongs. People are being killed. Her life is on the line. Does she stay or does she run? Her family has spent an agonizing year looking for her. As they get closer to her, things go out of control. Are they all at risk? Will they lose her even before they can find her again? Danger surrounds them all. Shane Keyes does his best to keep everyone safe but will it be enough to keep Devon alive? Devon has come so far, for Shane to fail now was unacceptable. How many people will have to die before they can get it figured out? Will they be able to protect everyone? Will Devon make it out alive?

Release dateApr 25, 2017
Devon: I Thought I Got You

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    Devon - Deborah Knight


    To my Dad. Thank you for everything. You are my hero.

    To my daughter Morgan and my grandsons, I love you all.

    To my son Ty, I love you to the moon and beyond.

    To the strongest women I know, Yvonne and Cheryl. We all share the experiences.

    Back cover –

    Murder, memory loss, agonizing pain. Devon is caught up in a world of trouble. Only problem is she does not remember who she is or where she belongs. People are being killed. Her life is on the line. Does she stay or does she run?

    Her family has spent an agonizing year looking for her. As they get closer to her things go out of control. Are they all at risk? Will they lose her even before they can find her again?

    Danger surrounds them all. Shane Keyes does his best to keep everyone safe but will it be enough to keep Devon alive? Devon has come so far, for Shane to fail now was unacceptable.

    How many people will have to die before they can get it figured out? Will they be able to protect everyone? Will Devon make it out alive?


    It was a warm night and Devon was enjoying a walk around the deck. The moon was out and shimmering on the water. It was a wonderful ending to an enjoyable evening. Devon was thinking about just how fortunate she was to have the family she did. What would she be doing now if she didn’t have her twin Kim, her husband Mark and her mother. She was blessed in so many ways. Maybe it was time to talk to Mark about starting a family.

    Devon heard the crack echo over the water, and then ………. pain. That was the last thing she remembered.

    Sam was concentrating on the figure walking around the deck, holding his stare through the scope.

    Come on, turn around toward me. He needed to confirm this was the mark.

    About fucking time!

    When he was sure that it was her, he took the shot. He saw her fall into the water.

    There Carlos, job done.

    Sam was happy to be able to report back that the job was done. He watched the boat to see if anyone heard the shot. The deck stayed quiet,

    Wonder what she did to have Carlos take a hit out on her? Sam actually thought she was beautiful. Such a waste, but it paid well. Now he could go away for a while, maybe look for his sister. Now he had time to do his own thing.

    Sam turned away and blended into the bush. As he made his way to the truck, he was thinking it would have been nice to meet Devon and get to know her.

    As he sat in his truck he called Carlos.

    Your job is done. I expect payment.

    Did you confirm she was dead?

    I saw her fall into the water.

    Did you see her dead body?

    Like I said I saw her fall into the water.

    Not good enough. So, I guess since you can’t confirm it, I don’t have to pay you. Make sure she is dead. Or, do I have to send someone else to do the job that you failed at.

    I will make sure. Oh Carlos, fuck you.

    Guess my time off is on hold. Sam thought about how he was going to confirm Devon was actually dead. Have to watch the papers. Sam prided himself on getting the job done.

    Chapter 1

    As Devon walked through the front of the agency, she felt the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. It left her with an uneasy feeling in her stomach. As she continued into the office, the feeling went away. The first thought after the feeling was this is a safe place to be. Now where did that come from she thought? She rubbed her arms and neck and relaxed. As she made her way to the door, she could hear faint voices from the offices that were down the hall. She came to the door she wanted and knocked. She heard a faint Come in.

    There at the desk sat Casey, the toughest modeling agent around and she was Devon’s best friend. She met Casey at the private hospital while she was recovering from an accident that almost cost her life. This accident also left her in a world of total darkness and no memory of who she was. Devon still had no idea of how she came to be in Sierra Delta. She wasn’t sure if she had a family or friends somewhere. When Shane brought her into the hospital, there was no identification to help identify her. However, she was saying the name Devon.

    It was Shane Keys that found her. He lived by the beach where she had washed up. He took her in and gave her a home.

    When Shane found Devon, he put her into a private hospital. The Dr. advised that this may be for the best, as he confirmed that Devon had been shot. They agreed to keep it quiet because they didn’t know if the person was still out there, still searching.

    Shane tried to help her search for her identity. No one had been reported missing off the cruise ships, and they had hit dead ends no matter where they looked.

    The doctors had told her that her memory may or may not return, and the same went for her sight. There was no medical explanation for either, so for now, all Devon could do is wait and see what happened. That is when she met Casey.

    Devon was coming out of the hospital with Shane when Casey walked up unexpectedly and asked if Devon would be interested in modeling. Devon was stunned. They went for coffee and explained the whole situation. Casey didn’t care that Devon was blind. She still wanted her to try out. It had worked out because Devon was working, doing small jobs, and that started a year ago.

    Casey was watching the expressions go across Devon’s face and knew immediately that the session at the hospital did not bring up anything new. Still, Devon looked scared.

    Come in Dev. Chair on the right.

    Casey, unless you have changed your office around on me, the chairs are still where they always are Devon said with a strained laugh.

    Okay Devon, are you going to tell me what is wrong or do I have to guess? she asked. Devon sat for a minute, not saying anything. Again, Casey could see the emotions go across Devon’s face.

    Well there’s nothing new to tell, and that’s the problem. Devon let out a deep sigh. But you know what, I had another one of those feelings when I walked into the building today. It made all the hair stand up on my arms and neck, but the closer I got to your office, it just went away. Then a safe feeling came over me. What do you make of that?

    Casey wasn’t sure what to say because she had never experienced the type of feeling that Devon was describing. Do you get these feelings at any other time? Devon’s answer shocked her.


    When? To Devon it sounded like Casey was uneasy. She debated whether to tell her of the other times.

    Well I have had them when I’m at home, on the set and sometimes at Shane’s. The thing is, I know I’m safe at all these places because there are people around all the time. What do you think Casey, am I going crazy?

    Devon I think you should be careful because we know nothing about you or your past to rule anything out. As for your feelings, pay attention if you think they may be trying to tell you something. As for being crazy, you are the sanest person I know considering what you have been through. This was the best answer Casey could give Devon, but she would have to talk to Shane about this just to be safe.

    The phone rang and both women jumped in surprise. As Casey talked, Devon thought about the feelings. The image of a person flashed through her mind. I wonder who he is. Now why did I say he? Her thoughts drifted in and out about the job she had to do this evening. It was called a night out on the beach, and the shoot was to take place at the Grand Princess Hotel. She was looking forward to it, as it meant that she would be working with Ben. In the world of modeling, Ben was known as the hardest to work for, but Devon never had a problem. Ben never yelled at her.

    Okay, thanks for calling. Casey hung up the phone and looked at Devon. Devon, I think we have to take your safety a little more seriously. That was the Grand calling to confirm your appearance for the shoot tonight. Now, considering they have never felt the need to call and confirm.

    Why now?

    Well I asked the same question. Apparently, they received a phone call from someone who said that you were quitting modeling and they should go to another agency. Go figure. We’re not going to worry about this but we are going to take some precautions. I will have our security make sure it’s a closed shoot. Is that okay with you? Casey sat and waited for an answer from Devon. She could see that Devon was considering this change and the range of looks going across Devon’s face would explain why everyone loved to photograph her. It was a good choice to hire her.

    I guess it will have to be. I wonder what this man wants from me? she answered.

    Dev, I didn’t say it was a man. How did you know?

    Devon just looked at Casey.

    Don’t ask. I just knew. Well I had better get myself moving. Shane is going to meet me for lunch, a light lunch Casey, so, wipe that look off your face.

    Casey was laughing as Devon left the office. Casey didn’t know what it was about Devon, but she was glad she had met her. There was something very warm that made her easy to like. As for her looks, they were great. She had dark brown hair and eyes that were the deepest shade of green. When she looked at you, it was almost as if she could actually see you. Casey sat there for awhile thinking. Shit, why would someone do this to Devon? It wasn’t like Devon didn’t have enough on her mind. To put this on her plate too.

    Well Casey girl if you are going to be at the shoot tonight you had better get back to work. She would also call Shane about the shoot tonight. Casey plodded through her work. She could not wait to see Shane tonight.

    Chapter 2

    As Devon walked toward the restaurant on the corner, the hair on her arms stood up again. What is going on? What could I have done to someone that they would have me lose my job? Devon thought about this and could not think of anything she could have done. Was I that bad of a person before? Does this man know who I am? It was just then that Devon heard her name being called. Now that voice she recognized.

    Shane I almost missed you she answered.

    I thought you were going to walk right by. What’s up kid? Up one step.

    Devon walked right into a hug from Shane. It is so good to see you or at least hear you. They both laughed over this. As Shane watched Devon, he knew something was troubling her.

    Okay Dev out with it. I know that there is something up or wrong. Shane sat back and waited. He had to be patient. He was not known for being patient. In his previous job for the CIA, he was known for doing whatever it took to get the job done. Since retirement, he learned to be patient. Now he taught people how to be patient.

    Devon still had a lot to sort out, but there was no one better to talk to since he was kind enough to take her in when she needed someone the most.

    Since she washed up on his private beach almost a year ago, Shane had been like a brother to her. Devon was grateful for his help. He had helped her through rehab and learning how to do things for herself.

    Shane I don’t know where to start. The hospital visit was a waste. There was nothing new. She paused. Remember how I said I could see things but not as you see them?

    Devon looked a little scared.

    Yes, I remember. Are you telling me that these feelings are getting stronger?

    With having said that Shane waited for Devon to answer. He could see her struggle to answer the question. Devon looked stressed, and he hated seeing her like this. She was not the normal self-assured person he had come to know.

    Yes, they are stronger than they have ever been. Am I going crazy?

    Well for starters you are not crazy. Second, since you are getting more of what we could call your 6th sense you had better spill what your feeling or seeing.

    I felt it really strong when I walked into work. It felt like someone was watching me. Then Casey got a phone call about my shoot tonight. The company said someone had called and said that I had quit modeling. I told Casey that it was a man before she could tell me. Then walking here my hair felt like it was standing on end. I don’t know where all this is coming from, and it scares me Shane. Am I safe?

    Shane sat quietly while Devon was talking and did not interrupt her.

    No Devon, you don’t have to be scared because you have a lot of friends around you that will protect you. As for the feelings you get, don’t be afraid of them, just go with them. Who knows they just may save you or me at some point.

    Shane what if this man knows who I am? Where I am from? Who my family is? Or even if I have one? By now Devon was getting upset.

    "Devon if this man knew who you were, why not come forward? Let you know what he knows about you. Why try to get you fired from your job? I know this is hard but try not to let it get to you. You have to be strong because you have come too damn far to start taking steps back. Now, let’s order lunch and since we are going to miss supper tonight, we may as well make up for it now.

    Devon smiled. Feeling better already, she ordered her lunch and they talked about the shoot that was being done tonight. It was a good lunch in the sunshine along with good conversation. By the time it was over, she felt much better. She asked Shane to drop her off at her apartment so she could lie down and rest before the shoot started. The only problem was that as soon as she laid down she could see images of a man watching her. Devon tossed and turned. When she finally fell asleep the dreams began. She was on a boat. Suddenly there was an intense pain and she could feel herself falling. Then water. She was trying to scream. Devon woke

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