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Tales of The Circle Aurora's Punishment.
Tales of The Circle Aurora's Punishment.
Tales of The Circle Aurora's Punishment.
Ebook58 pages53 minutes

Tales of The Circle Aurora's Punishment.

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Ceo Justine Bates and attorney Mark Phillips have a lot in common. They’re beautiful, wealthy, and powerful, each at the top of their profession. To the public they’re the people the everyday person loves to hate, but longs to be. What the public doesn’t see is they’re also ranking members of a very powerful group.

The Circle; A secret sect comprised of true alphas. To gain entry one must be dominant in every facet of life, especially sexually. Ruling the boardroom as well as the bedroom, the group exists for two purposes, the further advancement of its members and bedroom games. In their case, sexual mastery is truly the tie that binds.

As The Lady Scarlett, Mistress of The Circle, Justine has a problem. Her Circle's newest member The Lady Aurora has embarrassed her by not properly entertaining a member of another Circle.

By Circle law Aurora is not only to be punished, but it is to be harsh and done in front of the entire group. The problem is Aurora is quite proud and Justine feels that public humiliation may cause her to leave the group. None the less she is prepared to go through it.

That's when Mark, who as Lovecraft serves as the Circle's enforcer, suggests doing it privately. His point is that he will be as harsh as he is allowed to be, but by doing it away from the group, it will look as if they are giving her a second chance.

Discipline tempered with mercy.

Justine agrees and has Aurora meet her at her office for what she thinks will be a lunch date with her Mistress. Aurora soon finds out there is a high price to be paid for breaking the rules of The Circle

Release dateSep 29, 2012
Tales of The Circle Aurora's Punishment.

Laura Lovecraft

Support me on my new Patreon!Like her famous namesake, Laura was born, raised and still resides in historic Providence, Rhode Island. This Lovecraft's writing however, brings thrills of a completely different kind! Don't let that pretty little pout fool, erotica’s bad girl is not for the faint of heart!Although Laura has dabbled in many genres and kinks, she's most famously know for keeping it in the family. Over the years, Laura, who with tongue firmly in cheek, refers to herself as the queen of the taboo, has built a reputation for having a unique style.Aside from some of her 'one handed read' anthologies and an occasional short piece, Laura is known for writing long, slow burn stories full of conflict, character development and an attempt to make such an extreme kink as incest, somewhat realistic and believable. In the words of Laura "My smut has depth dammit!" but no worries, she knows what taboo-and all erotica fans come here for-and she delivers the heat as few can.So don't stop at this bio, check her out for yourself and browse her over 200 titles

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    Book preview

    Tales of The Circle Aurora's Punishment. - Laura Lovecraft

    Aurora’s Punishment


    Laura Lovecraft

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *


    Laura Lovecraft on Smashwords

    Aurora’s Punishment

    Copyright © 2012 by Laura Lovecraft

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    Chapter One

    Sitting behind her desk, Justine Bates struggled to pay attention. The fact that Jack Hayes, Vice President of Speak Easy communications, whose voice was coming over the speaker, was spouting the same production schedule and sales figures she was already familiar with wasn’t helping. No, that wasn’t the problem. Most conference calls were like this and normally she had no trouble focusing. The problem this morning was the timing. This was the first of three events today, and the other two promised to be far more entertaining than this one.

    Justine wiped her forehead and looked at the sweat on her hand. Adding to the distractions of the morning was the air conditioning was on the fritz. It was over eighty degrees and felt even warmer in her office. The thermostat was off to her left, but she refused to look over. Knowing how hot it really was would just make things worse. Then again, the heat would certainly make the next meeting that much more entertaining.

    Slumping back in her chair while Jack droned on Justine thought of how the day should have gone. During the course of the week it was not unusual for her to put in sixty hours. That was usually followed up by at least a half a day on Saturday, and more often than not a couple of hours on Sunday from home. But not the first weekend of the month, that was her time. She generally started by sleeping in until ten o’clock. Justine then replaced her morning workout with a trip to the spa. Manicure, pedicure, and full body massage.

    From the spa it was back home for the rare indulgence of a good long nap. That nap would always start off with a nice slow masturbation session. Justine would use her silver bullet vibrator, teasing herself with the speeds while she envisioned the evening to come. Depending on who was entertaining at the meeting, it could determine how powerful her orgasm was. Some members were just more suited to her taste than others. Tonight was Victoria’s night, and as The Lady Felicia, she never failed to deliver.

    After the nap, and a long hot shower, which occasionally involved more self pleasuring, Justine would dress to kill, have dinner with a group of amazing men and women, and then attend a meeting that was so much better than this one. Justine allowed herself a small smile as she thought of what after the meeting would bring. A night of fucking that most people could only read about. That night always led into an amazing Sunday morning and… She stopped that train of thought as she was beginning to get warm for reasons other than lack of air conditioning.

    With a disgusted sigh, Justine stood up from the desk, and although she knew it was immature, flipped the bird at the phone. Jack was not speaking live; this was a prerecorded call being listened to by all Regional managers of Speak Easy as well as sales reps, tech support and who knew who else. The call could easily be heard at home, but the assholes in corporate had wanted to bust balls and everyone had to log into the call from their offices. Justine was sure Jack was home doing whatever he wanted and laughing that they all had to go to work.

    For the first half of the call, Justine had all her department heads in the office with her to hear the details of the new phone they were planning on launching for Black Friday. When the call turned into the quarterly reports

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