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Hillary for America and for the World: One Man's Plea for a Female President of the Free World
Hillary for America and for the World: One Man's Plea for a Female President of the Free World
Hillary for America and for the World: One Man's Plea for a Female President of the Free World
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Hillary for America and for the World: One Man's Plea for a Female President of the Free World

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Born in Ghana, the gold coast of Africa, Kwasi Asante Tannor has witnessed firsthand the positive impact Hillary Rodham Clinton has made in the United States and worldwide, especially his home country. Recognizing her as the "ideal woman," he questions the sexism that still exists in American politics and continues to plague Clinton's run for the highest office in the free world. Breaking down much of the misinformation her competitors use against her, Tannor makes a case for why it's beyond time for America to elect a female president and why it should be Hillary Clinton.
Release dateOct 25, 2016
Hillary for America and for the World: One Man's Plea for a Female President of the Free World

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    Hillary for America and for the World - Kwasi Asante Tannor



    Honor your Fathers and Mothers that your days on earth shall be long

    (Exodus 20:12 NIV)

    Most of the laws of the Western Civilization were adapted from the Bible and through the Ten Commandments, the Bible reveals God’s moral compass to his people that it might be used as a guide for their daily living. The Bible even reveals God’s advice to his people on how they should be governed. When selecting leaders, regardless of the gender, be it male or female, God shows a harmonious way of selection and existence, as these persons who have been chosen become good stewards of the land and people they have been entrusted with. Many countries have successfully accomplished an electoral system that is balanced and just, but the United States, the world’s largest democracy, seems to vacillate and thumb their noses at the notion that God would view all of mankind and womankind as inherently equal. Numerous examples of the wrath and severe punishment God attaches to a nation that neglects His will exist in the biblical texts. Therefore, in my opinion, if America’s longevity and influence in the modern world is sustained, it is not because we are great Bible scholars, theologians and servants of a Most High God, but because that same God has extended His grace to cover us, has spoken to us through His word, and we have believed and obeyed. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is sovereign. He is not man that He shall lie; God makes promises and keeps them.

    As an immigrant, as one who came to this country seeking freedoms that are allowed only in America, freedoms endowed by The Creator, … the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as outlined in the Constitution, I find it appalling to discover that America would judge the selection of its presidential candidates based on gender. Humanity’s laws should reflect God’s commands. No one should ever have the right to deny Hillary Clinton, or any other woman for that matter, the opportunity to become the first woman President of the United States of America. Hillary is clearly the most qualified candidate to handle the affairs of the nation and solidify our connection with the rest of the world, and though not formally, her life’s journey has been leading her to this place since even before her impeccable record and tenure as First Lady.

    The Bible tells us to seek, and we shall find and knock, and the doors shall be open to us. It further states that because of our persistence and importunity, we shall be heard, even to our harshest judges. These words, however, sound like noisy gongs or clanging cymbals in the ears and hearts of Mrs. Clinton’s detractors. If Congress or her opponents deem her untrustworthy or bully her and use other unsubstantiated scandals in order to disqualify her, America will have missed an opportunity to live out their call to truly be a great nation, and may we all be accountable to God, the ultimate judge, at the consummation of history.

    Now even if we overlook the religious implications, denying Hillary Clinton the presidency from a humanistic standpoint will certainly make the entire world consider the idea of equal rights that we boast of in America as duplicitous. Her competitors seem to use smoke and mirrors to lure her into conflict, hoping to prey on what they see as feminine sensitivities and weaknesses to draw her into useless verbal tantrums and exchanges—shallow attempts to prove her inferiority and justify their sexism, ill-regard and bigotry. Many women have for so long shown high respect for men—even some with questionable character—and supported men in most situations. Women, with some exceptions, trust the men they love and have chosen to bond with in partnership and marriage. In this free society, many women consciously elect to be submissive to men, embracing them with deep admiration as they attribute them with great excellence, never swaying, even in dire situations. Since the beginning of time, in the Garden of Eden and after the loss of Paradise, even with the great rise of feminism and women’s liberation movements, many women in this culture remain, for the most part, submissive to men, while men seem to cherish women’s bodies but not their brains. So, I ask the question: Is Mama stupid?  Here’s what I mean …

    The Precious Mothers

    Women are the precious mothers of the same men who now revolt against her and see her as incompetent to become the President of the United States of America. An ill-conceived notion endorsed by the medieval church that uses distorted and selective biblical texts taken out of context to brand women as unworthy and inherently less than is evil and must be abandoned. The writer of Proverbs 1:8 advises, and I concur, My son, listen to your father’s instructions and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Where I grew up in Africa, we consult the oldest woman (operating as an elder of the family) to analyze the character of those who seek public service or nominated to become a chief before he or she is installed. Women matter greatly and purposefully in other traditions in the world, as well, and America must also see the worth, merit and wisdom of women.

    The woman accepted the blessing and the burden of childbirth from God while experiencing enormous pain. Women, even in two-parent families, are traditionally responsible for the child’s formal education and academic development, social graces, speech, and even how to walk and become potty-trained. Nurturing and rearing children requires great patience and time. The woman’s work, in a practical sense, is not complete until a boy or girl reaches adulthood. Yet, the counseling from the mother continues with the son or daughter even in adulthood, advising him or her in the rightful way to behave towards the opposite sex. A man is taught how he should value the woman in his life or women, in general. In my experience, I have discovered that men who ignore their mother’s good advice and wisdom behave badly towards women, and they do not succeed in establishing strong and lasting partnerships in life. The saying goes that behind a successful man, there is a strong woman and I would flip that a bit and say that "beside a successful man, there is a strong woman." Admittedly, the walls of sexism and bigotry in America have been torn down or worn down in many areas of life, however, it seems that while Americans have for so long honored their fathers to hold the highest position in the land, they exclude the mothers who gave them birth from the presidency. Why?  Is it considered subordinating, subjugating or are women simply not viewed as wise enough to lead the free world? But the sons who emerge from their wombs are?

    Since the Pilgrims progressed in America, with some exceptions, women have generally soothed the men they love by allowing themselves to become domesticated, and taking on the responsibility of caring for the needs of the family, like cooking, cleaning and childcare, even when she works outside the home. The woman has stood beside the man as a willing partner and comforted him in poverty, in sickness and in old age, but where is her just reward or recognition in America?  A female president in America would ignite hope into the souls and spirits of women all around the globe! This bastion of equality and opportunity for all people, this place where one can be born a pauper but rise to become a millionaire, this place that proclaims to those who come to its borders, Give us your tired, your poor, could, by this one action, empower female children all over the world to become leaders of great merit and standing. Our female children will be empowered to learn more, do more, strive to be more and live out their God-given purposes in life, especially if they are called to conquer unknown and uncharted territories. A female American president would be all-inspiring and appreciated in this climate of male dominance. Imagine a woman using her wit, tenacity, charming behavior and compassionate brilliance to persuade warmongers to settle their differences with peace talks instead of bombs! Peace in America affects the peace within the entire world. In that same vein, American progress also affects the progress of the entire world. 

    Reflecting on a particular excerpt in Leviticus 19:3, Each of you must respect or honor your mother and father and observe my Sabbaths. I am The Lord your God, I am reminded that God places equal value on the respect of both females and males. Biblical teachings also denounce the degradation and disparagement of women in any culture. There is a sexual revolution, no doubt, in America and while women have somewhat legally advanced in treatment with the opportunity to participate in the political process, receive gainful employment and compete in the workforce, there seems to be a regression in the area of moral treatment of women. There are more single women being the sole providers for children than ever before, abandoned by their male partners. Even with instituted laws and awareness, women are still the primary victims of rape, molestation and physical violence. Sex trafficking is more prevalent today, even in America, than in any other time in history. 

    Yet, God’s concept of honoring a woman must be something more than superficialities to appease the United States’ governmental guidelines for equality.  It must be the intrinsic enveloping of the soul’s desire to do that which is right and just, so that humanity might produce a better and more cohesive tomorrow for all people. Dr. James Emmanuel Kwagrey Aggrey, the great African theologian, osteopathic, sociologist, psychologist, educator, and pastor in the African Methodist Zion Church in America, left the Gold Coast of western Africa in 1989 at the age of 23 but returned later in 1920 to embark upon crucial studies and research regarding the educational systems on the continent. Offered the opportunity by Paul Monroe, a member of the Phelps Stokes Fund, to be a participant on an expedition to explore and measure those things that could improve the educational systems in Africa, he and other researchers visited ten African countries. Aggrey

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