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Taken by the Slav
Taken by the Slav
Taken by the Slav
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Taken by the Slav

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A princess has no choice.

Winter is fading, and the east is moving in.

When a company of Slavic noblemen travel into the principality of Postich, Germania Princess Lillith feels only one thing—fear.

Being high society, being royalty, such a feeling is foreign to her, though not as foreign as the tall, raven-haired nephew of the Slav King...

But when he looks at her with dark eyes of severe indifference, the fear becomes something more than she can bear. Beyond the race of her heart and the weakness of knees...the sweet terror makes her virginity weep.

Taken by the Slav is the first in a medieval romance series that seduces the limits of choice, love, and the risk to be had in defying it all.

19,000+ word * Historical Erotica * Adult Content

PublisherSeether Reads
Release dateOct 11, 2016
Taken by the Slav

Seether Reads

We are a joint publication group dedicated to writing erotica worth raving about. We love to make your cheeks burn and scorch your deepest interests.There is much to be expected in the upcoming, dynamic titles written to satisfy any reader that enjoys a little eroticism in their life.xoxo

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    Taken by the Slav - Seether Reads

    Taken by the Slav

    The Lonely Slav Series : Book One

    Written by Eden Knoff and Lorena Fairchild

    Graphic design by Eden Knoff

    Cover image licensed by Dreamstime

    Published by Seether Reads, Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2016 by Seether Reads

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    In dedication to Lorena, thanks for always keeping my beans cool

    In dedication to Eden, stay groovy

    All persons depicted in this story are of the age of eighteen or older.






    The warmth of his sister was welcome. Winter was fading, but it still held on in the form of wind and the chill that rode hard with it. The prince wore enough to keep himself warm, but Lillith’s furs and her natural ability to make him laugh always helped keep his blood in flow.

    In the entrance of the reception yard, the royal family stood waiting, servants milling around in efforts to keep their limbs working and their smiles ready, the overburdening loom of the stone-deep castle looking down on them all.

    The east was coming to them. Prince Alistor blamed the biting breeze.

    They had just finished laughing about how pleasantly bloated their elder brother’s tawny hovawart was. They estimated back and forth how many puppies she was bound to unleash.

    As Lillith laughed along with him easily, he couldn’t help but notice her bosom. It was pressed tightly against the bodice strapping her chest and he imagined it wasn't forgiving. But he knew it was like that on purpose by her devise. That it was shown at all given the chill, was her devise.

    You wish for the slav to see your breasts?

    The princess looked up at her brother, an eyebrow raised defiantly. It wasn’t the first time he had called her out on her unbidden attire. Typically a bit more revealing, more open to the public than expected of her hierarchy. The rebellious Lillith had been encouraged by her adulterous mother, who wanted with all means and cause to marry her daughter off to a high noble or a prince who had right to rule some far off land. Her father, the King of all Postich, the scarred King Herald, chose to bide his time, waiting for the best offer of marriage for his only daughter.

        I’m not sure what you mean, dear brother. She responded with cheek, giving him a grin. Her own cheeks were pink from laughing, and though she wished for nothing more than to cover her cleavage from the cold, she really was seeking the attention of one boy in particular. A boy who seemed too busy with his duties to pay any mind to her, no matter how hard she tried to break him from his ethic.

    This did not ease Alistor, but he did not change his overall air. It was told she was a flirtatious one, that many of the servants avoided her wanting gaze, be they man or woman.

    It bothered him in more ways than one, the other he could not fully name. It was selfish, but he alone wanted to be in her eyes. He wanted her attention and he wanted to give her his.

    This became the initial inspiration for his wish for knighthood. He knew he needed to leave his sister before his jealousy damaged them.

    I bet he is old, he said, knowing that the proxy actually wasn’t.

    In the east, there was a powerful kingdom that held fast to an expansive keep in the high Carpates. It was told the palace itself was built into the mountain, as if leaning into the sharp rock for support and ferocity. The pass itself was impossible to avoid or dodge. This made the principality of Nott a force one could not ignore.

    The command this kingdom held was bigger than most knew, as they essentially possessed the key to coming and going of transport of far-away trade, as well as wartime traversal routes.

    Originally, the King of Nott himself was to come meet with the rulers of Germania, but the journey was too long for him to endure. It was a matter of business and necessity to remain in his land. In his stead, it was told his proxy was to come and be his voice of the Nott Impasse.

    This proxy was the king's nephew.

    Lillith rolled her eyes, eyes that were the color of melted chocolate, and gave her brother a gentle nudge. She herself was worried about being paired off with an older man, the thought making her stomach churn. Not yet seventeen, she couldn't imagine being married to a man as old as her father, if not older.

    I’m sure father will find something the matter with this one, too. She said, both attempting to soothe her worries as well as her brother’s. Part of her worry of her father finding a ready suitor was that she may not see her brother again. He was the person dearest to her heart and she couldn't bare the thought.

    She took his hand and gave him a warm smile. It’s a little early for your sour mood. What would make you happy?

    Your unyielding company, he said, his own play-on smile appearing. "And that we mustn’t wait out

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