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The Search
The Search
The Search
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The Search

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Stuck in Samsara, Tony knows there is a way out. But, he'll have to fight for  it. His search takes him to sometimes hostile places he couldn't possibly ever have envisaged, and along the way he finds that everything is not as it seems...or is it?

Release dateSep 11, 2016
The Search

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    Book preview

    The Search - James F. Foster

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    His name is Tony. He is riding in a bus. People often commented that he was always searching and looking, but never finding. Tony had always believed that there was something else out there, beyond the realm of everyday human life. He wasn’t sure if it was God or Catholicism or Christianity or Buddhism. He wasn’t even sure if it even had a label or a name. But he knew there was something. He is from the big city, where the hustle and bustle hardly allowed him any sleep at all. Tony is on his way to a meeting. He wasn't sure who he was meeting with, as the telephone call was very brief. Squirming uncomfortably in his seat, he prepared to alight as the bus pulled into the town.

    It was winter and it was bitterly cold. Smothered under a thick layer of snow was the small town of Dolfin. Not surprisingly, there are few people in the streets and this is the coldest day Dolfin has recorded in over twenty years. It is a small town where nothing much goes on. People go about their business and usually keep to themselves. There was no need for law and order, as most people were very tranquil. This is very unusual, thought Tony as he ploughed through the deep snow. As he arrived at twenty-eight Woolnough Terrace, he became as unsure as his feet beneath him. Patting his pocket, he made sure his diary was still there. It was. He never left home without it. As he carefully trudged up the stairs toward the house, a rather tall man appeared at the doorway. He had an expressionless look on his face.

    Name, said the tall man calmly. Tony struggled to remember the code he had been given. Spirit gone, find another. A smile came across the man's face as he extended a warm handshake to Tony. Casually, Tony entered the house.

    The warmth inside the house was very comforting; more than his two snow jackets could ever have given him. He took a seat on one of the leather chairs in the den. A grey folder lay on the table in front of him. The room was dimly lit and he shuffled in his chair to get comfortable. As the tall man disappeared, a lone figure appeared in the doorway.

    We've been waiting a long time for you, said the lone man. This quite startled Tony as he was expecting more of a formal meeting. Then the strange man spoke: I intend to keep this meeting brief. We hear that you are searching for a spirit guide called John. On the table in front of you is everything you need to know. Don't ask any questions. Just open the folder, take the picture and leave. All that you require is detailed in the picture. Now go. With that very short and inhospitable meeting and ushered by the tall man, Tony left the warmth of the house, back outside to the bitter cold.

    With long-legged strides Tony made his way along the main road until he saw a neat little café, nestled in between two of the biggest oak trees he had ever seen. It was made almost entirely of out of logs and actually looked like it was a part of the trees themselves. The café was empty apart from the blonde waitress staring despondently at the television.

    I'll have a hot cup of coffee, white, with no sugar thanks, Tony said, rubbing his hands.

    The waitress did not even bother to move, but just motioned with her eyes to the counter, where there was a steaming hot cup of coffee, white, with no sugar, sitting there. This sure is a weird town, thought Tony.

    Grabbing his coffee, Tony moved towards a chair and settled into it. It was a hard wooden chair with soft cushions to sit on and a high back. Etched into the top of the chair was a picture of a sun with little birds flying around it. They felt good to sit in. He placed the picture on the table, the photo slowly coming into focus. It was a photo of a man. The man was not overly tall or short, not overly handsome nor ugly to look at. He was just... a normal person. Tony had seen those eyes before. On the bottom of the picture, was a brief description of what he was to do. Tony took a gulp of his coffee. It was just the way he liked it. He was to look for someone. The name of that someone was John. That was it. That was all that was detailed on the picture. No reason to find him, where to start or why. This was going to be one hell of a search.

    Just then a man walked into the café. He was wearing what looked like golfing attire, perfectly ironed slacks with a white collared shirt, but he had adorned his head with a cowboy hat. His jumper was knitted with brown and grey diamond shapes and his golf spikes were making annoying noises on the café floor. He was using his putter as a walking cane. He had those same eyes as the waitress but he dressed a little sillier. The golfing man moved over and sat at the same table as Tony.

    What are you doing? said the man in a slow, dull voice.

    What is it with everyone around here? Tony thought.

    The man looked at the photo.

    Hey, that's John. Where's he at? Bloody asshole left us all here to dwindle away.

    Where did you last see him? asked Tony.

    He was catching the bus, then this damn storm came in and I ducked for cover.

    Do you know where he was going? asked Tony inquisitively.

    Yeah, that bus only goes one way. To a place called Samsara. Hey, you're not from around here are you? the man asked. Then, without any warning, the golfing man started shaking and trembling and Tony noticed that the waitress was trembling and shaking also. This is too weird I'm outta here, thought Tony. He had one final gulp of his coffee, and instantly he knew that the first thing he had to do was to catch that bus. He exited the café, and down the road, near the very ancient looking Post Office was a big sign blazing the words 'Bus Stop'.

    Slowly moving away from the stop, the bus gradually gathered momentum. It didn't make any further stops. Instead, it just seemed to get faster and faster. So fast, that the landscape and lights around him blurred together. When Tony turned around to see how the other passengers were, he was amazed. For the first time he actually saw these people smile. All of the bus passengers had grins broader than he had ever seen. Tony had also realised something else. He was feeling quite different himself. Not cold, or scared, but calm and happy, like a warming, bright light had entered into him. Tony felt he had better make a note of what had happened and the feelings he was experiencing, so he quickly opened his diary and penned his thoughts, making quick descriptions of the people he had met, in case reference needed to be made to them later. Carefully, he slipped the diary back into his pocket.

    Suddenly, the bus came to a complete stop. The jolt hurled Tony through the glass windscreen and he landed heavily on the road. Realising strangely that he was not hurt, Tony picked himself up.

    Chapter 2

    Tony looked around to see where he was. He was in an area as big as a football field. The air was filled with a light smoky haze. There were large signs dotted around with room underneath to walk under them and light globes flashing different coloured lights. The signs reminded Tony of something he’d seen in a game show or a circus. People were bemused, standing around staring at them. Tony carefully walked his way along, all the while reading and absorbing the massive signs. One sign said Heaven, on another sign Heaven and Hell, on another Garden of Eden, another 20 years, another 5 years. Some of the people were walking underneath the Garden of Eden sign and some the 5 year sign. Tony wondered what he had gotten himself into. He approached one of the townspeople to try and get an answer to where he was and what this place was, but the woman didn't even notice his presence. It was then he felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see the golfing man with the cowboy hat. Tony was glad to see him because he knew he would listen to him.

    Where am I? asked Tony solemnly.

    You are where you want to be, said the man in a now more controlled tone and voice. You must choose a sign and then go under it. It will take you to marvellous places.

    Do you know which sign John went to? asked Tony excitedly.

    That one over there, said the golfing man, pointing. I am going under the 5 years sign to try and make things a little better, but John was after something different. Tony made his way towards the Garden of Eden doorway.

    The moment Tony walked through the doorway he immediately felt like he was falling. Ahead of him was a bright light. He floated through the light and appeared in what he imagined to be the real Garden of Eden. He was standing on the thickest, greenest grass he had ever seen. The trees were tall and healthy, with perfectly formed branches and bright green leaves. The road was perfectly clean, without an ounce of litter anywhere. Tony didn't know what was happening to him, but he wasn’t feeling worried. He walked down the perfectly flat road toward what looked like a town. Eden, the town was called, with people bustling every which way. With still no sign of John, Tony wondered about the best place to begin looking. In the distance he saw a sign reading Information.

    He slipped the photo out of his pocket and showed it to the young woman at the counter. She looked like someone he had known when he was much younger.

    Have you seen this man? asked Tony pointing to the photo.

    I'm sorry, said the woman shaking her head. I haven't seen this man, but you can ask Peter at the inn down the road. He is well known around here and knows a lot of people. He may be able to help you. If you travel down Destine Road you will see the Old Post Office, and the inn is on the other side of the road.

    Tony thanked the young woman. She let out a toothy smile as Tony headed on his way, following his instructions to go down Destine Road and find the old post office.

    After a brief walk, Tony spotted the inn just in front of him. It was a typical English thatched cottage, with a high roof line. It had lime washed white render with black exposed beams. The gardens were immaculately maintained. There were birds and animals of many types roaming the grounds. Then, Tony saw a horse. It wasn't just a horse though, but it looked like... Tony couldn't believe it. In front of him stood a beast that was half man and half horse. It was roaming around and annoying the other animals. An elephant, which looked like it had had more than enough, ambled towards the half man, half horse, swinging his trunk ferociously, sending the beast scurrying backwards. They looked like they were having fun. Tony pushed on the big brown doors and they swung open, the big black handles crashing against each other. After entering the inn, he felt that same feeling he had felt on the bus. It was as if he was meant to be here, in this awe-inspiring place.

    There were people walking around inside the inn. From the outside it looked like a medium sized cottage, but the corridors within the inn were many metres wide and the ceiling space was huge. The interior of the inn was almost completely made of natural timber, dark polished, with the most amazing grains he'd ever seen. The furniture was plush and soft and the people seemed to be enjoying the comfort of them. Then a man approached Tony.

    The man introduced himself as Peter. I am the manager here. It's good to see you here Tony. We have a room ready and waiting for you. You are in room number three. Tony had no idea who this man was or how he knew his name.

    How do you know me? asked Tony, perplexed.

    Oh, I have met you many times and in many different places.

    At that, a porter arrived and took Tony by the shoulder. He felt paralysed and could hardly move yet he was making steady progress towards one of the corridors. The moment the porter let go of Tony's shoulder, he felt full mobility again, and he was standing outside the door marked 3. He opened the door and entered into darkness. Tony flicked on the light. With that, all the candles spread around the room

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