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Cat's Eyes: Feral Book Two
Cat's Eyes: Feral Book Two
Cat's Eyes: Feral Book Two
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Cat's Eyes: Feral Book Two

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Sarah Cole is a shapeshifter who likes to be in control that is until she meets Travis Hunter, a sexy vet from New Zealand.
He has a way of rattling her cool exterior and making her feel like no man ever has. The problem is in Sarah's experience when shapeshifters and humans get together someone always gets hurt.
As if potentially falling for a hunky vet wasn’t enough of a problem Sarah's meets a cursed Amur leopard who needs her help to become human again.
Can Sarah save the shifter and her heart, or will her cat's eyes only see the damage that magic wreaks on the unsuspecting?

Release dateJun 20, 2016
Cat's Eyes: Feral Book Two

Melissa Jolley

Melissa is a proud Kiwi girl currently residing on the South Coast of England with her young family. She embraces the lighter side of love, sex and the paranormal, thus aims for that in her writing.Her passion is writing men who are rough and ready for anything, and women who can usually look after themselves, but won't say no to the right man tagging along.She sets her stories in places she has visited and loved, with the type of people she would have a few drinks and a bbq with—if only they were flesh and blood.Melissa can be found in a variety of places and would love to hear from anyone who takes the time to read her work.If you've enjoyed Melissa's work please let others know via social media, reviews, and ratings. Your support has a huge impact. Thank you.

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    Book preview

    Cat's Eyes - Melissa Jolley

    Cat’s Eyes

    Feral Book Two

    By Melissa Jolley

    Copyright 2016 Melissa Jolley

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To my own Kiwi hero for putting up with me every day. I love you.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Vixen’s Kiss Feral Book Three

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    I love the zoo too. If The Zoo, was a nightclub full of hot men. Sarah's mock pleasure definitely had award winning potential. Obviously, years of faking orgasms did have its uses after all.

    Two angelic faces smiled brightly at her and her heart melted under their gazes. Actually, she would be having a good time, had it not been for the fact she could understand every, hiss, squawk, squeak, and growl the animals muttered. Being a shapeshifter can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. And it was times like this she was reminded of that. Other than that, this was the best date she'd been on in a long time. It was just a pity it was with five-year-old twins, Oscar and Emily.

    Unfortunately, I think it's time we were getting home kids; your folks will be waiting. She gave them her best, I know it sucks for me too face, hoping she wasn't overdoing the pout and puppy dog eyes.

    Just one more animal, Aunty Sarah, please? The leopard wasn't here last time. Two little hands grabbed each of hers, dragging her forward.

    They look like a handful, literally. An amused, accented voice made Sarah and the twins turn around. They found a broad-shouldered and muscular yet lean body walking toward them. The khaki and green of the zoo uniform, not flattering on any other staff, looked as if it should be heading down a catwalk in Milan on his frame. Another, not-so-reluctant, glimpse at the expansive chest told her the hot body and gravelly tones belonged to the zoo's vet.

    Oh, they're not mine. She closed her eyes, wincing as the words left her mouth. Smooth Sarah. Slowly she opened her eyes and met the vet's gaze. A pair of hazel green eyes that seemed to see into her soul and awaken every nerve ending she had unsettled her. He can't be good in bed; it would destroy the karmic balance. The attempt to mislead her carnal thoughts was futile.

    Sorry? Do I have to call the police? His brow furrowed, as the corners of his lips twitched in obvious enjoyment.

    The fullness of his mouth drew her attention; accentuated by the fact his jaw hadn't seen a razor for a day or two. The softness of his lips alleviated the harshness of his heavy brow and renaissance carved nose. Even his hair seemed sharp, as it swept naturally forward—mostly dark brown except for the sun-bleached tips giving it a hint of gold.

    Her gaze returned to his lips, as they turned up into a full blown smile and she realized with horror she'd been staring without saying a word for at least a minute. This kind of behaviour was fine in a dimly lit nightclub over a glass of wine, not so much in the middle of the day when she was supposed to be babysitting.

    Heat flushed her chest and face. I guess you could call me their adopted aunty Who was this guy; she never got embarrassed in front of men? This new sensation was decidedly unnerving.

    He nodded, the cheeky grin still plastered across his face, as he hunched down next to the children. So are you guys having fun?

    Emily hid partially behind Sarah's legs, letting the more confident Oscar answer for them both.

    Yeah, it's good. We're going to see the leopard now. A pair of giant blue eyes looked up at Sarah, through super thick brown lashes, an unabashed toothy grin lighting his cherub face.

    This child is relentless. Sarah exhaled an exasperated sigh, but couldn't keep the smile at bay. Okay, but then home! She often lacked the ability to say no to these two.

    Hey, I'm heading there too, do you mind if I join you? I want to see how he's getting on now quarantine is over. Did you know he's an Amur Leopard which is critically endangered?

    He didn’t wait for an answer to his first question, as they made their way up the path together. Sarah smiled as Oscar's mouth gaped at the tall stranger, no doubt impressed by

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