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House of Noah
House of Noah
House of Noah
Ebook34 pages22 minutes

House of Noah

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Noah Williams, a single father, is near the top of his rank at the FBI. Undercover surveillance and drug deals are his specialty. But things begin to hit too close to home when a brutal assault happens against his family and his son is taken captive. Noah must find his son and avoid getting killed at the same time. In order to do this he needs to go off the grid and build up a team to back him up. However, his only way into the world of criminals at this point is through ex-convict and ex-lover Marko Kristoff a former, Russian spy.

PublisherJ HILTON
Release dateJun 4, 2016
House of Noah

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    Book preview

    House of Noah - Julian Clark






    After years of experience, it was like taking off one suit and stepping into another.

    Noah began to channel a street-smart alter ego named Logan as he inhaled the hot evening air, and exhaled the name Noah from his mind along with the out-breath from his body.  There was no trace of an FBI agent in this man with the leather jacket and the worn suede shoes.  His thick-framed glasses suggested an anti-establishment hipster, not a member of the system, but that was the extent of the physical changes he'd made.

    The subtler, the better – and none of those wigs or false mustaches that people often jokingly associate with undercover work. Of course, they were welcome to believe that’s how people like Noah disguised themselves.

    That just made it easier for him to disappear.

    Upon the first glance of surveying his surroundings, he could see the seller approaching from the other end of the street.  He lit up a cigarette, hands cradling the lighter flame to keep it alive in the light breeze, and glanced up in the other man's direction once more.

    The seller spoke first.


    He exhaled heavily, fingers on his free hand tapping against each other with false anxiety.  This character Logan, wasn’t new to the game. But after all these years, he still got nervous with every transaction that took place, as much as he tried not to show it.  He had to seem a little vulnerable and guarded.  The seller had to feel he had the upper hand – just not by too much.

    Who's asking?

    We spoke on the phone, the seller replied.

    He seemed a little irritated, which was good.  If he was irritated by Logan's persistent antsy behavior, he almost certainly didn't suspect he was with the police.  Sometimes these people were pretty paranoid themselves, eager

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