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The Savage Grace
The Savage Grace
The Savage Grace
Ebook472 pages6 hours

The Savage Grace

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Grace's life is a mess. Daniel is still a werewolf, Talbot can't be trusted, and Caleb is still out there. With Sirhan's impending death, war seems imminent. Will Grace give in to the wolf to save her family? What will happen to Daniel . . . and can their love survive one last test?

Release dateJan 1, 2012
The Savage Grace

Bree Despain

Bree Despain is the author of The Dark Divine trilogy and the Into the Dark trilogy. She currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband and two sons. Visit her online at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow. I think this the best series ending I have ever read. The only reason it got an A- instead of an A+ is because of the many grammatical, spelling, and typing errors that were in my purchased Kindle copy. If this had been an ARC, then I would have overlooked it (obviously), but since it was a finished edition from a major publishing company, I thought that an editor would have looked at it. I've never had this trouble with a book by Despain or released by Egmont before, so I'm not sure if someone sent the wrong copy to the Kindle making people or if the print book is like this as well. However, the story was fantastic. I have enjoyed this entire series, and while I normally don't like literature that focuses on faith, these books never felt preachy. The faith is woven into the story, much like any other mythology is used in a story. Therefore, it should appeal to readers of various religions. Also, Grace is just a good character. Sure, she's flawed, and she has to overcome a TON of internal and external battles in this novel, but she grows and she her goodness is always apparent, even when she is struggling. I also enjoyed how we got to know the other characters better, and the secondary characters who have been present throughout the entire novel also evolved over the course of this narrative. After seeing Grace's battle with her wolf first hand in The Savage Grace, I understood the horrible things Jude did in the previous novels. That made me like him much better.Grace and Daniel's story is a sweet one, but instead of being all sugary, gross, and co-dependent, they always treat each other with mutual love and respect. It's a healthy relationship, which is very uncommon in any YA novel these days. Daniel treats Grace as an equal and doesn't try to be the white knight constantly. Of course he wants her to be safe, but he also understands that she has to fight her own battles. I love that about him. Grace, likewise, puts Daniel's needs before her own many times and respects what he feels he must do. It's a nice balance, and we could all probably learn a bit about interpersonal relationships by taking note of those two.The plot of the story is extremely suspenseful in that keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat-can't-put-it-down way that Despain has mastered with this series. The action did not stop for the entire book, and there were many moments when I wasn't sure if Grace (or anyone else, for that matter) would make it out alive. And the way the chapters counted down the time until the big finale at the end added to the suspense. This was an extremely intense read.The Savage Grace is longer than the other books were, but it still flies by. The pace is super quick, but nothing feels rushed. Everything is full explained and has time to fully develop before Despain moves the story along. I never felt that things lagged, though. There were plenty of surprises and mysteries to keep the story going.The Savage Grace has love and loss. Some characters will shock you (in a bad way), and others will surprise you (in a good way). You will laugh and cry right along with Grace, and in the end, you'll feel like you just finished riding the craziest roller coaster of your life. Despain does a terrific job of wrapping up this series. This is one ending you do not want to miss. It's truly unforgettable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After the terribly cruel ending of The Lost Saint, I (and my sister) have been dying to read this book. Then, of course, there was the changing release date. From December to March, that is just too long to wait! However, I was elated, no make that ecstatic, when I received an ARC copy from the publisher (for which I must say THANK YOU!!). I read this the day I received it, taking only one break in the middle. I could not put it down. All of the fantastic characters are back for this conclusion. The first chapter starts shortly after the end of The Lost Saint. Daniel is still stuck as the white wolf, which is heartbreaking for Grace. Grace’s emotional state is so raw; it’s hard not to want to cry with her. Grace’s family remains an important element of the story as well. Her father is still one of my favorite parental figures in YA literature. There are also some new characters, “the lost boys”. Werewolves that left Caleb’s “gang” to follow Daniel. They add a humorous element to the overall serious, dramatic tone of the story. I fell in love with Grace and Daniel’s “little family”. This book is probably the most intense, dramatic of the series. The stakes are so high for everyone, and in the end not everyone will survive. It is hard to say much about the plot without giving away anything, so this review will likely be short. Haunting, beautiful, and with one of the best romances in YA this is a series you do not want to miss! Overall, this may not be my favorite book in the series, but it is a fantastic conclusion. Although the ending is rather ambiguous, so I am hoping for more at some point. If you have not started reading this series, I recommend that you do so immediately. It is unique, engaging, and a gorgeously written series that standouts amongst the many paranormal books in the YA genre today. Fans of The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater would probably enjoy this one as well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed The Dark Divine trilogy. It’s nice when a series ends and it feels like each book serves a purpose and leaves you craving more rather than overstaying its welcome. The characters show growth throughout the books, and there is a good mix of romance, suspense and paranormal intrigue, along with spiritual themes. The final installment The Savage Grace is action packed and bittersweet, and delivers an emotional punch. The conclusion gives some closure to the werewolf curse storyline while also dropping some intriguing hints about the future. Even though I’m not as big on werewolves as I once was, the mythology, battle scenes, and surprises kept me invested throughout.

    The Dark Divine trilogy is centered on Grace Divine, a pastor’s daughter who falls in love with Daniel Kalbi, a boy with a werewolf curse. The curse threatens Grace herself and her family, and wolf enemies emerge to cause even more trouble. The characters must battle internal and external demons to save their loved ones, and find a way to balance their human and wolf nature.

    I recently listened to the audio of the previous book so I was all caught up with the story. The Savage Grace picks up where The Lost Saint left off, with Daniel in wolf form. Grace continues to come into her own in this book and is ready to kick some demon butt. She won’t give up on Daniel or her brother Jude, even when it’s sometimes hard to ignore the darkness within that wants to take over. Grace has a new mentor to guide her decision-making, and to develop her own hidden talents, all while trying to graduate from high school. The beginning addresses more personal demons than fight scenes, but that is in keeping with the series theme. Not to worry, there will be action aplenty.

    Daniel emerges as an alpha wolf, and more strong and confident this time around. He even has a wolf posse to lead, and he seems to have more inner peace overall. Though it is interesting to see Grace manage things alone, the book is more exciting when Daniel shows up to help lead the pack. His character is much improved over the last book. The new wolf pack The Lost Boys won my heart too, and I enjoyed the dynamic between them, Grace and Daniel. Jude is not forgotten and also has a standout role in the conclusion.

    The action in the last third of the book is intense as the conflict between good and evil comes to a head. I was surprised with how it all went down and the emotional impact. There is a twist that makes me a little uneasy with the ending but I love that everything is not perfectly tied up in a way. If you like paranormal romance, werewolves, and action give The Dark Divine trilogy a try. The spiritual themes also add a refreshing dimension to the series and set it apart from the average paranormal romance.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I’m glad that I finally had a chance to finish this series. I enjoyed watching the characters grow and come into a future they never thought the see.1. Plot. The plot moved quickly. If you have not read the first two books, I suggest you do. Since this book dives in right where the last one left off, its important you read the other books so that your not confused. Still, the plot has lots of action, fights and a lot of solving mysteries.2. Back Round History. This book contains lots of history dating back to Egyptians times. I enjoyed all the history that is mixed in with the present tense. Still, at times I felt like some of these parts through the present story off. Like, you had to have know what happened in the past in order to know whats going on now. Know what I mean? I get that you had to go back, still I felt like it took away from what was happen with the characters now.3. Love Interest. No insta-love. Instead this love grew over three books and left me very satisfied I like that despite all the trials they went through, they always made it.4. Parent Involvement. You know, not that many YA books have their parents involved. I like that in this story, the parents helped. They were involved in every step of the way. I adored that.5. Ending. It’s not a HEA but it left off on a realistic note that I can enjoy.The ending to a great series is satisfying and fun. Impressive and action-packed, The Savage Grace fulfills an ending that is intense. Consuming and moving, The Savage Grace is great!