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Department X: The Shir Khan Prophecy: DEPARTMENT X:, #2
Department X: The Shir Khan Prophecy: DEPARTMENT X:, #2
Department X: The Shir Khan Prophecy: DEPARTMENT X:, #2
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Department X: The Shir Khan Prophecy: DEPARTMENT X:, #2

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A power packed and intriguing thriller, The Shir Khan Prophecy is the second novel in the Kane Rhodes/Brian Jones series from author John Lock. Intelligent and unswervingly appealing it whips along at a breakneck pace as Lock dexterously plaits converging plot lines across international boundaries, his attention to detail particularly noteworthy. Two British MI6 Agents, Kane Rhodes and Brian Jones, have been sent to Afghanistan to infiltrate the notorious Al-Jahid Cult who, for the past few years, have been grooming prominent people throughout the world, to become major terrorists. The Cult had only recently been uncovered when Kane and Brian helped to thwart a major terrorist attack on Washington which could have claimed several hundred thousand lives, even millions if the process, as intended, had been similarly implemented in other areas. Infiltrating the Cult had been comparatively easy; the uncovered extent of the potential danger however, had sent warning tremors across the whole of the Western world and it was left to a solitary CIA Agent to pick up the trail.

PublisherJohn Lock
Release dateJan 12, 2016
Department X: The Shir Khan Prophecy: DEPARTMENT X:, #2

John Lock

John Lock was born in Swansea but now lives in Barry, South Wales. He is an extremely effective thriller writer whose novels you just cannot put down. He is married to wife Lindsey with whom they have a grown up daughter Kelly and John also has four other children Catherine, Mark, Daniel, and David. To date, John has written four novels in the Kane Rhodes/Brian Jones series, Presidential Trail, The Shir Khan Prophecy, Treacherous Assignment and Lethal Credentials. Each book has a 'stand alone' story but they do follow on in time. He has the ability to mix fast paced action with diversified story lines but still captivating the reader to find out 'what happens next?' His story lines are well researched and the accurate descriptions of places and content bring a sense of reality to a genre which could sometimes go beyond belief but is definitely not the case in his highly acclaimed novels.

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    Department X - John Lock





    Second novel in the Kane Rhodes/Brian Jones Thriller series

    Copyright @2017 John Lock

    Chapter 1

    The warm, gentle breeze fanned his sand flecked face as Brian Jones strained to focus through the small, Yatsu pocket binoculars. They had only been in Afghanistan for three days and had already infiltrated the now notorious Al-Jahid Cult. After several initial meetings, Kane had been more readily accepted and was invited to see one of their ‘Peace Areas’, whereas Brian was just consoled for his loss and then left to his own devices.

    Brian had followed Kane’s party into the desert, but when the constructed road ran out, he had opted to take a parallel route so that it would not be obvious that they were being followed. Despite his best efforts to keep tracking the Range Rover, without being seen, the softer sand on the route Brian had chosen, slowed down his progress and he could no longer see the tell-tale tyre tracks in the distance. He decided to take a ninety degree turn which should enable him to cut across their tracks but, just over an hour later, with no signs of any recent vehicle movement, Brian was forced to give up and head back into Shir Khan.

    It was barely a week ago that Brian and Kane had arrived in Shir Khan Bandar with the body of their colleague Alison Jenkins. She had been killed the week before on a previous mission and her untimely death was still raw for Kane and Brian to handle. Brian had been shot in the arm and although he did not like it morally, it had, however, given Bill Johnson, their Department Head, the opportunity to create a cover story to get them flagged up to the Al-Jahid Cult recruiters - and it had worked surprisingly quickly.

    Kane and Brian were flown out to Pakistan where Alison’s body was waiting to be repatriated. However, rather than being flown back to the United Kingdom, Kane and Brian accompanied Alison’s body to Shir Khan, a town in Afghanistan which had several known links to the Al-Jahid cult. A hastily, but very plausible, cover story had been developed over the last few days, based around an actual incident where coalition forces opened fire on suspected terrorist trucks. The incident was developed to show that Kane and his ‘wife’ Alison together with Alison’s ‘brother’ Brian, were travelling in the truck when it was attacked, killing Alison and wounding Brian in the arm.

    Special Agent Dean Morrison had an undercover CIA Agent already working in Shir Khan and he had been instructed to plant various bits of information, relating to Kane and Alison that would confirm several previous visits to the border town and also her wish to be buried near the Punj River. He also started several rumours about a prominent, but now heartbroken Englishman whose wife had been killed by the coalition.

    The morning after their arrival in Shir Khan, Kane and Brian visited the Shebal offices where Alison’s plain, wooden coffin had been allowed to stay whilst final preparations had been made for her burial later in the day. The CIA had already arranged for the coffin to be dug up and replaced during the night and Alison’s body would then be flown back to England, but Kane did not like the thought of her body being used as a pawn in some elaborate but sinister game.

    Mr. Richmond, you are early, the owner of the offices commented, looking up from yesterday’s newspaper as Kane and Brian walked into the room. Richmond was the cover name used on their last operation where Kane and Alison posed as man and wife and it felt fitting to carry on using it now.

    Just want to make sure everything is as she would have wanted it to be Hassan, Kane replied.

    I am sure your wife would have been happy with the arrangements we have made for her replied Hassan, glancing over to a tall, lean figure sitting on a plain, high backed, wicker chair in the far corner of the room. This is Omar Wahidi; he would like to talk to you before you bury your wife."

    The hooded figure rose to stand a full six foot six if not more. The white, full length robe hovered about an inch from the floor and the crossed arms were inserted into the opposite sleeves so the only bit of flesh on view was the bearded, drawn face with large, dark brown eyes that now focussed intently on Kane. The figure glided effortlessly across the floor to stop directly between Kane and Brian.

    You are the husband of the lady? Omar asked, turning to face Kane’s inquisitive stare.

    Yes, and you are?

    Omar did not answer; he turned and looked into Brian’s eyes. And you are . . the brother?


    Follow me please The white robed figure glided out to a dimly lit back room where Alison’s coffin lay on two wooden trestles. Before she is laid to rest in the chosen place, we must remove the lid and I must rid her of the evil that has befallen her

    Hold on a minute, Kane interrupted, moving between Omar and the coffin. What are you going to do?

    Simply remove the evil that has brought her to this place Omar’s voice was soft yet firm, his confident, gentle manner would have put most people at ease but Kane was far from being at ease. What if the bodies had already been switched, do they pretend it is Alison and go along with it? Then again, what if they had switched the bodies to test them? Kane decided he would cross that bridge if and when they came to it, but right now he did not like the thought of anyone disturbing Alison’s body.

    And that involves what? Kane replied, his eyes fixed on the mysterious stranger in front of him.

    I simply lay my hand on her body to . . . how you say . . exorcise any evil that may be present, that would be your wish also, would it not?

    The stranger’s voice had a calming effect and Kane heard himself uttering the word Okay but also wanted to add ‘but I’ll be watching you’ but the words would not come out.

    Hassan quickly removed the eight screws that held the wooden top in place and began to slowly lift off the coffin lid. This was the moment of truth; there was no going back now.

    The lid was removed and Kane gazed down at Alison’s peaceful, serene face. He took a step forward and wanted to gently shake her from her slumber but his thoughts were interrupted by Omar’s question.

    Where is the wound?

    Eh? Kane disliked having his thoughts interrupted and shot Omar an angry glance.

    Mr. Richmond I feel your pain and I will help you to work your way through it. We must now prepare your wife for burial. Please show me where she was shot.

    Kane started to gather his thoughts. This could be a Cult contact, they could be checking our story or it could be some weird cleric, but he had to go along with it - for the time being anyway.

    She was shot in the chest was the abrupt and angry reply.

    Show me please

    Kane looked at Omar for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to Alison’s perfect face. He thought he could detect the trace of a smile on her lips as he bent forward and gently undid the top two buttons of her cream blouse to reveal a round, hole shaped, wound at the top of her cleavage.

    Omar placed two fingers gently over the wound and closing his eyes, began to chant in some unfamiliar language. Brian stared into the coffin; he had forgotten how beautiful Alison was. He watched intently as Omar finished his chanting and slowly removed his hand. Brian had half expected the wound to have miraculously healed up, such was the intensity of the situation. Kane leaned forward and gently did up the two buttons before leaning fully into the coffin to plant a goodbye kiss on Alison’s forehead.

    Okay, can we put the lid back on now?

    Omar nodded and Kane watched as Hassan replaced the lid and tightened all eight screws. Mr. Richmond you have suffered a great loss. Your family has been unjustly taken from you and you must learn to live with your anger. I will help you to do that. Then turning his attention to Brian, Omar asked You were also shot, yes?

    Yes, in the arm

    Show me please

    Brian lifted up his sleeve to show the still bandaged wound and stared back into Omar’s brown, searching eyes. Omar did not blink or change his gaze and after a few seconds Brian broke the silence. What, you want me to remove the bandage?

    Omar simply nodded, and when the bandage had been removed, he placed his fingers on the obvious wound and began chanting again, only this time far briefer.

    Hassan will finalise the burial arrangements and I will leave you to your grief, but I would like to meet with you again tomorrow. Shall we say at your hotel at 9 o’clock?

    Yes, okay. We are staying at . . .

    I know where you are staying Mr. Richmond Omar interrupted. I will see you tomorrow at 9’oclock. Then he turned and glided out through the front office into the street.

    That guy gives me the creeps commented Brian. What was that actor’s name, Christopher Lee? I expected fangs to suddenly appear at the corner of his mouth.

    His English has a slight trace of an accent, but it’s not Asian, more European. So, that aside, do you think this guy is part of this Al-Jahid Cult?

    Well if he isn’t, he has a strange interest in your future well-being, didn’t seem that keen on me though.

    That’s understandable

    Charming, at least I had the war wounds to back it up

    Kane put his finger to his lips as Hassan’s shadow loomed in the doorway.

    We are ready when you are Mr. Richmond

    Kane looked back at the coffin and paused, he hoped that Alison’s stay in the sandy Afghan soil would be very brief and that she would soon be flying back to England where she belonged.

    Okay Hassan. We are as ready as we will ever be.

    The burial was short and simple. Kane and Brian watched, deep in thought, as the soil was heaped back on top of the bare, wooden coffin. Some three hundred metres away, Omar’s eerie, white robed figure stood motionless next to a tall, thin tree trunk, his large brown eyes absorbing the scene set out in front of him. Kane knew he was there, he had not seen him but he could feel his presence.

    What do we do now? Brian asked, as they both turned away from the grave towards the hired Pajero. It was an old silver Exceed model, obviously imported second hand but very comfortable and the four wheel drive was essential for this sort of terrain. Kane . . you okay?

    Eh, oh yeah, I was just wondering about Morrison’s contact out here. I want to make sure Alison is taken home.

    She will be, Bill will make sure of that. I don’t think Morrison’s guy will break cover for us though, unless he’s that Christopher Lee look alike and I doubt that somehow.

    Strange sort of guy Kane commented as he climbed behind the wheel of the Pajero. He’s intriguing, I don’t want to have anything to do with him - yet I have this urge, desire, call it what you want, but I feel I have to know more about him.

    That’s just as well then, because that is exactly why we are here, assuming he is part of this cult thing.

    Well we might find out tomorrow Kane added, starting the engine and selecting first gear. After a quick glance in the mirror and a confirmatory look over his shoulder, Kane accelerated and eased his foot off the clutch as the Mitsubishi increased speed enough to select second gear. Kane slammed on the brakes as a white hooded figure appeared directly in front of the car.

    Jesus! exclaimed Brian, Where’d he come from?

    Omar walked around to Kane’s open window and stared into his light blue eyes. Would you be so kind as to give me a lift back into town?

    Yes, hop in

    Brian watched, puzzled, as the white hooded man slid onto the rear passenger seat. The centre of town was about five minutes’ walk away, about two minutes in the car allowing for traffic.

    This is a sad moment for you Omar stated. The red mist will cloud your vision. I will help you to remove the redness around your heart. In a small open tray, next to the gear stick, was a blue pen and some loose change. May I borrow your red pen?

    Sure Kane responded passing him the pen. Omar held the pen up, looked at it and leaning forward placed it back in the open tray.

    Brian glanced sideways at the returned pen, then looked back to Omar before returning his gaze to the busy street.

    Omar lent forward and spoke softly in Brian’s direction. Your sister will find peace, the red veil will be lifted and your anger will be subdued. I will help you also to remove the redness around your heart. May I borrow your red pen?"

    Brian looked into the open tray next to the gear stick. We haven’t got a red one mate, just that blue one, same as you just had. Do you want it back again?

    Omar stared for several seconds into Brian’s puzzled face before asking for the car to be stopped. I will see you tomorrow Mr. Richmond, at 9 o’clock Omar stated, as he alighted from the car, closed the door and disappeared into the crowd.

    Bloody Hell, that was weird

    What was? Kane asked

    That business with the pen

    What business with the pen?

    Twice asking for the red one when it was blue

    Oh I just gave him a pen, I didn’t look at the colour Kane replied, trying to dodge a cyclist weaving around in front of him.

    Brian was about to ask Kane another question when the car came to an abrupt stop outside their hotel.

    What? Kane asked, noticing the bemused look on Brian’s face.

    Doesn’t matter Brian replied, shaking his head as he climbed out of the Pajero.

    The rest of the day was spent visiting places in Shir Khan which would give them visual knowledge of ‘previous visits’ as well as the now disposed of, hard copy information and background history tapes. The town had rapidly expanded over the past few years, thanks mainly to the completion of the Tajikistan –Afghanistan Bridge at Panji Poyon. The influx of new workers, greatly increased traffic and the Afghanistan Parliament’s decision to build an extra two thousand homes had seen a dramatic rise in the population, much to the pleasure of the local businesses currently thriving on the booming trade. It also helped to mask Kane and Brian’s cover story, but the increased American security had, initially, driven the Al-Jahid Cult underground, or rather over the border to Tajikistan.

    The hot afternoon sun bore down on Kane’s back, forming a dark, damp shadow in the middle of his faded, blue denim shirt. He looked over to the solitary G.I. dressed in full combat gear, helmet and obligatory sun glasses as he guarded the approach to the Punji Bridge. ‘If I’m feeling the heat, God knows what he’s feeling’ Kane thought to himself, as he absorbed the finer details of his surroundings.

    Kane carried on walking, looking down both sides of the busy street. A myriad of shops and Tea Houses had sprung up over the past few months to cater for the increased trade the bridge had brought, but nobody could say how long this boom would last. The bridge had been built due to Pakistan closing its border with Afghanistan after American and coalition forces attacked two stolen oil tankers, killing ninety Pakistani residents in the process. The Tajikistan –Afghanistan Bridge was now the only land based supply route open to them, until Pakistan re-opens the border that is.

    Kane stopped, paused and turned around to look behind him. The white robed figure of Omar could be seen in the distance, arms folded, hands disappeared from sight in the sleeves of his flowing robe. He was too far away to see Omar’s eyes but he knew he was staring at him, he could feel it.

    So, have you taken in enough detail yet? Brian quipped There’s a test on it later

    Eh . . .

    It’s a joke Brian continued, looking back down the street to see what had attracted Kane’s attention but finding nothing out of the ordinary. But on second thoughts, most of these buildings are brand new and were not mentioned in our briefings. Maybe we need to find out just when they were built? . . . What’s up mate? You’re not your normal self.

    Nothing Kane replied, a smile returning to his sun bronzed, three day, designer-stubbled face. The growth rate will help our story. It has obviously changed substantially over the past few months so we will be better off sticking to the older notes. Come on, let’s get back to the hotel Kane continued, as he turned and bounded off down the busy street, Brian in tow.

    Omar stood in his new vantage point, the doorway of probably the only shop in the street not open for business. He watched the two men walking in the distance then turned his attention to the lone figure opposite, and with a gentle nod, sent him scurrying after them.

    The aptly named Shir Khan Hotel was purpose built for the new breed of travellers that poured through, and into, Shir Khan. Normal truck drivers could not afford to pay for board and lodge but the owner drivers and company heads, sent to close new contracts, revelled in the standard, but comparatively luxurious surroundings - and whatever other entertainment their new found wealth could buy.

    Brian sat on the top step of the entrance to the hotel sipping from a bottle of ice cold, clear water. The cool evening breeze was a welcome relief from the hot, dusty heat of the afternoon. Kane was about halfway down the steps setting up the GPS phone onto a secure channel ready to contact Bill Johnson, the Assistant Chief of Staff back in the U.K..

    I think we picked up a shadow Brian murmured.

    Yep, he’s been with us all afternoon replied Kane.

    What do you reckon, Morrison’s contact, cult contact or someone waiting for an opportunity?

    Well if it is Morrison’s Agent he’s doing a crap job, and anyway, he would have made himself known by now. I don’t think that guy would spend hours shadowing us if he was an opportunist thief, so that leaves the second option.

    Ahh, but how can you be sure?

    Well I saw our friend Omar in the market place today so it’s a fair bet he works for him

    You didn’t tell me you saw him

    You didn’t ask

    So what was he doing?

    Just looking, but yes, he was looking at us. Now I need to make this call to Bill, do you think you can make that guy disappear for a few minutes?

    Yep, no problems Brian replied, striding off towards the inquisitive local.

    Kane watched as the afternoon ‘shadow’ realised Brian was heading in his direction and hovered for a couple of seconds before turning and walking off down the street with Brian keeping the same distance behind him.

    Nothing like the direct approach’ Kane mused to himself as he started the call. Bill, it’s Kane, I could have an interested party but I’ll find out more tomorrow.

    Is it the company we were discussing?

    I think so, but as I said, I should have more information tomorrow

    Okay well you can update me tomorrow, but after 10.30. I am going to be officially announced as Chief of Staff tomorrow and I have to meet with the Foreign Secretary and the rest of the top brass at nine to accept the position.

    Congratulations, you deserve it. Oh and Bill, is that package going back to the U.K. tonight?

    It’s already on the way to the airport and I am meeting it tomorrow morning. Don’t worry, I have made all the arrangements for it to be delivered to its final destination

    Thank you, speak again tomorrow. Kane ended the call and sat down on the steps to wait for Brian’s return. He was glad Bill would be there to meet Alison and that she would no longer be in foreign soil. His thoughts drifted back to the early morning when he had said his goodbyes to Alison and the alluring conversation with Omar. There was something about him, not weird as Brian had commented, but intriguing, confident; he had the sort of ‘Doctor’s bedside manner’ that made you want to have a conversation.

    So what did Bill have to say, must have been interesting if you’re that deep in thought? Brian interrupted as he approached the dust covered steps.

    Nothing much, apart from confirming that he has been made up to Chief of Staff and is meeting with the Foreign Secretary and the other top knobs in the morning to accept the position. More importantly, Alison is already on her way to the airport and Bill will be there to oversee the coffin’s collection.

    I’m glad for Bill, I don’t think it will stop him from getting involved in the front line though, he likes to keep his finger on the pulse. You were miles away when I came back; are you still thinking of Alison?

    No, I was thinking back to this morning and Omar

    What, that creep

    Yep, but he may be the lead we are looking for, so don’t go upsetting him

    Brian’s attention was drawn to four very large and loud mouthed, men, fuelled by alcohol and barging into anything or anyone in their way. About one hundred metres behind them, two G.I.s were trying to keep a low profile as they monitored the raucous quartet. The laughter and singing grew louder as they approached, with the occasional pause as they turned around to blow kisses and make hand gestures to the shadowing pair.

    Russians, I didn’t think there were any left here. Brian commented as he turned back to face Kane.

    They’re probably truck drivers or maybe even seamen from one of the cargo ships. Kane replied as the first of the group strode purposely up to the hotel steps, barging Brian out of the way and now glaring down at Kane.

    You are in my way he snarled, much to the delight of his three companions.

    Kane looked at the large torso in front of him. The shoulders were broad with two large, muscular and heavily tattooed arms dangling each side, the hands now clenched into two large, hairy fists. Kane raised his head to look the uninvited guest straight in the eyes, at the same time easing himself off the step, still maintaining eye contact, to stand erect in front of him. ‘Here we go . .‘ Brian thought to himself, but Kane simply moved sideways to the far side of the steps and sat back down. The large Russian turned to his comrades and laughed out loud before striding across to stand in front of Kane once more.

    You are in my way he repeated, turning around to accept the laughter and goading of his countrymen.

    Again Kane looked up and having made eye contact slowly rose to his feet, this time moving up a step and was now looking slightly down on his confronter. A wide grin started to spread across the Russian’s face but it was soon removed as Kane’s right knee rose sharply and buried itself deep into the Russian’s crotch. His hands momentarily went to cover the injured area just as the adrenalin and anger kicked in. He raised his head to get a bead on his attacker and was met with the full force of Kane’s forehead which flattened his nose with a sickening crunch. Slumping to his knees he did not see Kane’s fist as it slammed into the side of his head causing him to keel over in a temporary daze. The nearest of the startled trio lunged at Kane but was taken out by Brian’s flying rugby tackle. The remaining two charged forward as Kane spun around and let leash a full roundhouse kick that caught the third assailant square on the jaw, sending him tottering backwards to land spread eagled on the floor. The final assailant was now on top of Kane, his massive, tree trunk arms wrapped around Kane’s pinned arms and back, squeezing tighter and tighter and lifting Kane completely off the floor. Kane looked over to Brian for support but he was still wrestling with the second guy on the floor. The only part of his body Kane could move was his feet and the constant kicking of the Russian’s shins only seemed to make him squeeze tighter. He could not breathe, his ribs felt as if they were about to snap as he lent forward and sunk his teeth into a large, grisly ear, crunching his teeth and shaking his head as he did so.

    Aaargh the Russian shouted out in pain as he released his grip and placed his hand over his ear which was now bleeding profusely.

    Kane spat out the top, grisly part of an ear and brought his knee up as hard as he could into the man’s stomach. He did not flinch, he just held his ear and started to expand his chest to the full, uttering something in Russian which Kane roughly translated was what he intended to do to him. He braced himself for the coming onslaught but then watched as the figure sunk to his knees and keeled over. The butt of a new XM25 rifle hung momentarily in the air before being returned to its cradle position in the G.I.’s arms.

    American? the soldier asked, staring down at the four outstretched figures, whilst Brian, having just clambered to his feet, was brushing off the last remnants of dust.

    British Kane replied, Do we need to make a statement or something?

    Nope. We just needed to make sure these guys didn’t get into any trouble, but now they’re settled down for the night, we can be on our way. Have a nice evening

    You too Brian responded, as they turned and walked back down the street, then he noticed Kane staring at him. What?

    Nothing, just like your idea of fair odds. Next time I’ll have the single one and you can have the other three.

    Well I had the biggest one Brian retorted, then noticed the Russian with a chunk of his ear missing, Well second biggest then. Did you see what the G.I. hit him with?

    Yep, an XM25.

    That’s the one that can shoot around walls isn’t it? Brian asked inquisitively.

    Yes - well technically it’s a grenade launcher with computerised air bursts that can detonate over a wall. Why do you ask?

    "I didn’t think they had

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