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Taking a Chance
Taking a Chance
Taking a Chance
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Taking a Chance

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Always the bridesmaid. It’s not just a cliché. It’s the story of Randi’s life. Four times she’s been a bridesmaid, watching her family and friends marry and find happiness. Now she’s ready for a romance of her own and she’s got her sights set on Tom Schumacher. There’s just one problem. It’s not that he’s her best friend’s brother or that he’s two years younger than she is. The problem is that he stuck her in the friend zone and it’s the last place she wants to be. Will Randi be able to convince Tom to take a chance on her, or will they be stuck in the friend zone forever?

Release dateNov 10, 2015
Taking a Chance

Trish Edmisten

Author of YA and contemporary romance.

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    Taking a Chance - Trish Edmisten

    Taking a Chance

    Trish Edmisten

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Trish Edmisten

    All Rights Reserved.

    For S.V. and her children, I wish things could have ended differently


    Always a bridesmaid; it was the story of Randi’s life, one of the pitfalls of being part of a large family. Actually, it was more like she was always in the wedding as anything but the bride.

    From the ages of three to eight, she’d been the flower girl in three different weddings. When she was sixteen she’d been a junior bridesmaid in her aunt’s wedding. At the age of twenty, she was a bridesmaid in her sister Rachel’s wedding. Two years after that, she was a bridesmaid in her sister Reeva’s wedding.

    Now, here she was on her fourth stint as a bridesmaid. This time for her dear friend Chelsea Schumacher who’d just married the man of her dreams, the lucky bitch; something she meant as an endearment and not the insult others might perceive it to be.

    Randi had every reason to be jealous of her friend for snagging what could easily be one of the best looking men she ever had the pleasure of being acquainted with. Justin Jacobs was tall and blonde and muscled, kind of like a modern day Greek god. Not to mention the man was filthy rich as part owner of a Fortune 500 company.

    Randi looked toward the dance floor. The happy couple was tangled in one another’s arms, staring deeply into each other’s eyes and smiling as they rocked back and forth to the beat of the music. The whole thing would have been a little sickening if the pair didn’t mean so much to her and that was not her jealously talking.

    Come to think of it, they were a little sickening, but they had nothing on Justin’s little brother Darren and his wife Danni. Those two had been married eight years and had a two month old son but still spent the night acting like a pair of lovesick teenagers.

    Then there was Marcy, Randi’s roommate and Chelsea and Danni’s childhood friend. Marcy wasn’t acting like a lovesick teenager, but she did have one very sexy friends-with-benefits date. Looking at tiny little Marcy with her engineering degree from Cal Poly, one wouldn’t think she would be the type to have a fuck buddy. She not only had one but had one who was worth a second and maybe a third look.

    Heaving a sigh, Randi turned back to the bartender. I’ll take a shot of Jack Daniels.

    Shot of Jack, huh? That’s an interesting choice.

    She didn’t have to turn around to know who was speaking. That smooth as silk, sweet as honey voice belonged to Tom Schumacher. Tom often had a starring role in her fantasies.

    Randi shrugged as she shifted to face the man. God, he worked a tuxedo. It just wasn’t fair how some people could be so gorgeous. At least he didn’t act like a pompous ass despite the sex appeal.

    Might as well take advantage of the open bar, right?

    Good point. Tom smiled, revealing his gleaming white teeth.

    Tom’s teeth, though white to a fault, weren’t perfect. There was one on the top that stuck out a little further than the others. Randi liked that. It made his smile more charming while at the same time reminding her that he wasn’t perfect. Tom was attainable.

    Randi fought the urge to her roll her eyes over how sappy she was.

    In her defense, Tom was a good-looking guy that most women would notice. It was the eyes, Randi decided. Those chocolate brown pools, magnified slightly behind the lenses of his black wire framed glasses, were his best feature second only to his lips.

    Honestly, what man had lips that were so full they were begging to be sucked? Most women she knew paid good money to have lips that Tom came by as the result of good genes.

    Good looks aside, the man was intelligent. Sure he was a little eccentric with his extra-terrestrial obsession, but he wasn’t the only one in the world who believed in life on other planets. And it wasn’t like he walked around with foil on his head or spent his nights on rooftops trying to contact whoever was out there. He just believed and researched and listened to others who shared his beliefs. Randi wasn’t among them, but the believing in ET thing wasn’t a deal breaker.

    Not even the fact that he was Chelsea’s younger brother and two years younger than Randi was a deal breaker. Chelsea would have been thrilled if the two of them got together.

    The deal breaker was the man himself. So far, he had yet to do or say anything that would indicate he was interested in being more than her friend. There was a minute there where Randi wondered if the man was gay before she realized how self-centered that sounded. Just because the guy wasn’t interested in her didn’t mean all women were off the table.

    Maybe it was women like her, big girls with big attitudes who oozed confidence. Randi wasn’t ashamed of being labeled a big beautiful woman. BBW was a title she wore proudly. Would she like to be skinny? She’d be lying if she said the answer was no, but that didn’t mean she was ashamed of being a big girl.

    Not anymore, not after she got in to college and found out there were plenty of decent guys out there who liked full figured women. From that point on, Randi embraced and loved herself and fuck any guy that didn’t think she was good enough for him.

    Tom’s sister was a big girl, but that didn’t mean he was attracted to thick girls. It just meant he tolerated them easier than some guys who didn’t bother to hide their disgust.

    When the bartender set up Randi’s shot, Tom asked for a glass of water. Randi’s brow furrowed at the odd request. Why would he order water when there was a full service bar at his beck and call? Tom smiled and she decided she didn’t care. Chalk it up to another of his eccentricities.

    Randi waited until the bartender poured his drink before she picked up her glass.

    What should we drink to? Tom asked.

    You tell me.

    Okay, how about friendship?

    Randi wanted to gag. Of course that’s what he would say. Fine they could drink to friendship, but they were doing it her way.

    To friendship, Tom said, bringing his glass close to hers.

    Randi smiled and lifted her glass. To friendship, she echoed and then waited for the glass to touch his lips before she added, "and all the benefits it can bring."

    When he sputtered on his drink, she couldn’t stop the evil laugh that escaped her. Tom Schumacher didn’t know it yet, or maybe he did, but they were going to move out of the friend zone.

    If not, she was going to make sure they had fun trying!

    Chapter One

    Randi was frantic, the kind of frantic that bordered on terrified, with a side of guilt thrown in for good measure.

    Her roommate was missing. Anyone would be frantic in that situation, but Marcy Larsen was more than just her roommate.

    Marcy was one of her closest friends and one of the most reliable people Randi knew. A person who could be counted on to be where she said she would be. It wasn’t like her not to answer one phone call or text message, let alone the barrage of them Randi had fired off since waking up alone in their hotel room.

    There was no doubt Randi was partly to blame. If she hadn’t been so caught up in flirting with Tom, she would not have missed the text message Marcy sent to her last night: Going to hang out with Nick. Don’t wait up for me. See you soon.

    To most people that might not seem ominous, especially since Marcy had known Nick for thirteen years, but that was just it. Marcy knew Nick. She made no secret of how much she despised him and his reputation as a man whore.

    Exactly! So, why would she go anywhere with him? She wouldn’t. Not now. Maybe in high school she would have run off with the guy who’d been her secret crush for almost five years.

    To say that her feelings toward Nick had cooled since then would have been an understatement. Marcy didn’t just dislike Nick. She loathed him, alternately referring to his dick as a walking Petri dish and the reason the Trojan company was still in business.

    Not only was Marcy not responding to her calls or text messages, but neither was Nick. The fact that she couldn’t reach either one made her even more worried. If Nick let anything happen to Marcy, Randi was going to beat his ass, his well rounded and undoubtedly firm ass.

    Randi shook her head. Focus, Randi! Think. Who else would know where they are?

    Tom would know. Tom and Nick were best friends. They had driven from Los Angeles together and were staying at Nick’s mother’s house.

    Maybe Marcy had gone back to his mother’s house with Nick. It sounded unlikely, but Randi learned a long time ago never to make assumptions where Marcy was concerned. The woman might be a highly intelligent engineer, but she had a bit of a wild side.

    Randi paced the hotel suite as she listened to Tom’s phone ring. Pick up, pick up, pick up.


    Tom’s voice was rough, something Randi would have found sexy under normal circumstances. At the moment, it pissed her off that he would still be sleeping. It was almost eight for God’s sake.

    Are Nick and Marcy there at the house with you?


    Tom sounded confused; something Randi did not have time for at the moment. She needed him to wake the hell up and help her.

    Nick and Marcy, are they there?

    No clue.

    Go check.


    You heard me. Go check and see if Nick and Marcy are there.

    Tom sighed. Randi, what’s going on?

    Marcy wasn’t here when I woke up this morning.

    Maybe she went for coffee.

    No, Tom, she didn’t.

    Randi could hear her tone. It was the same one she used with the preschool children she spent five days a week with. Most people, men in particular, didn’t care for it. Hopefully, Tom would be too tired to notice because she needed his help.

    I got a text message from Marcy last night that I didn’t see until this morning, Randi admitted, feeling her guilt increase. The message said she was going to hang out with Nick and I shouldn’t worry.

    There you go. If she’s with Nick, she’s fine.

    Randi rolled her eyes. Men could be so thick sometimes! Considering how much Marcy hates Nick, don’t you think it’s a little weird that she would go anywhere with him, let alone somewhere that put her out of contact with everyone?

    I guess. I don’t know.

    Well, I do. There is no way Marcy would stay out all night with Nick.

    So, what, you think he kidnapped her or something? Because you know there’s no way in hell Nick would do something like that, Tom said. They might have a tense relationship, but Nick’s not the kind of guy that would hurt anyone, especially not a woman.

    Just do me a favor and see if they’re there.

    Fine, but I hope for both our sakes I don’t find them in a compromising position, Tom said, sighing once again. Give me a few minutes and I’ll call you back.

    Why do you need to call me back?

    Because I’m not going on this recon mission in the buff, that’s why.

    You sleep naked? Randi momentarily forgot her concern for her friend before a darker thought took shape. "Or did I call while you were in a compromising position?"

    If you’re asking if I have someone else in my bed, the answer is no. I’m a guest in the home of my best friend’s mother. I’d never do something that disrespectful.

    So you sleep naked then?

    Tom chuckled. I thought you were concerned for Marcy’s safety.

    I am, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be curious too, Randi said. Besides, you were the one who brought it up. So, answer the question.

    Which question?

    What do you mean which question?

    Do I sleep naked, or are Nick and Marcy here?

    Randi was torn. As interested as she was in whether or not Tom did sleep in the buff, she couldn’t let herself get so selfishly sidetracked. If something happened to Marcy while she was flirting with Tom, Randi would never be able to live with that kind of guilt.

    It was Randi’s flirting with Tom last night that landed her in the current predicament. If she’d been paying attention to Marcy instead of trying to catch Tom’s eye, she would have known where her friend was.

    Even though it pained her to do it, Randi did the right thing. Go find out if Nick and Marcy are there and call me back the minute you find out.

    No problem, Tom said. Call you in a few.

    Still holding her phone so that she didn’t miss Tom’s return call, Randi dropped down on the bed, no longer worrying for her missing friend. Instead, she thought about Tom, wondering if he really did sleep naked.

    One of these days she was going to find out for herself, hopefully when she crawled in bed alongside him.

    Tom shook his head, grinning as he dragged on a pair of jeans. No, he didn’t sleep naked, at least not when he was a guest in someone else’s home.

    Flirting with Randi probably wasn’t the best idea, but at least it helped take her mind off what he was sure was unnecessary panic. Wherever Nick and Marcy were, he had no doubt Marcy was safe with his best friend.

    Even if Randi Jennings wasn’t one of his older sister’s best friends, he wouldn’t have done anything about her attraction to him. The few times he’d tried dating, the results were disastrous. He screwed up and they broke up. That’s how it always worked with him.

    Tom’s grin fell away, as it always did when he thought about what made him such bad boyfriend material. It wasn’t simply that Tom didn’t do relationships and never had. Tom could not have a relationship. It was too dangerous to let his heart get involved.

    Sex, he did, or at least he used to do. It had been a few years since he’d been with anything other than his hand, with good reason; that reason being tied to the reason he never let himself get involved with anyone.

    Sometimes, it was lonely. It sucked knowing he was only twenty-four and would be alone for the rest of his life, but it couldn’t be changed. Tom was who he was and it wasn’t fair to drag some unsuspecting woman into his fucked up life, especially not one as beautiful and witty and funny as Randi.

    Shoving aside his depressing thoughts, Tom emerged from his room and crossed the hall. The door to Nick’s room was closed. That was probably a good sign. A closed door was a universal sign of wanting privacy, of a need to knock before entering.

    Tom heeded the warning and knocked, but there was no answer. Hoping he didn’t wake Nick’s mother, he knocked again, a little louder. The result was the same. No answer. Praying he wasn’t going to see something he would regret interrupting, Tom twisted the doorknob. The door wasn’t locked.

    Tom didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried at the sight of the empty bed. Though it was perfectly made that could have been because Nick had already gotten up. As a construction worker, Nick was often up early, working in the first hours of the day when the weather was the most cooperative.

    Closing the door behind him, Tom padded down the stairs. The smell of coffee wafted under his nostrils, a sign that someone was awake. The question of who was answered when he entered the kitchen and found Nick’s mother seated at the table.

    Tom regretted his decision to skip putting on a shirt. He hoped Charmain wasn’t going to be offended by the inconsiderate gesture. Even though he’d been looking for Nick, he should have prepared for the fact that he might run in to Charmain.

    Good morning. Charmain smiled at him. Did you sleep well?

    Tom fought the ridiculous urge to cover himself. Yeah, thanks.

    Good, I’m glad.

    I was just looking for Nick.

    I haven’t seen him yet this morning so I’m assuming he’s still in bed.

    Though he knew that wasn’t the case, Tom didn’t share that with Charmain on the off chance Nick didn’t want her to know he’d been out all night.

    Did you want some breakfast? Charmain offered.

    No, I mean no thanks. I’m, um, going to have breakfast with Randi.

    That’s great. By all means, don’t let me keep you then.

    Tom didn’t need to be told twice. Without saying anything else, he turned and beat a hasty retreat up the stairs. When he made it back to his room, he pulled on a shirt before he picked up his phone.

    Before calling Randi, he tried Nick’s cell. The call went straight to his voicemail, a sure sign the phone was turned off. Tom didn’t bother leaving a message. Heaving a sigh, he disconnected the call and called Randi.

    They’re not there, are they?


    That’s it. I’m calling the police.

    Randi, the police aren’t going to do anything. They’re two adults and you have a message from Marcy that proves she left willingly. Adults are allowed to do that.

    I know that, but Marcy isn’t the type of person to disappear. Something’s wrong.

    We don’t know that yet, but something weird is definitely going on, Tom agreed and Randi snorted. Why don’t I meet you at your hotel and we can put our heads together and see if we can figure this out?

    Randi exhaled. That would be great. Thank you.

    No problem. I’ll be there in half an hour.

    Thanks, Tom. I’ll see you soon.

    See you, Tom echoed and ended the call.

    Tom hadn’t been entirely truthful with Randi. He was starting to worry too. It wasn’t like Nick to drop off the grid without at least letting someone know.

    Something was going on. The question was what?

    Randi should not care about looking good when Tom arrived. They had more important things to worry about. They were on a mission to find out what happened to their respective best friends and make sure they were safe. That should have been her sole concern, but it didn’t stop her from putting in the effort.

    If Tom noticed the extra care she put in to her appearance, he didn’t acknowledge it. His expression was the same as it was every time he saw her; cautiously friendly.

    Randi did a mental eye roll. Someday she was going to figure out what it took to get the man to notice her, but now wasn’t the time.

    Hey, Tom said as he stepped into the room.

    As she closed the door behind him, Randi took the opportunity to check out his ass. It wasn’t the first time she’d done so, which was exactly why she never missed a chance when it was presented.

    Tom had a great ass. Round and supple and she always had the insane urge to lick it. An image of her palming his bare ass while he drove into her flashed in her mind.

    When Tom turned toward her, she darted her gaze to his face. If he was any other guy, she wouldn’t have cared that she’d been caught checking him out. Tom wasn’t just any guy.

    Besides being the younger brother of one of her best friends, he was better than her average piece of man meat. Not just better looking but nicer and more intelligent, a genuine guy; the kind of guy her mom would love. One look at Tom and her mom would break out the bridal magazines for sure.

    Have you heard from Marcy yet? Tom asked.

    I would have called you if I had.

    I figured, but I thought I’d ask.

    I’m assuming you haven’t heard from Nick either.

    No, I tried calling him, but the call went straight to voicemail.

    I’m not surprised. I’ve had the same problem with Marcy all morning.

    Maybe we should call Danni and see if she knows anything.

    Danni was Nick’s sister and one of Marcy’s best friends. It was possible she knew something, but Randi doubted it. Marcy and Randi had driven from Los Angeles together and spent the last few days sharing a hotel suite. Randi would have been the first person Marcy shared her plans with, or at least she should have been.

    Maybe we shouldn’t call Danni, Randi said.

    Tom frowned. Why not?

    I don’t want to worry anyone else yet, not until we know something for sure.

    True, but calling Danni might solve this whole mystery.

    Fine, I’ll call Danni, Randi gave in, heaving a sigh that made Tom raise his eyebrows. What? What is that look for?

    What look?

    That look! Like I’m being crazy or unreasonable or something.

    Tom grinned but was quick to cover it. Sorry, I didn’t realize I was giving you any kind of look.

    Whatever, Randi huffed. Maybe we should try calling them one more time. Then if they don’t answer, we’ll call Danni and see what she knows, which I honestly don’t think will be anything at all, but we can try.

    Okay, Tom said.

    His instant agreement grated on her nerves, something she knew was unreasonable, the blame for which she placed not only on Marcy’s disappearing act but on Tom himself. The fact that he was so calm seemed to magnify her hysterics.

    Randi took a deep breath, trying to get herself under control. Coming off like a potential psycho girlfriend was not going to help in her future endeavors to get this man into her bed.

    Do you think you can try calling Nick first? Randi asked. I love Marcy, but if I hear her voicemail greeting one more time, I think I’m going to throw my phone at the wall.

    Sure, Tom said, smiling at her as he fished his phone from his pocket.

    Randi didn’t expect this plan to work, but she was getting desperate. If she didn’t hear from either Marcy or Nick soon, she was going to call the police. She didn’t give a damn what Tom said.

    Tom didn’t expect Nick to answer his phone, but he was willing to give it another shot. What could it hurt? Nothing if it made Randi feel better, something Tom was very interested in at the moment. Seeing her so upset bothered him more than it should.

    Panicked and hysterical was a side of Randi he wasn’t used to seeing. It was an unsettling contrast to the woman who was normally sarcastic and confident, not to mention flirty to a fault.

    Tom suppressed a smile. Randi was still flirty, but her game was a bit off. Case in point, she’d been checking out his ass when he walked in. Even if he hadn’t caught her, he would have sworn he could feel her gaze on his ass.

    When he turned to face her, she didn’t give him that knowing smile he’d seen from her in the past. To his surprise, she looked concerned that she might be caught.

    Tom never would have admitted it to Randi, or anyone else for that matter, but he liked the way she looked at him. He wasn’t used to someone looking at him with such raw desire. Growing up, he’d been a science fiction geek, not exactly a chick magnet, which was a good thing given his refusal to engage in relationships.

    It wasn’t until he graduated high school and left home that he was noticed by women. Over the years, none of the handful of women who expressed an interest in him had ever looked at him the way Randi did every damn time she saw him; like he was the best looking guy she’d ever seen. That kind of devotion did a number on a guy’s ego.

    Hey, Tom, what’s up?

    Having expected to get his voicemail, Tom was so surprised by the sound of Nick’s voice that he pulled the phone back for a moment, checking to make sure it was actually connected.

    What’s up? Tom echoed. Are you serious? Where the hell have you been and please tell me Marcy’s with you. No one’s seen her or her car since last night and she’s not answering her cell. Randi’s freaking out.

    Randi’s eyes widened as she rushed to Tom’s side. Damn right I’m freaking out!

    Tom waved her off and Randi glared at him. Let her glare, but he wasn’t going to get to the bottom of anything with her shouting in his ear while he was trying to talk to Nick.

    You can tell her not to worry, Nick said. Marcy’s with me and we’re both fine.

    No shit? You finally closed the deal with her, huh? Tom guessed.

    Don’t be a pig! Randi screeched, and Tom stepped away from her.

    Nick chuckled. Yeah, you could say that.

    Tom wasn’t surprised. Nick was the exact opposite of him; confident and secure and comfortable in his own skin. Women were drawn to him, and unlike Tom, Nick knew what to do with them and how to make them happy.

    Most women were drawn to Nick. Marcy Larsen was the exception. Rather than be won over by his charm, she was put off by it. Nick once admitted to Tom he liked that about Marcy. He hadn’t explained it further, but Tom figured it had to do with the challenge appealing to him. It reminded Tom of something his mom used to say to his sister Jody. Boys aren’t going to buy the cow when they can get the milk for free.

    So, where are you? Tom asked.

    You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

    Christ, you didn’t do something stupid, did you?

    Guess that depends on your definition of stupid.

    That answer does not instill confidence.

    No, I guess it doesn’t.

    Neither does your evasiveness. What’s going on, Nick?

    Okay, look, don’t say anything to Randi because that woman scares the crap out of me, but Marcy and I drove to Vegas last night and ended up getting married.

    Tell me you’re joking.

    It had to be a joke. Nick and Marcy weren’t even dating.

    Joking about what? Randi demanded. "What’s going

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