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Spice Ebooks Anthology: Halloween Party (four paranormal erotic shorts)
Spice Ebooks Anthology: Halloween Party (four paranormal erotic shorts)
Spice Ebooks Anthology: Halloween Party (four paranormal erotic shorts)
Ebook64 pages56 minutes

Spice Ebooks Anthology: Halloween Party (four paranormal erotic shorts)

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With almost 14,000 words, this spooky and supernatural Halloween erotica will leave you hot and bothered and maybe just a little bit disturbed. And for loyal Spice Ebooks VIP members, this book is absolutely FREE. Read of sexy encounters with the ghostly and depraved Jack O'Lantern, a creepy clown eager for play, a cold hard vampire's Halloween tryst and a curse from a witchy snaggle-toothed snatch.

Release dateOct 22, 2015
Spice Ebooks Anthology: Halloween Party (four paranormal erotic shorts)

Scarlett Rowan

Scarlett Rowan, co-founder of Spice Ebooks, is a fiery red head who is often writing romance and erotic stories from the world of fairytale, mythology, and all things supernatural - but she can also be found back here in the real world, her fairy wings hidden, writing spicy contemporary tales of love and lust, scorching steampunk, erotic historical fiction and whatever tickles her fancy.

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    Book preview

    Spice Ebooks Anthology - Scarlett Rowan

    Spice Ebooks Anthology

    Volume 2: Halloween Party

    Copyright 2015 Mona Alps, Scarlett Rowan & Verity Vixxen

    Published by Spice Ebooks at Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Warning: This ebook contains explicit content and is intended for mature audiences. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. 18+

    Table of Contents

    Welcome from Spice Ebooks

    The Jack O'Lantern by Verity Vixxen

    Clown Play by Mona Alps

    Halloween Vampire by Scarlett Rowan

    Beware the Wildersnatch by Drum Aanul

    Other Titles by Spice Ebooks

    Connect with Spice Ebooks

    Welcome from Spice Ebooks

    Hello to our wonderful readers!

    We hope you enjoy the Spice Ebooks Anthology Volume 2: Halloween Party.

    With almost 14,000 words this spooky and supernatural erotica will leave you hot and bothered and maybe just a little bit disturbed. And for loyal Spice Ebooks VIP members, this book is absolutely free.

    If you haven't joined already us - sign up HERE to receive Volume 1 & 2 for free as well as specials and freebies from our growing catalogue of erotica. We will never spam or share your details.

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    The Spicy Girls xxx

    The Jack O'Lantern

    By Verity Vixxen

    Hi, my name's Skye. This is the story of what happened between me and my stepbrother last Halloween. I have to warn you - it's pretty weird. So weird in fact that I haven't shared it with anyone else.

    Do you want to hear it? Okay, here goes...

    In order to start this story, there are two things you need to know. The first is that I have the serious hots for my stepbrother Danny. We've been family for nearly ten years now - after my mom ran off and left my dad and me. I thought my dad would never find love again. But he did. My new mom and Danny moved in two years later. Danny - with his mussy blond hair and big blue eyes - has always been like a brother to me. But recently, I've been thinking more and more about his hot body and the package in his pants. I've been wondering what it would be like to kiss his gorgeous red lips. These thoughts keep me awake at night, wondering if I should just sneak into his room...

    The second thing you need to know is about Danny. Danny is the biggest practical joker you've ever met. He was the kid who knew every ghost story, the kid who went to utter extremes to pull a prank.

    And his favorite target?


    One year, he actually got stuck in the chimney trying to make me believe Santa had come. Another year, it was rabbit footprints all over the house, courtesy of the Easter Bunny and a tin of white paint. (Our parents were totally pissed about that one - Danny was grounded for a month).

    As the years have gone on, Danny's stunts have become even more elaborate. His favorite holiday now though, is Halloween.

    I'm eighteen this year. I'm too old to scare. In fact, this year, I'd rather get a present of a different kind from my cute stepbrother!

    So, now that you know those two things, we can get on with the story. It all starts the day before Halloween. I'm on my way to the bathroom and Danny is coming down the hall in the opposite direction, wearing nothing but a towel...


    'Morning, Skye,' Danny says. He gives me a wide white-toothed smile that sends a little tingle into my core. His towel is tucked low around his narrow hips,

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