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Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II
Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II
Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II
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Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II

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Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II along with Part I (9780444527295) covers most of the traditional methods for polynomial root-finding such as interpolation and methods due to Graeffe, Laguerre, and Jenkins and Traub. It includes many other methods and topics as well and has a chapter devoted to certain modern virtually optimal methods. Additionally, there are pointers to robust and efficient programs. This book is invaluable to anyone doing research in polynomial roots, or teaching a graduate course on that topic.

  • First comprehensive treatment of Root-Finding in several decades with a description of high-grade software and where it can be downloaded
  • Offers a long chapter on matrix methods and includes Parallel methods and errors where appropriate
  • Proves invaluable for research or graduate course
Release dateJul 19, 2013
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    Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II - J.M. McNamee

    Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials, Part II

    J.M. McNamee

    V.Y. Pan

    York University, Toronto, Canada and City University, New York, U.S.A.

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page







    Chapter 7. Bisection and Interpolation Methods

    7.1 Introduction and History

    7.2 Secant Method and Variations

    7.3 The Bisection Method

    7.4 Methods Involving Quadratics

    7.5 Methods of Higher Order or Degree

    7.6 Rational Approximations

    7.7 Hybrid Methods

    7.8 Parallel Methods

    7.9 Multiple Roots

    7.10 Method of Successive Approximation

    7.11 Miscellaneous Methods Without Using Derivatives

    7.12 Methods Using Interval Arithmetic

    7.13 Programs


    Chapter 8. Graeffe’s Root-Squaring Method

    8.1 Introduction and History

    8.2 The Basic Graeffe Process

    8.3 Complex Roots

    8.4 Multiple Modulus Roots

    8.5 The Brodetsky–Smeal–Lehmer Method

    8.6 Methods for Preventing Overflow

    8.7 The Resultant Procedure and Related Methods

    8.8 Chebyshev-Like Processes

    8.9 Parallel Methods

    8.10 Errors in Root Estimates by Graeffe Iteration

    8.11 Turan’s Methods

    8.12 Algorithm of Sebastião e Silva and Generalizations

    8.13 Miscellaneous

    8.14 Programs


    Chapter 9. Methods Involving Second or Higher Derivatives

    9.1 Introduction

    9.2 Halley’s Method and Modifications

    9.3 Laguerre’s Method and Modifications

    9.4 Chebyshev’s Method

    9.5 Methods Involving Square Roots

    9.6 Other Methods Involving Second Derivatives


    Chapter 10. Bernoulli, Quotient-Difference, and Integral Methods

    10.1 Bernoulli’s Method for One Dominant Root

    10.2 Bernoulli’s Method for Complex and/or Multiple Roots

    10.3 Improvements and Generalizations of Bernoulli’s Method

    10.4 The Quotient-Difference Algorithm

    10.5 The Lehmer–Schur Method

    10.6 Methods Using Integration

    10.7 Programs


    Chapter 11. Jenkins–Traub, Minimization, and Bairstow Methods

    11.1 The Jenkins–Traub Method

    11.2 Jenkins–Traub Method for Real Polynomials

    11.3 Precursors and Generalizations of the Jenkins–Traub Method

    11.4 Minimization Methods—The Downhill Technique

    11.5 Minimization Methods—Use of Gradient

    11.6 Hybrid Minimization and Newton’s Methods

    11.7 Lin’s Method

    11.8 Generalizations of Lin’s Method

    11.9 Bairstow’s Method

    11.10 Generalizations of Bairstow’s Method

    11.11 Bairstow’s Method for Multiple Factors

    11.12 Miscellaneous Methods

    11.13 Programs


    Chapter 12. Low-Degree Polynomials

    12.1 Introduction

    12.2 History of the Quadratic

    12.3 Modern Solutions of the Quadratic

    12.4 Errors in the Quadratic Solution

    12.5 Early History of the Cubic

    12.6 Cardan’s Solution of the Cubic

    12.7 More Recent Derivations of the Cubic Solution

    12.8 Trigonometric Solution of the Cubic

    12.9 Discriminants of the Cubic

    12.10 Early Solutions of the Quartic

    12.11 More Recent Treatment of the Quartic

    12.12 Analytic Solution of the Quintic


    Chapter 13. Existence and Solution by Radicals

    13.1 Introduction and Early History of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

    13.2 Trigonometric Proof-Gauss’ Fourth Proof

    13.3 Proofs Using Integration

    13.4 Methods Based on Minimization

    13.5 Miscellaneous Proofs

    13.6 Solution by Radicals (Including Background on Fields and Groups)

    13.7 Solution by Radicals: Galois Theory


    Chapter 14. Stability Considerations

    14.1 Introduction

    14.2 History

    14.3 Roots in the Left (or Right) Half-Plane; Use of Cauchy Index and Sturm Sequences

    14.4 Routh’s Method for the Hurwitz Problem

    14.5 Routh Method—the Singular Cases

    14.6 Other Methods for the Hurwitz Problem

    14.7 Robust Hurwitz Stability

    14.8 The Number of Zeros in the Unit Circle, and Schur Stability

    14.9 Robust Schur Stability

    14.10 Programs on Stability


    Chapter 15. Nearly Optimal Universal Polynomial Factorization and Root-Finding

    15.1 Introduction and Main Results

    15.2 Definitions and Preliminaries

    15.3 Norm Bounds

    15.4 Root Radii: Estimates and Algorithms

    15.5 Approximating the Power Sums of Polynomial Zeros

    15.6 Initial Approximate Splitting

    15.7 Refinement of Approximate Splitting: Algorithms

    15.8 Refinement of Splitting: Error Norm Bounds

    15.9 Accelerated Refinement of Splitting. An Algorithm and the Error Bound

    15.10 Computation of the Initial Basic Polynomial for the Accelerated Refinement

    15.11 Updating the Basic Polynomials

    15.12 Relaxation of the Initial Isolation Constraint

    15.13 The Bitwise Precision and the Complexity of Padé Approximation and Polynomial Splitting

    15.14 Perturbation of a Padé Approximation

    15.15 Avoiding Degeneration of Padé Approximations

    15.16 Splitting into Factors over an Arbitrary Circle

    15.17 Recursive Splitting into Factors: Error Norm Bounds

    15.18 Balanced Splitting and Massive Clusters of Polynomial Zeros

    15.19 Balanced Splitting via Root Radii Approximation

    15.20 -Centers of a Polynomial and Zeros of a Higher Order Derivative

    15.21 Polynomial Splitting with Precomputed -Centers

    15.22 How to Avoid Approximation of the Zeros of Higher Order Derivatives

    15.23 NAPF and PFD for Any Number of Fractions

    15.24 Summary and Comparison with Alternative Methods (Old and New). Some Directions to Further Progress

    15.25 The History of Polynomial Root-Finding and Factorization via Recursive Splitting

    15.26 Exercises




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    John McNamee dedicates his work on both

    Parts 1 and 2 of this series to his wife Jean, who over

    the last ten years has spent innumerable hours driving

    around the Haliburton Highlands while he read

    hundreds of journal articles in

    preparation for the book.


    Many thanks are due to my colleague Dr. Allan Trojan, who assisted me greatly with improving the text of Chapter 13, Sections 6 and 7.


    This book constitutes the second part in a two-part series describing methods for finding roots of polynomials. In general most of such methods are numerical (iterative), but one chapter in Part 2 is devoted to analytic methods for polynomials of degree up to five.

    It is hoped that the series will be useful to anyone doing research into methods of solving polynomials (including the history of such methods), or who needs to solve many low- to medium-degree polynomials and/or some or many high-degree ones in an industrial or scientific context. Where appropriate, the location of good computer software for some of the best methods is pointed out. The series will also be useful as a text for a graduate course in polynomial root-finding.

    Preferably the reader should have as pre-requisites at least an undergraduate course in Calculus and one in Linear Algebra (including matrix eigenvalues). The only knowledge of polynomials needed is that usually acquired by the last year of high-school Mathematics.

    The series cover most of the traditional methods for root- finding (and numerous variations on them), as well as a great many invented in the last few decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In short, the series could well be entitled: A Handbook of Methods for Polynomial Root-Solving, the only one on this subject so far.


    J.M. McNamee and V.Y. Pan

    A polynomial is an expression of the form


    in this equation zeros (not necessarily distinct). Proving this theorem was attempted by D’Alembert 1746, Euler 1749, de Foncenex 1759, Lagrange 1772, Laplace 1795, Wood 1798, and Gauss 1799, but by modern standards all these attempted proofs were not complete because of some serious flaws (see Smale (1981); Pan (1998)).

    . The purpose of this book is to describe the numerous known methods that find the zeros (roots) of polynomials.

    Actually the calculation of roots of polynomials is the oldest mathematical problem. The solution of quadratics was known to the ancient Babylonians (about 2000 B.C.) and to the Arab and Persian scholars of the early Middle Ages, the most famous of them being Al Khwarismi (c.780–c.850) and Omar Khayyam (1048–1131), both Persians. In 1545 G. Cardano published his opus Ars Magna containing solutions of the cubic and quartic in closed form; the solutions for the cubic had been obtained by his predecessors S. del Ferro and N. Tartaglia and for the quartic by his disciple L. Ferrari. In 1824, however, N.H. Abel proved that polynomials of degree five or more could not be solved by a formula involving rational expressions in the coefficients and radicals as those of degree up to four could be. (P. Ruffini came very close to proving this result in 1799.) Since then (and for some time before in fact), researchers have concentrated on numerical (iterative) methods such as Newton’s famous method of the 17th century, Bernoulli’s method of the 18th, and Graeffe’s method, proposed by Dandelin in 1828. Of course there have been a plethora of new methods in the 20th and early 21st century, especially since the advent of electronic computers. These include the Jenkins-Traub, Larkin and Muller methods, as well as several methods for simultaneous approximation starting with the Durand-Kerner method, actually traced back to Weierstrass. Recently matrix methods have become very popular. A bibliography compiled by the first author J.M. McNamee contains about 8000 entries, of which about 60 were published in the year 2010 alone. For a more detailed account of the rich and exciting history of polynomial root-finding and its greatest impact on the development of mathematics and computational mathematics for four millennia from the Babylonian times and well into the 19th century see, for example, the books Bell (1940) and Boyer (1968) and the surveys Pan (1998, 1997).

    Polynomial roots have many applications. For one example, in control theory we are led to the equation


    . Their zeros may be needed, or we may require not the exact values of these zeros, but only the knowledge of whether they lie in the left-half of the complex plane, which indicates stability. This can be decided by the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Sometimes we need the zeros to be inside the unit circle. See Chapter 14 in Part 2 for details of the Routh-Hurwitz and other stability tests.

    , where i is the monthly interest rate, as yet unknown. Hence




    of degree 24. If the term of the lease was many years, as is often the case, the degree of the polynomial could be in the hundreds.

    and previous input signals, as well as previous output signals, by the equation


    To solve this equation one often uses the z-transform given by:




    Then if we apply (6) to (5) using (7) we obtain


    and hence



    ). Then we may expand the right-hand-side of is


    is the discrete step-function, that is,


    In the common case that the denominator of the partial fraction is a quadratic (for the zeros occur in conjugate complex pairs), we find that the inverse transform is a sin- or cosine- function. For more details, see, for example, van den Emden and Verhoeckx (1989)

    The last but not the least application worth mentioning is the computations for algebraic geometry and geometric modelling, in particular the computation of the intersections of algebraic curves and surfaces, which amounts to the solution of systems of multivariate polynomial equations. The most popular current methods (such as elimination based on Gröbner basis computation) reduce the solution to accurate root-finding for high degree univariate polynomial equations.

    As mentioned, McNamee has been compiling a bibliography on roots of polynomials since about 1987. Cuurently it consists of three parts: text files bibliog.raw and bibsup.raw, and a Micrsoft ACCESS file BIBLIOG497TEST.mdb; to obtain these files go to the web-site and click on Click here to download an ACCESS file, etc. For furthur details on how to use this database and other web components see McNamee (2002).

    such that


    we compute


    . We continue until


    ). Alternatively we may use


    Unlike many other methods, we are guaranteed that 15 or 16 will eventually be satisfied. It is called an iterative method, and in that sense is typical of most of the methods considered in this work. That is, we repeat some process over and over again until we are close enough to the required answer (we hardly ever reach it exactly). For more details of the bisection method, see Chapter 7 in this Part.

    , and apply the iteration:


    Again, we stop when


    (as in (16)). For more details see Chapter 5 in Part 1.

    In Chapter 4 we considered simultaneous methods, such as


    th approximation to the i.

    Another method which dates from the early 19th century, but is still often used, is Graeffe’s. Here is monic), so that






    We consider this method in detail in Chapter 8 in this Part.

    Another popular method is Laguerre’s:


    is real and the expression under the square root sign is positive). A detailed treatment of this method is included in Chapter 9 in this Part.

    Next we will briefly describe the Jenkins-Traub method, which is (or was) included in some popular numerical packages. Let




    see Chapter 11 in this Part.

    There are numerous methods based on interpolation (direct or inverse) such as the secant method:




    Up to 2007 such methods were treated thoroughly in Chapter 6 in Part 1. Section 15.24 cites more of them up to 2012.

    Currently most of the known root-finders are formally supported by the proofs of their fast local convergence, that is convergence of the iterations that start with some initial approximations lying near the zeros. Selecting one among such root-finders the users largely rely on empirical evidence of fast global convergence for any polynomial or for polynomials of a selected class, where global convergence means fast convergence right from heuristic initial approximations. See further comments on the subjects of global and local convergence in our Section 15.24 as well as in Pan and Zheng (2011) and McNamee and Pan (2012).

    Chapter 15 (the contribution of the second author) covers some advanced root-finders and formal proof of their fast global convergence. These root-finders approximate all zeros of any polynomial within a sufficiently small error bound by using nearly optimal numbers of arithmetic and Boolean (bit) operations, that is they approximate all the zeros nearly as fast as one reads the input coefficients. These algorithms are of some independent technical interest, have been extended to nearly optimal solution of the important problems of polynomial factorization and root isolation, and are covered in some details. Section 15.24 briefly compares these root-finders with alternative methods and points out some promising directions toward further progress.


    1. Smale S. The fundamental theorem of algebra and complexity theory. Bull Am Math Soc. 1981;4(1):1–36.

    2. Pan VY. Solving polynomials with computers. Am Sci. 1998;86:62–69 January–February 1998. Available at

    3. McNamee JM. A bibliography on roots of polynomials. J Comput Appl.Math. 1993;47:391–394.

    4. McNamee JM. A 2002 update of the supplementary bibliography on roots of polynomials. J Comput Appl Math. 2002;142:433–434.

    5. van den Emden AWM, Verhoeckx NAM. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. New York: Prentice-Hall; 2011.

    6. Bell ET. The Development of Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1940.

    7. Boyer CA. A History of Mathematics. New York: Wiley; 1968.

    8. Pan VY. Solving a polynomial equation: some history and recent progress. SIAM Rev. 1997;39(2):187–220.

    9. Pan VY, Zheng A. Root-finding by expansion with independent constraints. Comput Math (with Appl.). 2011;62:3164–3182.

    10. McNamee JM, Pan VY. Efficient polynomial root-refiners: a survey and new record efficiency estimates. Comput Math (with Appl.). 2012;63:239–254.

    Chapter 7

    Bisection and Interpolation Methods

    J.M. McNamee and V.Y. Pan


    . Often one of the points gets stuck, and several variants such as the Illinois or Pegasus methods and variations are used to unstick it. We discuss convergence and efficiency of most of the methods considered. We treat methods involving quadratic of higher order interpolation and rational approximation.

    as in the Regula Falsi method. Various generalizations are described, including some for complex roots. Finally we consider hybrid methods involving two or more of the previously described methods.


    Secant; Regula Falsi; Illinois method; Bisection; Hybrid methods

    7.1 Introduction and History

    The two topics mentioned in the heading of this chapter are considered together because there have been many hybrid methods invented which combine the guaranteed convergence of the bisection method (described in Section 7.3) with the relatively high order (and hence efficiency) of interpolation methods such as the secant, Regula Falsi, etc. (see Section 7.2). The hybrid methods are dealt with in Section 7.7.

    The earliest-invented and simplest is the secant method or its variant Regula Falsi. Both these methods obtain a new approximation from two old ones by linear interpolation, i.e.


    Regula Falsi starts with two approximations (guesses) on opposite sides of the root sought, and maintains this situation throughout the iteration by replacing whichever of the old points has the sign of its function value the same as that of the new point (the old point is replaced by the new point). The secant method merely replaces the first old point by the second, and the second old point by the new one.

    Pan (1997) states that the Regula Falsi algorithm appeared in the Rhind papyrus in ancient Egypt in the second millennium B.C.

    He (2004) ascribes the Regula Falsi method to ancient China, in Chapter 7 of the Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics, which was apparently written in the second century B.C. It was known then as the Method of Surplus and Deficiency. He states that it became known in the West as the rule of double false position after 1202 A.D.

    Glushkov (1976) surmises that Leonardo of Pisa (1180–1250?) used Regula Falsi to solve problems described in his Liber Abaci (see Leonardo Pisano, 1857).

    Plofker (1996) details how the secant method appears in the Siddhantadipika of Paramesvara (ca 1380–1460), and states that the Regula Falsi method appears in Indian texts as early as the fifth century (presumably A.D.). He remarks that it has been repeatedly rediscovered in the 20th century.

    It should be pointed out that the terms Regula Falsi and secant are probably interchangeable in the historical context, for the ancient writers did not make clear which they meant.

    7.2 Secant Method and Variations

    in Newton’s method by


    we obtain the secant method:


    This may also be derived from Newton’s linear interpolation formula (with remainder), i.e.


    where ξ(see e.g. Kronsjo (1987), pp 50–52).

    to make


    ) we again obtain (the root) in (7.4) and subtracting (7.5) gives


    Now by the mean value theorem


    . Hence if we define


    (7.6) gives


    If the iteration converges, then for large nso




    We may write (7.10) as:




    Then (7.12) gives


    , i.e.


    . Then the solution of (7.14) must be of the form


    where A and B . For large n, so







    for some constant K; i.e. the order of convergence of the secant method is α; this is considerably higher than for Newton’s method.

    and finding where it meets the x-axis. This gives the form


    which is mathematically equivalent to may be very far from the root to which the previous iterates are converging. Householder (1970) gives a condition for guaranteed convergence as follows: let






    He proves that if


    can be found easily.

    The secant method is usually described for real roots, but Barlow and Jones (1966) show that it may be useful for complex roots. In fact Householder (1970) shows that for complex roots the secant method converges with the same rate (or order) as for real roots (if it converges at all).

    As mentioned in Section such that


    Often we may not know of two such values, and it may be necessary to find them (this is also true of the bisection method to be discussed in Section 7.3). Swift and Lindfield (1978) give an algorithm which performs this task. It requires as input an initial value a and a search parameter h (such as .001). Also the function f(x) must be accessible. It outputs a point b . It is reproduced below:

    procedure find b (abh);

    valueh; realabh;

    begin realfafb;

    b := a;fa := f(a);

    again: b := b + h; fb := f(b);

    if then

    begin if abs(fa) < abs(fb) then else

    begin end;



    end of find b;

    For a useful program we must also include provision for detecting an infinite loop.

    Alternatively to the above algorithm, we could use the Sturm sequence method to obtain intervals each containing exactly one root.

    by (7.21) with nare of opposite signs. The process is repeated until some convergence criterion is satisfied. Frequently, or one might say usually, one of the bracketing points remains fixed (at least after a certain stage). For example, Householder (1970) shows that


    where ξ(i.e. f(x. If


    as that end-point which makes this true), then by , for n. At the ith iteration we compute


    N.B. this is we let


    we let


    ) is a root of f. It is obvious that if (as in Regula Falsi) we draw a straight line between two points (one with a negative ordinate and one with a positive), then the point where it meets the x. For assume NOT. Then

    such that



    2. Since f(x


    so that


    such that


    ) must equal both of them, contrary to assumption.



    From (7.30) we derive




    By (7.35) and (7.38) we have


    while similarly by (7.35) and (7.39) we obtain






    , hence




    Hence by (7.33)




    in (7.42) and (7.43); i.e. we have




    Now the first term on the right of (7.46) and (7.48) in (7.40) give


    and similarly


    a is a root (the other case is similar). Now by


    Thus, the iterations always converge to a root. Note that the case where there are two limits is by far the commonest, for as we have shown, one end-point usually gets stuck. We will now consider the rate of convergence, assuming that one end-point is fixed (or frozen) as mentioned above. Suppose a So we may drop the − superscript. Then (7.30) becomes:


    from both sides of (7.53) gives


    , we get


    this gives


    , so the above gives


    i.e. near a root


    for C independent of i. Thus convergence is linear.

    The Regula Falsi method is guaranteed to converge (at least until rounding error dominates the function values), but (as we have seen) very slowly. Since the advent of digital computers several attempts have been made to modify it so as to improve the rate of convergence. Probably the earliest (and simplest) of these is the Illinois method; this was apparently invented by Snyder (1953), and was also described by several later authors such as Dowell and Jarratt (1971). This method follows the Regula Falsi except that the guesses chosen for the next iteration are selected as follows:

    (this is a normal Regula Falsi step);

    as before.

    is designed to speed convergence by preventing an end-point becoming frozen (Step (ii) may have to be applied several times to effect the un-sticking).

    as usual, we have:



    Then, after a normal Regula Falsi step, (7.9) may be written as


    . Then by (case i), so we perform another normal Regula Falsi iteration. Now (7.60) with i replaced by i + 1 gives


    , i.e. we have case (ii). Thus the pattern is UUM, UUM, … where U is an unmodified step, and M is a modified one. The authors state that for a modified step




    But the step from i − 1 to i and so (7.63) becomes


    Now if we consider the three steps UUM , we have


    . This is not as efficient as the secant method, but better than Newton.

    In some experiments the authors Dowell and Jarratt found that the Illinois method was nearly always much faster than Regula Falsi. In one case of a polynomial of degree 20 the former was 20 times faster than the latter.

    Another modification is the Pegasus method, so named because it was first used in a library routine for the Pegasus computer (the exact authorship is unknown). Dowell and Jarratt (1972) give a good description and analysis.



    it is close to the normal Regula Falsi. With the same notation as we used in describing the Illinois method above (and the same assumptions), an unmodified step gives


    , we take another unmodified step, so that


    we take a modified step; in that case the authors state that


    This has solution


    where c is the real root of


    By , and the authors state that


    , giving a relationship


    (slightly greater than for the secant method). Experiments show that Pegasus is about 10–20% faster than Illinois.

    King (1973a) describes a modified Pegasus method which is even more efficient than Pegasus itself. It works as follows:

    (1) Perform a normal Regula Falsi step.



    , and go to (1); otherwise go to (3).

    , depending on the exact path followed. Thus as stated it is more efficient than Pegasus, and this is confirmed by King’s experiments.

    Rissanen (1971) claims that the secant method has the highest order (1.618) among all methods using the same information. However this appears to be contradicted by the higher orders of the Pegasus and King’s methods.

    We have seen that the orders of the secant method and the Pegasus step are given by the real positive roots of certain simple polynomials (i.e. Equations as


    That is, the order is the unique positive root of . Herzberger gives fairly accurate bounds on this root in term of n and a.

    Brent (1976) describes what he calls a discrete Newton’s method thus






    We will discuss this further in Section 7.11.

    7.3 The Bisection Method

    The bisection method in its basic form only works for real roots (although there are variations for complex roots). It proceeds as follows (see King, 1984, p 43): we start with two values a and b and so there is at least one root between a and b (as for Regula Falsi). We compute the midpoint


    To reduce rounding error problems this is better computed as


    we replace a by c; otherwise we replace b by c. Thus the (altered) points a and b . If at the kth iteration we label the latest (ab, then the interval


    is the original interval (ab). If we take




    , (7.82) gives




    is usually more useful; then we iterate until


    Then we have


    and so


    is usually < 2 for small ε ), so (7.85) guarantees that the relative error is < ε.

    Finbow (1985) considers how the bisection algorithm behaves in some special cases. For example, if a bound M in [ab] is known, then after k bisection steps


    . Hence


    (our maximum allowed error) then


    (which is of degree nas before, Finbow shows that


    Kronsjo (1987) defines the numerical accuracy minimax problem as follows: assuming that the initial root interval (ab) and the number of function evaluations are given, find that iterative method which computes the best numerical approximation to the root. That is, minimize the maximum length of the interval which is guaranteed to contain the zero after a fixed number of evaluations, performed sequentially. Kronsjo quotes Brent (1971a) as proving that bisection is optimal in the above sense.

    Kowalski et al (1995) also give a proof of this result, but state that on average , they take




    Kaufman and Lenker (1986) define linear convergence of an algorithm by the condition that there exist Kfor large enough i. K is called the convergence factor. They prove that (in the application of bisection) there are exactly three possibilities for x in (0, 1):

    (1) x is reached which is an exact root).

    (2) x .

    (3) x ).

    Corliss (1977) points out that, if there are n distinct roots in an interval (ab. This assumes that n is odd; if n is even no roots will be found because there is no sign change in f(x) between a and b.

    King (1984) suggests several devices to make the bisection method as robust as possible, and gives a Fortran program which implements these devices. That is, it safeguards against the following possible defects:

    (TOL in the program) which is 0 or smaller than the machine unit u ).

    in testing for equality of sign may cause underflow: it is better to use the Fortran SIGN function (or equivalent in other languages).

    (3) We should ensure that initially f(a) and f(b. King’s subroutine BISECT which accomplishes all these objectives is shown below:


        A = 1.

        B = 2.

        TOL = 1.E-8


        IF (IFLAG.GT.0) GO TO 1

        WRITE (6,300)



      1  WRITE (6,400) X, ERROR

    400  FORMAT (‘ ’,‘ROOT = ’,2X,E14.7,1X,‘ERROR BOUND = ’,















       IFLAG = 1

       FA = F(A)

       SFA = SIGN(1.,FA)

       TEST = SFA*F (B)

       IF (TEST.LE.0) GO TO 1



    1 IF (B.GT.A) GO TO 2

      TEMP = A

      A = B

      B = TEMP

    2 ERR = B-A

      XMID = (A + B)/2


      UNIT = 1.

      U = UNIT + 1

      IF (U.GT.1) GO TO 3


      TOL1 = UNIT + TOL

    4 ERR = ERR/2




       FMID = F(XMID)


    GO TO 5

       A = XMID

       FA = FMID

       SFA = SIGN(1.,FA)

       XMID = XMID+(B-A)/2.

       GO TO 4

     5 B = XMID

       XMID = XMID-(B-A)/2.

       GO TO 4


    may be dominated by rounding error.

    is the smallest positive floating-point number.

    Reverchon and Ducamp (1993) describe a method in which the whole interval is broken up into n subintervals; in each subinterval we see if the function changes sign, and if so we apply the bisection method. The authors observe that if n is high enough all the roots can be found, although Jones et al (1978) had already pointed out this is a very inefficient technique and gave a more efficient method of searching (see later in this section).

    , is computed as


    , while sgn means the sign function. To evaluate this they use Kronecker’s integral


    where the determinant






    combined with an arbitrary interval of the y-axis containing 0. Then the roots of the system


    provided y = 0. But the Jacobian of , which is always positive, so that we may write


    in a one-dimensional interval (ab(we do not ). Then n ) and


    and where


    becomes P which is an arbitrary rectangular parallelepiped given by


    , and thus the roots of . Now applying (7.95) with n = 2 gives


    But the numerator in the integrand above









    parallel to the x-axis,


    on the lower horizontal side going from a to b on the upper side, but the integral goes from b to a. Thus these two parts together give, by (7.108):


    For the vertical parts we use (7.109) to get


    Combining the above two equations gives the number of roots in (ab) =


    The authors quote .

    The authors’ method works as follows.

    by in (ab), we subdivide the interval (ab, for each j. The authors suggest implementing the bisection method using the equation:


    provided that, for some i,


    is given by


    The authors give several reasons for using the bisection method instead of many others which are available, i.e.:

    (1) It always converges when (ab.

    (2) It is optimal in the worst-case sense, i.e. in the worst case it is faster than other algorithms (although this is not true on average).

    (3) Equation (7.117) gives a priori knowledge of the number of iterations needed to give required accuracy (note that stopping criteria for most other methods are unreliable).

    (4) It requires only the signs of the function values—which are relatively easy to compute.

    The authors’ algorithm find_roots uses = number of roots). Then it treats each of the subintervals recursively until each subinterval contains exactly one (or zero) root and we may apply bisection to the subintervals containing one root. The algorithm is shown below:


    find_roots (a,b,S);

    {comment: This algorithm locates and computes all the roots of f(x. It exploits , while for (7.115) it requires f }

    01. procedure roots (ab);{comment: adds to set S roots in the interval (ab)}


    02.  if using the biSection



    ; {comment}

    ; {comment: this counts the computed roots}



    ; {commentis the number of



    using (7.114);




    end {while}


      end {roots}

    begin {find_roots}

    12.  input a,b; {commentmust be nonzero}

    ; {comment: S }

    using (7.114);


    16. output S

    end. {find_roots}

    The authors consider the complexity of the algorithm in great detail, but we will just give the main conclusions. The complexity is given by (1) the number of times ):


    The average number of iterations in phase (2) is given by


    may be obtained recursively from


    , and this is used in the algorithm above. They point out that the integral in (7.114) only needs to be calculated with an error of at most .5, since it has to be an integer.

    was uniform. Kavvadias et al (2000) consider arbitrary distributions of roots, and conclude that in most cases the uniform distribution algorithm described above works just as well as the more general one.

    Kavvadias et al (2005) describe a method designed for problems with large numbers (i.e. at least several 100) of real roots. It can discover a large percentage of the roots very efficiently, leaving the remaining roots to be discovered by a more robust but also more demanding method. It requires only the sign of the function (not its magnitude). While new roots are being discovered, the cost of finding the next root becomes increasingly higher until it is not worth continuing with this method. Thus the algorithm stops when a pre-determined fraction of the roots has been found. Then the unsearched part of the interval must be searched by a different method.

    , used in the bisection method, is that


    , but if it is false we may have none, or an even number of roots. The bisection method is used for reasons given in the earlier paper by Kavvadias et al described above.

    We start the algorithm with the fraction of the roots required to be found as input. We subdivide the interval into two equal subintervals. Now we iteratively perform three steps:

    Step 1. We enter this step with a number of subintervals stored from previous iterations (or the initial subdivision). We determine the signs of the function at the end-points of these intervals. The end-points will have the same sign (in the case of an even number of simple roots in the subinterval), or opposite sign (if an odd number of roots). For each of the intervals with opposite signs we are certain that it contains at least one root, and we apply bisection to discover that root (or one of them). This process will generate more intervals

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