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Loss of Innocence Set
Loss of Innocence Set
Loss of Innocence Set
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Loss of Innocence Set

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About this ebook

This set includes 2 steamy, Victorian Erotic Romance Tales.

Book one: Loss of Innocence 

In a time of stringent moral codes, Lady Lydia Dosett has no choice but to marry Duke Anton Wallace. 
The Duke, a family friend and childhood crush, is not the man Lydia once knew. 
In order to avoid losing the luxurious lifestyle that she is accustomed to, Lydia must put aside her naive ideas of love and marriage and step into a world not spoken of in proper social circles. 

This is a short, steamy romance story.

 Book Two: The Domination of Lydia 

The wedding day is here, the vows will be taken, and Lady Lydia Dosett will be whisked away from her childhood home. The naive young Duchess must adapt to a new world, a world where she has little control. 
Will Lydia be able to break through the emotional barrier the Duke has built around his heart and his overbearing housekeeper, Ms. Blackmore, carefully guards? 
Or will Lydia be forced to remain in a cold and unfeeling marriage with little hope of ever knowing the tenderness of love? 

This is a sexual awakening, steamy, erotic romance story. 

Release dateAug 15, 2015
Loss of Innocence Set

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    Loss of Innocence Set - Bella Carter

    Loss of Innocence

    (A Victorian Erotic Romance)

    Copyright 2012 by Bella Carter


    As I came down the grand staircase I heard Mama talking cheerfully. The tone of her voice made it obvious we had company. I quickened my pace eager to see who it was. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard his voice.

    My heart skipped a beat and I felt my face go flush. Was it that time already?

    Mama had told me she would be inviting The Duke of Davenshaw to stay with us. She also made it perfectly clear that I was to be at my best in order to make a good impression on my possible future husband.

    I suppose you would call the Duke a family friend. The handsome, Anton Wallace had been a business partner of Papa’s. They became close and the Duke often traveled with us, spending a great deal of time at our house so long as I could remember.

    Not looking forward to seeing the Duke, I slowly continued my descent down the stairs with my head held high. I thought of how I used to play with the Duke as a young girl. Once upon a time, he had been more of a father to me than Papa. The Duke always had a gift for me when he visited and graciously took the time to show interest in any of my childlike endeavors. At least until he married. Once the Duke married he was not around much and when we did see him, it was obvious he was trying to avoid us, or at least avoid Papa. I never fully understood their disagreement but it broke my heart when he was no longer in my life. I found myself furious at Papa, jealous of the new wife, and disenchanted in the Duke.

    He smiled at me as soon as I came into sight and nodded without ever taking his piercing blue eyes from me. I shrunk under the intensity of his gaze and curtsied once I stood before him.

    You remember Lydia. Mama smiled as she saw the expression of approval on his face.

    Aww, but of course. He took my hand and gently kissed it I could never forget such a pretty girl.

    He looked directly at my bosom and a soft moan escaped his lips. My, my you have grown into a fine lady.

    I was shocked by his crudeness. Was this the man I had adored as a child?

    Good day, Your Grace. I forced a smile and slipped my hand away. How was your trip?

    Fine, but I must say I am rather tired.

    Mama jumped in Would you care to join us for tea or would you like Lydia to show you to your room?

    The Duke looked me up and down before brushing a curly strand of dark hair from my face, his fingertips lightly stroking my cheek as he did You ladies run along and enjoy your tea. I know my way around. I will get my things settled and perhaps lie down. He continued to look straight at me So if you will excuse me, I will join you later.

    I watched as the Duke climbed the stairs. My heart fluttered and I touched my cheek where his fingers had briefly touched me. He was better looking than I had remembered, but he was still just as arrogant.

    Once the Duke was out of sight I joined Mama in the drawing room for tea. I felt myself becoming angered as I remembered my last encounter with the Duke. It was about a year before Papa had died. In my mind I saw his cold distant gaze, and his voice echoed in my head as he yelled at Papa before storming out of the study. I hated him for the way he had brushed past me that night, not even so much as a goodbye. He walked out the door with no contact until now. As far as I knew, he never even sent a letter of condolence for Papa.

    When our butler, Collins, and the footman left, I mustered all my courage and spoke up Mamma, must I be pushed to marry the Duke?

    Mama’s hands trembled and the teacup rattled against her saucer. She carefully set her cup on the little marble topped table by her chair and reached out her hands. Her face was pale and riddled with concern Lydia, if you do not marry the Duke, we will be destitute and very soon, homeless. Her bottom lip quivered and her eyes filled with tears. I took her hands and held them tightly. Oh, Mama. I felt terrible for her. She had been burdened with so much and here I was threatening her last hope of not dying a scandalized and poor widow. Please do not worry Mama - I will marry him if he asks.

    You must do everything to ensure that he asks my dear.

    I kissed her unsteady hands and released them I will do my best. I sat back and my anger now turned toward my Father. How could he have done this to us? As I grew up I saw that he was a selfish gambler. I witnessed my mother begging for him to stop spending so much money, but her pleas left him angry and he would disappear for days on end leaving Mama in tears.

    The stresses of our financial woes were heavy on Mama’s shoulders. She had aged many years in the months after Papa’s death. Her frail frame and pale skin now wrinkled by all the incessant worrying.

    After tea I walked with Mama to her room, in order for her to get some much needed rest. As I closed her heavy bedroom door I saw the Duke round a corner, his hand tightly around a maid’s arm. I found this to be curious as he was presumably resting in his chambers, so I followed the Duke and the chamber maid to his quarters.

    He did not realize I was following him as he was busy escorting young Clara to his room. They quickly slipped inside and he closed the door. I trembled as I made my way nearer. I held my breath, terrified of what would happen if I were found spying, but nonetheless I moved closer to the door so I could hear what was going on.

    I could faintly hear the Duke’s voice but was unable to make out what was being said. His voice was deep and hushed but the tone came off as commanding. I strained to listen when I heard a smacking sound and a muffled whimper.

    I was dying to know what was going on inside. What could Clara have done to deserve punishment at the Duke’s hand? I looked around the hallway nervously to make sure no one was coming then bent down and looked through the ornate keyhole.

    Inside I saw Clara sprawled over the Duke’s lap, her black and white skirts lifted up revealing her white pantaloons. The Duke held Clara by the wrist, her arm twisted behind her while his other hand roamed over her buttocks. I watched in shock as his fingers flirted with the slit in the crotch of her underclothes but did not enter it. I could not help but stare intently as he caressed her behind lovingly then delivered a sharp smack causing Clara to squeal softly.

    My heart raced. I was terrified for Clara but there was nothing I could do for her. I could hear him speaking, but he spoke in such a hushed tone I could not make out what he was saying. I could only watch as the Duke smacked her behind again. This time he hit her sharply and a gasp escaped me. The Duke looked toward the door a wisp of his normally perfect hair dangling before his eyes and a snide look on his face. There was a glimmer of perspiration on his upper lip and he smacked Clara harder.

    I pulled myself away from the door and ran to my room.

    I sat and looked in the mirror, my face was red from running and my body shook with fear. Did the Duke see me looking in? He had looked right at the keyhole.

    I was confused and frightened by what I had witnessed and more than a little upset that I had not helped Clara. I felt the sting of tears come to my eyes as I hid in my room wondering how I would face him later that evening at supper.

    * * * *

    I was nervous as Sara - my Lady’s Maid put the final touches on my hair. Are you feeling well, Miss? she asked You look rather pale this evening.

    I am fine. I assured her and stood up to check myself in the full-length mirror.

    You look lovely as ever, Miss. I am sure the Duke will agree. Sara curtsied and left the room.

    I stared deep into my eyes, forcing myself to muster the courage needed to go down to the dinner table and face the Duke. I told myself over and over that there was no way he could have known it was I peeking in the keyhole and grudgingly left the safety of my room.

    As I approached the entrance to the dining room I heard the Duke’s voice. I was afraid, but entered the room anyway.

    Ah, there you are Lydia. Mama came and took my arm I was about to send out a search party to find you. She giggled and escorted me to the table.

    The Duke pulled my chair out and I sat down

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