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Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)
Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)
Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)
Ebook63 pages54 minutes

Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)

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Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)

They are about to read the manifesto, two great former friends who can’t seem to see eye to eye. Kennedy wants to meet, but Henry thinks not. He does not like Kennedy, but then again Kennedy has him in a fix and he has to go to save his political face. What happens when Henry decides to go?

His son is acting up thanks to his very confused life and the teacher wants to see him. He believes in dealing with problems right then and there, but soon realizes that this could be the best problem he would ever solve. Will the teacher bend towards Garry or will he have to show that he is more serious?

Benny finds out something about his lover that he doesn’t think he can live with. It’s something he has to confront his friend about and the confirmation leads to something he didn’t expect. Will Benny look past the not so little misunderstanding or will he walk away?

After a truth or dare session with his friends, years back, Kim still has the memories and he wants to relive them. The problem is that he wants the same person he was dared against and or it won’t work. Years pass and then finally his dream come true and he has his moment.

Billy is agitated that his friend is leaving. He knows so because the man was moving boxes all over his front lawn and now the problem is he can’t ask for an explanation because he does not want to sound improper and does not want to seem desperate. Or does he?

For Mature Audiences Only (18+)

PublisherSapna Patel
Release dateMar 27, 2015
Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)

Sapna Patel

Sapna Patel

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    Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories) - Sapna Patel

    Gay Erotica Bundle#2 (5 Erotic Stories)

    By Sapna Patel

    Copyright@2015 by Sapna Patel

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

    This Erotic Short Stories Collection is loaded with, hot, graphic sex! It is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters are represented as 18 or over.


    Final Round

    School Affairs

    Unveiling Secrets

    The After Party

    The Question

    Final Round

    Henry looked at his watch and sighed. Everybody appeared busy except him. People were moving around hurriedly, others were taking phone calls… everyone was doing something; while he sat down on a couch unable to even drink the water he had been presented. He was too nervous to even think straight and as he sat there, trying to get his bearings, he realized that his phone was ringing. He looked at it and a smile crossed his face. Not that he liked his caller; the reason for his smile was because he had some very nasty words to tell his caller.

    I suppose you’re calling me to announce that you’re backing out, Kennedy, Henry spoke. There were so many sneers mixed with a thick condescending tone in Henry’s voice that he could almost feel the guy at the other side of the line catch his breath.

    You’re taking this rivalry a little too far, Henry, I thought we were supposed to be grown-ups.

    I never took you for the emotional type, Henry said in a mocking voice.

    Are you going to listen to what I have to say or do I give you this chance to spill your stupidity? Kennedy was getting angry. He didn’t have the time to waste.

    Okay, okay, okay, I see you’re still as feisty as I left you… talk to me man, Henry said getting serious.

    I want us to meet before the reading of the manifesto, Kennedy said after a moment of silence. Henry was sure that the guy was gathering his guts and that it had taken him a lot of time to come up with that decision.

    Why would I want to meet my worst political rival? Henry asked. It was now his time to get angry, just how stupid was Kennedy thinking he was?

    Because I want to believe that we are still friends.

    Well sorry to burst your bubble but we are not friends, our friendship ended when you decided to go around me.

    Then meet me as a sign of courtesy, political courtesy. I informed the media that we will be arriving together to show the world that we want a united people, Kennedy spoke with confidence and a lot of ease.

    He always spoke with confidence. Kennedy was the kind of guy who would suggest coffee when coffee was really needed. It was as if he could read people’s minds and that made people love him immediately when they got to spend some time with him. He knew how to deal with people. He knew what made people tick and knew what set them off. If there was anything hat Kennedy didn’t know, then the thing didn’t exist. He wasn’t only informed but bright as well. He could easily relate with anyone, from the young ones to the oldest people in a room and that made him a rising star.

    Back when he didn’t have any political ambitions, Kennedy was Henry’s right hand man. Thanks to him, Henry never lost an election as well as an erection. But then there emerged some differences in what they both wanted. Kennedy thought he could do a better job for the people so he broke off all his relationship with Henry and started his own political life. Thanks to his many talents, Kennedy was starting to come up really strongly against Kennedy and Henry didn’t like it. Neither was he ever going to lie about it. To him, Kennedy had betrayed him and

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