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The Awakening of Alexander: Book 1
The Awakening of Alexander: Book 1
The Awakening of Alexander: Book 1
Ebook188 pages3 hours

The Awakening of Alexander: Book 1

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Explore intriguing concepts of past lives, parallel dimensions, reincarnation, your higher self, life between lives, alternate realities, and spirit guides. This evolutionary conversation ignites curiosity to examine influential, metaphysical, and spiritual concepts, to assist humans in expanding and understanding the bigger picture. When Alexander meets Lisselle, each evening in front of her beautiful Louisiana porch, a most spiritual, and metaphysical dialogue embarks. The answers to life's most universal and profound questions begin to emerge. The dialogue invokes a realization in the awakening of human consciousness, within Alexander, so that he can share it with the world. The journey into his awakening is symbolic of so many people waking up, in this day and age. In these deep conversations, he discovers the interconnectedness of all things, and that love, is the most prominent element in existence.

PublisherAntonio Abreu
Release dateDec 17, 2014
The Awakening of Alexander: Book 1

Antonio Abreu

I am very interested in spiritual and intriguing metaphysical concepts that have the potential to expand our awareness and consciousness for humanity. There is an evolution of consciousness taking place and if you are ready, an unlimited reality awaits. I love personal development and achieving all you can be as a human. Life is beautiful when you open your heart and know that others are only another aspect of yourself in different clothes. What you give out is what you get back. So give out love and compassion and the abundance of it will therefore come back to you plentiful. In love and light!

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    Book preview

    The Awakening of Alexander - Antonio Abreu



    The Beginning of a Beautiful Dialogue


    The Many Facets of a Diamond


    "The Evolution of Human Consciousness"


    Separation and Union


    Life is the Illusion


    Consciousness and Meditation


    Manifestations of Loving Creation


    Beyond the Physical Senses


    The Multidimensional Vastness


    The Universe in You


    Creativity in Consciousness


    The Awakening of Alexander is quite an intriguing dialogue for the ages. It is a profound conversation between two people who want to know more about the complexities of the universe. Alexander’s curiosity in the universe leads him on a journey into self-discovery through an ask and answer type of dialogue. Lisselle is very wise in her days. Her profound knowledge, insights, and perspectives place her in a position of inquiry and awe in the presence of Alexander. I have always been attracted to the setting of a great conversation in which profound knowledge can be obtained, understood, and digested in such a dialogue that only two people could portray. As you listen to the conversation, you can’t help but get involved with it in some way. In most cases, many of your questions will be answered here, and questions that you haven’t yet formulated will also be satisfied.

    In life, we have many questions that we want answered, and often there are not many people around to answer those profound questions that are locked deep inside us. The strong curiosity that we have will come out someday, and if anything it will do so as you read along. Pondering the mysteries of ourselves and the universe has been going on for as long as we have had complex thought. Who are we, and what is our purpose here? These are the most common questions we ask. We live and we die, but is that really all there ever is for us? When you look up at the night sky, you have a sense of familiarity with the stars and the space in-between, and you wonder what it all means. In fact, the contents of this book will take you on a deep journey of self-discovery of the relationship of yourself and the universe. There will be concepts that will bend your mind like a pretzel.

    The infinite possibilities and many dimensions that exist can be described as ineffable to some. I have added these deep concepts in this book to open your mind and further expand your level of awareness to the many possibilities that life and realization can show you. They say that the best learning tool in life is experience, and I would have to agree. Words are only pointers and can lead to the truth that resides within you. When you find out that all you have been searching for in your life has always resided within you, you will chuckle and have a big smile on your face.

    The fabric of connectivity that is stretched out throughout the cosmos is an interwoven system full of pure love and awareness. The uniqueness that we all possess is a great indicator of our pursuit to grow, create, and learn as much as we can from others and from the environment we live in. We grow in life with the challenges that are placed before us. This friction that we face on Earth shapes us into beautiful pearls when the going gets tough. The challenges in life come and go, and we need them to assist us in the learning process of life to get a better understanding of ourselves and each other. That is why relationships are so beautiful.

    You can learn a lot from relationships, and this dialogue between two lovers is no different. Alexander admires Lisselle for her profundity in complex and universal concepts, and he acknowledges her when she is able to answer every question that is thrown at her from the curiosity that is deep within Alexander. Alexander seeks truth, freedom, and realization for his old concepts and limited perceptions of what he has been taught by others and by his life experiences. He thought that the norm of society was all there was, until you reach for something deeper than what he thought there was. Life is so beautiful in its many intricacies and balance. We meet people in life who directly shape us and give us a new understanding of how we could perceive life by reflecting on the way that they do. We do this all the time when we read online articles, books, or have conversations with others. Their perception, although it may be very close to ours, is always going to be slightly different, unique, and beautiful in its own nature of understanding.

    This book will allow you to get a better understanding of your place on Earth of what you can achieve, create, and do to improve others in their understanding of things. Conversations with Lisselle have brought me great joy in that I could share these understandings with many. On many occasions, the concepts of other realities and other dimensions that overlay that of our own has fascinated me; by increasing the frequency of an object, it therefore changes the structure of it.

    All around us are different forms of frequency. If we were to tune into these frequencies, audible noises and sights would then manifest themselves. That is why some mediums have been able to successfully communicate with others on the so called other side, when in fact there is no other side, it is just that these transitional beings reside at a much higher and finer frequency than what we are currently aware of, and without limited perceptions. It doesn't mean they are not there, it just means we have not been able to tune in, so to speak, like a radio turning the dial, changing its frequency accordingly.

    If everything in the universe is sound, vibration, and frequency, this would indicate an infinite amount of possibilities and experiences that we could potentially experience among creation. This notion alone is exciting in its many possibilities. Alexander is a person similar to the society, which is now turning to life quenching answers to fulfill the complexities and intricacies of life itself. I am glad that I was able to share this knowledge and wisdom of the ages with anyone who is ready to listen to its profound messages. This book may very well change your perception and bring you to a higher level of awareness and consciousness within yourself. Through a bond that Alexander and Lisselle share, they gather each evening together and break new territory in the realms of spirituality, metaphysics, and human consciousness.

    Chapter One

    The beginning of a beautiful dialogue

    To love is to recognize yourself in another.

    Eckhart Tolle

    My conversations with Lisselle started several years ago, in the beautiful state of Louisiana. I adored the magnificent beauty of the land, which was rich in culture, style, and delight. The oak trees were sturdy in the ground and covered with Spanish moss that you could smell as you were looking up at them with a sense of mystique.

    Louisiana always had its shares of wonder and mystery. Shreveport was no different. Lisselle was a compassionate woman that saw life like no one else ever had. I can remember how our conversations took us to the late hours of the night, contemplating the mysteries of the universe, the world, and each other.

    Her intellect inspired me to write this. Our many conversations often began with the sun going down and a glass of sweet red wine. The sun would descend as we sat in front of her Louisiana home, preparing to begin our first dialogue of the night. I have always been interested in metaphysical and esoteric subjects that are formed on the basis of spirituality and the nature of the universe. My conversations with Lisselle become extensive as I go deeper into the mystery of the cosmos and of ourselves.

    L: Thanks for joining me today, Alexander.

    A: You know I always love our conversations. What shall we talk about tonight?

    L: Well Alexander, let’s dive right into it, shall we?

    A: We have been talking for a few days now, and I have decided to document our conversations in the hopes that I can share the information with others someday. I find your information most compelling, interesting, and insightful. What are your thoughts on the nature of reality and existence? L: Existence may be subjective to many minds, but what is most interesting is what I will share with you today and during our many subsequent conversations that follow. The key is to ask the right questions. Are you ready for the world to open up to your curiosities?

    A: I believe I am.

    L: I feel that you are, and that you are ready to embrace the concepts that I have for you to contemplate on. We have always had such a wonderful connection.

    A: I feel the same way. We have always had that unique connection. And it seems like it has been that way for eons, even though we have only known each other for just a few weeks. The connection is strong, and I don’t want it to go away.

    L: There is no doubt that life is persistent and never ending. The realization of non-existence is unrealistic because we could never not exist. It is an unchangeable law of the universe.

    A: But I have seen many people die in my life as well as around the world.

    L: It is an accepted idea that has been understood in the collective human consciousness for a long time, but this was not always the case in our early civilization.

    A: There is much to talk about and I am ready to learn and absorb as much as I can here. Don’t hold back, ok?

    L: Do you see the sun there?

    A: Yes, Lisselle. It is almost gone by the horizon.

    L: If everything you knew about yourself was gone instantly, what would you do?

    A: You mean my identity? What I have identified in this human body here on earth?

    L: Yes.

    A: We become nothing, nothing at all. What else could we be?

    L: Alexander, if everything you knew about yourself was gone and you said to me that you are nothing, then you would be the awareness behind your life experiences and emotions.

    A: So I would be pure awareness instead of all the confusion, experiences, and struggles of human life? Is that what you are getting at?

    L: Yes, that’s it exactly. What else could we be but the awareness of it all? Do you ever meditate and really look deep within yourself to understand the mystery of all of this?

    A: Not really, but I think now I’m going to give it a go and see how it is. How do you do it?

    L: I just sit down quietly and comfortably and look deep within myself to get the answers I need. Listening to the silence and your own breath helps you go deep within and connect appropriately.

    A: How do you do that? Do you just ask verbally?

    L: No, mentally. I set an intent and get an answer in the form of feelings instead of words. Sometimes in the form of pictures or symbols that I can then translate to words later.

    A: Intriguing. What have you found out?

    L: That everything in life has a purpose and meaning, and everything is in perfect synchronicity on how it needs to be at every moment. There are no coincidences.

    A: Are you sure about that?

    L: It’s the feeling I get when I tune into myself. It’s for the growth of everyone here on earth. We grow and try to understand each other in these human ways and experiences, but this is not who we truly are. We have created this reality that we are now in. This allows us to create and experience a form of existence that is us, but not us. It is like when you write with white chalk on a black board. The background is black and void, and we fill it with creative human experiences with the chalk in our hand.

    A: So we have created all of this, all of the limitations that we now experience?

    L: Yes. We wanted to see what it would be like to understand and feel limitations and overcome them by realizing the true nature of what we are and what we are really capable of.

    A: And what are we capable of doing and being?

    L: Anything that your heart desires to do, within the limited parameters of the Earth experience, of course.

    A: That seems to be quite hard to do. I mean, I can’t fly or anything like that, or manifest food or comfort at will. I know others have done these things, but they were just discussions that I have overheard and I am not really sure that other people fully accept these things. People usually believe what they can see others do.

    L: There is quite a delay in the process as we begin to manifest things here on Earth. It gives us an option to change, though. If you were able to maintain your focus on the things that you most desire in this life, day in and day out until the manifestation of such a desire were to take place and be realized, then you would see the true power that you have within yourself to fulfill anything that your heart would desire.

    A: You must be referring to the law of attraction that I have heard of on so many occasions. Some people take this seriously, while others do not. The law that states that you can be abundant in life when you believe that it is possible.

    L: What about you?

    A: I feel like what you mentioned holds credence for sure. It’s that most people, when they have certain intentions, dissolve before it even gets a chance to manifest itself into reality.

    L: Since this is such a common occurrence, this has been the expected way things have been done, although not everyone follows this method. Those that do continue their efforts will surely bring forth any manifestations that are desired within them. They do so Until—until it happens, regardless of the many failures or shortcomings that may fall upon them. The action of Until persists within their very being until what they want has become realized in such a way.

    A: It’s getting a little nippy out here. Can I bring you a jacket or blanket?

    L: Yes, a blanket will do. Thank you.

    A: Lisselle, I bet you have fantastic dreams, don’t you? Can you remember them all?

    L: Yes, we live other lives in the remembrance of these dreams. I remember one dream that I was going to share with you—it was so vivid, I’m glad you brought this subject up. In the dream was a family that I had never seen before, although they seemed so familiar and close to me. I hugged each of them and expressed my love for them. I have never seen or interacted with such people in this current life, but I was sure that I was having a life with this family. These occurrences are us having other lives all happening in the Now time.

    A: Who do you think they were?

    L: In the dream, I was hugging four children: two boys and two girls. They were my children and I loved them very much. It very much felt like some kind of reunion. It made me feel so good to see them and love them again. There were other people around, but I notice this feeling towards the children most of all. Dreams like these are a way to peer into other realities that are simultaneously happening in the now. So don’t ever dismiss your dreams or feelings that

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