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My Sex Adventure: A Polyamory Fantasy
My Sex Adventure: A Polyamory Fantasy
My Sex Adventure: A Polyamory Fantasy
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My Sex Adventure: A Polyamory Fantasy

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Love is like waiting for a bus, you wait all your life for one lady to come around, but then, when you find that girl of your dreams, three more Filipina fantasy women come along for the ride.

What should he do? Which girl should he chose? Why not just keep them all and enjoy the thrill, and the sexual adventures of a lifetime!

This is Roger Jerome at his erotic best. Not for the faint hearted or the easily shocked!

Release dateSep 1, 2014
My Sex Adventure: A Polyamory Fantasy

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    My Sex Adventure - Roger Jerome





    Polyamory Fantasy

    Written By

    Roger Jerome

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Roger Jerome


    Woodrow Publishing


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This E-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This E-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Woodrow Publishing

    This book is dedicated to all the girl’s I’ve loved before, and to all the beautiful ladies I have yet to meet.

    Roger Jerome


    My Labour Day Holiday

    1 - Friday

    2 - Saturday

    3 - Sunday

    4 - Monday

    5 - Friday

    6 - Saturday

    7 - Sunday


    My Labor Day Holiday


    Three Filipina’s

    The only thing better than having a friend ‘with benefits’, is having two and three friends ‘with benefits’.

    I go to the Rocky Mountains a few times every year for long weekends. Banff was only an hour away, Radium a little more than two hours away and my folks were rich, so when I go by myself or with a lady friend, we often stayed in a nice hotel and got a free park pass.

    I’m thirty-one, and kind of seeing someone. Her name is Vivian, an older divorced woman with two grown kids who I had met online. She was forty-one. If she were younger, we probably would have had a much more serious relationship when we had first met instead of just being friends. Even though we were in our thirties and forties, we were taking classes. Her classes were in the morning and then she worked during the day. Most of my classes were in the afternoon and then I worked evenings and weekends. We did manage to find times for dates, but these were not as often as we’d have liked, and saw other people as well. A few months into our friendship, we had started a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship. The sex was great and she didn’t want a real relationship, so we kept it going.

    I also kept in touch with Shyla, a friend of Vivian’s who had been introduced to me by her. Although she went to school in British Columbia, we emailed back and forth a lot and visited each other a few times. It was on one of those trips that we hooked up, and although neither of us wanted a long-distance relationship, we remained friends and hopefully will become lovers.

    That Labor Day weekend, six of us were planning to go to Banff. We were staying at The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel for over six hundred a night.

    In addition to Vivian and I, Shyla was flying down with her boyfriend, and two of my other friends were also going with us. I met Christy in one of my classes and Chris was her boyfriend. Vivian and I had gone on a couple of double dates with them and I knew Shyla and her boyfriend would get along with everyone.

    Two days before the trip, Vivian and I had found some time to be together and were watching TV when the phone rang.

    Hello? Vivian picked it up. Yes, he’s right here. Are you okay? . . . He did what? That’s terrible… What a bastard… No… No… No! That’s crazy, you’re coming down anyway… I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for too long… Pack your bags and get down here… No… That won’t be a problem… Here let me let you talk to him.

    She covered the mouthpiece on the phone and whispered to me. Shyla just broke up with her boyfriend. She’s trying to back out. Make her come on the trip.

    I took the receiver and began some long-distance boyfriend therapy. Shyla said she didn’t want to be a fifth wheel, but she was also just feeling sorry for herself, and after some poking and prodding admitted she didn’t want to be by herself for the next few days, especially since we had been planning this trip for several months. After about twenty minutes of me trying to convince her to come down and letting us find a Labor Day weekend fling for her, Vivian took over again and engaged her in some good, old-fashioned male-bashing. It seemed to brighten her up because an hour later, Shyla was laughing and ready to come visit for Labor Day. Vivian made Shyla promise to be on the plane on Friday and hung up.

    Vivian curled up next to me on the couch.

    Thanks, I said.

    For what?

    I brushed the dark hair out of her eyes. For getting Shyla to come down even without her boyfriend.

    She needs a friend right now and you’re one of the best friends she has.

    You didn’t have to, and I appreciate that. I paused for a long second. I just don’t want things getting weird on us.

    Well, sir, we’ll see about that, she smiled mischievously, and ran her hand up my thigh. I hadn’t noticed before, but somehow her blouse had become unbuttoned and her big, round breasts were spilling out for me to see. She kissed me and then bit my lip. And if you play your cards right, you may get that fantasy you have to come true.

    The sex for the next couple of days was especially hot.

    1 - Friday

    Vivian, Christy, Chris and I picked up the tiny and gorgeous Shyla at the airport on Friday morning. She got an early flight in, and with over an hour drive to Banff, we would get to the hotel on time.

    I waved to Shyla as soon as she approaches after picking up her baggage. She came over and gave me a big hug. I held her petite, curvy body tight and gave her a friendly kiss. I held her a moment longer than I should have, but I loved the feel of her breasts against my chest. Vivian watched along with Christy and Chris. Even though she had talked Shyla into coming down and had spoken to her before, I knew Vivian could be jealous with some of the other girls I had been dating. To be fair, I wasn’t exactly nice to some of the guys she went out with either. I hoped she wouldn’t be jealous of Shyla even though they were friends.

    We walked back to my other friends and I introduced everyone. Christy and Chris were friendly and to mine and Shyla’s surprise, Vivian gave her a warm hug. We went to the baggage claim area, making small talk and saying not-so-nice things about Shyla’s boyfriend.

    Soon enough, we were in the van. I was renting a minivan. Sure it was sooooooooo not what I wanted to drive, but it was a lot more spacious than my 2001 Pontiac Gran Am or Vivian’s Matrix.

    Chris was driving and Christy was in the passenger’s seat. Shyla and Vivian sat in the second row captain’s chairs and I occupied the back seat along with a cooler and the snacks. The drive down was leisurely and Shyla seemed to hit it off with everyone.

    Vivian and Shyla were Filipina beauties. Christy was also from the Philippines. She was attractive enough but not as pretty as the other two, but she had a perfect body. Christy was a former soccer player who played while in school; Vivian played softball when she was much younger. Each woman thought they were too small, but I thought all three of them were just the right size. I like my women built small, not long-legged or big breasted. Shyla was easily the smallest of the women; very petite, with all the curves in the right places and fuller lips than Vivian and Christy.

    We got to Banff and drove to The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel right away. I presented my credit card at the front desk, signed a paper stating that everyone staying in the room was over eighteen and picked up our room keys.

    Chris parked the van and we unloaded all our stuff into the room. There were two enormous beds, a stand up shower large enough to accommodate all five of us, and a tub. There was a microwave. After unloading all our bags and the few groceries we brought, we had to come up with sleeping arrangements.

    Vivian and I got the biggest room, and Christy and Chris took the other room. Shyla looked awkward when she rolled her suitcase through the door.

    Put your stuff in the big closet in our room, Vivian told her.

    I don’t want to be in your space, Shyla said.

    It’s better there than anywhere else. I thought I saw Vivian wink at me. You are staying with us.

    Shyla looked at me quizzically, and I just shrugged.

    We got everything put up and decided it was time to go get something to eat. This was the first time Christy, Chris, and Shyla had ever stayed in such nice hotel.

    The food was excellent and drinks helped loosen everyone up. Shyla was feeling a little more upbeat and the rest of us were enjoying a warm spring evening. After dinner, we went for a walk. I noticed that several times Vivian and Shyla ended up walking and talking together, probably about Shyla’s boyfriend and doing some girl-bonding.

    After a couple of hours of talking and what was probably a few drinks too many, we all headed back to the room, made plans to get up for breakfast and then went to sleep off all the liquor.

    Christy and Chris disappeared into the second bedroom. I didn’t think they were going to make it fully clothed back to the room, but somehow they did. Christy can be an affectionate drunk and Chris was a hormone-driven guy who loved to have sex with her.

    I’m guessing you guys are going to stay up and talk. I’m going to bed. Vivian gave me a good-night kiss and hugged Shyla before retreating into the master bedroom. That left the two of us sitting on the couch.

    I had my arm around Shyla and we talked like we were old friends. She was depressed about break-up, but they were never that serious to begin with. It was probably midnight when we got back, but two AM when I finally went to bed.

    Shyla didn’t want the couch pulled out, so I got her a pillow, a sheet and a blanket. She lay down, a long day of traveling finally catching up with her. I leaned over and kissed her.

    Thanks for making me come on this trip, she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. Our foreheads touched and we brushed our noses together in an Eskimo kiss.

    We’ve been looking forward to this for too long to let your ex spoil it for us, I smiled. I really was glad to see my friend again, even if things were a little weird with my other friend along with us.

    She kissed me again and then let go, a devilish smile on her face. Now go to bed before I jump you and get Vivian jealous.

    I gave her a not-so-innocent swat across the backside and then got up and went to bed.

    Vivian was asleep when I crawled into bed. I didn’t bother to find my nightshirt; I just stripped down to my boxers and slipped under the sheets. Vivian was lying on her side facing away from me. I spooned up next to her and put my arm around her.

    How’s Shyla? she asked sleepily.

    She’ll be fine, I whispered. She just needs to get her mind off her ex.

    Good. Vivian rolled over on to her back. Moonlight shone through the windows. I could make out her silhouette in the darkness. I could tell she was naked under the sheets. Her full, beautiful breasts, with their nipples pointing straight up were on display. She’s lucky to have you as her friend.

    I was worried about her coming with us this week. I know she feels a little funny about being with us all by herself, I said softly. And I know how you get around some of the girls I’ve been seeing.

    And how’s that? Vivian asked with mock indignation.

    Jealous, I replied.

    I’m only like that around the girls who don’t deserve you.

    So you don’t think any of the girls I’ve gone out with deserve me?

    Of course not. She snorted softly. But don’t worry about me this week. I can’t be jealous of Shyla. I know you’re not after her just for the sex. If you were, I wouldn’t have had a chance with you. Besides, she’s beautiful, too. If you want her, have her. As long as I’m number one, I don’t mind. She deserves someone like you.

    I cradled my lover in my arms. Well, I want you to know how much I appreciate you being nice and friendly about Shyla being here with us. It means a lot to me and I know it means a lot to her, too. So thank you.

    Are we done talking? Vivian giggled and then reached for me. Because I’m tired, but I’d really like to get eaten and then pounded before I go to sleep.

    I did just that and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

    2 - Saturday

    I woke up spooning with someone, one arm under the pillows, the other around her, a breast in my hand.

    Even though I was still a little groggy, I knew it wasn’t one of the breasts I had gone to sleep holding, and it wasn’t Vivian in bed with me.

    Shyla turned her head and smiled. Good morning, sleepyhead.

    Where…? I lifted my head, looking for Vivian.

    In the shower.

    What time is it? I dropped my head back on to the pillow.

    Almost ten.

    What are you doing here? I hadn’t let go of Shyla’s covered breast.I got tired of listening to Christy and Chris on the other side of the wall, Shyla snickered. You’d think that for what we are being charged to stay here, they could have installed some decent soundproofing. You and Vivian were much quieter last night.

    I grinned sheepishly.

    She got up to make coffee before her morning walk and told me to come in here with you. Shyla smiled nervously. I didn’t want to push my luck with her and take advantage of you, but it was really nice to have someone holding me. Even if you didn’t notice that it was me in bed with you.

    I heard Vivian shut the shower off. From the massive bed, we could see her silhouette across the master suite on the other side of the Jacuzzi tub. The shower wall was textured glass that only showed silhouettes of what was on the other side. Even though distorted, her curves were evident. My shaft twitched.

    Is that your morning erection, or is that because of Vivian or me, Shyla teased. I playfully pinched her nipple through her nightshirt. She slapped at my hand.

    We watched Vivian dry off through the glass. I squeezed Shyla’s breast again, this time not so playfully. She reached around and her hand strayed down to my hardening shaft, which was pressed between her buttock cheeks. She wasn’t wearing anything from the waist down.

    Vivian came out of the shower. She had one towel held up by her breasts, her hair wrapped in another. She looked at us with a slightly amused expression on her face.

    Good morning, you two. Vivian crawled into the big bed next to us. Shyla was in the middle. We were still spooning. I had my hand on her breast and her hand was wrapped around my erection. What’s the plan this late morning?

    I’m thinking of getting a shower and going out for a late breakfast, I said as Shyla rubbed my shaft between the cheeks of her bottom. Vivian had to know what we were doing. And then I guess we’re going hiking.

    Vivian leaned over Shyla and surprised her with a quick kiss. Shyla tensed, then returned the affection. I was mesmerized. Vivian then reached across to me, pressing her full, towel-covered breasts against us both. She gave me a deeper kiss then her lips brushed my ear.

    My jaw dropped when she said quietly to me, Give her a good time. Pleasure her like she’d never been pleasured before.

    I started at Vivian in disbelief as she went to get up. I’m going to see what Chris and Christy are up to and tell them that we’re leaving in half an hour.

    Vivian whispered something to Shyla then kissed us both again. The three of us stumbled out of the bed. Vivian had thrown my boxers across the room sometime in the middle of the night, so I didn’t bother to dress. After all, I didn’t have anything the two women hadn’t seen before.

    Shyla was wearing a long t-shirt and we headed off to the shower. I slapped her across her lovely backside and looked back at Vivian. She stood in the doorway, smiled mischievously then opened her towel up to flash me for an instant, revealing all her perfect curves and a freshly-shaved sex and mound. She blew me a kiss, covered up and then disappeared into the hallway.

    Shyla had already started the water running. There were two shower heads and the water was warm and refreshing. We stood there under the warm water for a few minutes, then broke out the shampoo and soap. She washed me first, quickly

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