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Human Nature
Human Nature
Human Nature
Ebook106 pages4 hours

Human Nature

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About this ebook

Schopenhauer believed in the supremacy of will over intellect, and he wrote extensively on the motivations behind actions. These six essays, drawn from Parerga and posthumously published works, include observations on government, free will and fatalism, character, moral instinct, and ethics. They reflect the author's wide range of interests and offer an accessible approach to his philosophy.
Release dateNov 1, 2012
Human Nature

Arthur Schopenhauer

Nació en Danzig en 1788. Hijo de un próspero comerciante, la muerte prematura de su padre le liberó de dedicarse a la actividad comercial y le procuró un patrimonio que le permitió vivir de las rentas, pudiéndose consagrar de lleno a la filosofía. Fue un hombre solitario y metódico, de carácter irascible y de una acentuada misoginia. Enemigo personal y filosófico de Hegel, despreció siempre el idealismo alemán y se consideró a sí mismo como el verdadero continuador de Kant, en cuya filosofía encontró la clave para su metafísica de la voluntad. Su pensamiento no conoció la fama hasta pocos años después de su muerte, acaecida en Fráncfort en 1860. En esta misma Editorial han sido publicadas sus obras Metafísica de las costumbres (2001), El mundo como voluntad y representación I (4.ª ed., 2022) y II (5.ª ed., 2022), Parerga y paralipómena I (5.ª ed.,2023) y II (4.ª ed., 2023), Dialéctica erística, o El arte de tener razón en 38 artimañanas (2023), Diarios de viaje. Los Diarios de viaje de los años 1800 y 1803-1804 (2012) y Sobre la visión y los colores (2.ª ed., 2024).

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "Those writers who construct difficult, obscure, involved, and ambiguous phrases most certainly do not rightly know what it is they wish to say: they have only a dull consciousness of it, which is still struggling to put itself into thought; they also often wish to conceal from themselves and other people that in reality they have nothing to say. Like Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel, they wish to appear to know what they do not know, to think what they do not think, and to say what they do not say." (Arthur Schopenhauer)Herr Schopenhauer knew how to write... what a shame that he was a pompous misogynist.I have a kind of a love-hate relationship with this collection of essays. Though I liked it, and even found it amusing and funny at times, there were moments when I wanted to throw it across the room and never pick it up again. But I did return to it, after all, cause I enjoy arguing with dead philosophers. So, we were having a fight, Arthur and I, like back in my high school days, but it must be said that, sometimes, I couldn't do anything else but nod my head in agreement. I guess it takes a certain kind of person to say some truths we don't want to hear... That's why humanity need(ed) Schopenhauer, and that's why I still recommend you to read this thing.