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Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book 1)
Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book 1)
Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book 1)
Ebook198 pages2 hours

Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book 1)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Release dateMar 21, 2011
Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book 1)

Darren Shan

Darren Shan is the number-one best-selling author of the series THE SAGA OF DARREN SHAN, the DEMONATA and more recently the SAGA OF LARTEN CREPSLEY and ZOM-B. His books have been read by millions of people around the world and translated into more than 25 languages. Darren lives in seclusion in the depths of Ireland. He is a big film buff, and also loves theatre, comics and books, and collecting art. He loves dreaming up new ways to terrify his readers, but never drinks blood. Or so he claims.

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Reviews for Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book 1)

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! The hooks are in deep... I was unable to stop reading this nail-biter! How can an author make me care so much about a half-vampire prince and his friends so much? I can't wait to read the last three books (and the Larten Crepsley prequels).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I didn't think it possible, But The Saga of Darren Shan just keeps getting better! I read the Killers of the Dawn this afternoon, I just couldn't put it down. Darren Shan writes a brilliant story with some real evil twists, just when you think you have figured out how the plot is going, it twists completely round again. It's real gripping, Nail biting stuff leaving you wanting more, more, more!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When you think of vampire stories, Killers of dawn by Darren Shan would pop up in your mind. But it is also horror and action would be there. This is the story I chose for my horror genre in class. The Killers of Dawn is based on a group of vampires who are trying to track down a deadly group of vampires known as the Vampaneze. This book opens on a string of murders in a American town who are killing innocent people. But that isn’t the only problem he is facing, he has to go to school, with a lot of homework he is getting very little sleep and has no energy to search for the Vampaneze. After I finished reading this story I feel as if I am in Darren’s shoes. As these mysterious clues come together the vampires realize that the new clues fit the old clues the story changes from mysterious to suspense/supernatural horror. This book will keep the readers at the edge of their seat; near the end of the story the readers would not be able to put the book down and stop reading.I recommend this book to Darren Shan fans and to people aged 11 and above, this way it is better because they have an understanding of the story with a good imagination and because there is some blood which could scare some readers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Still an enjoyable series. This book in the series seemed a little slowed but maybe I'm becoming saturated.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The vampires continue to fight the ongoing war with the vampeneze, the War of the Scars as it is to be known. The vampaneze are an evil race of vampires who broke off from the Council hundreds of years ago and don't follow any of the vampire's rules of conduct; in particular, they have no respect for human lives. As prophesied by Mr. Tiny, the three vampire hunters—Darren, Mr. Crepsley, and Vancha March—must defeat the Lord of the Vampeneze in one of four potential encounters. The fate of the entire vampire race depends on the outcome of this war; for if they do not manage to kill the Vampeneze Lord, then the vampires will perish, and the vampenze will rule.The hunters, along with Little Person Harkat Mulds, have already let the Lord of the Vampenze slip through their hands once. So now they have only three more chances to defeat him. Unfortunately for Darren and the hunters, they don't even know the true identity of the Vampaneze Lord, and they have no idea what he looks like either, so their task is quite difficult! There's also several surprises and a few sad endings in store in this one....Killers of the Dawn picks up right where the previous book, Allies of the Night, left off. With this series, there's sometimes be a little break in action between books; but at other times, you're left at a cliffhanger and the next book picks up right where the previous one left off, often at the very same scene. The latter has been the case with the last few books.Like all the previous books, I really enjoyed this one too. It was quick and action-packed. Plus there's some really neat revelations beginning to come out! *shhh* LOL I really wanted to start on the tenth book, The Lake of Souls, right after I finished this, but for a change, there actually seemed to be a bit of a break at the end. So instead, I'm holding off while I catch up on some other reading, and then plan to finish the series with books ten through twelve all in one fell swoop, since I do have the remaining three waiting on Mt. TBR. :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Book 9 is a pivotal book in the Saga of Darren Shan series. The story arc that has been building since Book 4, I think, finally comes to a shattering reveal which I must admit I had already guessed several books back, but still it was fun to see it all unfold. A major tragedy happens in this book which was shocking and unexpected for me. The plot has been built up now for a final conclusion and showdown in the last three books. Not much more to say with a long series like this. It is hard to review each book separately but this was one of the better books in the set and they've all been great. I can't wait to read the last 3!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book of Killers of the Dawn is written by Darren Shan. There are two hundred six pages in this book. The setting takes place in Mr. Crepsley’s hometown, under the city’s tunnel and in the city’s prison. The prison is one of the places where three of the main characters are held for questioning.The main characters of the story are the three vampires Darren Shan, Larten Crepsley, Vancha March and one of the little people named Harkat Mulds. The ways the characters act seem so real when you are reading this book. One of the things in the story that seem so real is that the vampires fight to the end for what they wish for. Mr. Crepsley fought hard for his life by running away from a mob even though his leg was swollen to his knee. After hurting his knee Mr. Crepsley was still able to get energy to run. The character who I liked the most was Larten Crepsley, because he sacrificed his life for the vampire clan even though he was tricked at the very last moment. Mr. Crepsley gave his life so that the rest of the vampires would set free during a conflict with the vampaneze. I can relate to Mr. Crepsley because I would also do the same in giving up my life for the people I cared for. As much as I believe I can relate to Mr. Crepsley I could never do half the things he can.The main conflict is that the vampires are trying to destroy the lord of vampaneze. They have been hunting for him but have failed to capture him. In order for the vampire clan to be at rest is if they end the War of the Scars and that is by destroying the lord of the vampaneze. Another conflict is that the people in the city have the vampires mixed up with vampaneze and think that the vampires are the ones killing the people in the city. When the cops get alerted were the vampires are located the surround them and tell them to surrender. Then Vancha being as smart as he is he takes the chief police hostage.The rest get captured and taken to jail when Mr. Crepsley hurts his ankle. During the time that the vampires are in jail they find out that there are vampets working as police officers. When Darren finds out about the vampet the vampet lets Darren escape. When he rescues Mr. Crepsley and Harkat they meet Vancha in the tunnels.The vampires and the vampaneze try to make a compromise on who will fight the Lord of the Vampaneze. They try to set the Lord of Vampaneze and Steve against Darren but the match ends up with Mr. Crepsley. During the conflict Mr. Crepsley kills the decoy who was dressed as the Lord of the Vampaneze. Steve being the coward he is pushed Mr. Crepsley towards the edge and luckily Mr. Crepsley brings Steve with him. At last Mr. Crepsley trades his life for the rescue of his friends. After Mr. Crepsley dies Darren saves Debbie, but finds out that the real Lord of Vampaneze was Steve Leopard.I don’t like the ending, because Mr. Crepsley dies thinking he killed the Lord of Vampaneze but didn’t. The thing I liked about this book is how it is written, and the action in the book. I wouldn’t change anything of the book, because I like just how it is written. I learned that when something goes wrong or you loose someone you care it should only make you stronger. Based on how this book is written, I rate it a four star. I liked this book so much I couldn’t put it down
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Killers of the Dawn was written by Darren Shan and J.K. Rowling. Darren Shan has written more books then just this one, he has written all the series of “The Saga of Darren Shan” that is from book 1 thought unknown. Killers of the Dawn is the 9th book of the series. J.K. Rowling has too written some of my favorite books, the Harry Potter series, books 1 thought 7, all this books are the kind I read because they really make you think and imagine the situation, and about things that are not proven of existence such as vampires and magic. This book happens mostly at night but not entirely since it is a vampire book. The most exiting part is when four vampires are in a fight to death and two of them get killed Larten Crepsley, and “The Lord of the Vapaneze” ,which is later discovered not to be the one. These two fight inside a cave that was carefully made by the real Vampaneze Lord. The main characters in this book are Darren Shan, and Larten Crepsley. They really don’t act like someone would in real life since they jump out of building and stuff like that. My favorite character is Darren Shan since he is the one that gets in trouble for no reason most of the time. I could relate wit him because he has some of my characteristics, and I have sometimes felt the way he has a bunch of times. There is a war going on and cannot be stopped unless the Vampaneze Lord is killed or the three hunters, who are the only ones that can kill the Vampaneze Lord, are defeated, which only the Vampaneze Lord can kill, but this problem is not resolved in this book yet. Some of the most important part of the book are when the three hunters have to get out of some underground tunnels before they get killed, they get to safety with a vampet (a human learning the ways of the vampaneze to later become one) and a half-vampaneze named Steve Leonard, and the police comes after them, they flee and run away from the police and later by Shan’s mistake are followed by a bunch of people, then they go back to some underground tunnels and are ambushed by lots of vampaneze and attacked, then starts fighting four against around one hundred, but then Mr. Crepsley goes to the Vampanize Lord and fights against him and killes him, but then sacrifices himself trying to kill Steven Leonard but fails and dies. The ending is good since it makes me want to read more. I love the style that this book is written with, and would never change anything about it. I don’t really learn anything from them but I feel like I can identify with the characters. I think that everyone should read it because it can make anyone want to read more until they are to tired or go blind from reading to many Darren Shan books.When I was reading this book it was so good that I couldn’t put it down!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was ok. A bit disappointing but better than the last one.