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The Infinite Potential Volume II
The Infinite Potential Volume II
The Infinite Potential Volume II
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The Infinite Potential Volume II

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Newton’s Law of action and reaction has a much deeper purpose then the study of outward science; it needs to be applied to us, our inner nature and to the purpose of life. In this book we will explore the adventure of unlocking, with this sacred key, and opening, the doors to the Secrets of Life, once we do our lives will be changed forever. This law, “for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction”, forms the very base of life in a Vibratory World, this world is both inward and outward and together these make up the experience we have in daily life and in the changes that come through life experiences. To understand these laws is to give us the ability to make change within ourselves in a dynamic way, giving us the ability to experience life and happiness as we have never know it before. By understanding and utilizing these Laws of Life we gain the keys to our Infinite Potential. A potential that is only limited by our understanding. Life’s deeper meaning is wound within these principles, they form the base of everything in life that we aspire to which will give us the greatest, most complete happiness. Once we understand the way the process works we can then harness our own infinite aspects and create the life we truly dream of.

Release dateFeb 26, 2011
The Infinite Potential Volume II

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    The Infinite Potential Volume II - Joseph Ferraro


    Volume II

    Joseph Ferraro


    Published by:

    Joseph Ferraro at Smashwords

    Copyright (c) 2011 by Joseph Ferraro


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    Due to the internet standards for size, used in publishing this book, it is done in two Volumes. Volume I, covers Chapters 1 - 6 and – Volume II, Chapters 7 - 12.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter #7 The Qualities of Life

    Sub Sections: One Becomes the Many, Consciousness of the Qualities, Pyramidic, The Pyramid of the Qualities, The Qualities in the Pyramid, Change in Consciousness, Evolution of Consciousness.

    Chapter #8 The Science of Life

    Sub Sections: Life’s Different Focus: The Meaning of Life, The Need for a Reference Point, Understanding is Based on Our Placement on the Tree of Life, Understanding Within the Pyramid of Life, Reflections in Life: Situations are Neutral it is Our Response to them that Differs, Planes of Consciousness, The Relative Direction of Life, Circular Action: Circles of Vibratory Energy We put into Motion, Placement on the Tree of Life, Magnetism, The Differing Types of Vibrational Energy Create Magnetism: Magnetism Revealed, Magnetism is the Connecting Aspect of Consciousness, Magnetism is the Force of Gravity in Action.

    Chapter #9 Anatomy of a Problem

    Sub Sections: The Dance of Action and Reaction, Seeds of Action, Vibrational DNA: Creator of Our Vibrational Dance Partners, Double Negative, Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Situations We Create (Circles of Action), When We are ‘Between Two Negatives’, Role Reversals, The Seed Within, Vibration Within Vibration, The Moment.

    Chapter #10 Why This Matters

    Sub Sections: Importance to Life, ‘Being Responsible for Our Actions’, Changing Ourselves and Consciousness, There is a Direction to Life, Defining the Levels of the Tree of Life.

    Chapter #11 Evolution Through Consciousness

    Sub Sections: Vibration is Consciousness, Meanness’s of the Heart.

    Chapter #12 Conclusion

    Sub Sections: The Infinite Equation, Untouched and Unchanged.

    * * *

    The Qualities of Life

    Chapter # 7

    "With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow,

    And with my own hand labour’d it to grow;

    And this was all the Harvest that I reap’d ---

    I came like Water, and like Wind I go." (Verse 28)

    One Becomes the Many

    In the Vibratory Universe as the process of movement occurs away from the Calm Center a dynamic of Universal life occurs, that of the development of ‘The Qualities of Life’. These qualities are the underlying base of all the Qualities that are present in life. Each Quality of Life, (Picture #12), once charted out in their movement down the Tree of Life, form the base of every aspect and experience possible in life. These are the underlying principles of life, the Universal aspects of each of the Qualities of Life as they move through the downward movement of the Tree of Life away from the Calm Center. One Quality becomes the many as we chart it out within the laws of Vibratory Creation, its movement ‘down’ and ‘away’ from the Calm Center ‘defines’ the aspects of the quality and the many possibilities available to us as it moves through the process. For as in every other aspect of life in the Vibrational Universe, each Quality has to have an equal and exact opposite to itself, so in one sense one Quality becomes two in the opposite and equal action it must work within in the Vibratory Universe. This process of opposites creates a whole out of each Quality of Life, the positive and negative aspects of that Quality, with all the varying degrees of difference between the two ends of the spectrum.

    We have the same principle here of Universal and Individual Aspects of each Quality, when the Quality is near the Calm Center, and through that the UFE, it is connected into all life. This connection and point of reference, into all created Vibratory life and creation, gives the Quality its Universal aspect through this connection with all life. The lower aspects of the Quality, those that move far ‘away’ from the Calm Center, become progressively less connected with the universal aspects of itself creating the illusion that it is a separate reality from all life. In this stage, and moving downward, the quality is so far from the Calm Center that there appears to be no Center, the aspect that makes it real is the ‘movement itself’ of opposite and equal action and reaction moving across the Calm Center.

    Looking at a quality with its opposite, (Picture #42), gives us the clear picture of each side of the equation and the space in-between that represents the movement of the quality from one side of Vibratory Creation to the other, as the quality travels between the two we have the many areas of change associated with every Quality of Life.

    Picture #42

    The Qualities of Life are created by their closeness to and movement away from the Calm Center. As we are close to that Center, with say the quality of Love, we would manifest the Universal qualities of love because we are connected with a point of reference that is tied into all life and through that connection would understand the universal nature of love. If we are far away from that connection we would not see that connection at all, it would exist but we would not be aware of it. That un-awareness would create the illusion that we are not connected with all life and have a separate existence from every other created thing. As this movement becomes further from the Calm Center we would manifest the qualities of separateness and egotism because we would start to relate to our own little reality as ‘the only or Universal’ reality. It would become our universe and as this continued we would start to affirm that reality at the expense of other created realities, whether they were another person, the environment, an idea, understanding, etc, we would ‘take’ to fulfill ‘our own’ reality to preserve it at all expense. We can see this manifest in life, those who are furthest from the Calm Center affirm their right to destroy and take from others for their own self fulfillment or ‘beliefs’. The difference here of a Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., as compared to a Hitler, Rommel, Moe, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc shows this at the extremes of the spectrum, one is close to the connection with all life and manifests the qualities associated with that, the others have moved so far away from that Center that they manifest the opposing nature of Universal goodness, love and self sacrifice for others, they have moved to the opposite and equal end of those Qualities to destruction, evil, darkness, hate, harm to humanity.

    Hitler was on the other end of that equation, farthest from the Calm Center of life, where he would destroy with the most brutal aggression to affirm his goals. He would even take life to affirm his little reality and cares not that his actions cause great suffering to the world and to others. He is so cut off from the Center point that he cannot relate to the suffering of others, he actually takes pleasure in that suffering. The only way he can learn is to change places with those who he inflicts his suffering on, experiencing the other side of the coin by his changing places with them over and over again until he learns the lessons. It is important here to point out that Hitler is unlikely to learn that lesson quickly, or to find release quickly from the suffering he has inflicted upon others. The Placement he had achieved on the lowest end of the Tree of Life, from his actions, predisposes him to ‘choose wrongly’, and to justify his position. That being his base attitude one can imagine the millions of years of endless suffering he will have to endure for the pain caused to ‘every’ individual. This is an exacting science, he will have to suffer for everyone he has caused suffering too no matter how long it takes.

    An important point to make here and discussed later is that a person on either end of the spectrum can have great energy which can influence others and get them to ‘join their cause’ through the magnetic energy created by their actions. Whether it is good or bad they can ‘draw’ in others that have a similar or weak magnetic energy, like a whirlpool in a brook drawing the lesser whirlpools into its dynamic pull. This process is neutral and it is what we choose that defines where we end up and what comes back to us. If we are in proximity of others with stronger Vibrational energy we can be drawn into their Vibration and stimulate a Vibrational response in ourselves that affects how we ‘see’ life and what comes to us. This can be of great value or can be very detrimental to our overall well being. The company we keep will have a great influence in our lives.

    The Qualities of Life are those qualities that form the base of what is highest in life, and their opposite form, the lowest point we can drop to if we choose. Choice is an important word here because this process is formed by our ‘choices’ and the subsequent re-action that come from those choices. We are not a jumble of energies that were forced upon us in one heap; we are a combination of action and reaction over a long period of time. Free will is our choice, but it also has the consequences of choosing wrongly. We climb the ladder of Vibratory Creation by these choices, or slide down it, and the laws of the universe govern those choices. Love – hate, wisdom – ignorance, health – disease, life – death, light – darkness, happiness – sadness, good – bad, kindness – meanness, breath – breathlessness, giving – taking, day – night, intelligence – dumbness, calmness – restlessness, beauty – ugliness. The world is made of opposites that we manifest in our lives. This process of manifesting the Qualities of Life comes from the Vibratory level that we tune into and place our focus on the Tree of Life.

    Consciousness of the Qualities

    When we set action into motion we are focusing that action within the Tree of Life through our intent, that placement will determine the ‘type’ of Quality that comes to us, by this I mean where the point of action is placed within the dual aspects of the Quality. We have to understand that this aspect of life is critically important as to what will come back to us in reaction and what the general makeup of our life will be. We cannot separate the action from the reaction and we cannot separate the level of the action from the returning level, they will be the same. If a person puts an action into motion on the lower aspect of a Quality of Life they can only expect the return action, and the effect of their original action, to carry the same aspect of the Quality of Life they were focused upon. You cannot put an action into motion and expect anything else. If your action is meanness and anger you will in time experience the same yourself in return. What is far more important here is the effect this has on our consciousness, for in the Qualities of Life, as in Life in general, we are experiencing and affecting the ‘consciousness’ of the quality within us. This again comes back to what we discussed in the last chapter, that action, set in motion, affects our consciousness, View, or what we can ‘See’ in life. Action is ‘Consciousness in Motion’. The same is true here in the Qualities of Life, it is how much we can experience them that defines the consciousness that we have of each Quality. Here to we need to consider the aspects, again discussed in the previous chapter, of will, amount of energy and placement on the Tree of Life.

    A Quality of Life is manifest on ‘every level of the Tree of Life’. (Picture #43). Let me explain, ‘the proximity of where it is in reference to the Calm Center defines the level it is on and the qualities or attributes that it manifests’. These qualities and attributes are manifest in the ‘distance’ it is from its connection with all life through the Calm Center. As it moves away from the Calm Center it manifest the attributes associated with the negative side of the quality. This is why there are so many shades to each of the Qualities of life. What is important is that action, on any level of the Tree of Life, produces a ‘reaction on that level’. This is very important to how action and reaction works. We have to understand that we ‘tune’ into differing levels of the Tree of Life and ‘manifest that level within our own Vibration’. We are not empty or neutral, we are Vibratory in nature and we tune into something that affects our own Vibration and that Vibration produces particular thoughts, actions and understandings of life and how we ‘View’ our world around us. Remember that our inner Vibration ‘defines’ how we ‘see’ life, situations are neutral, our View and understanding of them are what differ. What defines this difference ‘is the level on the Tree of Life that we are tuned into, through initiated action, and how much of that particular Vibration is instilled within us’. We have free choice to decide what we focus on and how much energy we put into that area of life, however, we are not exempt from our actions, everyone, has to abide by this law and reap the benefits or consequences of all our actions.

    Picture #43

    When we move in the direction of expansion to the universal nature of a Quality we are reaching for the highest that the particular Quality has to offer, in this is something that is very important to our lives, ‘that we can grow in the Qualities of Life’, we can also ‘decrease’ in these Qualities. This concept is something that we are not taught and have little understanding of, that we can increase the amount of courage, love, compassion, wisdom etc in our experience of life. These we usually infer form the lessons life teaches us, little understanding that this is exactly what we are being taught by these experiences. Qualities have the positive and negative side, but as I have said they have the ‘in-between gradations’ as they move in one direction or the other. If we remember the example here of the fog we can get an idea of what the quality is doing as it moves away from the sun of the Calm Center. Based upon what we can ‘see’, both in the analogy of the fog and in the aspect of the Quality, will be the determining factors in our behavior, thoughts and actions. A person in fog so thick that they can only see their hand in front of their face will find the fog to be a determining

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