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Dark Corners: A Faerie Justice Story
Dark Corners: A Faerie Justice Story
Dark Corners: A Faerie Justice Story
Ebook29 pages21 minutes

Dark Corners: A Faerie Justice Story

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Solae keeps his family alive during the horrible years of Paris’s occupation by hiding in the catacombs. The Germans murdered Solae’s father, who had a gift for glamour, in the first days of the occupation, as the lights went dim in the City of Light. Solae possesses the power to make light out of nothing. His father called that a useless talent, but it keeps the family from complete darkness. Now, as the Germans fight to stay in Paris, Solae wants to help defeat them. He wants to use his magic, but how can light save his city, his people, his family? Solae will soon find out.

“Deeply evocative, it breathes menace from every page and memorably conveys what Rusch calls the ‘casual evil’ that suffused Germany as the Nazis came to power.”
—The Daily Mail (London) on Hitler’s Angel

“...the always impressive Rusch can successfully tackle any genre she sets her sights on.”
—Barnes & (Editor’s Pick) on Hitler’s Angel

“Like early Ray Bradbury, Rusch has the ability to switch on a universal dark.”
—the Times of London

Release dateJan 21, 2011
Dark Corners: A Faerie Justice Story

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

New York Times bestselling author Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes in almost every genre. Generally, she uses her real name (Rusch) for most of her writing. She publishes bestselling science fiction and fantasy, award-winning mysteries, acclaimed mainstream fiction, controversial nonfiction, and the occasional romance. Her novels have made bestseller lists around the world and her short fiction has appeared in eighteen best of the year collections. She has won more than twenty-five awards for her fiction, including the Hugo, Le Prix Imaginales, the Asimov's Readers Choice award, and the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Readers Choice Award.   

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    Dark Corners - Kristine Kathryn Rusch

    Dark Corners

    Dark Corners

    A Faerie Justice Story

    Kristine Kathryn Rusch

    WMG Publishing, Inc.


    Dark Corners

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    Also by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

    About the Author

    Dark Corners

    The fighting had been going on for days. Outbursts of gunfire—six German soldiers dead in front of the Gare d’Orsay—a full-scale battle, complete with barricades that the French love so much, near the Eiffel tower.

    Solae had come to the surface because he heard the Resistance and the Germans had brokered a truce. The Resistance needed the time to organize, to wait for the Allies to arrive. The Germans, who were beginning to understand that they could not hold Paris, needed time to make a plan.

    Solae needed food, so he had come to the only safe place he knew—a boulangerie on the Boulevard St. Germain. Most of the French were in hiding, not waiting in bread lines, and the Germans were at their posts.

    He thought he would be able to slip in and out, unnoticed.

    He had been wrong.

    Solae ran across the boulevard, a loaf of bread beneath his arm, panic in his throat. He was thinner than most, so thin that if he turned sideways, the less observant could not see him. But he could not turn now.

    The baker—a burly man who baked every morning for the Boche as if they were no different from the French he once served—was chasing Solae, shouting at the top of his lungs:

    Foul boy! Thief!

    Two storm troopers appeared from a kiosk, holding ripped posters telling Parisians to rise up against the Boche. The troopers looked ready for battle. They had shiny boots and shinier guns—and their eyes, that

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