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Carol's Christmas
Carol's Christmas
Carol's Christmas
Ebook49 pages39 minutes

Carol's Christmas

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In a midnight drive in a fierce snowstorm, Carol decides things are useless when she hits her head and is knocked out cold.
That is, until a group of the sexiest men she’s ever seen, try to warm her up and take her under their wing. Suddenly Carol is thrust into a world where the most delightful men pleasure her body, driven by their own mysterious craving, to meet her every sexual need.

PublisherBarbra Novac
Release dateDec 20, 2010
Carol's Christmas

Barbra Novac

Barbra Novac is an erotic romance writer living in Sydney with her Husband and child. She loves writing and reading romance novels. The things that make life the thrill it is, are little indulgences like hot cups of tea or the mornings first coffee. Life is good films, great music, wonderful food, lovely times with loved ones, and of course... Lots of nice sex.

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    Carol's Christmas - Barbra Novac

    Carol’s Christmas


    Barbra Novac



    Barbra Novac at Smashwords

    Carol’s Christmas

    Copyright © 2009 by Barbra Novac

    isbn: 978-0-646-54868-5

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    For Carol.

    A quirky contribution to your HinJew life.

    May the well-spring of bookkeeping never run dry.

    And as always,

    For my Husband.

    May the endless pleasures of our love continue to inspire us.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter One

    Late one night, driving in a fierce snow storm, Carol Harcroft found that she doubted her capacity for rationality. She drove teeth clenched, buttocks braced, eyes owl wide, unable to see more than two meters before her in the punishing storm. It blistered around her. The unforgiving snow, slicing winds and ferocious blizzard beating on the windows of her much adored Peugeot, its shiny black paint probably tarnished forever.

    Damn this fucking weather! She was barely able to hear herself scream over the rage of the conditions. Why was I this stupid?

    She cursed herself and her foolish pride.

    Carol had long matured past the point where one argues out loud with one’s mother. She made the decision somewhere along the line to apply passive aggressive resistance to her mother’s passive aggressive attacks. Peculiarly, she referred to her resistance as her 'pride', as if pride were the only thing that kept her so bound. A less generous person may argue, when it came to her mother, Carol was not in a 'Zen' place.

    It was one such disagreement that had Carol placed in this precarious position. The ongoing subterranean argument with her mother had now reached the sort of climax where Carol may have put her life in danger. Finally, faced with a choice between the mediocrity of acceptance of her mother’s attempts to control her, or a pride that had her sliding over a snow capped blizzard mountain in the dark, Carol realised that she'd have to choose death in order to escape her mother’s judgements.

    And she was not going to choose death.

    She didn’t see the bend till it was too late to slow down. Shit! she cried out as the car slid sideways into the deep drifts that hugged the mountain.

    Terrified she stopped the car, its engine trying to keep up with the raging winds around it, the headlights reflecting into the blanket of heavy white snow. She stared into the night, letting her pulse settle down.

    When she realised she had no idea where she was, she started to cry.

    In this moment, it occurred to Carol that she would rather face her mother

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