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Christianity and Non-Christian Religion
Christianity and Non-Christian Religion
Christianity and Non-Christian Religion
Ebook165 pages2 hours

Christianity and Non-Christian Religion

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About this ebook

After studying three of the world’s largest religious organizations and several cults; as a Christian, I hope to enlighten the Christian public and provide some background information and proof that will help them obtain a better understanding of the basic tenets of each religion.

I will explain how living according to the Word of God and the Christian teaching will give one a broader spectrum when choosing a religion as he or she gains knowledge through reading the Holy Bible.

PublisherJohn Booth
Release dateDec 18, 2013
Christianity and Non-Christian Religion

John Booth

John R. Booth is a graduate of Oklahoma State University. He has never met Boone Pickens, Barry Sanders, or Garth Brooks, even though they too are graduates of O.S.U. He has worked in both the pharmaceutical industry as a sales representative and trainer and in the mental health field as a social worker. This is the first time he has been published. However, he has written, produced, and performed vocals on three CDs of song parodies. He is a frustrated musician who plays drums, piano, guitar, and ukulele, and although he has not played professionally in more than thirty years, at the age of sixty-two, he continues to hold onto the dream of one day being a rock god. John is retired and resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with his wife Becca. He and Becca love spending time with their grandchildren, Gavin, Will, Ava, Owen, and Lucy, and last summer attended one hundred fifty of their baseball and softball games. He plays golf passionately but poorly, and is an avid fan of Oklahoma State University football and wrestling. Go Pokes!

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    Christianity and Non-Christian Religion - John Booth



    Non-Christian Religion


    John Booth

    Published on Smashwords

    Formatted by eBooksMade4You

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    * * *

    Christianity and Non-Christian Religion

    Table of Contents


    Chapter I. Introduction

    A. Definition of Religion

    B. Religion is Universal

    C. Religion Meets Needs

    D. Practice of Religion

    Chapter II. Comparing and contrasting Religions

    A. Hinduism

    1. Background: As a Universal Religion

    2. Basic Teachings

    3. The Founder

    4. The Writings: Hindu Scriptures

    5. Belief About God

    6. Hinduism and Christianity

    Table 1

    B. Buddhism

    1. Background: Early Biography

    2. Basic Teaching: Buddhist Percepts

    3. Founder: The Buddha

    4. The Writings: Sacred Scriptures

    5. Belief About God

    6. Buddhism and Christianity

    Table 2

    C. Islam

    1. Background: History of Islam

    2. Basic Teachings: Faith and Duty

    3. Founder

    4. The Writings: Articles of Faith

    5. Belief About God

    6. Islam and Christianity

    Table 3

    D. Christianity

    1. Grounded in History

    a. One Christ, Many Churches

    b. The Flavors of Christianity

    2. Cults and Christianity

    Table 4

    3. Jesus Kingdom Not of This World

    4. Only Jesus Claims to be God

    5. The Bible: Historically Reliable Document

    6. The Bible: Written by Witness

    Chapter III. Choosing Christianity over Other Religions

    A. The Bible: The Only Divinely Inspired Book

    B. Christianity: complete Plan of Redemption

    Chapter IV. Summary/Conclusions

    A. Divine Accomplishment versus Human Achievement

    B. One’s Personal Belief

    Survey: Doctrinal Differences in Christianity

    Self Evaluation Question and Answer Check List:

    Confirmation concept of Faith

    Self Evaluation Religion Test


    Dictionary References


    Biblical References


    * * *


    My goal and purpose of writing this paper is to express my knowledge and experience of serving a true and living God and how, in contrast to other religious beliefs, it is based on faith, grace, mercy, and most of all, love.

    After studying three of the world’s largest religious organizations and several cults; as a Christian, I hope to enlighten the Christian public and provide some background information and proof that will help them obtain a better understanding of the basic tenets of each religion.

    I will explain how living according to the Word of God and the Christian teaching will give one a broader spectrum when choosing a religion as he or she gains knowledge through reading the Holy Bible.

    As visual aids, I will use tables, graphs and a national survey to further provide a clearer view of each religion in comparison to Christianity.

    I believe that you will, as I have, find Christianity to be a very unique and profound religion. The reader of this record will receive insight and security in God’s Word and His love for us, as well as the benefits of His grace and mercy.

    I will show after taking a closer look at the similarities and differences of Christianity versus other religions that one fact remains: God is God all by Himself and He never changes, for He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever more.

    I pray that the reader will conceive a better understanding of what a true relationship is and obtain a more concrete view of Christianity that will guide him/her to the same conclusion that I came to. That is, in your search for joy, happiness and love, you should decide to follow Jesus and make Him your choice. Christianity is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

    * * *

    Christianity and Non-Christian Religion

    Chapter 1


    I have been inspired over the years and I have always wanted to know more about other religions. This gives me an opportunity to discuss, compare and contrast the other religions to my chosen belief, Christianity. After comparing and contrasting Christianity to three of the world’s largest religions, a limited analysis identified a number of areas where Christianly is absolutely unique among other world religions. In my opinion, Christianity is not just another option, but the only choice.

    There are many different religions. I will be discussing four of the major ones: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Hinduism developed over many centuries. Each of the others base their faith on the life and teachings of specific individuals: Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as Gautama Buddha, for Buddhism; Jesus Christ for Christianity; and Muhammad for Islam.

    According to Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, Handbook of Today’s Religions, p. 11, There are more than four billion people in the world today, most of whom are associated with one or another of the world’s major religions. Although most people have some sort of religious affiliation, they are woefully ignorant as to the basic beliefs of their own religion. Not only do most people have a shallow understanding of their own faith, but most have very little knowledge of any of the other religions.

    Josh McDowell and Don Stewart stated, We are frequently challenged by people of other religious beliefs when we affirm the uniqueness and finality of the Christian faith. They argue that Christianity is compatible with other religions and cults, and that we should not stress the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as being the only way a person can know the true and living God. My research will show that Christianity is not compatible with cults.

    I also feel that if we give Christians a biblical perspective on non-Christian religions, or enable Christians to think in a rational and biblical manner as they respond to the challenges of those religions, we will consider our task successfully accomplished.

    We live in a society where a person has the freedom to follow the religious belief of his or her choice. However, when individuals or groups publicly claim that God’s true work, which has existed throughout the centuries, is now wrong, I feel we must answer such challenges. They have the freedom to say it but as Christians, we have the responsibility to answer them.

    1 Peter 3:15 commands us to always be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. This work is that answer to those who have attacked historic Christianity and place their own belief above it. We are not attacking these groups; we are merely answering their accusations.

    Only two cults will be mentioned in this paper. They are Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. I feel that one should also be aware of other teachings besides the major religions. Although these cults come out of Christianity, it is important to know that their teachings contradict the Bible.

    Representatives of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who go door to door, give an impression of great learning. To combat this, the Christian must know what he believes, why he believes it and thus, be able to expose the cult’s teachings.

    The question was asked—why do cults prosper? McDowell and Stewart have listed a few points on cults. We live in a day in which cults show rapid growth. We believe there are several basic reasons why people join cults and why they prosper:

    • The cults provide answers

    • The cults meet human needs

    • The cults make a favorable impression

    Extensive travel throughout the United States and abroad has made us aware of certain features that characterize the cults. These include new truths, new interpretations of Scripture, non-biblical sources of authority, another Jesus and many other features.

    In answering the charges made by the cults and other non-Christian groups, we desire to do so without resorting to name-calling or sarcasm. In other words, to give respect and to hold firm to our convictions. It is possible to disagree with a person’s beliefs and yet love the person holding those beliefs. What we oppose is the teaching of these groups, not the people in the groups or their right to believe whatever they want. If the church fails to carefully and seriously provide spiritual warmth and a true exposition of the Word of God, those with spiritual needs will find other avenues of fulfillment. We must speak out because the Bible commands us to earnestly content for the faith which has been once and for all delivered. The Apostle Paul has exhorted us to prove all things; hold fast that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

    Definitions of Religion

    For many people, religion is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, practices and worship involving one supreme God or Deity. Other people’s religions involve a number of different gods. Some people’s religion has no specific God or gods to be worshipped. There are also people who practice their religious beliefs in their own personal way, largely independent of organized religion. But almost all people who follow some form of religion believe that a supreme being created the world and influences their lives.

    According to the website Religions of the World (,) a religion is a belief in a Supreme Being or beings, belief in God or gods. Religion is a belief system that is practiced through faith, obedience, prayer and worship.

    The link also states that people practice religion for many reasons. Some follow a religion because it’s part of their family or tribal heritage and/or culture. For others, religion provides a feeling of security because the divine power is believed to be watching over them. Some follow a religion because it promises salvation and happiness or a chance to improve themselves in another life after death. For other people, religion yields a sense of individual fulfillment

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