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Her Guarded Desire
Her Guarded Desire
Her Guarded Desire
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Her Guarded Desire

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Kristen must make a decision...
Her Bodyguard or Her Boyfriend

Having thought the danger was over and she could finally move on with her life, Kristen was again swept off her feet by her bodyguard Cody; which left Devin, her boyfriend, as the third wheel.

Being uprooted from their lives, Devin tries to make the best of a dangerous situation while growing increasingly jealous of the second guy. Cody, the bodyguard tries desperately to keep it professional all while fighting his own inner conflicts and desires to have her back.

The flames of passion ignite as Kristen contemplates whom she wants, yet when the danger arrives, her men need to work together or they all will perish.

Release dateOct 16, 2013
Her Guarded Desire

Kathleen J. Shields

Kathleen J. Shields is an award winning author, having won first place for Best Educational Children’s Series from the Texas Association of Authors in 2015, and the Purple Dragonfly Award in 2017 for the Hamilton Troll Cookbook.She has 27 published books ranging from illustrated children’s books, tween chapter books, young adult and adult, as well as Christian Fiction.She is currently working on the third book of The Painting Trilogy, her memoirs, along with a fun factual story called Turtle Diaries. Her hope is to teach young readers more interesting tidbits about various turtle species through the first person perspective of a tortoise.During the week, she runs her own businesses (plural); a website and graphic design company, and a publishing house where she assists new authors in making their dreams come to reality.Over the weekends, you can usually find her setup at a market day, craft show, church bizarre or any place that will let her setup a table to promote and sell her books, throughout the Texas Hill Country.She also thoroughly enjoys visiting schools and libraries, reading to young children and inspiring 3rd through 5th graders into using their imaginations to embellish their creative writing skills.

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    Book preview

    Her Guarded Desire - Kathleen J. Shields

    This book is a work of fiction. Places, events, and situations in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    © Copyright 2013 by Kathleen J. Shields. All rights reserved.

    Published at Smashwords

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    Smashwords ISBN: 9781301137664

    ISBN-13: 978-1493508884

    ISBN-10: 1493508881

    About Her Guarded Desire

    Kristen must make a decision…

    Her Bodyguard or Her Boyfriend

    Having thought the danger was over and she could finally move on with her life, Kristen was again swept off her feet by her bodyguard Cody; which left Devin, her boyfriend, as the third wheel.

    Being uprooted from their lives, Devin tries to make the best of a dangerous situation while growing increasingly jealous of the second guy. Cody, the bodyguard tries desperately to keep it professional all while fighting his own inner conflicts and desires to have her back.

    The flames of passion ignite as Kristen contemplates whom she wants, yet when the danger arrives, her men need to work together or they all will perish.

    Chapter 1

    The three story bonfire roared to life as fast as an explosion. The wood crackled and snapped as it burned. The glow of the vast orange flames filled the sky and illuminated the surrounding area. The black night sky was now that of a burnt orange as the flames reached for the stars, growing taller and taller. The heat from the wall of flames was over-powering if you stood too close and yet the sight of this monstrous beast was awe-inspiring.

    The smell of burning wood; hickory, pine and cedar; brought back memories and moments of times long forgotten; of good times and past parties. The sound of radios and chatter, laughing and talking could have been considered noise to anyone else but tonight, to her, it sounded like fun and friends. The people were grouped in cliques but everyone was there for a good time, and as the lanky Kristen Rowley snaked her way within and throughout the assortment of youth sharing her presence, she found she could have a good time as well. If only…

    Kristen shivered, not from the cool night air, but from a vague feeling of foreboding that tugged at her soul. She had a haunting feeling that someone was watching her, and not in the good way. It had been a long time since she felt this way, many years in fact, but the feeling was back and she didn't like it. Not wanting to allow her imagination the liberty of interrupting her fun, Kristen shook her head. She brushed those feelings aside and dismissed them as nerves and refocused her attention on her friends. Drinking casually, making her way around the party and taking in the atmosphere the fire created; she was finally able to disregard her feelings and enjoy herself. Her best friend Maddie, the constant distraction, was exactly what she needed to bypass her feelings about her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend Devin. The gossip going around also helped to tantalize her senses away from her own self-involved emotions.

    Sure they had fought this evening, his jealousy always getting the better of him even though she knew in her heart that he was a good guy. Still, she couldn't stand to be around him when he began acting that way. He loved her. She knew this. When it was just the two of them they could have so much fun together; they could laugh and talk and just be with each other so peacefully... but when you added another person into the mix, especially another male, he turned into a dominant dog who hadn't been neutered. The over-protectiveness had ceased its endearing charm long ago.

    Tonight, though, the separation had helped. Granted they were at the same party but agreeing in an argumentative manner that time apart would be beneficial, he hung out with the guys and she grouped with her girls. Eye contact was exchanged throughout the evening, a smile and a smirk, endearing glances and flirty gestures, but he kept his distance.

    Maybe this would work out after all, she thought as she moved onto the next group.

    Devin was knocking back a few beers with his best buddy Nate; shooting the shit and just relaxing. Nate although eager to be with his girlfriend Maddie knew Kristen needed a break and he knew Devin needed the cooling off period. Nate may be his best friend, but he knew well of Devin's anger issues and he felt for any woman who would put up with that.

    As the party progressed however, Kristen again got that awkward feeling she was being watched. With a heavy rock sitting in the pit of her stomach, she glanced around nervously for anything suspicious. Kristen knew there was no reason to feel like this. Nothing had happened in her life for many years that would cause her nerves to stand up on end, and yet, here she was. Her chest tightening, anticipation growing, heightened senses aware of something bad about to happen. Her eyes momentarily fell on Maddie who was in the middle of regaling another girl about her horse Spirit and the blue ribbon barrel race. Kristen's eyes continued to pan around the area, focusing in on the black-orange figures of people gathered around the field. Allowing her eyes to condition themselves to what light there was; she found herself focusing in on a figure ten yards away. Unable to take her eyes off of the dark figure feeling in her soul that he was watching her, she suddenly couldn't move. Her breathing quickened as panic began to fill her. Finding only the ability to lift her right arm, she began tapping frantically on Maddie's arm.

    Girl! I nearly dropped my beer.

    You see that guy over there?

    Looking now, Maddie focused her attention on the still figure and purred, Ooh he's hot.

    Who is he?

    Don't know. Can't see him.

    Then how do you know he's hot?

    Black boots, black hat, tight blue Wranglers and loose white shirt, what more is there to know?


    You're asking for too much girl.

    Clothes do not make the man. Kristen scolded as she rolled her eyes.

    Yeah but they help.

    Maddie, I'm serious, can you see his face?

    Don't need to. Want me to go get him?

    No! Kristen spoke quickly gripping Maddie's arm. Now looking at her friend suspiciously, Maddie couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Just then a couple walked by blocking her view of the man and when they passed, the man was gone.

    Where'd he go?

    Kristen no wonder Devin's always so jealous.

    Looking back at her best friend now, Kristen realized what was happening. Maddie I'm sorry, I've just had this weird feeling all night.

    Yeah well, when I get those feelings I go to my guy.

    Wanting nothing more than to explain everything; dropping the subject seemed to be a better choice. So with a word, Kristen turned the subject back to Spirit and Maddie was again regaling her tale of last weekend's race.

    Hours later, in the midst of another group conversation of jokes and gossip, Kristen found herself holding another beer and leaning against a tree listening to the sounds of the night when Devin and his guys walked up to join the conversation. As per their agreement however, Devin kept his space and this was quite charming to Kristen who was enjoying the flirtation as if they were working their way up to their first date again. Feeling like tonight was going to have a good ending, she winked and smiled at Devin as he crushed an empty can and was handed another.

    A little later Shawn walked up and noticed Kristen standing there and approached her. His breath was sour and she could tell he had been drinking more than he should have and even though he slurred his words, he presented himself as having to deliver a special message.

    Just thought you should know some guy was asking about you earlier.

    As if hearing a dog whistle, Devin's ears perked up and he walked over to listen to the conversation.

    Asking about me? Who was it?

    Don't know. Never saw him before.

    What did he look like?

    Dark clothes, dark hat... it was dark.

    Maddie rolled her eyes at that. Just like the hottie you spotted earlier?

    Devin's chest puffed out. What's going on?

    Nothing. Kristen quickly covered not wanting to start anything but Shawn just wanted to be helpful.

    Some guy was asking 'bout Kristen. Thought you'd wanna know.

    Devin eyed Kristen covetously. Not liking the glare he was giving her, she was reminded about how much she detested this behavior of his. Annoyed now, more than concerned, she shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Crushing his can angrily, he nearly started to walk after her but Nate broke his stride and told him to let it go.

    As the bonfire smoldered its way to red-orange embers and the bright orange became a rusty hue, the night began toning down. The fire's roar became a crackle, the music turned from a high velocity twang to the soft vibrations of romance. Small groups turned to doubles and shadows became one and as a yawn came upon Kristen she realized she was ready to go home.

    Strolling her way over to him, coming from behind; she reached around his abs and clutched her fingers around his buckle. Placing her chin on his shoulder, he reached up and touched her cheek with his palm.

    Ready to go?

    Just about.

    Seeing a couple of guys gather up their beer bottles and coolers, Devin reached into his jean jacket pocket and pulled out the keys to his truck. Placing them gently into her hand and closing her fingers around them, he turned and kissed her on the lips then pulled away hesitantly.

    Alright, go warm up the truck. I'll be there in a minute.

    As she made her way to the makeshift parking lot, she again felt good about tonight. Granted there was that moment where Devin became over-protective but she understood it to a point since she too had been nervous about the feeling of someone watching her, of asking about her.

    Finding the pickup was easier than she expected. The majority of the crowd had already disbursed and the way the remaining vehicles were parked sporadically throughout the field was a visual reminder of how many people had actually been here tonight. The party had been a huge success. It was a night she knew she would remember for a very long time.

    Making her way across the darkened field, the night air became quiet. Shimmering vehicles sparkled in the moonlight, and yet left large amounts of black shadows and dark voids all around her. Feeling her nerves jump to a heightened state of awareness; she once again felt aware of a presence watching her.

    Not wanting to look around, to allow her emotions the freedom to control her, she quickened her pace. Still many yards away from the truck, she clutched the keys outward between her fingers, tightening her fists around them to become weapons. Her heart began to race, her breathing quickened and her hearing began to pick up a sound of brush being crushed under footsteps.

    The visual acuteness of various horror movies popped into her psyche and every scary scene of being followed rushed into her head all at once. Panic flushed her body as her heart began to race. The feeling of vulnerability and terror filled her entire body like a tidal wave nearly incapacitating her rational acuity. Realizing she needed to take back control of her own wildly sensitive emotions, she took a deep breath and readied herself.

    Spinning around, gazing at the field, at the emptiness, she watched the shadows jump around with the breeze. Her ears suddenly picked up the distant crackle of the bonfire and it became clear to her the sound she had heard was that of the fire and not of some stranger stalking her. Accepting this plausible explanation, Kristen exhaled with relief. Allowing her adrenaline to calm, she once again pressed her emotions back trying to ignore what had to be her own imagination. Sighing, she continued walking towards the truck, loosening her grip around the keys in an attempt to relieve her anxiety.

    Sure, Kristen had an active imagination. She was born with it. The drawback with that active imagination was that it had seen its own share of action in years past and in these days and times she never knew if her senses were imagined or imperil. As she approached the truck a little less aware of her surroundings, she once again heard the rustling of leaves under foot and although desiring the explanation being that of the bonfire, this time she knew they were too close to be that.

    A panic of fiery fright swept over her body as her heartbeat began to race again. Spinning on her heels, her sensitivity hampered by the alcohol earlier, the visual awareness of a darkened presence quickly approaching her was all her eyes could absorb before her mouth opened into a scream of terror and the sound reverberated through the field and into the area of the bonfire.

    Chapter 2

    Hearing the distant shrill of a frightened female's scream Devin dropped his cooler and spoke exactly what his other buddies were thinking; Kristen! Racing to the parking lot at full speed, he began to fear what he was going to run into. Not knowing what he would find or if he'd find anything at all, his boots dug into the ground harder; he picked up speed.

    With his hand over her mouth, the dark stranger pinned her against the truck attempting to quiet her. He needed her attention and as she struggled beneath him, screams now muffled but arms and legs flailing, he spoke quick and low, Stop screaming. Stop fighting me. Eyes opening wider in fear, the idea of him not wanting her to fight it devastated her. She panicked. Her adrenaline kicked in to threat level ten. Finding the strength to release his sudden grip around her wrists she threw punches at his face. Dodging her second swing his hat fell from his head and for the first time in what seemed like an eternal moment his face became exposed in the moonlight and their eyes met.

    For a moment she stopped moving and their eyes locked, her fear petrified her expression and although she was ready to let go, she couldn't. He was just about to speak again when he was tackled from the side and pulled from her body with the force of repelling magnets.

    Having seen her struggle beneath the stranger, his large hand covering her mouth, Devin's anger engulfed his senses. Approaching the scene with the speed of a racing locomotive; feeling nothing but hate seething from his pores, he tackled the stranger with the full force of his body. As they tumbled to the ground the fight began and survival was key. Devin had every intention of killing this man. This man had every intention of walking away with Kristen.

    As the rest of his friends approached, quick glances confirmed Kristen's safety as she remained pressed against the truck, her face still showing shock; and they then directed their aggression towards the aggressor. In seeing the stranger take over the fight, and Devin on the bottom end of losing, they each grabbed an arm of the stranger and hauled him off of Devin. The speed his body was yanked away was enough to throw him for a moment. With his attention momentarily diverted, Devin regained control of the fight and began his assault on a now confined attacker.

    With both arms held back; the stranger received the brunt of four punches and a kick before he pulled the strength of his shoulders together and unsteadied his restrainers' stature. Pulling them from their feet; he threw one into Devin and threw a punch at the other beginning to take control of the fight, when Kristen finally gained enough composure to realize what was happening.

    Kristen watched as Devin again threw a punch at the stranger who dodged it. Following along, knowing without a doubt that Devin was going to get hurt as the dark stranger threw another protective swing knocking him backwards; Kristen finally found the strength to do something. Without thinking about the situation, or how any of this was going to look, Kristen threw herself into the middle of the fight and pressed against the dark stranger pleading for him to stop. Devin stood in the confusion with fists swinging and threw another harsh punch at the stranger’s face not quick enough in his wits to realize or even see Kristen now standing directly between his fist and his intended target. Turning to plead for Devin to stop as well she pressed back into the stranger's chest as Devin's fist neared her face. Unable to stop himself, unable to comprehend her actions, Devin's fist shot forward. Eyes pursed closed as she anticipated the oncoming blow; but the stranger blocked Devin's fist, grabbing it firmly within his right palm while carefully yet forcefully pulling Kristen to safety with his left arm.

    The other guys there, ready to continue the fight, hesitated with a woman now standing in the way. Confusion began to carousel its way around the now forming crowd. Devin absorbed the scene, his fist still restrained in locked punch mode within the strangers’ palm. His girlfriend Kristen, engulfed within the embrace of the strangers bold left arm and suddenly his own left arm retaliated blocking the strangers arm away from his fist so the cool night air could be the invisible barrier they needed for the moment to decipher the situation at length.

    For a long silent moment all parties involved took in the scene of Kristen standing bold within the arms of the stranger who had just attacked her, standing opposite of her own boyfriend who had come to defend her honor and when it hit her, the reality of the scene, she began to falter.

    Thanks Kris. The stranger spoke breaking the silence. The sound of his rugged voice pierced her ears and memories with a dull knife. Pushing his arm from her body and stepping away yet being pulled into the arena of

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