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A Grim Disguise
A Grim Disguise
A Grim Disguise
Ebook38 pages42 minutes

A Grim Disguise

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About this ebook

In a dark future stalked by the undead, James Grim, vampire hunter - and vampire himself - is sent to the beautiful seaside city of Marseilles, France to take care of a little problem. A coven of female vampires has moved into a nearby castle, and they aren't friendly - especially to men.

The hardest part is getting in, but when the leader of the vampires hands James a pretty human girl in skirts to play with, it turns out that "she" isn't all she seems. And "she" is willing to do what it takes to be rescued, even if it means getting bitten.

Grim Hunter is a series of gay erotic short stories set in a post-apocalyptic future, featuring James Grim, a vampire, and his shape-shifting lover, Sebastian.

Release dateMay 16, 2013
A Grim Disguise

Suzanne Fisher

Suzanne Fisher writes erotic short fiction, with an LGBT focus. She has an extensive fanfiction pedigree, but has enjoyed moving into the realm of writing about characters she made up herself.Her wife of many years is a seamstress and costume designer, and they have three feline children who help out with both novelling and fabric choices. Mostly by covering everything with black fur.

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    Book preview

    A Grim Disguise - Suzanne Fisher

    A Grim Disguise

    A Grim Hunter Story #1

    By Suzanne Fisher

    Published by Noda Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 by Suzanne Fisher

    Discover other titles by Suzanne Fisher at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    A Grim Disguise

    Marseilles was a beautiful city, though like many European cities, it subscribed to the 'densely packed' school of architecture. The stone buildings practically climbed on top of each other as they marched up the sides of the hill that the city was built into, and the roads were so narrow and parking at such a premium, that most people drove their little cars up onto the sidewalks to park.

    Those few who had cars in working condition, that was. Petrol was hard to find these days - as James well knew - and working car parts even more so. There were many vehicles that looked to have been abandoned in place for years, if not centuries. Rusting hulks barely recognizable anymore as vehicles hunched in place on the sidewalks, slowly flaking apart.

    At this time of night, the roads were virtually empty, but the cobblestones and cracks in the road made it impossible for him to open up his motorcycle and go quickly. As a result, James was forced to take in a lot of the sights, whether he wanted to or not.

    Closer to the water, things widened out a bit and he was able to speed up, the purr of the engine practically swallowed by the susurration of the sea. The famous Old Port was a wide harbour filled with little boats and bordered with a quaint boulevard. Presiding over the mouth of the port, on a spit of land that extended out into the Mediterranean Sea, was a smallish castle-like building, though James happened to know it was actually a fort.

    Someone had taken up residence there. As James passed by the area on his way to the local police headquarters where his contact was supposed to be, he saw that several of the windows were lit with what looked like the warm glow of lamplight.

    Perhaps that was the reason why there were hardly any people on the streets. Those who were out now, after sunset, moved with a rapid pace and furtive, frightened expressions. But James Grim scarcely noticed the oppressive weight of fear that had settled on the ancient city - he was too used to it.

    No one ever invited a vampire hunter to a town that didn't have a vampire, after all.

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